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 Jay's PS4 and the Aftermath

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The Cappuccino Kid
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The Cappuccino Kid

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Jay's PS4 and the Aftermath - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jay's PS4 and the Aftermath   Jay's PS4 and the Aftermath - Page 3 EmptySat 26 Sep 2015 - 20:31

A lot of that would go onto a great, big, hulking pile of 'dead good'. I don't use your thread and I don't know the criteria, but I'd say that you've been generous with at least ten of the eighteen on your list that I've played. That's including Lego City Undercover to be fair.

OrangeRakoon wrote:
Mario Kart 8 is far, far better than Mario Kart Wii ever was

Beyond compare.
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Jay's PS4 and the Aftermath - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jay's PS4 and the Aftermath   Jay's PS4 and the Aftermath - Page 3 EmptySun 27 Sep 2015 - 8:07

Which ones, may I ask?

I think it's more interesting to look at the list in relation to the classics on other consoles (but the discussion fits better in here, especially with that thread swiftly moving on to other formats, and quite right too).  They all used roughly the same criteria.  If my list is about right, 20 classics is more than some historic Nintendo consoles, but less than others, albeit on the low side (but with three potentially still to come).  

Obviously people's personal opinions would differ, and I'd not say that all those are classics myself; but based on that thread, I'd reckon the Wii U list would have a good chance of looking like that.  Of course, as said elsewhere, the Wii U's not reached the end of its life cycle, so we've not had time to remember these games fondly/otherwise.  This list is just what I think it might look like.
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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
The Cappuccino Kid

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Jay's PS4 and the Aftermath - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jay's PS4 and the Aftermath   Jay's PS4 and the Aftermath - Page 3 EmptySun 27 Sep 2015 - 9:37

Super Mario 3D World, Super Mario Maker, Mario Kart 8, Pikmin 3 and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U are undisputed, in my opinion. I've not played Affordable Space Adventures or Runbow so I wouldn't say, and I've not played enough of Splatoon, Bayonetta 2 or Wind Waker to make a fair judgement. The first Bayonetta and Rayman Legends are the only other two from your list that I'd say are open for debate.


In a week in which ASDA have been nationally selling PS4 bundles for £200, I've decided to pass on getting one for the time being. Truth be told, I don't exactly need to be spending any more time playing games than I already do. I can make do with what I have (which, admittedly, is much too much, and needing taken down to CEX). Besides, by the end of the year I'll expect to have AC Happy Home Designer, AC amiibo Festival, Mario Tennis Ultra Smash, Rodea The Sky Soldier and Chibi-Robo!. It's not vintage, but it's a line-up that should keep me occupied well enough.

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