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 Why the !&$% did they do that?

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Why the !&$% did they do that? Empty
PostSubject: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 12:42

Ever see something in a game that pissed you off so much that you just had to tell random strangers on the internet but it isn't really worthy of it's own separate discussion? Then welcome to Gwyn's "Why the !&$% did they do that?" thread, for all your anger releasing needs

Final Fantasy 7 re-release. What moron at Square Enix thought cloud saves were a good idea? Sure they would be a great way of keeping a backup of your saves but it's not used for that, it's the only way of saving the game. Internet dies? cant save or continue your game. Not only that but for some stupid reason 90% of the time it doesn't connect to the server even if you do have perfectly good internet so you need to wait 10 minutes for it to connect nearly every time you want to save and that isn't an exaggeration, I timed it.
I try to save, it doesn't connect so I carry on playing without saving and then 10 minutes later "save files have been synced" great thanks, I'm nowhere near a save point now Hissy fit And of course they don't stay synced, it has to re-sync them every time you try to save

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Why the !&$% did they do that? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 12:51

Gwyn400 wrote:
Final Fantasy 7 re-release. What moron at Square Enix thought cloud saves were a good idea?

Especially when Aeris saves would have been so much better. All that fanboy heartache avoided!
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 13:02

beemoh wrote:
Gwyn400 wrote:
Final Fantasy 7 re-release. What moron at Square Enix thought cloud saves were a good idea?

Especially when Aeris saves would have been so much better. All that fanboy heartache avoided!

Perfect. Laughing

For me, it was the TWEWY 2 tease a while back. I was fully geared up for getting ready to buy a 3DS and go off on another Reaper-tastic adventure...but then it's revealed to be an iOS port. Oh, the ire.
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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 13:38

Another giggle at Beemoh's post from me. Laughing

The bolted on "Hard Mode" at the end of DKCR (you're making me play a very hard game all over again, only harder, to unlock some concept art? No) springs to mind immediately, but I'm sure I'll come up with some more by this evening. Great thread idea!
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Flock Step Bird

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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 16:03

The barrel minigame on the S.S Chuckola on Mario + Luigi: Superstar Saga.

The Temple of the Ocean king.

Thomas the Tank engine + Zelda.

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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 16:49

Majora's Mask.
Cutscenes in Metroid Other M
Monster Hunter 4 a 3DS exclusive.
Hissy fit
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Silver light
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Why the !&$% did they do that? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 17:38

Oh goddess, the list of things i could put here is nuts. Just a few for now.

- PAL Xenosaga - What bright spark thought only localising the second episode of a trilogy was a good idea? It's like releasing only FF VII disc 2 in Europe.
- Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - "Oh, awesome, World Map time! I can't wait to explore this new land no-...WHAT THE HELL, NAMCO?"

Or, to put it in image form:

Why the !&$% did they do that? NUXrI

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Why the !&$% did they do that? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 19:18

  • A number of Pokémon but mainly the recent ones that are not based on animals (Rotom, the ice cream ones, Trubbish, and the like). There are loads of wonderful and exotic real-world animals out there that could and should get the Pokémon treatment. Look into it, Game Freak!
  • I take andyman's "Cutscenes in Metroid Other M" and raise him "Metroid Other M, in its entirety". Shocking treatment of Samus.
  • Make Opoona's sidequests suddenly vital to the plot deep into the game. Not a good move!
More on this story later...
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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 19:52

Okay, here we go:

  • Removing EXP from PM:SS;
  • The stealth scene in The Last Story;
  • Opening unskippable tutorials in any Pokémon ever (after GSC);
  • That one purple coin star in SMG where you're a bee, flying over the waterslide, which takes ages and is no fun;
  • Handing Yoshi over to Artoon;
  • Following on from ZJ's point, several of the more humanoid Pokémon, but especially Lopunny (in this case the "why" may be "because someone in Game Freak is a massive perv", which wouldn't surprise me because Japan);
  • Putting characters with voices in Metroid Prime 3;
  • The last few missions in Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, where the monsters are all level 80 and you're maybe level 60;
  • Making you fight Orochi thrice in Okami;
  • The Rayman Legends delay.

I'm sure I have more than that, but this'll do for now.
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Why the !&$% did they do that? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 20:22

Balladeer wrote:
[*]Following on from ZJ's point, several of the more humanoid Pokémon, but especially Lopunny (in this case the "why" may be "because someone in Game Freak is a massive perv", which wouldn't surprise me because Japan);

Having just looked Lopunny up, I was partially hoping it was one of the pokémon designed by their one British guy, so we can blame Cadbury's Caramel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljwPO9pf2tg
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 20:42

What the hell? What's with the creepy-ass legs there? Sick
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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 21:42

It's the Cadbury's Bunny made worse in the way the Japanese are best at: they've turned her into a French maid.

Ooh, ooh, I've got another one: putting the train in Kirby's Epic Yarn. I'm sure there are good ways to incorporate pointer controls into the game, but that is not one.
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Why the !&$% did they do that? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 22:15

Why the dumb ai partners in Ni No Kuni? (Can't think of any more right now)

andyman949 wrote:

Monster Hunter 4 a 3DS exclusive.
Hissy fit

The way capcom do things we may not even get that at all.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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Why the !&$% did they do that? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 22:28

Why the !&$% did Nintendo release the Wii U without a single game that takes advantage of it's extra graphical grunt? I could play games that look like that on my 360.
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Galactic Nova

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Why the !&$% did they do that? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 22:29

Why did they ruin Mass Effect by diluting a game with hundreds of pivotal choices throughout down to just three barely different endings? Aww!

