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 Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)

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Galactic Nova

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Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyMon 27 Mar 2017 - 21:35

I love the theme, regularly gets stuck in my head.
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Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyTue 4 Apr 2017 - 22:12

Fancy something Zelda-ish as we wait for that most obvious week? Course ya do! (Suggestion to Drunka: leave it 'til week 150? Big week, big big game...)

GNamer Music Indeterminate Time Period 147: Hyrule Warriors Feet

Hyrule Warriors Legends


Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 Latest?cb=20160610133349

I've barely played the Wii U game, and have never played this 3DS version, but I had to appreciate this in its own week. One of the greatest Zelda themes ever, and they've managed not to cock it up. Bravo, Tecmo Koei/Koei Tecmo, bravo.

I also love what they've done with the main Zelda theme for Linkle. It's so happy!
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyTue 4 Apr 2017 - 22:38

Can do if you want. I was just going to wait until the next time I wasn't working, was alone, and wasn't overcome by physical exhaustion and an overwhelming sense of lethargy and despair. Some time in 2060 or so.

That Linkle music is lovely! I didn't play a lot of the 3DS version, but I love the Warriors guitarrification of the Zelda soundtrack overall.
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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyWed 5 Apr 2017 - 16:28

I know Drunka's got the official week thing, but any chance of a repeat of the Sun and Moon list and comparisons? The variety of lists and critiquing was a ton of fun
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyWed 5 Apr 2017 - 17:19

Yeah, other people joining in is always the dream with music weeks, it just doesn't always happen Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyWed 5 Apr 2017 - 19:47

I try to listen to and feed back on every piece of music in this thread! I just don't always have a lot to say about 'em... But I will absolutely feed back on any lists thrown at me, apart from where I'm worried about being spoiled.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyFri 7 Apr 2017 - 8:52

Also, it's pretty much just us three who get involved in them so putting too much stock in "this week, that week" is kinda silly and pretentious. Let's just share musix
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Galactic Nova

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Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyTue 11 Apr 2017 - 21:41

Music Week 148
Mash-up Week

Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 Channe10

I don't know if you've heard, but I quite like a videogame series called Monster Hunter, or MonHan, or that game where you kill the fuck out of monsters and its on a Nintendo console and that's weird because they're normally family friendly and not into killing but here you kill the fuck out of them. In fact, I like Monster Hunter so much that Jas, Jay, Andy and I do a podcast about it called Monster Mash which you should all subscribe to on itunes and give a 5-star rating and review to Grin

Anyway, LISTEN (to some music) YOU CUNTS!

5: Proof of a Hero
Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 Monhan10
The main theme of the Monster Hunter series, it's just so epic and heroic! Especially with those excitement-building strings at the start, it reminds me of the classic Superman theme. Cropping up in every game, normally in the title and end credits and cinematics and stuff, and sometimes cleverly worked into the theme music of boss monsters.
Here it is being played masterfully by the Monster Hunter 5th Anniversary Orchestra.

4: Zinogre
Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 Monhan14
Noble wolf Zinogre has a theme tune that is just classic action music, y'know? Exciting and cool and gets stuck in your head, it suits the fast-paced, aggressive fighting style of the Zinogre. This was a popular favourite theme in the community for a long time and is beloved of our own Jaster.
It suits this guitar cover well.

3: Kushala Daora
Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 Monhan13
There's something very cool and ethereal about this dragon's music, and it suits the wind-controlling monster perfectly. Perhaps it's just that I don't get to fight him that often, but I love this guy's track. There's a melody in there which reminds me of a Bond theme, as well.
Here's a piano cover by friend of the show Wolfy Melon.

2: Mizutsune
Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 Monhan11
Konbanwa! Mizutsune wa Nihon des! Arigato gozaimash!
Wolfy Melon-san!

1: Cooking
Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 Monhan12
What a track! I love it. The tune that comes into my head whenever I'm frying up something soooo tasty.
Bonkers acoustic version.

