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 LoveFilm for Wii gets update

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LoveFilm for Wii gets update Empty
PostSubject: LoveFilm for Wii gets update   LoveFilm for Wii gets update Empty18/07/13, 06:38 pm


...but not the Wii U version.

Now, it might be because the Wii U version already has these features and they're just bringing the Wii version in line- I don't have LF so I don't know- but it's probably worth pointing out.
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Crumpy Andy
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LoveFilm for Wii gets update Empty
PostSubject: Re: LoveFilm for Wii gets update   LoveFilm for Wii gets update Empty18/07/13, 06:41 pm

I'm pretty sure I saw their twitter saying the updates for the Wii U were on the way.
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Galactic Nova

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LoveFilm for Wii gets update Empty
PostSubject: Re: LoveFilm for Wii gets update   LoveFilm for Wii gets update Empty19/07/13, 02:04 pm

When me and the missus were into Lost, we were using the Lovefilm App all the time. I just thoughtof the Wii U as my Lovefilm device.
If they could give me a way to watch something on the TV while surfing on the Gamepad, I'd be a very happy man.
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