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 Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)

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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptySun 20 May 2018 - 13:16

Cannot remember if I mentioned that I've put a special slot in my work calendar to go home and catch Ninty live, but... yes. Also I'll be mixing Discord and Skype commenting this year - we'll see how that goes. Pale
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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptyMon 21 May 2018 - 21:19

Oh dear - my mega work project deadline is 14th June, so I really may have to bury my head in the sand until then. I'm going mad Ted.
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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptyFri 25 May 2018 - 20:14

My work has just set up a meeting on June 12th. It theoretically ends at five.

It won't actually end at five.

Hissy fit
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Galactic Nova

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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptySat 26 May 2018 - 0:20

Operation Down With The Sickness commences that week, then. Laughing
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The Next Miyamoto

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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptySun 27 May 2018 - 13:19

13 Days till EA's conference the first of many, also I've heard the Xbox conference is going to be about 2hrs long.

I've also sort of done my predictions.
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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptyTue 5 Jun 2018 - 17:35

Only a few days now and this is my live watching schedule

9th 7pm EA
10th 9pm Xbox

Watch both Bethesda & Devolver at a sensible time on the 11th (when I get up), not 2.30am & 4am respectively

11th 6pm Square Enix, I think this is about 20mins long like a Nintendo Direct

11th 9pm Ubisoft, If everything goes to plan this will start 7 hours straight of E3 coverage

11th 11pm Inside Xbox, I'll switch over to Splatoon 2 World Championships as that starts at 11.30pm and ends at 2am, where I think Inside Xbox will maybe end at 12.30am based on the previous Inside Xbox shows but this one is at E3 that it might be longer than an hour and a half.

12th 2am #PlayStation


12th 5pm Nintendo E3 Showcase

12th 5.30pm Treehouse

12th 9pm Splatoon 2 World Championships Finals & SMASH Tournament

13th 5.30pm Treehouse

14th 5.30pm Treehouse

Treehouse times is based on last years, that the first start's right after showcase and the show floor opening hours, others will also have streams which I may have flick through but they do lack a charm that the treehouse has.
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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptyTue 5 Jun 2018 - 19:17

I've managed to wangle my way out of the meeting! Dance So I'll be ready to go on Skype at 1700 like the rest of y'all.  The hype is beginning to creep through, so...

Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 IIqZhSqMq5TpI-1

Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Hype

Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 2a2aws

Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 HkFWzd5

I'm predicting at least four new Fire Emblem characters announced for SSB4.5.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptyTue 5 Jun 2018 - 19:32

Nintendo's is the one I'm least hyped for as we've seen Pokémon already, 3rd party ports are just that and SMASH will be what showing characters.
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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptyTue 5 Jun 2018 - 19:46

I jest, of course - we don't want you going anywhere, Mas, and the only people who can poop this party for me are Nintendo themselves.

To avoid that, I'm hoping for some surprises, of course. Seeing some of Metroid would be good, but is it too much to hope for an all-new Kid Icarus, or Donkey Kong, or even a 2D Zelda? I think not. (I was going for Nintendo IPs we haven't seen new games from for a while - turns out that's surprisingly tough!)
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Galactic Nova

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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptyTue 5 Jun 2018 - 19:58

I'm gutted I'll miss it live with y'all. Would somebody add me to the chat you use so I can read your reactions when I get home from work?

Predictions, eh? I was about to ask that same question as the latest copy of Switch Player came with an E3 Bingo card as seen below:

Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 V2Z1diQ

Some of those have already been confirmed, some of it seems really out there, but I care not for those predictions... I want to see GNamer's. If you've read any leaks, let's not be coy about it and tell us, keep it to yourself. Here's some of mine:

1) Smash Switch to be a hybrid between SSBM and SSB4 in that it's even faster paced than SSB4 but without all yer wavedashing and L-Cancelling of SSBM. Oh, and the Rabbids are in it. Sorry.

2) We'll get MP4, Fire Emblem and Bayonetta 3 gameplay with release dates for the trio as well.

3) New F-Zero teased for next year.

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The Next Miyamoto

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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptyTue 5 Jun 2018 - 20:02

My only prediction is Diane Kruger's character will be shown in Death Stranding.
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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptyTue 5 Jun 2018 - 20:10

...the bloody Rabbids will be in it and all, won't they. DAMN YOU! I can even see them getting a completely new game!

