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 Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0

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The Cappuccino Kid
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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyWed 31 May 2017 - 19:55

Time For Some More Tunes!

It's time for a big shiny new music thread!  Post any Nintendo console musics here, whenever you feel like it, bad or good - just keep 'em to links so they don't crash anybody's computer.  

I'll be keeping an index of some of the top ones in this here OP...


...but for now, let's kick this thread off with a bang (and possibly a missing foot)...

Last edited by Balladeer on Tue 20 Dec 2022 - 10:46; edited 25 times in total
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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyWed 31 May 2017 - 19:57

Welcome to the Land of the Stickied. Now, er, on you go. Winky Face
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Galactic Nova

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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyWed 31 May 2017 - 20:02

Music Week 150
Best. Week. Ever.

Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 1280px-The_Legend_of_Zelda_Breath_of_the_Wild_logo

Ah yes, what a three years it has been. For 150 weeks Balla or myself have posted a selection of music tracks with a theme. Every week without fail, 100 by the Balls Man then 50 by me, we've posted a Music Week and had a grand old discussion right here on the forum. Nobody ever bit off more than they could chew by setting themselves up to do multi-entry weeks or to cover whole game series, so the thread just went on and on.

And now here we are, exactly 150 weeks in, with the best videogame ever made and the biggest, most elaborate post I've ever made. Pop your headphones in, set a comfortable volume, and join me as I take you on an audio journey through Manaka Kataoka's sterling work.

15: Credits
Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Minish01
I won't say too much here, as this is the end credits music and is best experienced first-hand. You know what to expect, and it delivers. Especially if you got gud at collecting memories and unlocked the epilogue as well.

14: Battle Theme
Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 14_bat10
This music really captures the flow of combat in Breath of the Wild. It starts slow and tense, the way many combat encounters might start with a stealthy evening of the odds. Then the tension, and the pace, ramps up more and more as it goes. Any fight that lasts too long is just begging for Link to make a slip-up and get killed, and the quickening of this music always did a great job of matching how much more frenetic a fight was getting as I was trying to survive. The Lynel Version turns all of that up to eleven.

13: Shrine
Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 13_shr10
A slow, mellow, easy to ignore piece was required here as there are 120-odd Shrines to deal with. Nonetheless, this music does a good job of creating presence and atmosphere. Big, ancient tomb? Sorted. Weird sci-fi vibes? Can do!
Here's an electrical guitar version which somehow fits the ambience absolutely perfectly.

12: 10,000 Year Old Legend
Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 12_10010
This cutscene was the bit in the trailers that stuck with me. When I reached it in the game, despite being in the double digits on the hour clock, this was when it felt like the game began. The drama and mystery of it built up into something properly epic, mixing the various themes and influences of the game and soundtrack really well. For me, it goes best as part of the full cutscene with visuals and voiceover all together. The history of the Hyrule Royal Family is also the History of Calamity Ganon. Shivers down my spine, I kid you not. Then there's the wonderful Kass version to go along with it as well. Gorgeous.

11: On Horse (Night)
Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 11_hor10
A lot of people chose not to ride the horse much, and I understand why. The movement in this game, and the exploration options opened up by it, was so good it seemed silly to lock oneself at ground level. Sometimes it was worth it though, just to move through the world and get a nice up-close human view of it, and to hear this music. The opening piano work is probably familiar to everyone, but go on a long enough ride and those familiar strings start to kick in. The hero on his horse, riding to adventure. That's Zelda, and this music gets it.

10: Attack on Vah Medoh
Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 10_vah10
Like a Hollywood blockbuster, this is pure action and drama and bombast. Perhaps its the aerial action and slow motion shootery, or perhaps its because it was my first one, but this felt like the coolest opening to any of the Divine Beasts. The mix of danger and heroism, adventure and action, was spot on and the music is perfect. Heart-pounding stuff with a cool bird friend. Absolutely stunning.

9: Talus Battle
Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 9_talu10
I love this tune! Jaunty and fun and silly, but still kind of exciting, it perfectly captured the big goofy lumps of rock it represented. After getting flattened a couple of times by the one on the plateau, it was very rewarding that by the end of the game I was farming these lads for gems. The whole time, hearing their plodding tune never got old.
Here's a very cool, very different rock guitar version and an 8-bit version that is absolutely spot-on!

8: Rito Village
Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 8_rito10
Already much beloved and much discussed, on this forum and elsewhere, this is definitely the best village theme in the game. And earthy, natural mix of the old Dragonroost Island track, with great live instrumentation and bird sounds and everything! I have to admit, I never heard the birdsong in game but maybe I just rushed around too much? Undeniably exquisite, by any measure.
Naturally, there are lots of covers of this one. Here's a nice piano arrangement, a weird and wonderful synth guitar version and a perfect woodwind choir cover.