Next week time, your admin who's never badmin Mr Zero Jones will giving you a triple threat of Zelda goodness from Triforce Heroes. After that is week 150 from yours truly.
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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyTue 11 Apr 2017 - 22:00

Drunkalilly wrote:
5: Proof of a Hero

I genuinely thought this was going to be Star Wars when it kicked off...

Drunkalilly wrote:
4: Zinogre

As you say - pure action. Unfortunately I'm not really one for pure action unless it's got something more to it, an ongoing theme I notice: you blokeys post some epic music, usually from a Pokémon endgame or something, and I can't remember it after I've heard it. Aww!

Drunkalilly wrote:
3: Kushala Daora

'Cool and ethereal'? I guess, with the chimes, but when it started off I thought it was going to be top fat man-chasing music.

Drunkalilly wrote:
2: Mizutsune

...yeah, I like this one. Massive musical weeaboo here.

Drunkalilly wrote:
1: Cooking.

Applause Most of the MonHun soundtrack doesn't seem to be my kettle of giant homicidal fish: it's music that goes on in the background, never a main focus. Apart from this, which is why I like it. Lovely little jingle. (But not quite this is it? Nah nah! )
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyTue 11 Apr 2017 - 22:15

Balladeer wrote:
(But not quite this is it? Nah nah! )

Not quite, no Winky Face
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Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyWed 12 Apr 2017 - 0:16

Proof of a hero will always remind me of fighting Jhen Mohran, feels absolutely amazing hearing it kick up a notch when you hit the beast with a dragonator. Smile
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Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyWed 26 Apr 2017 - 19:58

While we wait for Music Time Thingy 149 to emerge from the brain of Dr. Jones, a tough question for y'all: what Zelda has the best music?

For me it's between Majora, WW, and TP, but I'd struggle to choose between them. Possibly WW for the Great Sea and Dragon Roost, but Midna's Lament, Stone Tower, Oath to Order... acht. Neutral
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyWed 26 Apr 2017 - 21:45

Skyward Sword. As soon as Ballad of the Goddess came on at the symphony, I was bawling my eyes out. Then on the opposite end of the spectrum, you've got the almighty Groose.
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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyFri 5 May 2017 - 21:19

The best remix of Guzma's battle theme. Partly because it's still got the lyrics. Mostly because it's bloody stupid.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyFri 5 May 2017 - 21:58

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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyFri 5 May 2017 - 22:40

My gut answer on reading that question was Wind Waker, but thinking about it, Link's Awakening would be up there too. It's got a real charm to it through the plinky-plonky nature of the Game Boy (read: you'll fucking hate it Balla) and the tracks are generally great. The Wind Fish theme is, as one JayMoyles said on the latest Monster Mash about a totally different track, a certified banger.
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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptySat 6 May 2017 - 9:22

Yup! Grin After being told that a certain recent track (it is a secret to everybody which one) contains the Ballad of the Wind Fish, I tried to give it a listen. Dear God my ears. No
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptySat 6 May 2017 - 21:31

It's shrill, I'll give you that. Laughing

That version you linked to is pants though - I was more on about this version. Your ears might enjoy that more. It sounds really good remixed though - case in point. I've no idea why they've tagged it as being in Brawl. It actually starts sounding like something from a Pokémon game at points!
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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptySun 7 May 2017 - 20:02

That version's definitely better, although the soundfont remains a point not in its favour for me - the remixed version's definitely the best of the three!
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Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyMon 8 May 2017 - 21:16

GNamer Music Indeterminate Time Period 149: Heroes That Tri To Use Force

The Legend Of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes

Coming from left-field, Tri Force Heroes is a bit of an oddity in the Zelda series. Games where several Links are on-screen are not new, to be sure, but the have-a-go structure and online multiplayer is something a bit different. To the jeukebox! [/stealthFrenchpunsortof]

Eight) Main Theme

Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 Hqdefault

The title screen may not be the best place to get tuneage from, ordinarily, but I reckon this piece hints at some of the whimsy the game has in store for you.

