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 When Zelda traded heroism for the murky morality of dreams

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When Zelda traded heroism for the murky morality of dreams Empty
PostSubject: When Zelda traded heroism for the murky morality of dreams   When Zelda traded heroism for the murky morality of dreams EmptyWed 16 Apr 2014 - 17:56


Quote :
The moral vacuum of dreams is discomfiting. I’m wandering backcountry Pennsylvania roads, somehow back in college, and I’m outdoors with my indoor cat. I’m distracted, knowing I’ve missed class again. Naturally. When a car hits my cat, I catch the driver on foot and punch him until he loses consciousness. What in the hell is this awful crap? I’ve shirked my responsibilities as a pet owner, student, and pacifist. The dream version of myself just rolls with it, though. Dreams have no moral stakes, and we’re at their mercy.

This screams "overthinking somewhat", but it's an amusing overthinking.
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Galactic Nova

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When Zelda traded heroism for the murky morality of dreams Empty
PostSubject: Re: When Zelda traded heroism for the murky morality of dreams   When Zelda traded heroism for the murky morality of dreams EmptyWed 16 Apr 2014 - 20:44

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Like the best midnight-snack-fueled freakout dreams, Link’s Awakening eases into its Morphean strangeness
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Link’s Awakening turns into a game about putting one foot in front of the other after becoming truly aware of that inevitable doom. Such a fatalistic march may not have the noble sheen of saving the world, but it’s a more universal experience.

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The owl is part of the fish’s soul. Of course it is. Why not? 
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Galactic Nova

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When Zelda traded heroism for the murky morality of dreams Empty
PostSubject: Re: When Zelda traded heroism for the murky morality of dreams   When Zelda traded heroism for the murky morality of dreams EmptyWed 16 Apr 2014 - 21:18

That was well written, sure, but it reeks of overthinking it. Worth a read for joyous lines like the ones quoted above.
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PostSubject: Re: When Zelda traded heroism for the murky morality of dreams   When Zelda traded heroism for the murky morality of dreams Empty

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