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 General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)

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What is the best Zelda game ever?
The original
General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) Vote_lcap0%General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Adventure of Link
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 0% [ 0 ]
Link to the Past (including Four Swords)
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 13% [ 3 ]
Link's Awakening (including DX)
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 9% [ 2 ]
Ocarina of Time (including 3D)
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 22% [ 5 ]
Majora's Mask
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 4% [ 1 ]
Oracle of Ages
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 0% [ 0 ]
Oracle of Seasons
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 0% [ 0 ]
Wind Waker
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 26% [ 6 ]
Four Swords Adventures
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 0% [ 0 ]
Minish Cap
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 9% [ 2 ]
Twilight Princess
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 17% [ 4 ]
Phantom Hourglass
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 0% [ 0 ]
Spirit Tracks
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 0% [ 0 ]
Skyward Sword
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 0% [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 23


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General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) Empty
PostSubject: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptySat 20 Apr 2013 - 11:09

In order to relieve some pressure from the Last Game You Completed thread, here's a thread for general Zelda discussion. And a poll. There have been a lot of Zelda games, haven't there?

Let's start from where the completion thread left off:

andyman949 wrote:
I'm not sure if the ST's Train is a joke or not, but damn I hope it is Laughing
Personally I think motion controls are naff and I get fed up of pointing at the screen for so long so I'd like a lovely solid control.

Yes yes, motion controls are guff and all that, blah blah blah. You're entitled to your opinion, so long as you don't mind realising that it's wrong. Nah nah!

As for the train... yes, I liked it. I preferred it to PH's boat, for one thing. I did not like it as a substitute for a proper overworld, but imagine the two combined. The train allowing you to take short cuts through the places you've reached on foot/horse. Sounds brilliant to me.

SuperPaperLink wrote:
I loved TPs art style, was darker and grittier than usual Nintendo, which isn't always a bad thing at all, it worked with the whole "twilight" concept. I think the game wouldn't have worked so well if when in the "twilight world" everything was brightly coloured.

No one's really spoken about wolf Link? I really liked that touch, thought it was fun and he controlled well (most of the time) gave a different outlook on the game.

Midna is also one of the best characters in the Zelda series ever.

The art style worked for the subject matter, just like CoD's does. It just wasn't nice to look at. And as someone else pointed out (can't find who), MM did the dark and creepy just fine without looking so dull.

I really liked both Wolf Link and Midna, though. Especially Midna. She needs another game, and also to be in SSB4. I'm serious.
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptySat 20 Apr 2013 - 11:33

I found the train mindnumbingly boring. There was so little to do other than shoot the odd rabbit and try desperately not to hit an insta-killing invincible train. I did quite like the way the map opened up but that was about all the love I had for it unfortunately. I did quite like the boat in PH as you could actually explore and search for new islands (and there were no invincible insta-kills)
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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptySat 20 Apr 2013 - 17:09

I haven't played them all yet, so I'm not going to click on the actual vote yet.

I played Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword to death on release, two of my favourite anythings I've ever whatevered. Phantom Hourglass I bought on release and loved; one of my favourite DS games. Ocarina of Time, to my great shame, I never actually completed until the 3DS version.

And those are the only ones I've actually completed.

I had Wind Waker on Gamecube but lent it to my brother and never got it back. As a nipper I owned Link's Awakening, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons and Minish Cap. However, until around the DS era I was both terrible games and I had a short attention span, so I never completed anything (apart from Pokémon, oddly). So none of those games ever got completed.

However, I now have access to almost all the Zelda games; I own TP and SS for Wii, I have OOT 3D, PH and ST in card form. Between my Wii and my 3DS, I have VC copies of Zelda, Zelda II, LttP, LA, MM and MC. OoA and OoS are out soon for VC and WW is getting a Wii U remake. So by the time LttP 2 comes out, I'm planning to have finished all the Zelda games!

Then I'll vote here.
Which means this whole post was pointless, rambling and self-indulgent.

You're welcome!
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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptySat 20 Apr 2013 - 17:54

Balladeer wrote:

As for the train... yes, I liked it.

I don't like your train of thought. For me about halfway through the game ran out of steam and hit the buffers. The outings of toon link were derailed by this game.

I really didn't like the train, the characters, the dungeons, the elderly people on scooters and an evil train that looks like Thomas the Tanks abusive dad.

My vote goes to Wind Waker for having great visuals, graphics and music. Some memorable locations such as Sunken Hyrule and the vastness of the Great Sea. The combat was smooth, and it was easy to transition between items such as the bow. Ganon was at his best in this game, I hope the remake explores some of his character more. I wonder what happened to the Zora's?
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptySat 20 Apr 2013 - 21:04

Oh boy, it's this thread again...

