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 Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0

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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptySun 5 Mar 2017 - 11:14

As I sit here watching the first Fast & Furious film, I'm thinking about how far things have come. Here we are, kicking off the forum's third LGYFAYT thread. It feels good. Thumbs Up!

Scribblenauts Unlimited

Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 Scribblenauts-Unlimited-Boxart

This was part of my GNSS 2016 present, thanks to the illustrious, industrious and impervious Cappa - thanks again, sir. Grin The first Scribbsy game had a brilliant idea but it felt like half the problems could be solved by using 'God' or 'jetpack'. Rolling Eyes The second game added adjectives to the mix, which was fun, and work was done on making the problems more interesting. Unlimited, the third'un, serves up a bit of storyline alongside even more varied problems - a fine improvement. There are still a few things to fix before the definitive Scribblenauts experience, though: the map screen is not intuitive to use ('you don't click on the really obvious icon to select a level' was a real beef) and some of the problems have terrible descriptions. Mostly, though, it's as fun as you make it. Thumbs Up!

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The Cappuccino Kid
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptySun 5 Mar 2017 - 18:21

Glad you enjoyed it! Pleasant, friendly, agreeable - just a very nice game, I feel.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyMon 13 Mar 2017 - 17:36

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As a few of you are playing, I'm putting everything in spoilers but I will also not try to spoil anything major, so hopefully you can give it read but I don't want to be caught out just in case I do say something.

My thoughts:
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyMon 13 Mar 2017 - 20:21

Response to Mas, and my score for the game:
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyMon 13 Mar 2017 - 20:40

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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyMon 13 Mar 2017 - 20:45

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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyMon 13 Mar 2017 - 20:52

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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyMon 13 Mar 2017 - 20:54

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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyMon 13 Mar 2017 - 20:58

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The Cappuccino Kid
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyTue 21 Mar 2017 - 21:18

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That's Super Bomberman R done. The single player, as discussed in the Super Bomberman R thread, is lacklustre, humdrum, lifeless, and every other synonym of the word. The cutscenes are just pure fluff, they add nothing to what I felt was a very, very poor effort of a story campaign. The multiplayer - which has more than once been Bomberman's saving grace, natch - isn't actually that good here, with it's suspect controls and sheer lack of variety and extras. Online has noticely improved over the last fortnight, true, but even at it's best it's just okay.

I can't see folk remembering this with much fondness in a six month's time, when there'll be Super Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Picross E8, E9, E10, E11, E12, E13, E14 and ARMS out by then. Not very good. 3/10.
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyTue 21 Mar 2017 - 22:34

Finished quite a few games lately, so I'll rattle off a quick fire round:

Horizon: Zero Dawn - Great Combat, story that I think was a little overhyped, good fun
Nier Automata - Simplified Platinum combat with a really fun story - play it
The Final Station - Picked this up on a whim and it had me totally hooked, drive your train to the next station trying to keep your passengers full & alive, then explore a weird post apocalypse world to get the code to leave the station and get supplys for your passengers, really cool!
The Little Acre - Sweet Point and Click style with logic that isn't too obtuse, a little slight but a nice evening
Oxenfree - A bit too freaky for me, but my main issue was that it was a little hard to actually get the most out of the dialogue with it often cutting itself off/wanting to leave the area causing it to abruptly end. Worth a play but I think I may have been oversold on this.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyWed 22 Mar 2017 - 22:55

Crumpy Andy wrote:
Nier Automata - Simplified Platinum combat with a really fun story - play it.

My interest was piqued for this by a video put up on YouTube this week, so I'm considering picking it up. Do you need to have played its predecessor to understand the story for it, or is it a standalone thing?
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyThu 23 Mar 2017 - 9:23

Not at all, I think the previous one is definitely worth playing if you get a chance, but aside from a few nods to the original that'll be totally lost on you, you'll be fine without.
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Disciple of Greener

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyThu 23 Mar 2017 - 13:52

Crumpy Andy wrote:
Horizon: Zero Dawn - Great Combat, story that I think was a little overhyped, good fun
Nier Automata - Simplified Platinum combat with a really fun story - play it
The Final Station - Picked this up on a whim and it had me totally hooked, drive your train to the next station trying to keep your passengers full & alive, then explore a weird post apocalypse world to get the code to leave the station and get supplys for your passengers, really cool!
The Little Acre - Sweet Point and Click style with logic that isn't too obtuse, a little slight but a nice evening
Oxenfree - A bit too freaky for me, but my main issue was that it was a little hard to actually get the most out of the dialogue with it often cutting itself off/wanting to leave the area causing it to abruptly end. Worth a play but I think I may have been oversold on this.

