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 How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions?

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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions?   How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions? EmptyFri 28 Nov 2014 - 9:06

Inspired by something ZJ said in another thread:

ZeroJones wrote:
CQ2 can be played in very short bursts but you need to sit down for an hour or two with Bayo; there's not been that hour or two free for me for ages.

And I've realised that I'm similar. Will happily bust out the 3DS for a quick game of Smash, something that can be turned off mid-match should it need to be and it doesn't matter - but for Shovel Knight, where I feel that I need to maximise my concentration and give it a good uninterrupted quarter of an hour, it's much harder for me to start playing. Even more true for Wii U games: unless I really love the game, there just isn't time for me to spend half an hour on a game these days.

So, are you a five-minute-burst player, or do you like to set aside an hour and get into it?
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Crumpy Andy
Zeta Metroid
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PostSubject: Re: How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions?   How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions? EmptyFri 28 Nov 2014 - 9:13

Good thread, plus it's one I can comment on immediately without having to think of an idea, then forgetting to post at all... Duh!

I'm very firmly in the camp of if I can't play about 4 hours I'm not likely to bother with it. I have however recently enjoyed the pick up and play nature of handheld games, so I'm coming around a bit, just not entirely.
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Disciple of Scullion

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How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions? Empty
PostSubject: Re: How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions?   How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions? EmptyFri 28 Nov 2014 - 11:51

I'm a bit like Balladeer in the sense that it depends on the game, and if I try to change the way I play certain games it never goes very well. I think that first session with a particular game determines how I might play it in the future: with Pokemon White 2 I decided not to marathon it as I usually do, which led me to play about an hour a day. That actually worked out really well in the end!

Something like Shovel Knight I could either see myself playing a level or two a day (like I did with Super Castlevania IV) or the whole thing in one go...

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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions?   How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions? EmptyFri 28 Nov 2014 - 12:34

Depends on the game as Dragon Age Inquisition first day I got it I played for about 8 hrs straight (I am on holiday) and with Bayo 2 I played that in just two sittings to finish the story but when I go back to working shifts like 12-9 , they don't sound bad but if you go bed late like 1am I'm getting up about 10 which only gives me a about a hour & half to get ready. So I'm more likely to play something like PES or SMASH and just play a match or something then go back to something like Dragon Age on my day off.
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PostSubject: Re: How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions?   How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions? EmptyFri 28 Nov 2014 - 18:11

The sessions vary wildly with me, sometimes they go for only half an hour, other times I can spend anywhere upwards of several hours.  And on my better days I can spend the entire day playing only stopping for body needs such as hydration and energy refueling.  

Honestly the sessions themselves vary too wildly to pin down, however I do usually rack up a similar average most days of about four hours of gaming.  Depending on other factors I sometimes crank in six hours if it's a free day and I'm heavily in to the game, and on rare occasions I'll spend the entire day, or to give it a figure about eight hours. And on rare occasions when the moon aligns just right with a game I absolutely love I'll spend about ten to twelve hours gaming.
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PostSubject: Re: How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions?   How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions? EmptySat 29 Nov 2014 - 11:12

I like to get at least half an hour in and feel like I've achieved something. The days of playing for several hours in a row and playing very late at night - usually when I felt I was close to the end of a game (classically Phoenix Wright or Professor Layton) and ended up being wrong by more hours than I'd care to admit - have gone. Games with frequent save points - or, better, where you can save whenever you like - are where it's at for me now. The VC save state is a gift from the heavens.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostSubject: Re: How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions?   How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions? EmptySun 30 Nov 2014 - 9:34

I'm in a similar situation - if it's just me, then I can only find the time to maybe play an hour on a "big console" or the PC, and maybe 2 hours on the ol' 3DS. If friends and family are also involved, then I actually get to do old-school 4 hour marathons (Dark Souls, FIFA, Minecraft, Mario Kart, and of course le Smash). But these are still kind-of rare. BEing a grown-up sucks Sad
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PostSubject: Re: How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions?   How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions? EmptySun 30 Nov 2014 - 9:38

I actually got to sit down with Bayonetta for a good half hour last night! It was nice, but it happens so rarely.
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PostSubject: Re: How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions?   How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions? EmptySun 30 Nov 2014 - 18:11

The average is probably about 4 hours or so but like others have said a lot of it depends on the type of game, I can surpass that 4 hours with something like dark souls or online games such as Monster hunter/GTA.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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PostSubject: Re: How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions?   How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions? EmptyTue 2 Dec 2014 - 1:05

It can range from 30 minutes to 5 or 6 hours, I don't really have the time to game like I used to but when I do get a window of opportunity I take full advantage of it.
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PostSubject: Re: How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions?   How Long Are Your Game-Playing Sessions? EmptyTue 2 Dec 2014 - 9:11

I'd echo everyone else: I used to play for hours, and if I have a game that grabs me I will, but adult life has pushed me towards shorter bursts. Thankfully, lots of game design has lent that way, so I haven't had a issue with playing like that since Infinite Space on the DS (no quest log, Russian names and a massive galaxy of similar looking bars; that was a game I would have finished when younger but had to give up entirely on!)

That said, I always make time for a new Zelda, and always play (even the handheld ones) in long sessions. It's just tradition by now!
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