My personal favourite is Wind Waker, and I'm very happy to see it's currently performing very well in the poll. It was the first Zelda I ever finished, which may have something to do with it, but that's not my reason for picking it as my favourite. I think it's the best looking Zelda in the series - even today. It still holds up whilst the N64 titles and even Twilight Princess begin to look dated visually. The HD Remake on WiiU will only reaffirm this for me. Everything, from the landscapes to the monsters to the character all thrive with life and expression. Link's various facial expressions really add a lot to his character, which suffers from his perennial muteness.

There's something about the overworld which I adore as well. I can see where people are coming from when they say the sailing is dull, but to me, it never was. It's a real sign of setting off on an adventure every time you hop in the boat. When you happen upon a new island after spying it as a silhouette in the distance, there's a real sense of mystery and excitement as to what you might find. Will it be a cave filled with tiny trident-wielding demons from the depths of hell? Will it be a grotto where you're being bombarding with cannons? Or will it be a mini-game ran by a sarcastic Frenchman? There's a variety in Wind Waker's islands that helps adds to the game's vibrancy. There's just so much to do in Wind Waker, and every time I play it I feel a sense of wonder exploring this massive sea world.

As for the story, I don't think you'll find a better iteration of Ganondorf in any other Zelda game. Here's a man, defeated time after time, going to such desperate lengths to seek out Zelda and quash any chance of defeat once more. But, yet again, Link rises up to oppose him. The first time you meet him, you're utterly outmatched. He's made to seem terrifying in the player's eyes as he lunges forward with feral precision and knocks out Link, before casting him lazily into the ocean. When he's finally trumped atop his tower, and the heavens open and rain cascades from the sky, you see him become unhinged. He begins laughing maniacally, and you're forced to face him at his full power. It's my favourite final boss fight of any game, let alone of any Zelda. Twilight Princess's comes close, but there's something truly epic in WW's finale. Plus that trip into Hyrule under the sea... Such a great moment.

It's by no means a perfect game; the stealth section at the beginning of the game, the Triforce shards hunt, the missed opportunities at exploring Sunken Hyrule... yet none of that really matters to me. To me, it's the pinnacle of Zelda.

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General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptySun 21 Apr 2013 - 1:08

I just said elsewhere on the forum I would probably give Spirit Tracks another try but after being reminded of the evil train I probably won't, that was such a cheap inclusion in the game to make it more difficult, not the Nintendo way.
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General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptySun 21 Apr 2013 - 2:28

For the longest time minish cap was my favourite with its clever normal/mini size mechanics which lead to some great dungeons (its all about the dungeons) this changed when I played Link's awakening DX on 3ds VC a year ago, it just has the most clever dungeons in my opinion with eagle's tower being my favourite.

As for the new 3DS zelda you can't imagine how pleased I am that it is a top down Zelda game I may just........

Dance Dance Dance Dance
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Raging Pedant

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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptySun 21 Apr 2013 - 7:18

I will always like Wind waker even all that stuff that people hated I didn't mind. Just like I don't mind Spirit tracks.
Which is why I'll be taking the day off and downloading the HD wind waker release
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General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) Empty
PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptySun 21 Apr 2013 - 8:40

My vote went to A Link To The Past. At the time the last Zelda I'd played was Zelda II and the changes between that and LttP, or the first game, were immense. It looked beautiful, it was immersive, saddening and just utterly brilliant. The experience has never been better for me, although Wind Waker and Skyward Sword ran it close.
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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptySun 21 Apr 2013 - 9:02

Didn't expect WW to hold such a commanding majority! I guess in my case, the things that Jay mentioned just had more of an effect. Plus I'm an impatient bastard.

Whether I prefer PH or ST is a tough one. They're both rather mediocre as far as the series goes, coming far behind Minish Cap, say. PH had the Grand Central Dungeon, and the boating, but better bosses (especially the final one); ST had a better overworld and sidequests, but more underwhelming bosses and dungeons. The characters are variable in both, although Linebeck steals the show.

It's a tough one, but I think that ST edges it - not on its own merits, but on PH's failings. The boating and the GCD annoyed me terribly. Plus, Spirit Tracks had a proper instrument for the first time since MM. (The Wind Waker doesn't count.)
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptyMon 22 Apr 2013 - 12:25

I gave my vote to wind waker.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptyMon 22 Apr 2013 - 16:27

I'm surprised to see Wind Waker being so popular here! Last time I remember a thread like this popping up, it was firmly between Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time. I'm wondering if the upcoming WiiU version has had anything to do with this.
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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptyMon 22 Apr 2013 - 17:02

I've beaten Ocarina of Time, Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, Twilight Princess and Minish Cap. I've started Wind Waker and Link to the Past but they remain unfinished.