Where do you find the time!
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyThu 23 Mar 2017 - 13:59

This is over about 3 weeks, but I do play almost every evening and weekend day, especially so with the recent distraction of the Switch meaning there's not much multiplayer going round.
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyWed 29 Mar 2017 - 20:30

Bye-Bye BoxBoy!

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Tricky to rate, this one. The BoxBoy! games have suffered a wee bit from being released too close to each other, as I'm getting a bit bored of them now. Having said that, BBBB! shows more innovation than its one trick pony predecessor (BBB!, for the record) on most of the loosely grouped planets (a set of four or five worlds), which is great. Having said that, the best world is the last story one (World 18)... but it is totally sublime, the kind of standard that if it had been hit more consistently, I would be talking about BBBB! being a GOTY contender (I'm serious - if I play better levels than 18-4 and 18-6 this year, they'll probably have been in Super Mario Odyssey). So very much a mish-mash of a game in terms of quality, with the original still the best... just.

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Bargain Hunter

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyThu 30 Mar 2017 - 16:53

I don't need to buy any more games right now, but I am still tempted to get BBBB, even though you say it waits until the end to get really good. I still hope there will be a Switch HD compilation soon.

Bit naughty, plonking in
Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 The-talos-principle-listing-thumb-02-ps4-us-17oct14?$Icon$
The Talos Principle

Without wanting to spoil too much... ah bollocks to it the story doesn't matter. What it is apparently about is, with humanity dying off, a group of Smart Doods have written an iterative computer program to keep all of the culture stored, should aliens find Earth in a bit. That's technically a bit of a spoiler, but - nope - still doesn't matter.
Basically, the game itself is The Crystal Maze, but with Robot O'Brien (I'm on fucking fire)! You head to Roman world, Egypt World, Medieval World and Ending Ripped Off From Portal World, and solve a bunch of clever puzzles with light reflection, signal jamming, box plonking, and, by far the cleverest bit, recording yourself doing half the puzzle, and then interacting with yourself (don't). The store might be a bit bobbins; possibly hampered by the fact it arrived at a time when even its version of the Apocalypse seems optimistic (this might lead to the worst Gintendo article ever), but the brain-teaser-y of the puzzles is fantastic. You really do feel like a genius when you pick up the rewards.
There are a load of "wacky" Easter Eggs, which are definitely worth hinting out for LOLs, but I should also warn that this is the first game in ages that was greatly improved with the Music Volume at 0.
Also, I got motion sick. Also, the kitten does not appear in the game, and is a "clever metaphor".

Uh... 8/10 - like most things.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyThu 30 Mar 2017 - 21:36

Have you played The Witness, Jimmers? It sounds like it'd be up your alley based on your write-up there.
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyThu 30 Mar 2017 - 21:42

Zelda: BotW

They have basically taken what I love about the 2D Zelda games & amazingly made it work in a 3d world, by the time you reach Ganon you really do feel like you have been on a massive adventure - I still have some side quests & shrines to do/find but my mind is already racing about how I could replay it with a different approach which is something I rarely do with a game........oh & I'd quite fancy attempting a speed run as well.

This is just an absolute gem of a game.

Tingle Tingle Tingle Tingle Tingle Tingle Tingle Tingle Tingle Tingle
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyThu 30 Mar 2017 - 22:20

I've been trying to write up my thoughts on Breath of the Wild when I have moments here and there. I'll probably have a review, two Gintendo articles and a music thread post before I'm close to being done though.

I'll say this: It's the best videogame ever made. I've yet to see a complaint about it I can begin to comprehend, let alone agree with. This feels like the kind of game that's so good, you can't even call it your favourite game because it says nothing about you as a person.

Thumbs Up! Thumbs Up! Thumbs Up! Thumbs Up! Thumbs Up!
Star Star Star Star Star
Tingle Tingle Tingle Tingle Tingle
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyThu 30 Mar 2017 - 22:29

I get that. It's like when someone tells me their favourite actor is Robert de Niro: it's easy to like perfection. You should try being a fan of The Rock. Winky Face
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyThu 30 Mar 2017 - 22:38

My favourite actor is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptyFri 31 Mar 2017 - 20:03

Drunkalilly wrote:
This feels like the kind of game that's so good, you can't even call it your favourite game because it says nothing about you as a person.

