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 The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife

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The Next Miyamoto

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptySat 21 Mar 2020 - 15:37

Retail Games

The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Maxresdefault

Best of the Rest

The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Mortal-kombat-legends-scorpions-revenge-trailer-to-be-shown-at-final-kombat_feature

What about you guys?

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Shiny Shuckle

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptySat 21 Mar 2020 - 15:52

masofdas wrote:
Snooker 19

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptySat 21 Mar 2020 - 16:04

Treesmurf wrote:
What game will you be self isolating for?

Balladeer wrote:
Here are some new Switch games! APRIL FOOL

masofdas wrote:
Both are awful ideas...

masofdas wrote:
The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife

Oh wow, Moving Out's this coming month! I am definitely up for playing that in co-op with The Lady. Otherwise my suggested thread title remains decidedly apropos.
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The Next Miyamoto

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptySat 21 Mar 2020 - 16:08

Do you have a serious answer Muss?

Well, I can't help that the 20+ Switch games aren't that good, maybe Mana would be but I hear you have a lot of RPG's on the go Balla.

I know my thread title is rubbish but no one was fitting a game or easter into the title, also at the moment surely forgetting about your worries and playing games kinda works.
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Shiny Shuckle

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptySat 21 Mar 2020 - 16:30

The serious answer is that I'm saving up as much money as I can because of this pandemic.

I already bought Animal Crossing this month, and a couple of board games for some offline fun under a potential lockdown. Got to look after the pennies and all that. I'll be picking things up on sale only for a while.
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The Next Miyamoto

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptySun 22 Mar 2020 - 9:26

I hear you, I'm trying to save for a place of my own. Long story if you remember me talking about bristol but after talking to Dad, and people I know such as Jay in similar that looking at buying something.

That going on what I'm looking at this month before now I would have just bought Sakura Wars without hesitation but now my plan is to spend no more then £100 a month of games. That might sound a lot but it's basically all I buy (Now if I see retro I might go mad lol) and my only vice I guess you'd say as EofGiz seemed to think that was a lot but I know what some people spend on things like drugs and the avg people spend on booze/smokes according to the internet which I don't do any of them.

With very little outgoings, I've been saving a decent amount so far with this plan and my savings in June/July should be good even though shares are a tad all over the place at the moment.
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Disciple of Scullion

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptySun 22 Mar 2020 - 19:38

Have you finished your Dreamcast collection, Mas? £100 a month would polish that off quickly.

I've held fire on getting a Switch Lite, in order to get a PROPA Switch at the end of April. I'm hoping there will be a Nintendo Direct between now and then, to determine what games I pick up. Basically, if Xenoblade is later in the year, I'll get Odyssey.

I did buy a stack of batteries today, as I'm working from home for the next 4 weeks and have a whole load of Wii game to get through Smile
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The Next Miyamoto

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptySun 22 Mar 2020 - 19:50

I've got about 6 games left, so yeah be like one game a month where I'd sooner buy some new games with that. However I did say if I were to see Cannon Spike in the wild, I would buy it.
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Galactic Nova

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptyMon 23 Mar 2020 - 23:31

I'd ideally like to buy FFVII:R, but I'm a bit concerned about my financial situation in the long term over the next few months with everything that's going on. But if it looks feasible and I can find it at around £40 somewhere, then I'll give it a go. I've not had to buy any petrol this month anyway, so that's saved me about £50 that I'd normally spend looking at it that way...
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The Next Miyamoto

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptyTue 24 Mar 2020 - 9:45

I pre-ordered for £42 but Square Enix put a statement out a few days ago saying it's still coming April 10th but physical could be delayed. I had a email from ShopTo last night which was just a general customer one, saying thing's are continuing like normal for now.

I do know people who ordered Animal Crossing from Amazon had a bit of a delay as unlike others they didn't send out early.

