Des and Ember. Because when you put them together, they... er... December.
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 Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March

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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptyTue 15 Nov 2016 - 23:48

The 360 the ps2 of its generation? So, wouldn't that make it the best of the Xboxes? Razz
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Disciple of Scullion

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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptyWed 16 Nov 2016 - 13:24

masofdas wrote:
Yeah to me the 360 was the PS2 of its generation, really popular and had a few good years and exclusives but nothing really WOW! You just sort of had one as that's what everyone had and where you played FIFA, COD etc

The PS4 could fall into that same bracket if Sony's own studios don't start pumping out some quality games, which they'll hopefully be doing in 2017.

Now the OG Xbox, MS was new on the market and had to do deals and make their own series for them to stand out from the crowd which gave us so many great titles Halo, Halo 2, KOTOR, KOTOR 2, Jade Empire, Otogi, PGR 2, Crimson Skies, Jet Set Radio Future, Morrowind and I could go on.

My feelings towards the OG Xbox fall somewhere between Cappa and Mas.

It’s a hideous system to have under the telly, simply because it’s so vast. It’s also less aesthetically pleasing than a cheap suitcase, with that horrible Duke controller that was designed by the offspring of Andre the Giant. If only they had released a Slim version. There’s also less essential exclusives than the Gamecube, and most of the other games are available on the PS2.

Now, what it did have going for it was that the multi-platform releases were usually the best versions. There was the brilliant Custom Soundtrack feature that saw me buying World Snooker Championship 2004 BECAUSE of that feature. It had great online gaming that worked (PS2 online was crap) – Timesplitters Future Perfect, Burnout 3, Pro Evolution Soccer... It had some of SEGA’s best post-Dreamcast work. The S controller was actually really good, eventually evolving in to the Xbox 360 controller. There was no need for memory cards.

It’s just such a nasty thing to look at, that I can’t put the console itself up there with the best. It did some neat things, and built on much of the Dreamcast’s innovations, but I think I’d feel warmer to it if it didn’t look like a competitor from Robot Wars.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptyWed 16 Nov 2016 - 13:41

@Jas in terms of saleszzz but quality games no.

@gJones see I don't really care what the console looks like, to me it's about the games and the exclusives on the OG Xbox is head and shoulders above the other two Xboxes.

I'm not saying I don't like the other two Xboxes, I'm a guy that bought four 360s all new but if we had some weird time bubble where the OG Xbox was still online etc and you gave me just the exclusives for each of the Xboxes, I'd get take the OG Xbox every time.
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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptyThu 17 Nov 2016 - 0:15

mas wrote:
@Jas in terms of saleszzz but quality games no.

I reckon most would disagree as I see a lot of folk say the ps2 is their favourite, now I was into gamecube way more in that gen but I played my brothers ps2 enough to realise it has a tonne of quality games so I think you are being very harsh there..

Like TCK I never seen the appeal of xbox either.
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Disciple of Scullion

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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptyThu 17 Nov 2016 - 6:48

masofdas wrote:
@Jas in terms of saleszzz but quality games no.

@gJones see I don't really care what the console looks like, to me it's about the games and the exclusives on the OG Xbox is head and shoulders above the other two Xboxes.

I'm not saying I don't like the other two Xboxes, I'm a guy that bought four 360s all new but if we had some weird time bubble where the OG Xbox was still online etc and you gave me just the exclusives for each of the Xboxes, I'd get take the OG Xbox every time.

Yeah PS2 definitely had more quality games. Maybe one day I'll grab a list of PS2 games and Xbox games off of Metacritic and we could compare.

The OG Xbox may well have had better exclusives, but it's a hard thing to compare given the Xbox 360 and PS3 shared a lot of their library (some were better on 360 - Bayonetta for instance). Exclusives during the PS2/Xbox/Gamecube era were a bigger deal, for me at least.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptyThu 17 Nov 2016 - 18:12

When I talk to most people about the PS2 their fav games tend to be the likes of GTA Vice City which is a great game but did come to Xbox and then they talk about other multi format games.

That's why I'm comparing 360 & PS2 when I did my 360 article on my 10 fav 360 games, a least a dozen read it at work and they were like where's red dead, skyrim, batman, mass effect and then I had to explain (clearly you only looked at the games on the list) that it was exclusives, the PS2 & 360 audience were very similar.

I'm not knocking 3rd party games but to me why I'm buying a Switch for instance is for the exclusive Nintendo games which will make that system special, I personally don't find enough PS2 exclusives compared to the other 3 consoles of that generation that make it special.

Exclusives were a bigger deal back then but that's what I'm using a base of comparing the OG Xbox, 360 and ONE they've all got multi format games of the time and if you take out the 3rd party games or we have some sort of weird time bubble where it's 2003 still then to me the OG Xbox is better.

I am of course someone who owns a PS4, ONE, Wii U (soon Switch) and I own all of them for the exclusive games that if I just had a ONE my opinion might be different and same back when if I did have a DC, Cube, PS2 and Xbox my opinion again may be different but as someone who had 4 and of them going forward with the following generations that I do look at them based on the exclusives as it didn't matter really where I played Beyond Good & Evil.

If I had just one system per gen, I think I would think it was great because I played all these on it but I didn't just have the one system.

I've compared all the 6 gen systems in the fairest way in my opinion based on exclusive titles which can be found in the 6th gen retro thread that we don't derail this thread any further especially with a certain Nintendo system turning 10 any day now.