7: Ruin
Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 7_ruin10
A sparse, quiet piece, this is placing where it is because it does its job so perfectly. When I'm slowly wondering around some ruined old place, soaking in the atmosphere and the richness of the world, this music is just perfect. Goosebumps, teleporting me to Hyrlue, send me back in time stuff. Lovely. Can't ignore that Super Mario Galaxy at the 42 second mark though Laughing

6: Kass' Theme
Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 6_kass10
Probably up there as my favourite character theme in the game, this is made even better by the fact he's literally diegetically playing it himself. Whenever I could hear hints of his accordion in the distance, I'd seek him out and listen right through until those hints of the series theme kicked in. He's a top bloke, Big Kass, and you can't teach that. Well worth following his story through.
Here's an accordion version, naturally, and a slower, better one by a guy with a very cool look that is all too short.

5: Hyrule Castle
Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 5_hyru10
Hoo boy, here's some epic for you. Just the most dramatic, deep, purposeful sound in the game. When I heard this the first time, I was annoyed at myself for sneaking into the castle early because this tune just fits the game's epic, climactic confrontation so perfectly. A great mix of the series theme, the classic Castle themes, and new and tense melodies. Absolutely perfect for the moment in the game, whether that comes 1 hour in or 100.
Here's a rock cover which I'd imagine playing if Link couldn't make it and the 90s Power Rangers were called in instead. This piano version is a little more tame and this 8-bit version needs to be remixed into the sickest dance track like right now.

4: Lost Woods
Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 4_lost10
I don't know what it was, but this bit of music made me feel a lot of feelings. The majesty and moment of it: walking into the Lost Woods to get the Master Sword in what I could already tell was the game, the one to take OoT's crown once and for all. There's grandeur here but there's also mystery and tension and weirdness and magic. There's nostalgia and sadness - especially after a glance at the names on the map - all through this slow, ghostly exploration. I'm getting serious chills just listening to it right now.

3: Guardian Battle
Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 3_guar10
I don't think anyone who's played the game needs reminding of this music. Weirdly mechanical and science fictiony, the tension of being pursued by one of these bastards is only heightened by this incessant music. The jump when the music kicks in and you didn't see the Guardian is absolutely terrifying, even in the slightly goofy Stationary version of the track. It is a literal wonder this game didn't give me a heart attack.
This is a pretty cool orchestral remix and an absolutely baller metal version.

2: Main Theme
Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 2_main10
This is a Zelda game, so of course the main theme is majestic and wonderful. This has been stuck in my head since months before the game's launch, and isn't showing any signs of going away soon. Beautiful, working wonderfully as a mellow piano piece or a sweeping orchestra it manages to be brash and adventurous while also melancholy. One of the all-time greats of Nintendo themes.I also really dig the little tower version when a new bit of the map is unlocked. Then there are the memories, perhaps the most emotional part of the game for me, and the version that plays when unlocking one of them. Finally, who could forget Into The Wild after that E3 reveal?
Obviously, there are some grand covers. I'm in love with this violin cover. That's another pretty violinist who covers game tunes in my subscriptions, then, if anyone was ever wondering whether I have a type. Rolling Eyes
As ever, Insaneintherain has an awesome jazz version. Also, here's a cool acoustic guitar lad and a stylish string quartet.

1: Cooking
Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 1_cook10
What a track! I love it. So jolly, so fresh. And the look on Link's face as well! This might even replace Monster Hunter's cooking music for me as the tune that comes into my head whenever I'm frying up something soooo tasty.

Bloody hell. There we go, 15 tracks (and then some) from the soundtrack to the Best Videogame of All Time. I didn't mention multiple villages, the Blood Moon stuff, whole sections I haven't played yet, multiple character's themes, all the really well done little jingles and reinventions thereof . . .
Please, please, please share more top Zelda tunage below. Hit me with it!

Then we can let this die, but hopefully I'll see you all to share great tunes from ARMS and Spla2n and maybe I'll even try to repeat the magic of my Pokémonathon with the run-up to Super Mario Odyssey.
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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyWed 31 May 2017 - 20:13

A splendid post that I shall give some feedback on shortly.  Music weeks aren't dead yet though...

Music Week 150.5
Best. Bandwagon. Ever.

Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Zelda-botw-logo

Two of your tunes would have made my top five as well (although one would have pushed another out).  But I'm glad, because this gives me an opportunity to work on a theme I think that BotW did very well: development of pieces.  

