Des and Ember. Because when you put them together, they... er... December.
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 ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September

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PostSubject: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptySun 25 Aug 2019 - 17:54

Retail Games


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What about you guys?

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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptySun 25 Aug 2019 - 20:57

Day one buys: MH World Iceborne, PES 2020, Zelda

Maybes: Contra rogue corp, Daemon X machina
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptySun 25 Aug 2019 - 20:59

Contra your Metal Gear Survive of 2019?
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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptySun 25 Aug 2019 - 21:04

I actually bought MG survive for like 5 quid or something but never actually got around to playing it, plus nothing wrong with playing a double A game every now and then which is where Contra will likely fall in to.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptySun 25 Aug 2019 - 21:09

Double A Lol!

You should do stand up

But hey if you like it, that's cool, just from what I've seen looks like it could be one of the worst games of the year.
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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptySun 25 Aug 2019 - 21:39

I've not looked into Contra much beyond that first trailer which is why it's down as a maybe.

EDIT: Just read a little preview & it all sounds like dumb fun like these playable characters for example.

Quote :
I mostly played as Kaiser, a super-jacked lunatic with a drill arm. But there is also an assassin named Ms. Harakiri, a sentient panda named Hungry Beast, and a well-mannered bug alien named Gentleman.

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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptySun 25 Aug 2019 - 22:26

Sometimes dumb fun is the best fun, don't think I'll be buying it myself mind but I'm curious to see the verdict on it.

I once again have fell in to Konami's trap and will be buying the PES, the demo has impressed me plus I have the hype. Will also get Link's Awakening as there's a lot of buzz around this Zelda series so I thought I'd give it a try and see what all the fuss is about.
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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptyMon 26 Aug 2019 - 8:52


Also on the watch-list is Dragon Quest and Code Vein.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptyMon 26 Aug 2019 - 10:11

It's not even my F Konami on Contra it just looks bad and Konami are doing some good things with the collections & PC Engine.

Plus PES 20 will be better than FIFA 20, why I'm surprised Cappa as someone who likes games goes for FIFA.

I'll likely end up playing FIFA though due to EA Access and Game Share mate.
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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptyMon 26 Aug 2019 - 12:01

Treesmurf wrote:
Sometimes dumb fun is the best fun, don't think I'll be buying it myself mind but I'm curious to see the verdict on it.

I once again have fell in to Konami's trap and will be buying the PES, the demo has impressed me plus I have the hype. Will also get Link's Awakening as there's a lot of buzz around this Zelda series so I thought I'd give it a try and see what all the fuss is about.

Yeah I'll be looking out for the Contra reviews as well, I can see the scores for it being around the 6 or 7 range but any lower than that I'll likely not bother.

As for PES I honestly don't know how they make the game feel better to play every year, after playing the demo a fair chunk over the last month & then going back to try PES 19 a couple days ago you would swear they were made by two different devs as 19 feels so sluggish in comparison.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptyTue 27 Aug 2019 - 4:45

Can't believe I'm siding with Mas, but that Contra looked gash.

Gonna be all over Daemon and I'll pick up Zelda "as a present for Shen".
Also, Astral Chain will be a September purchase as I'll be waiting until I finish Fire Emblem and get paid.
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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptyTue 27 Aug 2019 - 12:31

There's a good chance I'll end up forgetting about it as I usually get swept up by a bunch of eShop games that come out the blue or stuff I have on my wish list goes on sale. Blasphemous for example is meant to be out on the 10th although weirdly it doesn't have a coming soon page yet & that Creature in the well game mas mentioned does look interesting also.

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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptyTue 27 Aug 2019 - 12:33

Yeah why blasphemous is missing from my list.

Mario Kart Tour is out on the 25th on smart devices.
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Disciple of Greener

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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptyTue 27 Aug 2019 - 15:07

Link's Awakening time Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptyTue 27 Aug 2019 - 20:27

Oh heck. This month. Pale

Daemon x Machina
Link's Awakening
Dragon Quest
Ni No Kuni

That sound you hear? That's my wallet, sobbing. I might have to wait for Ori, which is a shame because I want to support MS bringing their stuff to Switch and maybe get the sequel sometime down the line.

Anyway yep, that title I supported was utterly wrong. 'Other crap' indeed.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptyTue 27 Aug 2019 - 20:31

Ori is better than NNK, the other three are all new so can't help.

Seems based on the rumors and recent interviews from MS, it be XCloud coming to Switch in the future not Xbox games directly to the system.

So you'll get Ori 2 but just hope you've got good internet.
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My internet quality is... debatable.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptyTue 27 Aug 2019 - 21:00

masofdas wrote:
why I'm surprised Cappa as someone who likes games goes for FIFA.

This is the sort of pettiness that I can get behind.  Thumbs Up!


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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptyTue 27 Aug 2019 - 21:11

Wasn't meant to come across like that, it's genuinely surprising.

Will you picking anything else up in September, though Cappa?
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptyWed 28 Aug 2019 - 22:17

ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September GEOnRTe

Oh boy.

I mean, Astral Chain is basically September with the fact that it's coming out on the 30th.

After that, I'll be aiming to buy at some point the following (loosely ordered in the order I think I'll buy them):

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
Link's Awakening
Ori and the Blind Forest
Borderlands 3
Daemon X Machina
Catherine: Full Body
Dragon Quest XI
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered that'll do till the end of the year. Laughing

Last edited by JayMoyles on Wed 28 Aug 2019 - 22:34; edited 1 time in total
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptyWed 28 Aug 2019 - 22:21

No Ori? I can't stress enough (and to Jas) how good of a Metroidvania it is.

Sure it's not SOTN or Super Metroid but it's dam close.

Just wait to October and November.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptyWed 28 Aug 2019 - 22:34

Oh, I missed Ori. It's in the list and my wallet weeps evermore. Laughing
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Oh Ori is out in September as well? That's another on my list then.
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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptyThu 29 Aug 2019 - 20:57

Bloody Hell Jay you're worse than me! Especially given that we all know you won't play anything else for weeks after Iceborne comes out. Razz
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PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September EmptyThu 29 Aug 2019 - 22:10

I'd like to counter that with pointing out my fatigue of the base game towards the end of my time with it, but new beasties and things to focus on means you'll likely be correct. Laughing
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