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 Why the !&$% did they do that?

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The Cappuccino Kid
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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyWed 27 Feb 2013 - 20:19

Wikipedia wrote:
The company also maintains a UK division in Milton Keynes...

Full article. They publish a weird selection of franchises...
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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyWed 27 Feb 2013 - 20:23

Balladeer wrote:
Wikipedia wrote:
The company also maintains a UK division in Milton Keynes...

Full article. They publish a weird selection of franchises...

Well, waddayaknow.

It seems their parent company is the one responsible for Game Network, back n the day. How interesting.
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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyThu 28 Feb 2013 - 17:50

Duel 3, let's rock!

The Vita's rear touchpad - Really, why? I don't see the point, and judging by the complete lack of games i've seen actually making decent (or any) use of it, neither do the developers. Feels very much a "hey, we also have this!" thing. Pointless

PSN, Part 2 - Certain publishers and their inability to ever bother updating their PSN store listings. Special mention to Capcom EU and Fate/Unlimited Codes regarding this, but that's another story. And on this note....

PSN, Part 3 - now with added XBL and eShop! - Digital games. They're awesome for the publisher's cost cutting attempts, aren't they? No packaging, no retailers, etc - just one (or maybe even no) middleman involved, drastically improving the cut publishers and developers get from each sale. Obviously, such an increase in profit means cheaper prices for the consumer as well, right?


It's pure common sense that digital games should be cheaper than boxed versions, but look on PSN or whatnot at the digital listing for an upcoming/just out game game and then retail's price for a boxed copy, it's just silly. Often you'll find the digital copy to be maybe 150% or even 200% the retail price. And it only gets worse as the price drops at retail while publishers don't bother to drop their silly £60 price tag. It's all silly as hell and it's all just because of publisher greed. Sadly, this is just how t**ty the industry seems to have got these days. Heavens help us when the publishers get their way and there's preowned block or even digital-only consoles.

Nintendo still not using a proper online account system - Whyyyyyyyyyyyy. It's pretty much the sole release i'm still yet to buy anything on the eshop.
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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyThu 28 Feb 2013 - 17:56

Same is true for most Nintendo offerings. It beggars belief. I guess they don't want to upset retailers, but even then, the cost of the plastic and metals must count for something!
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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyThu 28 Feb 2013 - 18:03

Balladeer wrote:
Same is true for most Nintendo offerings. It beggars belief. I guess they don't want to upset retailers, but even then, the cost of the plastic and metals must count for something!

As i noted, none of the "big three" are any good at good digital pricing, really. Still better than the third party publishers though....
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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyThu 28 Feb 2013 - 18:14

So you did. A-durp.
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Galactic Nova

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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyThu 28 Feb 2013 - 22:18

I think console gaming's got a way to go to catch up with the digital pricing seen on Steam. I picked up Bioshock 2 for £3 last summer on Steam. I can't buy a digital NES game for that price. I think maybe when Valve's Steambox comes out, the Big 3 will buck up their digital pricing game.
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Crumpy Andy
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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyThu 28 Feb 2013 - 22:36

I liked the setting for VC2, the school gave way more character interaction and I rather liked the characters. Putting it on PS3 instead would've been nice though.
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Ice Climber

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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyThu 28 Feb 2013 - 23:44

Metroid Prime.

Yup. They trashed Metroid by making it first-person 3D, and I'm still mad about it.
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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyFri 1 Mar 2013 - 1:05

Stu_the_great wrote:
Metroid Prime.

Yup. They trashed Metroid by making it first-person 3D, and I'm still mad about it.

You crazy!

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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyFri 1 Mar 2013 - 7:39

The_Jaster wrote:
Stu_the_great wrote:
Metroid Prime.

Yup. They trashed Metroid by making it first-person 3D, and I'm still mad about it.

You crazy!

Yup, he's finally flipped. Laughing
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One of Sonic's Friends

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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyFri 1 Mar 2013 - 9:43

JayMoyles wrote:

For me, it was the TWEWY 2 tease a while back. I was fully geared up for getting ready to buy a 3DS and go off on another Reaper-tastic adventure...but then it's revealed to be an iOS port. Oh, the ire.

OMG This. This exactly. That right there made me nearly lose faith in Square Enix. As soon as there was the release it was like 'right, where's the nearest sharpest object?'

In other news, The ass Effect 3 ending has to be up there.

Lost Odyssey - Miss one spell somehow, screws you up for the rest of the game.

Final Fantasy 12. In General.
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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyFri 1 Mar 2013 - 18:48

Stu_the_great wrote:
Metroid Prime.

Yup. They trashed Metroid by making it first-person 3D, and I'm still mad about it.
I understand what you're saying. It's another classic example of Nintendo making a game so good (i.e. Super Metroid) that they struggle to follow it up properly (other examples I can think of include Star Fox 64 and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door). I think of the Metroid Primes as a separate franchise, whilst longing for a proper 2D platformer Metroid game.
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyFri 1 Mar 2013 - 21:09

I didn't get into Metroid until Prime, I've tried to get into Super but there's just not enough direction for me so I get frustrated looking for the one door I can get through in the massive map. Really enjoyed Fusion though, so it's not the 2D nature that drives me wild.
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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyFri 1 Mar 2013 - 21:34

That's the thing though, the prime games play out the same way a 2d Metroid games does its just your perspective that's changed.
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Ice Climber

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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyFri 1 Mar 2013 - 22:18

I just found that the game lost its pixel perfection when the perspective shifted. Like Zero, I also consider Prime a spin-off series.