There are a couple of areas where BotW takes a piece.  Then adds a layer.  Then adds another layer.  What stars off as quite a simple tune becomes something altogether more glorious as the instruments come together.  I'm going to celebrate some glorious of examples of that in my Top Five (Excluding Drunka's Pieces).

5. Parasail Minigame

Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Maxresdefault

...except not in this one, this is just a really good happy track that I wanted to get some more exposure.  Have you tried going back to Eventide after it's all over?  Do so, and you get a cute little minigame with this adorable, really non-BotW tune.  And here's it made into an even cuter flash.

(Here's where Rito Village would come if Drunka hadn't beaten me to it.)

4. Molduga

Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 L6jyk0ox22rx7baet4c0

Here's a vague shot of the terror of the desert.  Seriously, when this thing's theme kicked in for the first time I bricked it.  And the second time.  Chasing you down like a horrific Tremors-monster, capable of insta-killing you even with a lot of hearts, this thing's petrifying...

...until you learn how to deal with it, and get it vulnerable.  At which point theme two kicks in, as in tried and tested fashion you wade in with your sword.  The 'cello solo works well for the heart-pounding drama of the initial chase, but then the violin is laid over the top (you can still hear the 'cello going on underneath) and it all becomes rather funny.  Very appropriate.

Those solos though!  As a string player myself, Applause

3. Tarrey Town
+ Goron
+ Gerudo
+ Rito
[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSlBdzzeAz4+ Zora[/url]
Final (Spoiler for Side-Quest in Title)

Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 From_the_Ground_Up_19.0

This tune plays during perhaps the best side-quest in the game.  At the start, it's not much.  A nice enough little town piece, that could have come out of any Zelda game you care to list.

Then you upgrade it.

Then you upgrade it again.

The layers sneak up you.  While no one version of the music is truly special, listening them one after another, whether that's in-game or here on the forum, is a magical experience that I don't think Zelda has ever managed before.  One in the eye for the detractors of this fine, fine soundtrack.

(Here's where Hyrule Castle would go.  That said, I still think it's worth posting the inside version.  Less an army marching off to war, more the dying heartbeat of a once-proud building.  While it's mostly a straight reinstrumentation, the bit where Zelda's Lullaby kicks in is unique to this version: a reminder that she grew, lived, and is now trapped in this palace of death.)

2. Divine Beast Vah Naboris (Inside)
0 Terminals
1 Terminal
2 Terminals
3 Terminals
4 Terminals
5 Terminals

Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Zelda_botw_guide_naboris-2

What this game does with the music in the Divine Beasts is nothing short of magical.  Much like Tarrey Town above, the music layers up as you reach the dungeon touchpoints.  A tortured mechanical groaning becomes actual music, which builds and strengthens, finally speeding up when you're ready to take on the boss.  Thus giving us, in my opinion, the best Zelda dungeon musical experience in the franchise.

Trouble is, I'm not too keen on the actual tunes.  Vah Rudania's is lava music so generic I didn't feature it in Jay's thread, Vah Ruta is gloopy water music with overemphasised organ, and I actually prefer Vah Medoh with 1/2 terminals active.  On 3 it adds bleepy bloops I don't like, and the final line makes the texture all a bit too messy.

That leaves Vah Naboris, and fortunately it's wonderful.

First we get tortured mechanical noises and piano discords, not nice to listen to but thematically dead appropriate.  Then we get some lovely deserty music.  Then the lovely deserty music gets some non-intrusive 'wah wah wah' noises.  Then a couple of lovely strings.  And then the erhu.  I bloody love me some erhu.

Good thing too, as it's by far the hardest beast of the bunch.  You'll get plenty of time to listen to the variations.  Good job they're excellent then!

1. Vah Naboris Battle
Far Away

Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Divine_Beast_Vah_Naboris__foot_shot_.0

I'll be honest: I never heard the build-up pieces, for whatever reason.  That doesn't matter, the main battle piece is bloody wonderful.  Strings, tabla, and voice, combining to make one of the most ridiculous (and relatively simple) battles in the franchise feel like one of the most epic.

I commonly find desert music in games, much like lava music, a tad dull: lots of interesting instruments and not much done with them.  BotW absolutely nails it, sending three deserty musics into my top five.  Can't wait for Jay to do a sandy week! Grin

Last edited by Balladeer on Wed 29 Dec 2021 - 15:43; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : All links fixed!)
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Galactic Nova

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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyThu 1 Jun 2017 - 8:53

The cheek of it! Sneaking your five onto the end of mine like that.
Balla's music "week" isn't canon.
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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyThu 1 Jun 2017 - 8:58

I'm a cheeky cheeky man. Very Happy I have taken a somewhat different angle to you though; and hopefully my rigorous feeding back will compensate for some of my cheek.