Seven) Village Hub

Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 Zelda-preview-03

Last time I got in on this act, I put what was basically the hub level in at seven. And here we go again! Rolling Eyes Perhaps too repetitive for its own good - particularly when spun out to thirty minutes by some gallant YouTuberino - it nonetheless reminds me of exploring a curious village, perhaps with a boy who can talk to animals in tow...

Six) Woodlands Theme

Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 001

First World Alert! Jaunty enough, gets one in the mood to bad some ass and solve some mazes. And/Or other puzzles that need a-solvin'.

Five) Riverside

Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 048

From the creepy there emerges something that is merely haunting.

Four) Tailor

Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 Zelda_09-28-15

Did someone order more whimsy? ... No? Dang, I need to wash my ears out. This mad little number plays in the - yes! - tailor's in the village. Dressing for success is the key to succe-winning. Winning. Yes.

Three) Success In A Level

Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 Maxresdefault

Enough whimsy! I want jauntiness - give me jauntiness!

Two) High In The Sky Go I

Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 001

One of the later worlds has you solving some pretty hard tasks to this tune. It nearly makes things partially bearable.

One) Fighting Hinox

Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 005

Some of the boss fight themes are crazy, but few go as far as this one. Hinoxes are those cyclops guys that like to throw bombs at you. Fighting them in single-player is a nightmare... but then, much of the game is a nightmare in single-player. Play with friends! Play online!

This is just a flavour of the strength of songage in Tri Force Heroes - I encourage you to get exploring. Y'know, if you like. If you're not too busy. And that.
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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyMon 8 May 2017 - 21:36

Woo, thanks Zero!  It's precisely that lack of local friends with TFH, or with a desire to play TFH, that means this is probably the closest I'll get to playing it... Sad


Mate I'm so glad you did this week, with the exception of 5 this is a selection of really good fun unremittingly cheerful tracks.  It's not really Zelda, but it's absolutely great.  Good stuff. Thumbs Up!
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyMon 8 May 2017 - 22:38

That Woodlands track is a cracker. Unabashed Zelda soundtrack goodness. Thumbs Up!
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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyMon 8 May 2017 - 23:03

Thanks, chaps! It was fun to compile and I'm glad y'all enjoyed it. Grin

Last edited by ZeroJones on Mon 8 May 2017 - 23:40; edited 1 time in total
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyMon 8 May 2017 - 23:07

I really enjoyed the one session of Triforce Heroes I managed to organise with a pair of friends. A shame we never organised any forum sessions, really. I am enjoying these tunez though Thumbs Up!

ZeroJones wrote:

Eight) Main Theme
Yer man Zero sums it up well. Obvious hints of classic Zelda title theme stuff, but with a very fun twist that suits the multiplayer hijinks.
Quote :
Seven) Village Hub
...that's super Professor Layton.
Quote :
Six) Woodlands Theme
That one is cash. Reminds me a lot of the Nintendoland Zelda game.

Quote :
Five) Riverside
There's a nice curry house near me called the Riverside. I would be disinclined to eat there with this music playing- reminds me of spookier Pokémon locations.
Quote :
Four) Tailor

This one I remember! The tailor and the whimsy and the dress-up absolutely made this game. Totally beat Breath of the Wild to the cross-dressing Link punch. Even better is the version when you look in the mirror.
Robbed of the number one spot!

Quote :
Three) Success In A Level
Two) High In The Sky Go I

Very standard Zelda- normally my jam, but I prefer the sillier stuff from this soundtrack.

Quote :
One) Fighting Hinox

This is a great mix of quality, exciting boss music and Triforce Heroes weirdness. Great pick!
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PostSubject: Re: Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!)   Official Nintendo Consoles Music Thread (Thanks for Listening!) - Page 38 EmptyThu 11 May 2017 - 21:05

This thread is nearing its end, creeping towards the 1k mark where the admins. will brutally cull it.  So, I have a simple yet tricky question for y'all: what are your top three/five/ten/however many soundtracks in Nintendo console gaming?

In the spoiler below are my five, with my very favourite tune from each.  Please, give me yours!  We've got 45 posts to waste before Week 150!

Balla's top five:

Over to you please gents!
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