Subject: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Fri 6 Jun 2014 - 12:29
Video game related channels are some of the biggest channels on youtube, with such a large number of personalities producing videos odds are you've at the least seen some gaming videos on youtube. So, what and who do you follow?
I myself don't follow many, but I do have several. First is Shofu, well known among pokemon circles. Next up is the game theorists, always good for some fun edutainment. And finally there's Etika who I stumbled upon a while back when someone posted a video of his during a discussion of the attack on titan tribute game. There are a few others I sometimes have a browse of their channels but haven't subbed to, but those are the gaming channels I've subbed to.
Posts : 26553 Points : 25387 Join date : 2013-01-16 Age : 35 Location : Admintown
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Fri 6 Jun 2014 - 15:27
SmoothMcGroove, a.k.a. Videogame Music Jesus.
Zaphod_B Wonderful
Posts : 101 Points : 102 Join date : 2013-04-26 Age : 37 Location : South Yorkshire
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Fri 6 Jun 2014 - 23:04
I've followed some famous ones like TotalBiscuit and Yogscast before, but I quickly bore of most channels due to the nature of how they make a living from it: repeating the most popular thing daily. I like Scott Manley, he does that with Kerbal, but the occasional Lunar Image Recovery video makes it worth it (I'm a big Space Nerd). Not delivered via You Tubes, but I really, really like (and follow) Shut Up & Sit Down. It's a board game show, now website, started as a hobby thing by video game journos Quintin Smith and Paul Dean, with some other vidya game reviewing mates. It's entertaining in a BBC-y way, and it's funded by subscribers and donations, so has a lovely free wheeling quality to it. You need to have at least a passing interest in board gaming though!
JayMoyles Galactic Nova
Posts : 15896 Points : 15061 Join date : 2013-01-21 Age : 31 Location : The Shibuya River
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Sat 7 Jun 2014 - 11:54
Jesus, a lot. Some recommendations would have to be JonTron, Satchbag (probably the most intelligent games reviewer I've seen on YouTube), VaatiVidya if you're into the Souls series and Totalbiscuit.
Posts : 26553 Points : 25387 Join date : 2013-01-16 Age : 35 Location : Admintown
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Sat 7 Jun 2014 - 13:11
Is JonTron still going? He's hilarious.
Rum Disciple of Greener
Posts : 1492 Points : 1508 Join date : 2013-01-20 Age : 33 Location : Edinburgh
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Sat 7 Jun 2014 - 16:06
I've watched a lot of Video Games Awesome (the channel's called farfromsubtle), and it's incredibly patchy. The host, Fraser, is inherently unlikeable and does a lot of trolling, but his girlfriend Becky (with whom he presents the show) is fun, and makes really awesome costumes for them to wear when they're doing a playthrough. They also do multiplayer sessions with their friends Ben, Kyle and Deacon, and those are pretty good, mostly because the four of them who aren't Fraser can be pretty funny.
Funnily enough the channel started off with a series called Awesome Video Games that actually starred only Ben, Kyle and Deacon and was made by Fraser i.e. you never actually had to see Fraser in them (apart from once or twice). It was really good and I enjoyed it a lot. Shame they won't return to that setup.
JayMoyles Galactic Nova
Posts : 15896 Points : 15061 Join date : 2013-01-21 Age : 31 Location : The Shibuya River
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Sat 7 Jun 2014 - 16:26
Balladeer wrote:
Is JonTron still going? He's hilarious.
He is indeed! He went for a long period without posting anything, but he's posting semi-regularly again.
The_Jaster Din
Posts : 11993 Points : 12085 Join date : 2013-01-15 Age : 40 Location : Underground Corpse Pile.
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Sun 8 Jun 2014 - 2:04
Here's a few I like:
Teamworkcast for weekly (usually) Monster Hunter video podcasts, they also have a Dark souls series going as well & some board game related videos.
The craziness that is videogamedunkey.
