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 NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game

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Crumpy Andy
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The Next Miyamoto

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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptySat 31 Oct 2015 - 21:46

NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  NierAutomata-16
We got some more info at PGW about this PS4 exclusive title from Square Enix and Platinum that it's being done by Team Little Angels AKA the Bayonetta team. I was excited anyway knowing Platinum was making but with them doing lot's at the moment with some recent titles not being great, was a little weary but now knowing the team doing it, I'm well excited.

Also did anyone play NieR as it has become a bit of a cult JPRG and a strange one to try to continue as a series & in a different genre.
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Galactic Nova

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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptySun 1 Nov 2015 - 10:15

Its all a bit vague with platinum; Bayo's director is doing Scalebound and Bayo 2's director is on Starfox, Transformers had the Bayonetta gameplay... I think Platinum alone is enough of a sign of quality. Korra is their only bad game, so that's a pretty good track record.

I never played Nier but I do hear good chat about it. Maybe one to keep an eye on...
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The Next Miyamoto

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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptySun 1 Nov 2015 - 10:24

I just know it's Team Little Angels doing the game, some of the high-profile directors are doing other things as you say and maybe some of TLA went to work on Transformers (How good is the gameplay compared to Bayo's?) that I don't know, but if the core team of TLA are working on NieR that can only only be a good thing also from the trailer it does look a lot like a Bayonetta and I wouldn't be surprised if we see this game within the next year either.
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Crumpy Andy
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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptySun 1 Nov 2015 - 12:15

Nier was a really interesting game, the gameplay isn't all that special but it has one of those really interesting stories that you wouldn't really expect. Think of how positively everyone thinks of Spec Ops: The Line and Nier is in a very similar boat, only better.

I'm very interested in how it is related to Nier because that was not a game that left any obvious room for a sequel, Nier itself is a spinoff of one of the endings to Drakenguard so I guess they'll just pick one of the 4 endings and run with it, but yeah odd choice, especially if you know what it's about (there's a whole lot of reading into it you can do). I'd definitely recommend picking it up if you get the chance, I just imagine it'll be a bit expensive now.
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The Next Miyamoto

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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptySun 1 Nov 2015 - 12:25

Doesn't the proper Japaneses version of NieR touch on some strange subjects.

It's around £20 which might be considered expensive for quite a old now PS360 game, that's my issue with like Remember Me that I don't own any last gen systems on course these might be on PC. I've just not looked, but maybe they'll come to XBONE's BC or PSNOW at some-point (which there was a suggestion site for PSNOW) or remasters.
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Crumpy Andy
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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptySun 1 Nov 2015 - 12:33

There are 2 versions in Japan, the PS3 one (Replicant) which had Yonah as his sister with some sort of incest stuff thrown in and the 360 one (Gestalt) where he is her father. Gestalt is the only version that came out over here obvs.

That's not bad, it peaked for a time as I remember being shocked at how much it was as I got it for like £6.
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The Next Miyamoto

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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptySun 1 Nov 2015 - 12:39

I thought it was that and we had the clean version in the west. From what I've heard about it from a story point people have only really talked about Replicant as the proper game which as someone in the west, Automata is hard to continue on from that but I think it's just set in the same world.
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Crumpy Andy
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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptySun 1 Nov 2015 - 12:41

As far as I'm aware there's not a lot of divergence aside from the relationship. It's kinda hard to explain why it's an odd one to follow on from without spoiling it, so I won't.
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Galactic Nova

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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptySun 1 Nov 2015 - 16:54

All this chat of replicants and gestalts has me thinking of Blade Runner and Transformers, so I'm super interested now.
masofdas wrote:
Transformers (How good is the gameplay compared to Bayo's?)

I haven't played a huge amount yet, but what I have is nice. It's a little more simplified, and I don't have the dodge down as well as I had it by the end of my time with Bayonetta, but overall it plays really nicely.
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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptySun 1 Nov 2015 - 18:04

I instantly thought of Blade runner as well when replicants was mentioned, anyhow is this going to be a third person action game as well?
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The Next Miyamoto

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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptySun 1 Nov 2015 - 18:08

I might have to get Transformers at somepoint, maybe during double discount week at work or for xmas.