I just finished this recently, so this still smarts.
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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyMon 25 Feb 2013 - 22:42

Why did they make Superman 64?
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Flock Step Bird

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Why the !&$% did they do that? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyTue 26 Feb 2013 - 1:07

Balladeer wrote:
The Last Story
fix'd Very Happy

  • Time limit in Pikmin 1

  • The bit in PM: TTYD when you have to origami boat past the waves in Cortez's Grotto.

  • The Dragon Gym in Gold/Silver

  • Blue shell on Mario Kart

  • Super Paper Mario + Sticker Star

  • Mieu on Tales Of the Abyss
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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyTue 26 Feb 2013 - 13:21

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Silver light
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Why the !&$% did they do that? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyTue 26 Feb 2013 - 18:35

beemoh wrote:

And this reminded me that the PSP E-1000 exists (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻

It's still amazing Sony actually bothered to create a PSP more pointless than the Go. Just...why. Why.
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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyTue 26 Feb 2013 - 20:14

JayMoyles wrote:
For me, it was the TWEWY 2 tease a while back.

Oh, yes... That didn't make me angry so much as disappointed. Sad
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyWed 27 Feb 2013 - 0:38

The controls of Kid Icarus Uprising.

Removing NES games from Animal Crossing.

Changing the voice of Tails to sound like a girl when he is in fact not a girl.

(Not strictly a game but) changing the voice of Ash to sound like a girl when he is in fact not a girl.

No new Advance Wars game for 5 years and counting.
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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyWed 27 Feb 2013 - 7:12

Vidofnir wrote:
  • Time limit in Pikmin 1

  • The bit in PM: TTYD when you have to origami boat past the waves in Cortez's Grotto.

  • The Dragon Gym in Gold/Silver

  • Blue shell on Mario Kart

  • Super Paper Mario + Sticker Star

  • Mieu on Tales Of the Abyss

I don't actually mind most of these, besides the time limit. (By the way Vido, you only need to list command once!)
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Silver light
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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyWed 27 Feb 2013 - 19:14

Figured i'd post some more since i'm in rant mode today

Compile Heart/Idea Factory existing - Can't make a good game to save even a slice of cheese. Should have gone bust by now considering how bad they are. But, they're not, thanks to them being chief offenders of my next point...

All the damn otaku pandering/"fanservice" in niche games these days - It's gotten ridiuclous the past few years, while interestingly in the same time the average standard of jrpgs has gone downhill. Hmmmmmmm. Seemingly, i would get the impression some devs aren't even bothering to make a great game anymore - just some half-assed attempt that works, fill it full of fanservice so it sells and then shove it out the door and getting onto the next one. Things like Hyperdimension Neptunia and Time & Eternity are examples of such. Oh, and for fariness, while the devs suck for this the fanbase actually making it profitable isn't any better. Honestly, the fact the likes of things like Monster Monipiece and Senran Kagura not only exist but are highly popular among the niche crowd is really damn depressing tbh (although in fairness to Kagura, that's actually a legitly decent game apprantly).

SCEE and EU PSN, Part 1 - Pray tell again, how the hell could they claim to provide a great service when they can't even get us a Sony PS1C they released here within a year of NA? The whole regions thing is just stupid and annoying anyway. Which brings us neatly to...

Region locking - Do i really have to explain this one? Really? Just a pointless massive pain in the ass that only serves to protect publisher's Japan sales and annoy everyone else. It's not like most the games that would actually have sales small enough to legitly care about Japan importing are out here that like months after Japan anyway....

Sega creating the best new SRPG series since Fire Emblem and then promptly ruining it - You, reading this. Have you played Valkyria Chronicles? No? Go play it. Now. Yes? Good. Amazing game, no? So, clearly, when Sega decided to make a sequel, that'd also be great, right? Well...it's still good, but Sega's choices of change were ridiculous. PSP? That's the series dead in the west, then. Anime-trope high school c**p setting? If i still had my facepalm emote, it'd be spammed all over my post right about here. These are just two examples of things, but the changes Sega made generally smacked of chasing the money, in which doing so they went generic with the game, while the choice of platform completely mullered any hopes it had in the west. You'd think Sega would have realised there things...if they did, i can only guess they just didn't care.

Ar tonelico and it's PAL release - Brought to EU, and then only released in France, Spain and Italy. Despite being an English-only language game. Yep, no release in England. Really, 505 games, what the heck did you have to lose by releasing it in the UK? I doubt they would have lost anything by it.

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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyWed 27 Feb 2013 - 19:55

Silver light wrote:
Region locking - Do i really have to explain this one? Really? Just a pointless massive pain in the ass that only serves to protect publisher's Japan sales and annoy everyone else. It's not like most the games that would actually have sales small enough to legitly care about Japan importing are out here that like months after Japan anyway....

Why did none of the rest of us think of this?

Answer: because we're so used to it now. This ruleset is rubbish.
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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? EmptyWed 27 Feb 2013 - 20:15

Silver light wrote:
Ar tonelico and it's PAL release - Brought to EU, and then only released in France, Spain and Italy. Despite being an English-only language game. Yep, no release in England. Really, 505 games, what the heck did you have to lose by releasing it in the UK? I doubt they would have lost anything by it.

I believe 505's UK operation is basically nonexistant. I think we lost a Japanese horror game (Rule of Rose?) they were bringing over as well, but it was unfortunately timed with one flareup or another of The Manhunt Fiasco, and the actual reasoning got lost along the way.
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