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Galactic Nova

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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyFri 2 Jun 2017 - 12:41

Balladeer wrote:
hopefully my rigorous feeding back will compensate for some of my cheek.

Quote :
At this point, with apologies to yer man Drunka, I stopped listening to the remixes.
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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyFri 2 Jun 2017 - 20:15

The principle cheek here, of course, comes from the man who hasn't given any feedback on my tunes, giving me lip about not feeding back on offshoots from his.

More seriously, though: remixes tend to be massively hit and miss for me, unless they're done in Smash (say) by professional composers. One in every fifty piano remixes is good; one in every hundred electric guitar ones; one in every five hundred chiptune ones. When I'm getting through a post like that one quickly, the main songs are the gold: the remixes are to go back to later.

(In this case it probably didn't help that the remixes up to that point were [respectively] of a piece I'm sick of, meh, and also meh.)
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Galactic Nova

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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyFri 2 Jun 2017 - 20:31

  1. I'm still upset about you sneaking your list in, so I haven't decided if I'll acknowledge it yet.
  2. Three of yours are bits I've not played much of yet, so I won't comment until my life is no longer in constant upheaval and I'm back on the Zelda.
  3. The other two are fairly generic dungeon tunes, and unlike you and your barbed words, I live my life by the motto "if you've nothing nice to say, say nothing at all*"
  4. I'm allowed to be cheeky because I'm really good at it.

*unless you can say something which isn't nice but is funny.
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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyFri 2 Jun 2017 - 20:58

Based on point two, and ignoring the others for the moment (especially point 4), I'm guessing I'll hear back from you in 2019 sometime?
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Galactic Nova

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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyFri 2 Jun 2017 - 21:32

I've got six months of living with my parents and playing handheld Switch to avoid having to talk to them, so I'll be doing lots of Zelda.
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Galactic Nova

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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyMon 5 Jun 2017 - 0:19

I was going to post my thoughts on the brilliance of BotW's soundtrack but then...

Drunkalilly wrote:
Nobody ever bit off more than they could chew by setting themselves up to do multi-entry weeks or to cover whole game series, so the thread just went on and on.

Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 GQ4Dn99

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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyMon 5 Jun 2017 - 5:59

I did think that if the sheer scale of musical #content didn't put people off replying, then the #bantz afterwards would. Laughing I'd say that if you only have time to click one link from mine, make it the parasail music flash.  If you've played BotW, it'll make you, to use a Jasism, 'greet yer face aff'.

Also don't you have a music thread of your own that you've been neglecting, Jay? Nah nah!
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Galactic Nova

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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyMon 5 Jun 2017 - 16:48

Balladeer wrote:

Also don't you have a music thread of your own that you've been neglecting, Jay? Nah nah!

That's what I was saying "wow" about - the dig was taken loud and clear, Drunka! DAMN YOU!

Besides, I did say "every week or so" or something along those lines with my current music thread, so I'm still keeping to my rules. Winky Face


Responses to Drunka's picks:

Comments on Balla's picks:
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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyMon 5 Jun 2017 - 19:58

JayMoyles wrote:
I did not know that the Divine Beast music changed with each terminal!

One of the game's greatest tricks.  I get why Drunka might dismiss it as 'generic dungeon tunes' if, like you, he hadn't noticed this: the tunes themselves, I can take or leave for the most part.  But that build-up?  Glorious.
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Galactic Nova

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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyTue 6 Jun 2017 - 18:38

You know it wasn't a dig at you Jay, but at my own fucking up of the music thread when I took over after week 100.
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Galactic Nova

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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyTue 6 Jun 2017 - 21:26

Ah really? It could honestly work as either, to be fair. Laughing
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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyWed 14 Jun 2017 - 19:24

Y'all can post that 'Odyssey, yessee' song if you like. I'm posting the woody level music. Sounds like a crossover of Gunman Clive and old Smash Bros. music, and I'm all about it. Dance
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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyMon 26 Jun 2017 - 20:46

DoPo, but: Athrun, Jay, Drunka, you all need to listen to this. Weebtastic. It's bloody beautiful.
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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyWed 28 Jun 2017 - 22:53

GNamer Music Indeterminate Time Period 151: Hashtag Further Education Sessions About Mirages In Tokyo

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE

Wow, to be trusted with two of the last three Music Indeterminate Time Periods!* Clearly I will have to take over this thread from now on. No Anyway, TMS#FE is one of the Wii U's last great games. An enormous JRPG with no English language option about teen starlets fighting to save the world with the power of acting, singing and dancing, this was of course a massive mainstream hit... or more niche than Sean Connery's brother's daughter, I forget.