VanossGaming for his GTA V & G mod videos.
& last but not least The Runaway Guys for Nintendo related stuff. (though I haven't watched them in a while)
beemoh Koopaling
Posts : 2007 Points : 2050 Join date : 2013-01-15 Age : 39 Location : Writing and arithmetic
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Sun 8 Jun 2014 - 2:37
This thread continues to show that I'm weird for pretty much not watching anything online.
Crumpy Andy Zeta Metroid
Posts : 4924 Points : 4936 Join date : 2013-01-15 Age : 32 Location : The South
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Sun 8 Jun 2014 - 7:44
I'm with you there Beemoh, I just don't get along with watching games on YouTube and the majority of videos being American nerds with horrible voices puts me right off. I enjoy ONMs stuff though.
Posts : 26553 Points : 25387 Join date : 2013-01-16 Age : 35 Location : Admintown
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Sun 8 Jun 2014 - 9:13
Expert Super Guide is pretty funny. I'm with you in that American Let's Play-ers nark me right off - I still don't understand how CHUGGAAAAAAAAA COOOOOOONROOOOOOOY is as popular as he is.
The Cappuccino Kid Mani Mani Statue
Posts : 6759 Points : 6922 Join date : 2013-02-25 Age : 106 Location : East of Mombasa
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Sun 8 Jun 2014 - 13:32
Did You Know Gaming? is the only one I check regularly. I'll occasionally see what The Angry Videogame Nerd is up to as well - he seems to have gone back to what made him popular rather than harping on about horror films and such. I followed Game Grumps for a while after JayMoyles referred me to a brilliant video they did with Grant Kirkhope, but haven't seen anything they've done in yonks.
JayMoyles Galactic Nova
Posts : 15896 Points : 15061 Join date : 2013-01-21 Age : 31 Location : The Shibuya River
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Sun 8 Jun 2014 - 14:04
Balladeer wrote:
I still don't understand how CHUGGAAAAAAAAA COOOOOOONROOOOOOOY is as popular as he is.
He's comprehensive and a proper Nintendo fan, which is a rare sight on YouTube. Whilst I find his humour to be hit and miss, I watch his stuff because he covers absolutely everything in a game. His Kid Icarus Uprising playthrough even went as far as to cover every VR card that was released.
The Cappuccino Kid wrote:
I followed Game Grumps for a while after JayMoyles referred me to a brilliant video they did with Grant Kirkhope, but haven't seen anything they've done in yonks.
They've went down in quality - JonTron left and his replacement isn't as consistently funny as Jon was. Still a good watch though now and then.
The_Jaster Din
Posts : 11993 Points : 12085 Join date : 2013-01-15 Age : 40 Location : Underground Corpse Pile.
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Sun 8 Jun 2014 - 22:22
I feel I have to add that only watch YouTube stuff when I have absolutely nothing else to do.
Posts : 10465 Points : 9425 Join date : 2013-01-15 Age : 44 Location : North Midlands, England
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Mon 9 Jun 2014 - 13:24
None. The most common reason for me to go onto YouTube for gaming purposes is to look up how to do something, with preview videos being a distant second.
The Cappuccino Kid Mani Mani Statue
Posts : 6759 Points : 6922 Join date : 2013-02-25 Age : 106 Location : East of Mombasa
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Sun 13 Mar 2016 - 20:35
I've been getting into YouTube gaming channels over the last few months, and I've come across a few that I quite like.
Game Sack Classic Game Room MetalJesusRocks
These are three of my favourites. It's not the usually shouty, sweary, Top Ten nonsense that everybody else seems to be doing, these are quite light-hearted but presented by knowledgable, informative people. Game Sack especially - it's just very easy to watch, and I recommend it to everybody.
I'm always looking for other suggestions - does anybody here have any that they'd want to share?
The_Jaster Din
Posts : 11993 Points : 12085 Join date : 2013-01-15 Age : 40 Location : Underground Corpse Pile.