That digital might be the most viable option going forward for most games which then means RRP but you can get around by using different nations store fronts and buying codes to get prices down a bit.
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Disciple of Greener

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptyTue 24 Mar 2020 - 11:40

I really want to get Disaster Report 4 but realistically with Animal Crossing it's just not happening

Sakura Wars is similar as one I'm watching - the wii game was good. Trials of Mana is probably worth a play too.
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The Next Miyamoto

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptyThu 26 Mar 2020 - 9:30

Easy Allies have a preview up with Sakura Wars and it sounds like something I would like but got Persona 5R to play which likely do the social stuff better and both games are similar, that I don't know if them both so close.

I will also add Gears Tactics is out in April for PC which Jay, I've believe has in Fantasy Critic. Also something called Someday You'll Return is coming out which might interest horror fans.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptyFri 27 Mar 2020 - 23:09

I have FF pre ordered but that's in store so that might go to the wayside with everything going on. Well up for Resident Evil of course but I'm aiming to play through that with friends so again will have to wait for all this to blow over. Trials of Mana looks the business, never played the series but very tempted to add that to the collection of RPGs I'll never get around to.
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The Next Miyamoto

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptySun 29 Mar 2020 - 19:09

is your FF instore in-store or an online store? As I would have thought physical would be an issue either way or digital but my Persona 5 Royal was shipped early form Amazon to make sure it made launch and some people are getting FFVII show up already from somewhere that has them.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptyMon 30 Mar 2020 - 14:12

Treesmurf wrote:
I have FF pre ordered but that's in store

First sentence Mas.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptyMon 30 Mar 2020 - 16:12

I thought as much but seen people on twitter mean Amazon etc as they're on about physical and will they get it.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptyThu 2 Apr 2020 - 14:55

They say they're working on a solution, I reckon they might just let me buy online or refund the deposit perhaps, fine either way I guess as I'll want to pick it up for sure.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptyThu 2 Apr 2020 - 20:11

I know it's only April 2nd but we already know Iron Man VR, The Last of Us Part 2 both meant to be out in May have been delayed indefinitely due to getting into are hands basically.

Minecraft Dungeons was due out in April but working from home has pushed it into May, this is a digital release so putting on a disc isn't an issue. Then Wasteland 3 which was planned for May has been pushed to August due to what's going on.

Things are going to keep changing but you would think being able to get a disc into our hands will affect more than just Sony and other games development will be impacted (reports of what's going on will delay other games).

That when it comes to May's games and maybe months after that I might put physical and digital together as might not be a whole lot in both sections.


I've preordered Sakura Wars which doesn't come out till late April and looking at what is planned for May at the minute which is not a lot, that even though I'm not 100% convinced on SW, I can see it being maybe one of the last big'ish physical games that I'm going to take a punt and I'm likely going to sell Res Evil 3 on eBay which will pay for it.
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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptySat 4 Apr 2020 - 14:35

Early entry: There May Be Delays
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Disciple of Scullion

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptySun 5 Apr 2020 - 0:33

May's young but gave birth to many washed hands
OMG Shulk, is that a whopper red sword on your back or are you just pleased to see May?
Yeah I'm mostly watching Rear Window, directed by Outfred SwitchStock.
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Bargain Hunter

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptySun 5 Apr 2020 - 16:48

May Game Bum Po*SHOT* *SHOT AGAIN*
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Galactic Nova

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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptySun 5 Apr 2020 - 21:23

gjones wrote:

OMG Shulk, is that a whopper red sword on your back or are you just pleased to see May?


This gets my vote. Thumbs Up!
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PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptyTue 7 Apr 2020 - 19:50

The standout contender. Thumbs Up!
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The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife Empty
PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptyTue 7 Apr 2020 - 22:21

I will also give it a Thumbs Up!
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife   The simple bare necessities Video Games Forget about your worries and your (Cloud) Strife EmptyTue 7 Apr 2020 - 23:11

It's what I will go for unless Xenoblade HD gets delayed
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