So, as I don't think it's really fair to include the two I haven't completed, I'll choose my favourite out of the first five, and that would probably be Ocarina of Time. I didn't beat it on the N64, but I really enjoyed the 3D remake, more so than I did Twilight Princess (which was a great game, but felt a bit padded). Minish Cap and Spirit Tracks were fun but not exceptional; Phantom Hourglass is my least favourite Zelda by a nautical mile.
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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptyMon 22 Apr 2013 - 19:58

Rum Rapture wrote:
Phantom Hourglass is my least favourite Zelda by a nautical mile.

Hear hear!

Yes the WiiU update has a bit to do with Wind Waker's popularity, but time has also made people appreciate it more; the same was true with Majora's Mask. The past couple of weeks, I sat and watched my sister play Majora's Mask instead of playing Luigi's Mansion myself.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptyTue 23 Apr 2013 - 9:50

I've only beaten Ocarina Of Time, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword but have played them all apart from the oracle games.
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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptyTue 23 Apr 2013 - 10:13

Ooh, let's see...

Completed (i.e. got all Heart containers): TP (including Poes) and Minish Cap (including Kinstones and figurines). Got all the masks in MM too! (I used guides for TP and MM, and I'm not too proud to admit it.)
Beaten: LttP, OoT (in 3D and 2D), MM, WW, FSA, PH, ST, SS.
Played: Original, LA (DX version), OoT Master Quest, Four Swords.
Which leaves: Adventure of Link (don't think I'm missing out on much) and the Oracle games. And the CDi titles, natch.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptyTue 23 Apr 2013 - 11:10

I've played and owned one of the CDi games. Yes it was bad and i know there bad but if they got re-released in someway, I think i would buy it. I'm trying to collect zelda games as I don't have a nes or snes i'm not bothered about those games as I've have them on gamecube via collectors disc and gba player. But i'am still looking for if anyone has cheap spirit tracks, phantom hourglass and both oracle's (yes i know could download on my 3DS soon but it's not the same as having a box and cartridge), tingles DS game (not sure if it really count's) and a jap version of four swords on gamecube as it comes with tetra tracker.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptyTue 23 Apr 2013 - 11:34

Everybody knows its Ocarina, and anybody who suggests otherwise should stop breathing for a minimum of three hours.
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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptyTue 23 Apr 2013 - 18:44

Phillips wrote:
Everybody knows its Ocarina, and anybody who suggests otherwise should stop breathing for a minimum of three hours.
Darn! I can only hold my breath for ten minutes. :affraid:

In terms of Zeldas I've completed, there's only Twilight Princess and Majora's Mask left to do before I've finished them all. One of my goals in my summer holiday is to beat Majora's Mask; we'll see how long it takes me to summon up the courage (ha!) to beat TP...
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptyTue 23 Apr 2013 - 20:20

Phillips wrote:
Everybody knows its Ocarina, and anybody who suggests otherwise should stop breathing for a minimum of three hours.

And thus, the majority of GNamer forum passed away.

Honestly, I think nostalgia has a large part in deciding what someone's favourite Zelda title is. I know it does for me at least, as the Gamecube was the console I owned going into my teenage years. This is probably the case for many, but substituted with the N64 or the SNES.
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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptyTue 23 Apr 2013 - 21:18

As someone who voted for TP, I claim to be immune from nostalgia's insidious influence! Very Happy

(SM64 is still the best game ever though.)
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptyTue 23 Apr 2013 - 23:09

Balladeer wrote:
As someone who voted for TP, I claim to be immune from nostalgia's insidious influence! Very Happy

Twist: Balla is actually 13 years old, Wii was his first home console.
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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptyWed 24 Apr 2013 - 7:04

In which case, my very first posts on NGamer (when I was 7, apparently) are pretty impressive!
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptyWed 24 Apr 2013 - 11:58

Pedant straight from the womb. Nah nah!

On topic however, what's your favourite top down Zelda Balla? I know you've said you aren't as fond of them as the 3D titles, but you must have a favourite.
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PostSubject: Re: General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll)   General Zelda Discussion (and Best Zelda Poll) EmptyThu 25 Apr 2013 - 5:19

No being blinded by nostalgia here as I only played Links awakening DX for the first time on 3DS a few years ago.
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