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 Making your own Tabletop Board game based on a video game.

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Bandana Waddle Dee

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Making your own Tabletop Board game based on a video game. Empty
PostSubject: Making your own Tabletop Board game based on a video game.   Making your own Tabletop Board game based on a video game. EmptyMon 9 Feb 2015 - 13:56

I know that there are downloadable versions of Advance Wars online, called Skirmish Wars, but I am looking to make a somewhat more complete version for myself.  Now this may or may not sound stupid, but at the very least it is geeky.  For a start, I would need actual friends to play it with me, but forget that logic for a moment and let me explain why I want to make this.  Keep in mind, this will be a real thing, I have all the design aspects laid out and ready to go.

This is how I envisage my version:
The board:
One large piece of MDF as the board itself.  (2 metres x 1.6 metres).
Another piece of MDF, the same size, but with the centre cut out (2cm edge all round), glued to the base, to create a border.

The actual map:
A mass of 2cm squares cut out - a very large number (far more than needed to fill the board).
Those squares are covered with printed paper (glued and lacquered) in the many different terrain styles (City, Factory, Airport, Dock, Beach, Ocean, River, Road, Bridge, Mountain, Reef, Forest, Desert et cetera).

The point of the mass of terrain tiles is that you would build custom maps with a wide range of options, so the game should never play the same (except designed maps for perpetuity), which now links in with the border on the board, to hold them in place.

The Army pieces:
4 colours, just like the game, to allow for 4 players (I suppose that could easily be increased).
All the different troops (printed on coloured paper, glued and lacquered) mass cut with a scroll saw, glued onto 1.5cm circle (draught style) pieces, to be moved around the board (tanks, planes, infantry, navy et cetera).

How it is managed and played:
A rule book is created utilising information from the game:
How far different pieces can move according to terrain.
A damage chart for reference, and numbers to place on pieces to indicate the health that is left.
Money earned per turn, cost of units created or healed.
Other rules not worth listing for the sake of brevity.

The game would be massive, and at 2x1.6m, it could potentially take at least 8-10 turns to cross the board.  It could take many, many hours to complete a game.  

So what do you think?  Is this a crazy project?  Should I get a life?  Could you see your favourite game being given Tabletop treatment?  I could see perhaps Final Fantasy Tactics or Fire Emblem, but really any strategy game if you think hard enough about.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Making your own Tabletop Board game based on a video game. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Making your own Tabletop Board game based on a video game.   Making your own Tabletop Board game based on a video game. EmptyMon 9 Feb 2015 - 17:20

I do like a good board game,

The last really good one I played was the Firelfy one which is excellent.
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Making your own Tabletop Board game based on a video game.
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