THAT TWEWY TEASER! GRAH! I'd suppressed that unpleasant memory until today.

*rocks backwards and forwards in corner, sobbing*
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Crumpy Andy
Zeta Metroid
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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyFri 1 Mar 2013 - 22:31

Prime also gives up and tells you where to go if you wait long enough! Yay! XD
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One of Sonic's Friends

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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyFri 1 Mar 2013 - 23:23

Stu_the_great wrote:

THAT TWEWY TEASER! GRAH! I'd suppressed that unpleasant memory until today.

*rocks backwards and forwards in corner, sobbing*

*pet pet* There, there Stu; it will be okay.

<< I think I broke him....
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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptySat 2 Mar 2013 - 1:06

I also was rather annoyed by the TWEWY teaser and the more recent Terraria for consoles one. Who in their right mind thinks that sort of thing is a good idea? teasers like that will only excite fans of the game and why would fans of the game be interested in the exact same game on an inferior platform.
Normally it annoys me when people complain about stuff and say they can do a job better but holy crap the people that make decisions like that are clearly morons and any person here could do their job better Laughing
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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptySun 3 Mar 2013 - 9:44

Silver light wrote:
All the damn otaku pandering/"fanservice" in niche games these days - It's gotten ridiuclous the past few years, while interestingly in the same time the average standard of jrpgs has gone downhill. Hmmmmmmm. Seemingly, i would get the impression some devs aren't even bothering to make a great game anymore - just some half-assed attempt that works, fill it full of fanservice so it sells and then shove it out the door and getting onto the next one. Things like Hyperdimension Neptunia and Time & Eternity are examples of such. Oh, and for fariness, while the devs suck for this the fanbase actually making it profitable isn't any better. Honestly, the fact the likes of things like Monster Monipiece and Senran Kagura not only exist but are highly popular among the niche crowd is really damn depressing tbh (although in fairness to Kagura, that's actually a legitly decent game apprantly).

SCEE and EU PSN, Part 1 - Pray tell again, how the hell could they claim to provide a great service when they can't even get us a Sony PS1C they released here within a year of NA? The whole regions thing is just stupid and annoying anyway. Which brings us neatly to...

Region locking - Do i really have to explain this one? Really? Just a pointless massive pain in the ass that only serves to protect publisher's Japan sales and annoy everyone else. It's not like most the games that would actually have sales small enough to legitly care about Japan importing are out here that like months after Japan anyway....

These two are pet hates of mine as well. Region locking effectively means we have to kiss goodbye to any Atlus game not in the SMT franchise and a ton of other hidden gems, and the otaku pandering is just creepy and annoying. It's also taken over anime as well too from what I can tell.
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Galactic Nova

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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptySun 3 Mar 2013 - 15:41

Xenos_Helia wrote:
JayMoyles wrote:

For me, it was the TWEWY 2 tease a while back. I was fully geared up for getting ready to buy a 3DS and go off on another Reaper-tastic adventure...but then it's revealed to be an iOS port. Oh, the ire.

OMG This. This exactly. That right there made me nearly lose faith in Square Enix. As soon as there was the release it was like 'right, where's the nearest sharpest object?'

Lost Odyssey - Miss one spell somehow, screws you up for the rest of the game.

Ugh, I was SO disappointed. TWEWY is probably my favourite game, so that was a real low blow from Squeenix.

Could you elaborate on your Lost Odyssey point? I never had any issues like that playing through.
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Galactic Nova

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Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyTue 5 Mar 2013 - 11:09

Vidofnir wrote:

  • Time limit in Pikmin 1

I'm gonna have to disagree there. I think the time limit and the pressure it put on me is a big part of what made pikmin such a memorable experience.
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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyTue 5 Mar 2013 - 11:22

I hated the time limit, but I can see why it was included; unlike (say) the TWEWY countdown, which was just flipping stupid on Squeenix's part.
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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyTue 5 Mar 2013 - 12:58

Buskalilly wrote:
Vidofnir wrote:

  • Time limit in Pikmin 1

I'm gonna have to disagree there. I think the time limit and the pressure it put on me is a big part of what made pikmin such a memorable experience.

^this. I don't understand the hate for timelimits in games at all.
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FMK Tagline

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PostSubject: Re: Why the !&$% did they do that?   Why the !&$% did they do that? - Page 2 EmptyTue 5 Mar 2013 - 13:32

"It gets better after *ridiculous amount of hours*"
I swear the next time someone says that to me I'll punch them, don't care if it's a man, woman, small child or cute furry animal.

If I don't enjoy a game within the first few hours I am not going to finish it, why would anyone make the first part of a game bad?
And most of the time it isn't even true, I played most of FF13 and it does not get better 20 hours in as most people claim, after 20 hours it's still just as mind numbingly awful as the first half.

I'm sure plenty of people do legitimately like Final Fantasy 13 and I can see why, as a game it's not bad, as a Final Fantasy game though it's terrible and nobody should ever be expected to play 20 hours of crap because some fanboys have convinced themselves that the next 20 hours are any better.
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