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 Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube.

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Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. Empty
PostSubject: Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube.   Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. EmptySat 8 Mar 2014 - 14:43

YouTube now has all 4 series of the 1990s CITV "Bad Influence" videogames programme, starring Andy Crane and Violet Berlin.

Series 1 [1992]:
Series 2 [1993]:
Series 3 [1994]:
Series 4 [1995]:

Favourite episode so far is S1E3 where they visit the Future Entertainment Show. One of the first ever gaming events I went to.

MEGA BONUS UPDATE!!! All 7 series of C4's "GamesMaster" starring Dominik Diamond (not in S3, natch) and Patrick Moore (RIP) are on YouTube too! These are far better quality than the Bad Influence videos.

Series 1 [1992]:
Series 2 [1992-3]:
Series 3 [1993-4]:
Series 4 [1994-5]:
Series 5 [1995-6]:
Series 6 [1996-7]:
Series 7 [1997-8]:

Last edited by Axis1500 on Sun 9 Mar 2014 - 19:16; edited 13 times in total
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Bargain Hunter

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Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube.   Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. EmptySat 8 Mar 2014 - 16:03


Like all kids' TV shows, I start off in full nostalgia mode, then have to watch through my hands after about 2 minutes. I mean, I knew Nam Rood was naff at the time...

But, having quickly watched 5 random minutes, I've found myself with "Chronologically Incorrect Anticipation". S1E11 shows off a game where you get to fly a stunt plant round a customisable island and make movies. Right now, this might the game I'm most looking forward to OH WAIT IT CAME OUT IN 1993

Also, was Violet a playable character in Micro Machines 2?
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Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube.   Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. EmptySat 8 Mar 2014 - 23:22

Jimbob wrote:
stunt plant

This is too dangerous for a real plant! Bring in the stunt plant!

Jimbob wrote:
Also, was Violet a playable character in Micro Machines 2?

To think, if that happened today it'd be some great Twitter controversy about how the corrupt games press is in the industry's pocket and she'd be The Doritos Pope.
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Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube.   Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. EmptySun 9 Mar 2014 - 9:09

Wow, fond memories of that show. I remember Take That coming on to play a racing game, and Robbie saying something like "I lost my racing line there", and Andy Crane (who is now a news reader in the Manchester area, I think - what happened to Violet Berlin?) asking "What does that mean?", with Robbie replying that he didn't know, but it sounded good.

Funny what you remember...
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Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube.   Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. EmptySun 9 Mar 2014 - 9:47

ZeroJones wrote:
Andy Crane (who is now a news reader in the Manchester area, I think - what happened to Violet Berlin?) asking "What does that mean?", with Robbie replying that he didn't know, but it sounded good.

Crane fills on BBC News in the North West (a seat previously filled by Krypton Factor alum Gordon Burns)- although he was the newsreader for Channel M, when that was on.

Violet married Gaz Top, they both did a science show for CITV, then she fronted Game Pad on Bravo until they replaced it with Gamer.TV. People suggest on Twitter she should do another games show but she usually jokingly bats the idea aside, saying The Internet is doing a good enough job. I *think* both of them are still working behind the camera.
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Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube.   Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. EmptySun 9 Mar 2014 - 10:40

I can't remember this at all but it's funny to watch it now. And how they talk about the super consoles coming etc. I can't really remember any gaming shows back then not even gamesmaster. The only one I can remember is music, games video which was ITV. There was one on sky in early 2000's but that like all the rest never really took of.

Like challenge seemed to have the only one on TV in the blurb (front by Lucy James Cheeky) but now that's not on anymore either well unless you have virgin media as it has Ginx TV which show it as a kinda app.
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Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube.   Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. EmptySun 9 Mar 2014 - 12:18

beemoh wrote:
Jimbob wrote:
stunt plant

This is too dangerous for a real plant! Bring in the stunt plant!

This is inadvertently a great idea for a videogame...
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Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube.   Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. EmptySun 9 Mar 2014 - 20:33

Added GamesMaster episodes!
Wow, the fake system crash / reboot at the start of Series 2 takes me back.
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Bargain Hunter

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Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube.   Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. EmptyWed 12 Mar 2014 - 20:15

Waaaaooooow! (again)

I like spotting all the old Future bods.

I don't have time to watch all of these I think, but... they really need the MST3K treatment.
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Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube. Empty
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Every episode of Bad Influence [UPDATE: AND GAMES MASTER!!!] on YouTube.
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