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Sun 13 Mar 2016 - 21:54
I've been watching a fair bit of two/super best friends play over the last few months or so I think you'd especially enjoy their RustleMania series where they play a bunch of different wrestling games, be ready for Simpsons quotes and a odd obsession about Chris Benoit.
JayMoyles Galactic Nova
Posts : 15896 Points : 15061 Join date : 2013-01-21 Age : 31 Location : The Shibuya River
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Sun 13 Mar 2016 - 22:54
Classic Game Room is excellent Cappa - a recommendation from me too.
Matthewmatosis is worth a watch - intelligent fellow, but updates very rarely. Here's him covering PS1 ball puzzler Kula World.
Super Bunnyhop's in a similar vein to Matthewmatosis. Clever and comprehensive videos - here's his retrospective on the first level in every mainline Sonic game.
Buskalilly Galactic Nova
Posts : 15121 Points : 15302 Join date : 2013-02-25 Age : 34 Location : Nagano
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Mon 14 Mar 2016 - 15:29
I think I have pretty similar taste to yourself, Cappa; I like the AVGN and Did You Know, but dislike most youtubers.
Obvious answer is obvious: VideoGamer are the best professional outlet at the moment, giving solid, interesting criticism and hilarious nonsense. I also like Jim Sterling now that I've gotten over my initial irritation at his voice.
The only other ones I follow are Bitsocket and Cool Ghosts because they make fun videos with opinions I agree with, Tamashii and JWittz because they concentrate on Pokémon, and UpUpDownDown because it's fun seeing WWE Superstars play/ talk about games.
Posts : 26553 Points : 25387 Join date : 2013-01-16 Age : 35 Location : Admintown
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Mon 14 Mar 2016 - 15:46
Still just Yahtzee, Sterling, and Smooth McGroove from me. I've gone off Jontron a bit, sadly, after the whole "retard" fiasco. Messy and unnecessary. He's still a very funny man though. Also, add Egoraptor to the list of loud sweary unfunny Americans (sorry but they generally are) whose YouTube stuff I don't understand the popularity of.
I listened to my first AVGN episode ever recently, off the back of Cappa's Hong Kong '97 music video (dear Lord). It's alright, better than I thought he'd be from his reputation (see above).
Buskalilly Galactic Nova
Posts : 15121 Points : 15302 Join date : 2013-02-25 Age : 34 Location : Nagano
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Mon 14 Mar 2016 - 17:42
James Rolfe is a film buff first, so AVGN is always well - shot and entertaining. I remember being ludicrously excited for the feature film and it did not disappoint.
gjones Disciple of Scullion
Posts : 1675 Points : 1708 Join date : 2015-01-12 Age : 38 Location : Swindon
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Tue 15 Mar 2016 - 12:59
Big fan of MetalJesusRocks, he's such a likeable chap! Feels like he is always learning more about games and is open to newcomers.
I also enjoy Glenn Plant's N64 channel and I tend to watch IGN's Nintendo Voice Chat on Youtube too.
masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Tue 15 Mar 2016 - 13:01
I also found NVC to be so dull and boring out of the IGN Podcast's.
gjones Disciple of Scullion
Posts : 1675 Points : 1708 Join date : 2015-01-12 Age : 38 Location : Swindon
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Tue 15 Mar 2016 - 13:05
masofdas wrote:
I also found NVC to be so dull and boring out of the IGN Podcast's.
Yeah it's not the best (Jose Otero irritates me) but it's the only one I know that is weekly and Nintendo-centric. I've started watching Game Scoop on IGN too recently - Jared Petty is awesome.
masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow? Tue 15 Mar 2016 - 13:13
Jared is awesome, in Kinda Funny's facebook groups etc people always want him on or to join the Kinda Funny team and is the last sort of real decent person at IGN.
I don't mind Jose, I find Peer to be the dullest man ever to appear on anything.
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Subject: Re: YouTube Gaming Channels, what do you follow?