Nine) Title Theme

Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Maxresdefault

Was actually a more pleasant listen than I remember, mostly because I was pressing madly to get the game started up. Quite liked this one, I'll have you know.

Eight) First Proper Dungeon

Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 185?cb=20160717001234

The first proper dungeon is a topsy-turvy place whose floors are sometimes difficult to access for reasons. This music goes a long way to establishing that all important somewhat unsettling vibe. Brrr.

Seven) Give Me!!

Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Maxresdefault

As some of your fellow fighters are pop stars, they occasionally release music in-game (it's a bit more complicated than that but spoilers). This is my pick of such songs. I always let this one play whenever it came back on my tellybox... but skipped plenty of the others.

Six) Fight!

Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Tokyomsfe2

Considering the incredible number of times I heard this tune, I never got tired of it. That is possibly because the characters are chatting away over the top - and sometimes over each other! - thus allowing me to tune it out effectively during long play sessions. I'm also hearing elements on this YouTube vid that I never heard from my telly. Ever so slightly discombobulating! Neutral

Five) Fanfare

Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Maxresdefault

I'm only including this one because it reminded me in the feels of the original SNES Pilotwings's success jingle.

Four) Special Bosses

Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Tokyo-mirage-sessions-battle-709c0

This is one of those tunes that has some really excellent parts but about the same amount of guff. Fortunately they don't just trot it out for any old boss - only select foes in sidequests get this beautiful nightmare. The baddoes in the picture are not bosses - they're just big lunks of mooks.

Three) Second Proper Dungeon

Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Genei-Ibun-Roku-FE-Shibuya

Action-packed for the much more involving second proper dungeon. Incidentally, a good portion of the censor's work on TMS#FE was in this level - the walls were festooned with bikini-clad anime ladies who were covered up for Western audiences.

Two) Let's Get Ready To Epic

Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 D8sabdhet0ogzi7gwczf

The final dungeon's tuneage ramps up the epic to epic proportions. If I hadn't wanted to unleash it here, I'd have shoved it hard into Jay's Music To My Ears thread. As it is, here we are, unshoved. Shoveless, you might say. Living the shove-free lifestyle.

One) Let's Get Ready To Epic Too

Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Tokyo-Mirage-Sessions-Shot-06

Some sidequest bosses get this tune instead. It's the pinnacle of the works in the game, for this humble, unsubtle and often wrong guy.

Hope you enjoyed this whistlestop tour through the mighty music of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE. It's probably my favourite soundtrack on the Wii U. [/outed]
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Galactic Nova

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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyThu 29 Jun 2017 - 18:29

Not a canon music week. Fan fiction, essentially.
I am looking forward to listening, the soundtrack was the most exciting prospect about that game.
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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyFri 30 Jun 2017 - 6:58

Drunkalilly wrote:
Not a canon music week. Fan fiction, essentially.
I am looking forward to listening, the soundtrack was the most exciting prospect about that game.

Sad to both those sentences. I'm prepared to defend the game: stylish dungeons with brutal but powerful combat wrapped around an earnest if slightly frivolous story. Side quests enrich both the gameplay and the characters, so are worth doing, which I feel is rare. In addition to that, the music is stonking. [/old]
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The Next Miyamoto

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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyFri 30 Jun 2017 - 17:21

TMS #FE is my most wanted Wii U to Switch port.
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Galactic Nova

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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyFri 30 Jun 2017 - 18:53

ZeroJones wrote:
Sad to both those sentences. I'm prepared to defend the game: stylish dungeons with brutal but powerful combat wrapped around an earnest if slightly frivolous story. Side quests enrich both the gameplay and the characters, so are worth doing, which I feel is rare. In addition to that, the music is stonking. [/old]
Obviously I've not played the game, so I'm not necessarily knocking the other aspects of the game! I'm just not a huge JRPG guy, but the music idol stuff seemed very cool to me.
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Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0   Official(?) Nintendo Consoles Music Thread v2.0 EmptyFri 30 Jun 2017 - 20:21

masofdas wrote:
TMS #FE is my most wanted Wii U to Switch port.

Same, actually. Mostly based on Zero's recommendations. Now then...


Overall, a mixture of 'yep, that is indeed from a JRPG' and some stuff that's a bit nicer than that. Thank you, sir, again!
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