As for predictions, I reckon I probably go back to the list I made at the beginning of the year:


I'm pretty happy with those still, apart from the mobile one, and that I don't think we'll see the new Switchémon games yet - can't steal the Let's Go duo's thunder(bolt).

So I agree with you about the MP4, Smash 5 will indeed be Smash 5, we should see Retro's new game (may be Star Fox Racing), and that aside... not much? Some more GameCube and Wii U ports perhaps? Trouble is, we've seen so much of Nintendo's IP catalogue recently (apart from the part-time ones like Kid Icarus, F-Zero) that I can't think what's left.

I'll make two slightly more 'out there' predictions: we'll see a new Mario game, either an RPG or a 2D platformer; and we won't see F-Zero, or it'll have been merged with Star Fox Racing. That may be bobbins, that rumour, but if it's not I can't see two futuristic racing games being announced at the same conference.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptyWed 6 Jun 2018 - 11:11

Well, aren't Let's Go the Pokemon the games brought up last year at E3? as Nintendo has had since then in the financials that a Pokemon RPG is coming in 2018, which Let's Go is, that if I was an investor, I would think yes.

That to me your Pokemon prediction is wrong as we are getting a Pokemon RPG in 2018, just not the one most wanted. I do agree we won't see the 2019 games because of Let's Go and I'm sure Nintendo has said it's focusing on this year but they said that last year and we got Pokemon & Metroid news.

I think Nintendo's main thing will be to sort of date a first party game for every month going forward, Mario Tennis in June, Captain Toad July, Yoshi for August, SMASH in September (now the new November) to launch day and date with online, Pokemon November, Fire Emblem December.

I just can't think what would be Octobers game at the moment and that could depend on how far along one of Balla's out there predictions.
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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptyWed 6 Jun 2018 - 19:30

masofdas wrote:
...if I was an investor, I would think yes.

Balladeer©️, Patrick Kielty©️, No. 1 Meteos Fanboy©️ and their logos are registered trademarks of Notreallyaforumite Hedge Funds Inc. and may not be used without permission.

...yeah, I'm not an investor.  Good thing too, given how share prices jump up and down based on sentiment around a subject they don't generally know much about.  I don't care two EDF mascots about what they think, and neither should you.  I care more about what you think, my good online-friend Mas, but not enough to base the success or failure of my prediction on it.  I've got something wrong anyway.  It'll probably involve fractional points.

I think that's a good strategy though, one big game per month (however I wouldn't count Captain Toad, a port of a small game, as a big game).  I'd like to see some of the things we'll see going into the first half of 2019 too.  Nothing wrong with knowing a bit more about such games before they're inevitably leaked. Sulk

I wonder whether we'll finally get a release date for Dark Souls Remastered too?
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The Next Miyamoto

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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptyWed 6 Jun 2018 - 22:40

I don't care much myself but I was talking more along the lines Nintendo have or will deliver on what they promised to people.

I don't think Capatina Toad is maker quality game but Octopath is also out and I feel Nintendo will treat it almost like a 1st party game and a few others like TWEWY could also fall into the camp.

E3 has started already as Sony isn't having a pre-show but announcing a game a day the first was this, which I really do want to play in VR

Then things like the final season of Walking Dead has been dated and coming to Switch, which hopefully means the rest is coming as well.
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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptyThu 7 Jun 2018 - 18:55

I've edited the OP with Mas' timetable up there. Thanks for providing the OFs times as ever, Mas! Thumbs Up!
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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptyThu 7 Jun 2018 - 19:38

No problem. It seems that the director might be 45mins long, which would be double last year but would make the Treehouse shorter.

Sony today announced Days Gone will come Feb 22nd and Paladins got announced for Switch, it will launch next week.
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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptySat 9 Jun 2018 - 10:28

Longer Directs are good, so long as they don't cram them full of DLC and already announced games.  Now that I've said that, it'll be five minutes of Mario Tennis, five minutes of Octolings, five minutes on a new SMO online mode, five minutes of Octopath...  (Unless the Squeenix conference covers that.)

Main thing I came here to ask: where are people planning to follow E3's announcements, those who aren't 'doing a Mas' and catching almost everything live?  I'll be looking at Nintendo Life for Nintendo stuff, but I have a passing interest in other formats' conferences too, and don't really know where to turn for good summaries of all the things announced.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptySat 9 Jun 2018 - 10:34

I do normally post my thoughts on here on each conference and if you want me to I could go Ubisoft showed this and this one is coming to Switch and I don't know Half Life 3 shown somewhere, you'd want to know about being on Switch or not.