Yeah Jas, if watch the PGW trailer it looks an awful lot like Bayo which should be no surprise from TLA.

Not long in till were living in the times of Blade Runner.
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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptySun 1 Nov 2015 - 18:13

Just watched it and it looks really good, the music was a lot like what you'd hear in Farscape too so that' another plus for me. Smile

(Those Golem designs were a bit shite though)
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The Next Miyamoto

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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptySun 17 Apr 2016 - 14:01

There was a event in Tokyo over the weekend, where we got some new footage including this trailer. From the bits, I've seen this is coming out this year which is great.
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The Next Miyamoto

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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptyTue 6 Dec 2016 - 11:18

March 10th for us Europeans, a few days after Horizon and if rumours are true a few days before the Switch. 2017 is going to be a expensive year for games and a good one if everything comes out in 2017 that's meant to.
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Crumpy Andy
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Crumpy Andy

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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptyTue 6 Dec 2016 - 11:41

Really liked the trailer from PSX actually, looks like the gameplay is getting the Platinum Seal of Quality, now I just hope the story holds up.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptyFri 9 Dec 2016 - 20:02

Demo on the 22nd
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Galactic Nova

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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptySat 22 Jun 2019 - 0:19

Monster bump, but I've been playing this over the last week!

I'm impressed by it so far. The world and story are really interesting so far - there's a real sense of mystery and intrigue and it's been fun speculating on what's going to happen next. The combat seems fine and functional so far, although it's definitely more in the vein of an action RPG like FFXV as opposed to a spectacle action game like DMC or Bayo. It does the job nicely, though.

And the music! Christ, some good tunes in this one.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptySat 22 Jun 2019 - 0:27

I recently started playing but I got Plague Tale to review, so I sort of had to play that and haven't really gone back to it since.

I really must but I have so many games on the go, dam you Game Pass
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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptyMon 24 Jun 2019 - 16:49

Jesus christ this game is unforgiving.  Lose in the starter mission and get booted back to the actual start of the game?  Oof.  Well, that's one way to tell the player "git gud".  At least it's mostly gameplay, so that time is at least spent honing skills and getting used to the mechanics.  Think I'll have to tinker with the controls a little too.
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PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptyMon 24 Jun 2019 - 18:29

I think I might start this once I finish Yakuza 0 though I do have a few other games on my must play list.
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Galactic Nova

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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptyMon 8 Jul 2019 - 23:55

It's a cracking game Jas - I think you'll like it a lot.

How are you getting on with your playthrough, Athrun?
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Layton's Apprentice

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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptyWed 23 Oct 2019 - 0:51

Very good game. Played it on PC a few months ago and replayed it on PS4 the other week, platinuming it (albeit in the less direct way). Experienced some of the sidequests I missed. Think I got most of them done but there's still some stuff missing and there's also the DLC which I want to get at some point.
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Galactic Nova

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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptySat 26 Oct 2019 - 1:53

Nice job on platinuming it legitimately. Did you not feel that it was too grindy, no? I had some concerns about souring on the game by grinding out rare item drops from enemies and decided to just buy the trophies instead.
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Layton's Apprentice

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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptySat 26 Oct 2019 - 11:34

Sorry, by less direct way I did mean buying the trophies. The other way did seem pretty grindy, yeah.

Felt okay about doing it since it seemed to be in the spirit of the game. 9S makes some comments during the game like, "this sure is a pain" during a fetch quest or "this way again huh?" which I guess is a comment on the perceived tedium of backtracking. Seemed Yoko Taro was aware of the strain of wanting/pursuing a platinum - potentially souring the experience - so added this 'cop out' which gifts you a legit platinum.

And of course then there's
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Galactic Nova

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NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  Empty
PostSubject: Re: NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game    NieR: Automata, Bayonetta's team next game  EmptyTue 29 Oct 2019 - 1:01

Ah, I've got you now. I figured that as most people probably caved and bought the trophies that you were considering the less direct way to go out and actually earn them legitimately. Laughing

I think you could be onto something there, but then again, the game does lock some of the secret endings and optional content behind upgrading every sword and clearing some really obtuse sidequests that requires your characters to be pretty much maxed out, so I'm not too sure that Yoko Taro is that against grindy content. Still, I appreciate the game for chucking in the trophy machine.
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