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Disciple of Scullion

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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptyThu 17 Nov 2016 - 21:08

I think we'll have to agree to disagree.

Vice City is many people's favourite PS2 game because it's remembered for being a PS2 game - it was an exclusive for a year and it's all I and many others played throughout 2003. Just as many people's favourite Gamecube game is Resident Evil 4. I still consider Splinter Cell an Xbox franchise because it started as an Xbox exclusive. Exclusives can define consoles but they aren't all that consoles has to offer.

All things considered, the Xbox 360 does have a weak list of exclusives (compared to most systems in fact), but unless you were a Halo fan or liked the look of Gears of War, nobody was buying a 360 for the likes of Full Auto or Bullet Witch. Saying that, I bought one for Ninja Gaiden 2 and barely played the thing. Again, that would probably fall under the timed exclusives as the PS3 received it in the upgraded Sigma 2.

But yeah, the Wii anniversary is imminent, and then the N64's got its 20th anniversary in March - it released 1st March 1997. Now that makes me feel old.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptyThu 17 Nov 2016 - 21:18

I do agree and like I said if I only had a PS2 then if I'd played Vice City, Resident Evil 4, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory on that and I'd know no different they'd just be great games I played but I looked at them as just games where Wind Waker I look at it as GameCube game.

As someone that had all consoles the exclusives were the reason I turned on the Cube or PS2 and what made them the console they are to me, I can't change that and I barely used my PS2.

On the 360 point is what I'm saying about the PS2 not everyone was like me and just buying it for a DVD player and exclusives, they were buying it because of their mates and the huge library of games.

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The Cappuccino Kid
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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptyFri 18 Nov 2016 - 8:54

"Buying PS2 because of their mates and it's huge library of games" was what it was all about. I played the likes of Pro Evo 3/4/5, SSX Tricky, WWE SmackDown!: Here Comes The Pain and Burnout 3: Takedown all the time with my mates, and so did a lot of other folk, probably. I wasn't arsed about exclusives, neither were the majority of the 155 million who bought it, probably, and it didn't matter at all if they were exclusives. It's just an outstanding console (that pisses all over the original Xbox from an almighty height).
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptyFri 18 Nov 2016 - 12:34

What your saying I agree with and why I said the 360 is like the PS2 of it's generation and lot of people were loved those systems and played some fantastic games on them.

I'm just not one of those people as those reason weren't the reason I got a PS2 and why I don't like the PS2 much as I did only turn it on for the exclusives the games you bring up I played them on Xbox (well not smackdown) and they don't make the Xbox great by any stretch of the imagination, they were just great games of the time.

Only thing I disagree with what your saying is the PS2 pisses all over the original Xbox from an almighty height as for me the Xbox is a outstanding system for so many reasons and one of my favourite consoles of all-time because of the games only it had like Halo, KOTOR, Jade Empire and I did say when I first posted it's the best Xbox not the best 6th gen system or anything like that.

You could change Xbox to the Cube or Dreamcast and I would say the same about the PS2 in relation to them, but all four systems have their merits and personally make the 6th generation the best generation.

Lets move on by saying happy 10th birthday to the (I know its actually tomorrow):
Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 Wii_Sys_Colors_LG

I remember going to GAME early in the morning as they didn't do a midnight launch and I was the only person in the store

I got my Wii with Twilight Princess, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Red Steel and Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz good times were had.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptyFri 18 Nov 2016 - 16:48

It was December for us over here, though.
I could comfortably have a top five favourite games just on Wii. Wii Sports, Galaxy (and 2), Skyward Sword (and Twilight Princess), Wario Ware, Excite Truck. It's carnival night in Wells- super mario galaxy came out on a carnival day so that has my nostalgia glands firing!
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptyFri 18 Nov 2016 - 16:51

Sure did but these gaming companies like to use the first release as the anniversary for their things.

Like people now celebrating the Wii U turning 4 with articles about its lasting legacy, best games and why it flopped.

Which I just realised and edited to this post.

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The Cappuccino Kid
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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptySat 19 Nov 2016 - 8:10

Aye, it was December here. Nobody's arsed about American release dates here. Only ten year gaming anniversary we should be marking this month is that of WWE SmackDown Vs Raw 2007, and it's amazing GM Mode.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptySat 19 Nov 2016 - 10:14

No but that's the date likes of Nintendo will celebrate e.g. when they celebrated the 30th anniversary of Zelda that was based of the Japanese release not when it released in the UK and the same goes for the consoles.

Nintendo who have a lot at the moment as the GameCube also turned 15 years old.
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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptySat 19 Nov 2016 - 12:16

What's that got to do with WWE SmackDown Vs. Raw 2007, and its amazing GM Mode? You're changing the conversation again, sleekit bastart.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptySat 19 Nov 2016 - 12:19

I would have played it on 360 but I can't remember much about it.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptyWed 1 Mar 2017 - 18:00

This Friday on the 3rd of March the Nintendo will launch worldwide and will seat alongside some of the great who celebrated being released this month.

N64 20 years ago this month in Europe
GBA SP 14 years ago this month in Europe
DS 12 years ago this month in Europe
PS3 10 years ago this month in Europe
3DS 6 years ago this month in Europe
VITA 5 year ago around about last week in Europe

Do you feel old yet?
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PostSubject: Re: Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March   Gaming Anniversaries - Now Celebrating Consoles of March - Page 2 EmptyWed 1 Mar 2017 - 19:08

I feel old all the time, masington. Meh The N64 being twenty years old stuns me, though - it's older than all of my current students.
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