I got a feeling if the direct is 45mins long it will focus a lot on the LEAKED 3rd party games the extra 20odd mins
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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptySat 9 Jun 2018 - 10:45

Balladeer wrote:
Longer Directs are good, so long as they don't cram them full of DLC and already announced games.  Now that I've said that, it'll be five minutes of Mario Tennis, five minutes of Octolings, five minutes on a new SMO online mode, five minutes of Octopath...  (Unless the Squeenix conference covers that.)

Main thing I came here to ask: where are people planning to follow E3's announcements, those who aren't 'doing a Mas' and catching almost everything live?  I'll be looking at Nintendo Life for Nintendo stuff, but I have a passing interest in other formats' conferences too, and don't really know where to turn for good summaries of all the things announced.

Eurogamer maybe? They usually have good coverage in general & not just for E3, not checked their site in a while though otherwise I just check stuff that pops up on my twitter feed.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptySat 9 Jun 2018 - 11:19

Sounds like I'm being sent to a 4pm meeting on Tuesday, the sort of one will overrun until about 6pm, meaning I'll likely miss the Direct. That's disappointing, as I was already planning my traditional Direct toilet break for when they show Xenoblade, Fire Emblem or any of those sort of games for tadgers.
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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptySat 9 Jun 2018 - 21:02

Well that was one of the lamest ways I've seen E3 open yet. I mean to be fair it is EA, but for such a rich company you'd think they'd be capable of employing people who know how to make a presentation that engages the audience, not bores them to sleep. They even still have that posh bloke that always sounds like he's announcing the annual plans for a company at a shareholder meeting.

Highlight was definitely the announcement for General Grievous in Star Wars Battlefront, proudly proclaimed to a complete absence of reaction.

Lowlight was when they spent a good thirty seconds zooming into a soccer trophy on-stage with bombastic music playing in the background.

Companies at E3 could really do with learning how to use tonally appropriate music too, because so often absolutely everything is accompanied with music that feels like it's composed for the greatest soul-shaping event on earth when it's something cutesey like a bunch of humanoid twine moving through a forest. Meh
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The Next Miyamoto

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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptySat 9 Jun 2018 - 21:05

That was the champions league music playing though whilst zooming on the trophy, no other music would have made sense.
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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptySun 10 Jun 2018 - 2:25

When I finish work today I'm not working again until Wednesday. I don't particularly care about anyone other thn Nintendo, but I reckon I'll watch anyway.

Nintendo themselves are at 2am Tuesday night/ Wednesday morning for me. OF COURSE I will be there with bells on.

I predict we will see some games and that the nice Nintendo men will be cute and funny. Thumbs Up!
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Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless)   Nintendo E3 Direct 2018, Nintendo Treehouse 2018, Nintendo Invitationals 2018, and Other Platform E3 Nonsense (God Bless) - Page 3 EmptySun 10 Jun 2018 - 10:06

masofdas wrote:
I do normally post my thoughts on here on each conference and if you want me to I could go Ubisoft showed this and this one is coming to Switch and I don't know Half Life 3 shown somewhere, you'd want to know about being on Switch or not.

I appreciate the offer Mas. Thumbs Up! Only thing is that I'd want a bunch of links to follow to details or videos on the games I'm interested in, and it's probably not fair to ask one man to do all that for every presentation!  

Otherwise I'm happy to go with Eurogamer as Jas suggested: they're how I found out that EA's conference had almost nothing of interest.  (Psyche!  Of course I knew that already.)  Athrun's view seems to be the prevailing one.  I did think Sea of Solitude looked pretty damn cool however, but of course the one 'pretty damn cool' thing they showed isn't coming anywhere near the Switch.

The Cappuccino Kid wrote:
Sounds like I'm being sent to a 4pm meeting on Tuesday, the sort of one will overrun until about 6pm, meaning I'll likely miss the Direct. That's disappointing, as I was already planning my traditional Direct toilet break for when they show Xenoblade, Fire Emblem or any of those sort of games for brilliant intelligent people.

Squeenix are having an entire conference Cappa, how long can you make a jobby last?
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