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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptySun 29 Sep 2019 - 20:42

Poor Jak and Daxter. Sad

Jimbob: If you've got access to a PS3, I strongly recommend checking out A Crack in Time if you're after some more Ratchet action. That's easily my favourite in the series. I enjoyed the PS4 remake of the first game a lot, but they did strip back some of the sass and banter between Ratchet and Clank to be more wholesome, which I suppose was to follow the film's portrayal of the characters. The actual shooting and platforming is far improved, of course.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptySun 29 Sep 2019 - 21:13

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I finished this last night and is the very first Apple Arcade game that I've finished as well.

Assemble with Care is from the team behind Monument Valley, which I've never played as I'm not one for mobile gaming (I do own it due to Google) but I do know it's highly regarded and Apple Arcade getting an exclusive from this team, shows the service is going in  the right direction.

I played on Apple TV and I was hoping to use my Dual Shock 4 but it uses the touchpad on the Siri controller, I did find that awkward this is one of the few games I've tried which would be better on an iPhone or iPad, maybe Mac with a mouse to point at things.

As in the game, you repair things such as a watch and you touch the screws then do an unscrewing motion on the touchpad. These repairs are all set up via a voiced over storybook with a very nice art-style.

If you can check this out then I would say it's worth doing but very much on the Mas type of game, so keep that in mind.  

Did say this is an Apple Arcade exclusive but don't know if that's proper or timed as a Switch port would be cool as you could use the touchscreen.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyTue 1 Oct 2019 - 16:22

masofdas wrote:
very much on the Mas type of game, so keep that in mind.
I promise this isn't a dig, but a genuine query, and a plea for more information: I'm not entirely sure what that means at this point. Eh?
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyTue 1 Oct 2019 - 18:53

It means it's a shit "arty" story only driven "game" that are somehow popular now because someone made a really good one like 3 or 4 years ago. Razz
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The Cappuccino Kid
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The Cappuccino Kid

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyTue 1 Oct 2019 - 20:51

Jimbob wrote:


Disgraceful lack of Plok there. Although Wiz n' Liz was a belter that I don't think about enough.
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Disciple of Greener

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyWed 2 Oct 2019 - 11:50

Jimbob wrote:
Clank is much less annoying than Daxter

Ban request
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyWed 2 Oct 2019 - 12:07

Jas is basically bang on, you only have to go to the eShop thread and look at most of the games I recommended in the sale.

Sure they're of various genres but normally all story driven artsy games, with some you will like (Sayonara Wild Hearts) and some you won't (GRIS last year only I seemed to like on here).

That if I say it's a Mas game then maybe do some research before picking up but does come recommend though.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyWed 2 Oct 2019 - 15:55

I got the credits on Astral Chain over the weekend.

I loved this game, but it is deeply flawed in a lot of ways. When it did what it does best - you and your monsters, in an arena, fighting baddies - it was great. A lot of the stuff around that was wonky, however. Awkward-to-control platforming sections? Check. Weak Zelda-esque puzzles? Check. Unnecessary open world? Check, but I did enjoy the investigtory police work. Arbitrary stealth sections? Yeah, but you can just choose to fight instead at any moment.

The story is pure anime cheese, but I didn't care. It was fun and I liked some of the folks I met along the well. I feel like it was trying to be for Pokemon/ Digimon etc what Neon Genesis Evangelion was for mecha stuff. It doesn't quite pull it off, but it is kind of interesting so I'm working on doing a video or something about that.

The character designs were excellent, particularly the monsters. Some of those are like . . . damn. Visually, this game was pretty stunning throughout, though occasionally it could be a little noisy when you're doing fiddly stuff.

Is this as good as Bayonetta or Vanquish? Of course not. I think I'd be most inclined to compare it to The Wonderful 101. It's wilfully unlike anything else you'll have played, and that means it is a bugger to get your head around. Once you do, though, you'll be having very cool fights you can't have anywhere else. Early on, I was struggling often, particularly when large crowds of flying enemies were messing with the camera. By the end, though, I was getting S or S+ on every fight.


I'm keen to go back and get better ranks, play some other difficulties and unlock more stuff. On the other hand, I said that about Bayonetta and I liked that game considerably more.
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyWed 2 Oct 2019 - 20:29

Acht, that's a shame. It does sound an awful like TW101. Even though I didn't get on with that, mind, I'm glad I bought the weird experiment. The same applies here.

The_Jaster wrote:
It means it's a shit "arty" story only driven "game" that are somehow popular now because someone made a really good one like 3 or 4 years ago. Razz

I intend to have something to post on 'arty' games in this thread pretty soon... Shifty
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyWed 2 Oct 2019 - 23:12

Drunkalilly wrote:

I'm keen to go back and get better ranks, play some other difficulties and unlock more stuff. On the other hand, I said that about Bayonetta and I liked that game considerably more.

I have said that about every character action game I've played and not once have I gone back and replayed them. Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyThu 3 Oct 2019 - 1:22

Balladeer wrote:
Acht, that's a shame.  It does sound an awful like TW101.  Even though I didn't get on with that, mind, I'm glad I bought the weird experiment.  The same applies here.

