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 How long will we all keep in touch with each other...

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How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: How long will we all keep in touch with each other...   How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 EmptyWed 10 Jul 2013 - 15:19

As you know i did have a ngamer account but only used it a few times for the 3DS vote which i founded out and asked to vote via twitter. I've been on here pretty much from day one and can't see why I would leave, plus most of you i follow on twitter aswell.
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How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: How long will we all keep in touch with each other...   How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 EmptySat 13 Jul 2013 - 15:43

To be perfectly honest I hardly use forums anymore, and even with Twitter - which I used to be very active on - my usage of it has dwindled somewhat in recent times. It's not that I don't have enough time - in fact the complete opposite - I am just lazy and often either can't be bothered or can't think of anything worthwhile to post.

I am a terrible forum member really because for as long as I can remember I have mainly just lurked places rather than contributed in any meaningful way, so my post counts everywhere are very low compared to other members. With that said, I have met some absolutely fantastic people through forums and through Twitter who I am very happy to know and in some cases call my friend.

I've met with a total of 3 people from online, one of whom is an ex gf who I stopped speaking to years ago, but the other two I have met on a couple of occasions and are cool guys and just as good to speak to IRL as they are online. I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with meeting friends you have made online IRL, in fact as long as you are sensible it's a great experience I can recommend.

But more back to the point, I don't think I'll ever completely disappear from the sites I am registered on unless either the sites are deleted or go out of use, or else I personally have kicked the bucket xD I get bored quite often, so even with some sites I don't like much I end up checking back every 6 months or so, so there is no real fear of me leaving this forum or Twitter anytime soon haha
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PostSubject: Re: How long will we all keep in touch with each other...   How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 EmptySat 13 Jul 2013 - 15:50

As we said on Gwyn's birthday not long ago, no forum is complete without a few powerlurkers.

I've actually met another forumite since my last post here! Fronkhead, as he is now known, joins the roster. (No Facebook page, fronkhead?) Hoping to meet some other people at HyperJapan soon too!
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How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: How long will we all keep in touch with each other...   How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 EmptySat 13 Jul 2013 - 15:59

Balladeer wrote:
 (No Facebook page, fronkhead?)

He deleted it some time ago.

On the matter of meeting people off the interwebs, I accidentally met someone from another website once.

In a job interview.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: How long will we all keep in touch with each other...   How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 EmptySat 13 Jul 2013 - 20:15

There's an interesting sounding story there...
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How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: How long will we all keep in touch with each other...   How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 EmptySat 13 Jul 2013 - 21:29

I know, but Spork wouldn't say why he deleted his Facebook page.
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Disciple of Scullion

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How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: How long will we all keep in touch with each other...   How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 EmptySat 13 Jul 2013 - 23:13

Facebook just wasn't for me (I don't like the idea of putting up a 'profile' of myself, I can barely muster the confidence to stick a photo up of my mug), and I made the mistake of adding everyone I knew in real life who wasn't a close friend, which caused interface management nightmares.

I also rid Facebook at a time when a few friends were doing the same, sticking it to the man, as it were.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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PostSubject: Re: How long will we all keep in touch with each other...   How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Jul 2013 - 1:11

beemoh wrote:
I know, but Spork wouldn't say why he deleted his Facebook page.
I don't think that's the story he meant.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: How long will we all keep in touch with each other...   How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Jul 2013 - 1:29

It was not. Laughing 

Interview tale?
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PostSubject: Re: How long will we all keep in touch with each other...   How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Jul 2013 - 1:36

I had an interview for a job and the person who interviewed me was someone I knew off the internet. That's about as exciting as it gets, I'm afraid.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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PostSubject: Re: How long will we all keep in touch with each other...   How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Jul 2013 - 1:55

Hmm... Did you get the job?
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PostSubject: Re: How long will we all keep in touch with each other...   How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Jul 2013 - 1:57

Yes, although I turned it down as I received a better offer. Jury's out on how wise an idea that was.
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PostSubject: Re: How long will we all keep in touch with each other...   How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Jul 2013 - 8:29

fronkhead wrote:
Facebook just wasn't for me (I don't like the idea of putting up a 'profile' of myself, I can barely muster the confidence to stick a photo up of my mug), and I made the mistake of adding everyone I knew in real life who wasn't a close friend, which caused interface management nightmares.

I also rid Facebook at a time when a few friends were doing the same, sticking it to the man, as it were.

It's not for everyone, but I like to have it as an events management tool rather than anything else.
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Disciple of Scullion

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How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: How long will we all keep in touch with each other...   How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 EmptySun 14 Jul 2013 - 11:43

Balladeer wrote:
fronkhead wrote:
Facebook just wasn't for me (I don't like the idea of putting up a 'profile' of myself, I can barely muster the confidence to stick a photo up of my mug), and I made the mistake of adding everyone I knew in real life who wasn't a close friend, which caused interface management nightmares.

I also rid Facebook at a time when a few friends were doing the same, sticking it to the man, as it were.

It's not for everyone, but I like to have it as an events management tool rather than anything else.

I see.

I get by fine with email threads and google calendar invites.
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PostSubject: Re: How long will we all keep in touch with each other...   How long will we all keep in touch with each other... - Page 3 Empty

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