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 What's eShopping about?

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The Cappuccino Kid
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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptySat 28 Dec 2019, 12:30

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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptySun 29 Dec 2019, 01:00

Just got done playing the first 2 and a half hours of Blasphemous and it's turning into a very very nice Metroidvania.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptySun 29 Dec 2019, 07:16

I had a bash on the demo the other day and it was right up my street but I've got a lot of other 2d sword stuff downloaded that I haven't played yet.
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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptySun 29 Dec 2019, 13:42

It basically looks like 2Dark Souls for me, so not surprised Jas is enjoying it. Very grim.
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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptySun 29 Dec 2019, 14:53

Took me a second to get your little 2D gag there, I was too busy being reminded that Tamoor Hussein and his brother never finished their Two Dark Souls stream series. Sad
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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptySun 29 Dec 2019, 18:29

Definitely influenced by Souls but it's also doing a few different things to set it apart from that as well plus it's about religion and guilt so you'd love that part Balla. Winky Face

(Also just realised this isn't 'what are you playing on switch' thread, is it?)
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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptyMon 30 Dec 2019, 07:32

I don't need any more religious guilt in my life thank you. No
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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptyMon 30 Dec 2019, 15:15

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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptyWed 01 Jan 2020, 20:45

All the religion and guilt stuff has actually put me off the game, the aesthetic and setting I've seen so far just doesn't sit right with me. Then I seen you post a clip on Twitter the other day it looked very smooth and satisfying so it's made the wishlist.
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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptyThu 02 Jan 2020, 00:19

Aye the combat and enemy design is really well done, a few hours or so in you get pretty nice dash attack that combos out of your dodge as well.
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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptyFri 03 Jan 2020, 10:56

JayMoyles wrote:
Has anybody played Minit? I quite liked the look of it and I'm sure someone on here said some nice things about it.

Yeah it's good fun. Central gimmick works well, 1 bit visuals are neat, and while the first run is over pretty quick there is more to do if you want to get your money's worth.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptyFri 03 Jan 2020, 15:13

Balladeer wrote:
I don't need any more religious guilt in my life thank you. No

I totally understand where you're coming from, having grown up with a very Catholic grandmother, but luckily I had a very atheist mother as a buffer. Now Christianity, Catholicism, all the lore and mythology and the emotional core of it is something evocative and interesting but mostly quite academic. I also really like the existential fear of god as a horror trope, very underused outside of vieogames. If you believe all that shit, surely God is the ultimate bad guy right? Total tory boomer up there in his clouds. I love it when Bayonetta gives his angels a good kicking.
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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptyFri 03 Jan 2020, 16:41

Religious nonsense:

That's for another thread though.  Sadly I haven't even looked at the eShop or a downloaded title in a while, as I try to dig myself out of my retail games backlog heap...
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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptyFri 03 Jan 2020, 19:43

Oh forgot to mention another thing that took me by surprise is how well Blasphemous is voice acted, as well as that it isn't clear what your character is doing is actually a good or bad thing which leaves it really open to your interpretation of the world. And I love it when games do that.
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptyTue 14 Jan 2020, 13:40

What do yall think about e-shop? I think navigating it is a bit arse, there's a lot of content on there even if you filter by what's on sale.

There are cheaper stores too but I've been quite happy with the discounts and variety of games on offer. I was worried it would always be overpriced but happily I don't think that's true.

Would like the store to be less clinical mind.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptyTue 14 Jan 2020, 15:12

I think it's no secret that the eShop is a bit of mess in terms of navigating it and finding new games. If your game isn't on sale, it must be a nightmare hoping that folk stumble upon it.
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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptyTue 14 Jan 2020, 18:11

I'm in the happy position that I know what I want when I go onto the eShop - otherwise I'm sure I'd find it an utter mess to navigate, like all and sundry have said. Also as Muss hints, where's the background tune? The same could apply to the Switch too, natch.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptyTue 14 Jan 2020, 22:00

Not sure if I've mentioned it on here but those group of games that are always on sale for about 89p really do my nut in, they constantly clog up the sale section and some of they are really horrible to look at.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptyWed 15 Jan 2020, 16:27

Oh, 100% agreed on that. Being on sale or in the charts is a big way to increase your game's discoverability, so I suppose heavily discounting your game for a short period means you'll get some solid sales for a good spell. But it's usually some shovelware shite that's on sale for 90p, like you said.
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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptyFri 17 Jan 2020, 19:48

I've never bought any game that's 89p. Price doesn't always equal quality, but there's probably some relationship.
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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptyFri 17 Jan 2020, 20:29

The only great 89p game on Switch eShop is One strike.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptySat 18 Jan 2020, 20:52

Some of them are alright don't get me wrong and I've bought a couple myself but it's the very obvious tactic to say it's on sale when 89p is it's standard price which annoys me, cheap marketing strategy.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptySat 18 Jan 2020, 21:06

Anyone played that Super Crush KO game? I don't know if it's coming to other systems or not though.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptySat 18 Jan 2020, 21:10

I think I seen Cappa playing it, looks alright.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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PostSubject: Re: What's eShopping about?   What's eShopping about? - Page 5 EmptySat 18 Jan 2020, 22:56

Aye, I'm playing it. My early impressions aren't all that amazing, sadly. Graceful Explosion Machine did a lot with little; so far, Super Crush KO isn't doing very much with a lot more. Still, I'm not far into it. Hopefully things will start to develop.
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