The_Jaster wrote:
It means it's a shit "arty" story only driven "game" that are somehow popular now because someone made a really good one like 3 or 4 years ago. Razz

I intend to have something to post on 'arty' games in this thread pretty soon... Shifty

Don't let me stop you, I was just poking fun at mas' taste in games.

Also I don't mind the genre for the most part as long as it retains an element that makes a game a game, stuff like Hotel Dusk, Ghost Trick or Ace Attorney spring to mind.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyThu 3 Oct 2019 - 1:48

Hmm I don't think more artsy story games is a genre (unless it's now like indie with music) as Sayonara Wild Hearts is very different to GRIS which is very different to Assemble with Care they'd all be in different genres like those games you bring up which I wouldn't even think about in the same light as the three I mentioned.

As if those three games you being up Jas are artsy, I must be playing the unmade beds of the gaming world.

Hey we can't all the like the same and the story artsy game goes along nicely with the AAA, and gives me something different they don't always offer and then Nintendo normally give me game games. One of the reasons I play almost everything to get all these different experiences.
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyThu 3 Oct 2019 - 5:56

It was a half truth turned into a joke.......but now it's just being broken down into a genre debate? *sigh*


Okay, I'll bite.........

mas wrote:
Hmm I don't think more artsy story games is a genre (unless it's now like indie with music) as Sayonara Wild Hearts is very different to GRIS which is very different to Assemble with Care they'd all be in different genres like those games you bring up which I wouldn't even think about in the same light as the three I mentioned.

Yeah it isn't it's own genre, that's poor phrasing on my part BUT as we've said on here a tonne nailing down games into specific genres is very tough to do these days because everything borrows from everything. Now, I know nothing about the game you reviewed further up the page other than what you said about it & "it being a very mas game" so that leads me to think it's a sort of visual novel/walking sim thing (remember genres bleed into each other these days I'm not saying that's the specific genre) off shoot style of game? Now this might sound a bit harsh but those are barely games to me because they usually lack any challenge.

The truth part of my joke is I'm not a fan of those style of games because again they don't provide any type of challenge which is the reason I play video games in the first place. If I want to be immersed in a story I'd rather watch a film or read a book.

mas wrote:
As if those three games you being up Jas are artsy, I must be playing the unmade beds of the gaming world.

I wasn't saying they (Hotel dusk, AA & Ghost Trick) were artsy but rather using them as examples of very very good story driven games that still give you that video game challenge by the various puzzle elements they use & they all do it in different ways as well.

Also the reason I brought those up in my reply to Balla was that maybe the game he might be talking about in the near future is that Tangle tower (is that out yet?) which is also in same wheel house as those I mentioned. If it is then he has nothing to worry about because I like the look of that game myself but if it isn't he also has nothing to worry about because he can post about any game he wishes to, & if it isn't my cup of tea I'll probably easily ignore it.

mas wrote:
Hey we can't all the like the same and the story artsy game goes along nicely with the AAA, and gives me something different they don't always offer and then Nintendo normally give me game games. One of the reasons I play almost everything to get all these different experiences.

Yep I wasn't saying you have to like the same as me or everyone else at all, and I'm pretty sure I like to play a wide variety of games as well but I just know what I like & what I don't.

Hope that clears everything up. Thumbs Up!
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyThu 3 Oct 2019 - 12:23

I reckon Balla's game will be Sayonara Wild Hearts or Untitled Goose Game.

Both could be Mas-type games as I put it, that's why I said in the response to Jim some will be like those and you will like and some will be like you say Jas a walking sim with little gameplay.

That's what tad annoyed me, you seemed to dismiss a game if I say it's more Mas like even praised highly eg Sayonara Wild Hearts (I know you've not dismissed this one) and I just feel now with this sort of games I can get experiences that might have only been film or tv within this medium of entertainment.
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyThu 3 Oct 2019 - 15:08

They just aren't for me usually but fair enough if you're into them.

I've been meaning to find more time to start SWH (loved a lot of Simogo's previous games on iOS) and also return to Goose game but I'm still having too much fun with Iceborne.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyFri 4 Oct 2019 - 12:13

I want to point you to the 3DS thread about ALBW as a few of you mentioned 2D Zelda's.

As last night I finished

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I'm not a big 2D Zelda fan, I've only ever finished Minish Cap & Four Swords up till this point and I put it down to Wind Waker being my first Zelda, not growing up with the SNES etc and most of the newest 2D Zelda's being on a handheld.

I really enjoyed my 15hrs with LA on Switch, more then I thought I would now this may have helped as I said elsewhere the last NEW to me Zelda, I enjoyed was Skyward Sword which was ages ago now.

That there may have been some novelty in playing this and maybe praising higher then it maybe is but at the moment out of all the new versions of old games be that LA, Res Evil 2, Catherine this is far and a way the best of them.

