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 Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here

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Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here Empty
PostSubject: Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here   Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here EmptyWed 17 Jul 2013 - 13:22

Out next month, the next installment in the Tales of series.  I know there are followers of this here, and I myself will probably check it out now I've played Abyss and am immensely enjoying it.  So, thread seems called for.  Those lucky enough to have the day one edition ordered can also enjoy an art book and selection soundtrack cd.

Oh, and before I go... *Sprays Pokemon repel around*
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Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here   Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here EmptyWed 17 Jul 2013 - 13:30

This will be the first Tales game I miss out on, sadly. Played it at MCM and was disappointed by how lazy it felt -- character movement is choppy and jerky (confirmed to be in the final game), half the NPCs have no written dialogue (and half the buildings in towns can't be entered), dungeon design feels poorly planned and pales in comparison to something like Zelda (I only started this comparison now the camera angle has moved behind the character, and you can even crawl under holes, with the camera going first-person).

It'll probably be okay, but now I'm convinced the series is past its best. Feels like Namco are just exploiting anime fans these days, rather than focusing on making stellar RPGs that were ahead of their time.

Put simply, there are better RPGs worth the precious 80 hours of my time Xillia will sap up.

Oh, and the £80 edition is being packaged with a 475 yen prize figure from Japan, at a £40 premium. Nice one Namco!
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Silver light
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Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here   Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here EmptyWed 17 Jul 2013 - 15:52

Very much looking forward to this. Tales <3

fronkhead wrote:
This will be the first Tales game I miss out on, sadly. Played it at MCM and was disappointed by how lazy it felt -- character movement is choppy and jerky (confirmed to be in the final game), half the NPCs have no written dialogue (and half the buildings in towns can't be entered), dungeon design feels poorly planned and pales in comparison to something like Zelda (I only started this comparison now the camera angle has moved behind the character, and you can even crawl under holes, with the camera going first-person).

It'll probably be okay, but now I'm convinced the series is past its best. Feels like Namco are just exploiting anime fans these days, rather than focusing on making stellar RPGs that were ahead of their time.

Most of those issues can prolly be attuned to it (by their own admission) being rushed to meet Tales's 15th anniv. in Japan. Between that and the feedback i've seen about Xillia 2, i'm pretty certain this is an exception rather than the rule you're making it out to be. A lack of random NPC dialogue, costumes and stupid hot spring scenes is hardly the end of the world anyway. If anything, i'm happy about time limits getting that last thing cut xD

fronkhead wrote:
Oh, and the £80 edition is being packaged with a 475 yen prize figure from Japan, at a £40 premium. Nice one Namco!

I love how the Tales twitter has litrally been banging on for months now proclaiming "it's about to sell out, buy yours now!". I'm thinking they're having trouble shifting them...their coupence for making it Namco-store exclusive, imo. I'd have actually bitten otherwise.
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Crumpy Andy
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Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here   Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here EmptyWed 17 Jul 2013 - 17:37

The GF keeps trying to convince me to get this as it comes out on my birthday but I'm still not sold enough by the Tales series. I enjoyed Graces F, but Vesperia and Abyss haven't captured my imagination. I'll probably wait until I've at least finished Vesperia but I wanted to play it through with Jess and it seemed the healing was deliberatly awkward so she couldn't play as the healer (and got us killed by a random enemy)
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Silver light
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Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here   Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here EmptyWed 24 Jul 2013 - 14:18

Well, looks like i was bang on the money about the CE's sales. It's now up for sale at Shopto and GAME, with Namco's blessing.

Guess i might actually bite now. Couldn't care that much about the figure, but the bigger artbook...hmm.
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Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here   Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here EmptyWed 24 Jul 2013 - 16:04

The release date seems to have been pushed back as well, or is that just Ozgameshop?  (Finally) found an email saying it's been changed to releasing on the ninth next month as opposed to the first.
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Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here   Tales of Xillia: Insert Fancy Subtitle Here EmptyMon 15 Jun 2015 - 21:50

I do hope they don't rush again just because of the anniversary of there games, it just not right to do :-(
Xillia is post to be the best tales series from all of them so I've heard as it has the amazing story in it.
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