Absolutely agree with this. We'll need to ask about second-favourite games (and then discount Mario Galaxy in some cases) to get to someone's personality. Thing is, I don't think it'll send LoZTP crashing down my favourites chart, because they're quite different Zelda games.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptySun 2 Apr 2017 - 10:43

JayMoyles wrote:
Have you played The Witness, Jimmers? It sounds like it'd be up your alley based on your write-up there.
I haven't - I nearly bought it, but got scared by a lot of reviews saying "it's the same puzzle lots". I'll probably get it one day though! As long as there's not too much "yappity-yap", I'll probably be alright. I sound like a philistine, I know.

Sorry, my tardiness in repllying has interrupted the Zelda praise, which is UNACCEPTABLE
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 EmptySun 9 Apr 2017 - 14:13

The game that needs no introduction!

Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 Deskto10

At long last Nintendo try their hand at the open-world genre, and as usual they ace it first try.  The reasons for such a feat are simple, aside from the obvious fact they were able to look at other games and see what worked and what didn't, the game had something most games of this genre usually lack: a world with enough soul and personality that it begged to be explored.  

There are, of course, other things that make this game better than the Nintendo Average, chief among them is the lack of handholding past the opening section of the game.  That isn't to say the game is old-school Nintendo Hard, although it can be refreshingly unforgiving for mistakes, rather it treats the player with a certain amount of respect that they are capable of dealing with the game's puzzles and challenges, with any and all handholding being strictly in the form of introduction puzzles to show the player how a mechanic works.  

The game of course has flaws, what game doesn't?  Those flaws however are what few games manage to achieve: minor and inconsequential in the extreme when compared to the brilliance of the rest of the game.  I will however take the time to address one that a lot of people love to harp on about: weapon durability.  Some like to claim that this was a flaw, and while I might agree that certain cool weapons break a little bit too quickly (early-game weapons constantly breaking is fine though, they're supposed to be s***), the idea that durability should be removed is something that is, to be blunt, tantamount to not understanding the games design.

See one of the rewards the game likes offer as incentive for exploration is weaponry.  The constant breaking of weapons means that weapons have a tangible value, as they are a resource that must be managed.  Simply offering more of that resource becomes its own reward.  But for that resource to be rewarding it must also feel limited.  That is why the weapon durability is, as far as I'm concerned, an essential part of the game's design.  As vital as enemies with high damage output (which encourages either skillful play or shrine spelunking).

Don't get me wrong, I can understand why some people dislike getting cool weapons and then having them break, I just don't believe it a issue with the game itself but instead a matter of personal taste that has nothing to do with the game's quality.  Personally I liked the fact that I had extra and constant incentives to explore.

The only issue I feel really needs a dishonourable mention is the infamous frame-rate, which is at times poor even on the Switch (unless you're playing handheld, but lets be real here, this is the type of game meant to be played on the big screen).  It never gets to unplayable levels (although Hyrule Castle gets a little nasty, especially with how important frame-perfect Guardian Beam parry deflections are in that area) but it is an issue that merits a mention.  Especially considering the game's sometimes unforgiving nature, you can't have enemies that require reasonably good reflexes and skill and then hamper the player with an unstable framerate.  

Also, more personal dislike but I never bothered with horses because they, quiet frankly, sucked.  Controlling them felt lame and I frequently just ignored them entirely because of it.  There are more fun ways of travelling anyway, even if they aren't exactly intentional on the developers part.  

In conclusion this was easily one of the best games in recent years, possibly of all time.  The marriage of the old-school ideals that were part of the creation of the original Zelda perfectly blended with the conventions of the series evolution over the last 30 years.  This game will be talked about in decades to come, and stands as a perfect example of why Zelda has lasted 30 years as a critical and fan favourite gaming franchise.  

Final Rating: 10 out of 10

I cannot give this anything short of a ten, it does so much, SO much right.  The few issues I have with the game (top tier weapons breaking well before the late-game enemies do, framerate, Ganon not really being an overt constant threat) do nothing to bring the game down, if anything they stand as aspects that can and will be improved upon going forward, and simply leave me excited to see where this franchise goes from here.
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