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 Apple Arcade

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The Next Aonuma

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Apple Arcade Empty
PostSubject: Apple Arcade   Apple Arcade EmptyThu 12 Sep 2019 - 12:30

This week Apple held an event showing off the new iPhone and other stuff like Apple TV+ which is their Netflix which seems okay for £5 a month but it is all original content and till it's out I've got no idea if the shows will be worth watching, they're giving a free year sub if you buy a new Apple product though.

The other thing they announced was Apple Arcade launching September 19th is a gaming service in a similar way to Game Pass as it's £5 a month and lets you access 100+ games with exclusives like Chu Chu.

This feels what Stadia should have been (Google did announce something called Play Pass during this Apple event), I never had an issue with it being streaming-based but having to buy Cyberpunk on it as I would do on Xbox One and that's what I would do instead of streaming it.

Also, the bigger thing is Stadia has 2 maybe 3 exclusive games announced, where we have some decent looking games coming to Arcade.

The only real issue I see that it's all Apple-based which might be great for Balla as it's coming to Mac but I don't own anything Apple-based where Stadia because it's Google is coming to way more things that are the only advantage I see for that service now.  

These are the games that have been announced so far

   Atone: Heart of the Elder Tree
   Ballistic Baseball
   Beyond a Steel Sky
   Box Project
   ChuChu Rocket Universe
   Doomsday Vault
   Down in Bermuda
   Enter The Construct
   Exit the Gungeon
   Frogger in Toy Town
   Hot Lava
   Jenny LeClue
   Kings of the Castle
   LEGO Arthouse
   LEGO Brawls
   Little Orpheus
   Mr Turtle
   No Way Home
   Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm
   Pac-Man Party Royale
   Projection: First Light
   Rayman Mini
   Sayonara Wild Hearts
   Shantae 5
   Skate City
   Sneaky Sasquatch
   Sonic Racing
   Steven Universe: Unleash The Light
   Super Impossible Road
   The Artful Escape
   The Enchanted World
   The Pathless
   The Bradwell Conspiracy
   UFO on Tape: First Contact
   Various Daylife
   Where Cards Fall
   Winding Worlds

Which for me seeing a new ChChu game, Sonic Racing, Fantasian from Mistwalker, Oceanhorn 2 are some games that do have me interested in the service.

That an Apple TV not the service but the box might now interest me as it's not expensive at around £150, it has the biggest range of 4K content, I can play the AA games on it with a Dual Shock 4 or an Xbox One pad.
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Apple Arcade Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Arcade   Apple Arcade EmptyThu 12 Sep 2019 - 12:44

As a paid-up Applite, I should probably have a look at this, when I have gaming time to spare.

So never then. Neutral
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The Next Aonuma

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Apple Arcade Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Arcade   Apple Arcade EmptyThu 12 Sep 2019 - 12:50

Do you have other Apple things? as it has Arcade has cross-save plus you can play offline and for your sub, you can have 6 accounts that if the lady also has something Apple then could be a worthwhile service if you're looking at SWH for instance then you could do this instead of buying on Switch.
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Apple Arcade Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Arcade   Apple Arcade EmptyThu 12 Sep 2019 - 12:57

iPhone (where I played Gorogoa) and Airbook, but a reminder Mas: I'm a massive Nintendo fanboy. If I can get a game on Switch I will, including SWH. (Also, ability to choose between handheld and decent-sized telly >> ability to choose between 'phone and laptop.)

The Lady has a big ol' gaming PC. She's not a fan of mobile gaming, and besides has no sense of rhythm. No benefit there therefore.
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Galactic Nova

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Apple Arcade Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Arcade   Apple Arcade EmptyThu 12 Sep 2019 - 20:36

I might end up checking that out for a month or so on my iPad if there's any games that take my fancy. That's a pretty solid list, all told!
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The Next Aonuma

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Apple Arcade Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Arcade   Apple Arcade EmptySat 14 Sep 2019 - 23:31

Just found out the game Various Daylife is from Square Enix more notably the team behind Bravely Default and Octopath Traveller.

I think it's a exclusive as well, that's a rather big one.
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Apple Arcade Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Arcade   Apple Arcade EmptyTue 17 Sep 2019 - 19:03

Now that's the sort of stuff that'll get me interested.

EDIT: Oh I have just looked at that running on mobile and I don't like it at all. No
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The Next Aonuma

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Apple Arcade Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apple Arcade   Apple Arcade EmptyTue 17 Sep 2019 - 19:23

I've not really seen much on it, most people have put up videos of the likes of Oceanhorn 2, Sayonara Wild Hearts, Jenny LeClue, Shantae 5, Rayman etc

My Apple 4KTV came today, so I'll be trying some Various Daylife along with the other launch games myself at the end of the month, when tvOS13 goes live.

I did have a quick look on the Apple TV before Arcade comes and spotted Chrono Trigger is on the App store, which is controller (update hasn't come yet for Dual Shock 4/Xbox One controllers) enabled.

That's a very tempting game outside of Arcade and maybe one of the easiest ways to play it that I can think off.

I don't know if any other classics like that are on TV compatible App store or not.
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Apple Arcade Empty
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