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyFri 4 Oct 2019 - 21:59

I'll have more time to dig into that one, now that I've finished (well done Mas):

Untitled Goose Game

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A work of art.

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptySat 5 Oct 2019 - 8:00

I stopped reading at the spoiler bit but that's a top review balla. Thumbs Up!
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Bargain Hunter

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptySun 6 Oct 2019 - 14:11

The Cappuccino Kid wrote:
Jimbob wrote:


Disgraceful lack of Plok there. Although Wiz n' Liz was a belter that I don't think about enough.

You are correct and I apologise for that. I'm not adding Skunny Squirrel though.
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptySun 6 Oct 2019 - 18:28

The_Jaster wrote:
I stopped reading at the spoiler bit but that's a top review balla. Thumbs Up!

Thank you kindly boss! Grin Hoping you can read the rest of that article soon.  In the meantime:

Overcooked 2: Cook Harder

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TL;DR version: This feels almost like a modernisation of the original Overcooked.  It's got more content, and it's much slicker; but it's got a tendency to shove DLC in your face, and it feels a tad less a labour of love than the original. TL;DR version ends.

It would be very hard to go back to OC1 though.  From the graphics and the presence of winning animations, to the chef choices and even the punctuation, OC2 had a bigger budget and it shows.  The co-op gameplay's fun as ever, and while the new throwing mechanic offers some... interesting challenges for the malcoordinated, really it's just more Overcooked; but it's more Overcooked with a big hike in presentation.  The original could almost feel retro in comparison.  That it's more of the same is not a bad thing, since the original was a splendid co-op effort and this is likewise.  Factor in the extra modes and the DLC, including some nice free DLC as well, and this could last weeks if not months.

That said... I would like it a bit more if the paid DLC wasn't presented as front-and-centre.  It's there on the title screen, tempting you constantly (and in our case successfully).  Some of the modes have arenas that are greyed out, saying, 'Included in the DLC!'  It would be much better if they just weren't shown until you bought them, and if the DLC's presence was just a single pop-up when you start the game.  That's what Nintendo would do.

Oh, and the music's not as hummable.  It's not bad, but it's not Overcooked ice floe good.  The level themes didn't feel quite as differentiated either.  That's what I mean by, 'not as much heart'.

It really is a splendid co-op title though, and this time you can play online as well as on the sofa.  Recommended.  Also Panda Chef is unlocked from the beginning if you're the sort of person to whom this matters far too much *cough*TheLady*cough*.

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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyThu 10 Oct 2019 - 0:52

Balladeer wrote:
 That's what Nintendo would do.

Someone clearly hasn't played enough Smash where I still get pop-ups upon starting the game asking me to buy the Fighter Pass even though I already own the bloody thing. And I don't think we can exactly praise Nintendo for not trying to hawk us extra stuff considering Mario Kart on mobile...

I'll read your UGG review once I've gone back and polished the thing off. Smile
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyThu 10 Oct 2019 - 22:17

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If you've not looked at the October release list I did, then I doubt you even know Concrete Genie was coming out as Sony has done basically zero marketing of the game.

Which is a shame as Pixelopus second game after Entwined have done a decent job on what is essentially an indie game but with a budget behind it. Why I don't get a lot of reviews are saying it's to short as the story is about 5-6hrs and the game be found physical for under £20.

I know we've only just talked about the price of Links Awakening elsewhere but this one considering the price, length and the quality of it, I really don't get the hoo-ha as it's a really good 7/10 game.

That I enjoyed playing, I even bothered to get the platinum and the VR trophies as well, as this has a little VR mode which has it's own trophy list meaning you can 100% the game and get the platinum without VR.

Yeah, overall a fun adventure game that would be great to play after a bigger game with its colourful world you bring to life and charm.
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyFri 11 Oct 2019 - 10:15

I really liked Entwined but Concrete Genie just isn't appealing to me. Honestly I think it might just be that I don't like the main character's design!
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptyFri 11 Oct 2019 - 19:06

Looks like the sort of game I'd be interested in if I could! Not like I'd have time at the moment, mind...

JayMoyles wrote:
Balladeer wrote:
 That's what Nintendo would do.

Someone clearly hasn't played enough Smash where I still get pop-ups upon starting the game asking me to buy the Fighter Pass even though I already own the bloody thing. And I don't think we can exactly praise Nintendo for not trying to hawk us extra stuff considering Mario Kart on mobile...

I'll read your UGG review once I've gone back and polished the thing off. Smile

I was thinking about Smashtimate actually! Maybe it's because I haven't turned it on since the FP launched, but I remember one pop-up for every new piece of DLC and then no more sign it exists outside the eShop page. It's the things in the stage select that really got on my wick. (I try to pretend Nintendo's egregious mobile stuff doesn't exist. Sulk )

Much obliged sir. Smile It's not really a review per se, but I had fun writing it!
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts   Last Game You Finished And Your Four-ghts - Page 3 EmptySat 12 Oct 2019 - 4:59

I did a post about Detention but apparently it didn't send? Good game. Scary and then interesting. 10/10
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