Des and Ember. Because when you put them together, they... er... December.
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 I'd have called them chazzwazzas (Games that shouldn't be called that)

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Disciple of Scullion

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I'd have called them chazzwazzas (Games that shouldn't be called that) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I'd have called them chazzwazzas (Games that shouldn't be called that)   I'd have called them chazzwazzas (Games that shouldn't be called that) - Page 2 EmptyTue 3 Jan 2017 - 13:45

masofdas wrote:
This came to me last night when reading one of gJones books he got me and whilst watching Kinda Funny, why wasn't Final Fantasy VII called Final Fnatasy IV.

Did you see the Kinda Funny attempt at a Top 100 Games list? A lot of Gamecube love (very little for the Wii) but I felt they showed some gaps in their gaming history (especially with the OG Xbox and Dreamcast). Clearly they are Playstation guys but would have benefited from a guest with a more diverse knowledge of older games.
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The Next Miyamoto

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I'd have called them chazzwazzas (Games that shouldn't be called that) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I'd have called them chazzwazzas (Games that shouldn't be called that)   I'd have called them chazzwazzas (Games that shouldn't be called that) - Page 2 EmptyTue 3 Jan 2017 - 18:03

If you have watched any of thier previous videos they all have nearly all the main system at one point, Colin intill the PS3 Slim came out only had a Wii personally and isn't much of fan of it now.

And it's there list and they like what they like, if they suddenly asked me to come on and I put AVP on the Jaguar on it, it wouldn't really be a Kinda Funny list, it be Kinda Funny + masofdas list.
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I'd have called them chazzwazzas (Games that shouldn't be called that)
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