Des and Ember. Because when you put them together, they... er... December.
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 Strangest Moments in Video Games

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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Strangest Moments in Video Games   Strangest Moments in Video Games EmptyWed 28 Oct 2015 - 12:43

Inspired by Silent Hill 2's bizarre Shibe dog ending.

I reckon we've all had a moment playing a game when something so utterly weird has happened that you have to stop, scratch your head and say "Eh?" Whether it's an intentional moment from lunatics like Kojima or Kamiya, or an accidental occurrence due to a glitch, let's talk about strange times in video games.

Let's get weird!
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PostSubject: Re: Strangest Moments in Video Games   Strangest Moments in Video Games EmptyWed 28 Oct 2015 - 14:48

I had a glitch once when I was playing Skyrim on ps3 where a Dragon appeared.  After trying to attract its attention for what felt like eternity it all of a sudden died.  But it wasn't a normal death, no, it had the death animation (bursting in to flames and disintegrating until only a skeleton remained) while it was still flying around and attacking me.  

What transpired ended up being a long drawn out fight and flight to a local outpost between me and a skeleton dragon, eventually felling it after a long battle.  Many an irrelevant npc gave their life that day.  Boo-hoo

Okay, so that one was more epic than strange, but the absurdity of it all made it stick out in my mind. Kind of sad really that the most memorable moment of Skyrim for me was a glitch.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Strangest Moments in Video Games   Strangest Moments in Video Games EmptyThu 29 Oct 2015 - 8:52

My all-time favourite glitch was on Conduit 2 on the Wii. I've spoken about it before, but a line of dialogue that came over my radio ("beneath the city") just kept repeating ad nauseum, even when I paused or when I went to the wii menu. I had to switch the wii off at the socket to shut it up.
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Disciple of Greener

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PostSubject: Re: Strangest Moments in Video Games   Strangest Moments in Video Games EmptyThu 29 Oct 2015 - 10:32

The end of Assassin's Creed II

Need any more be said
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Strangest Moments in Video Games   Strangest Moments in Video Games EmptyThu 29 Oct 2015 - 10:57

Laser pope, laser pope, fighting crime and solving shit!
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: Strangest Moments in Video Games   Strangest Moments in Video Games EmptyThu 29 Oct 2015 - 12:47

When someone showed me this.

Strangest Moments in Video Games Latest?cb=20131108185400
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Bargain Hunter

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PostSubject: Re: Strangest Moments in Video Games   Strangest Moments in Video Games EmptyThu 29 Oct 2015 - 13:11

The one thing that jumps out at me is: many years ago, playing the Sims, a couple had a kid. In the original game, there was a three-day "baby period" after which the character turned into a child. However, where their portrait would be in the menu, there was instead an upside-down picture of a woman; I seem to recall her eyes were animated as well (the portraits were normally still).

This sounds like Creepypasta bullshit, and for years I couldn't find a trace of this online; however, now I can actually find details of this, and it looks like it's a way of surviving a potential bug with a new character.
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: Strangest Moments in Video Games   Strangest Moments in Video Games EmptyThu 29 Oct 2015 - 14:08

I thought of another actually, the original Brian Lara Cricket on the Ps1.

I have no idea how, or why it happened, perhaps my disc got scratched, my TV threw a wobbly, or I stumbled upon an Easter Egg... I'll never know.

For whatever reason, the ever stoic Yorkshireman, Geoffrey Boycott, would suddenly and randomly have his voice rocket upwards into a comically high pitched tone. Alongside his normal commentary, he sometimes remarked 'ohh, he hit that with his eyes closed,' followed by a brief giggle.

It was bizarre, and I couldn't intentionally replicate it but it happened a few times, the first of which made me freak out.

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PostSubject: Re: Strangest Moments in Video Games   Strangest Moments in Video Games EmptySat 31 Oct 2015 - 9:23

Strangest Moments in Video Games Tumblr_ms408qDznr1splc3zo1_400

Things get even stranger in the Japan-only sequel...
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Strangest Moments in Video Games   Strangest Moments in Video Games EmptySat 31 Oct 2015 - 23:29

Is that a genuinely real Pokemon card? That reminds me of LSD Simulator on PS1, which could fill up this thread by itself actually.
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