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 Luigi’s Mansion 3 (They’re Here...)

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The Cappuccino Kid
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Galactic Nova

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Luigi’s Mansion 3 (They’re Here...) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Luigi’s Mansion 3 (They’re Here...)   Luigi’s Mansion 3 (They’re Here...) - Page 7 EmptySun 2 Aug 2020 - 23:27

I havent had a chance yet. My card isnt going anywhere though so hopefully an opportunity will present itself.
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Luigi’s Mansion 3 (They’re Here...) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Luigi’s Mansion 3 (They’re Here...)   Luigi’s Mansion 3 (They’re Here...) - Page 7 EmptyMon 3 Aug 2020 - 0:04

Treesmurf wrote:
Did anyone ever play the multiplayer for this? It must be decent given they went to the effort to make DLC for it. Although they missed a trick not making the Nintendo Land minigame for it.

Me, Andy & Jay gave the MP a go a little while back and it was alright but there's not a lot to it that will keep you coming back.
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Galactic Nova

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Luigi’s Mansion 3 (They’re Here...) - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Luigi’s Mansion 3 (They’re Here...)   Luigi’s Mansion 3 (They’re Here...) - Page 7 EmptyThu 6 Aug 2020 - 10:51

We didn't play any of the modes outside of the co-op Screamscaper one, so I can't attest to the quality of those. The Screamscaper was... fine, I guess.

I think it would work better with a full four player party chatting over Discord (or the Nintendo Switch Voice Chat app, download now!) as there's some objectives that are a bloody pain to co-ordinate with randoms. For example, there's some rooms where you have to have each player stand on a weighted switch and more often than not the random player that we were matched with would be ambling around in no man's land whilst we spammed the "over here!" emote to try and get their attention.

But like Jas said, even with a four player party I'm not sure if there'd be a lot of replay value in it. There weren't any of those thrilling moments you look for in a multiplayer co-op game where your team comes together to scrape by with a win or get up to some funny tomfoolery. I remember us mostly saying "oh cool, we cleared that floor" or, as mentioned previously, getting frustrated at our fourth random player. Laughing
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