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 Super Mario Bros. 35

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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
The Cappuccino Kid

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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyThu 3 Sep 2020 - 17:38

Look at it. It is fantastic. 

(out on October 1st as a Nintendo Switch Online exclusive!)
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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyThu 3 Sep 2020 - 18:13

Didn't someone on here recently suggest that Nintendo should give their other games the Tetris 99 treatment?

And yep this looks bloody quality!
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Galactic Nova

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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyFri 4 Sep 2020 - 1:57

I'm gonna be ALL over this.
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Disciple of Greener

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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyFri 4 Sep 2020 - 10:57

I adore Tetris 99 and I am really excited about the prospect of more unexpected games following that battle royale treatment! I wonder if it will last beyond March next year though.
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Bargain Hunter

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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptySun 6 Sep 2020 - 18:53

I reckon it will. But I think it might be a rare case of Nintendo being a bit sneaky; this is a bit of a gamble probably, it might be that people decide the game doesn't work out so good mechanically and drop off, so Nintendo can choose to "continue support" if people are still playing it in 6 months time.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyMon 7 Sep 2020 - 12:13

Wishful thinking, but maybe they'll roll over into giving a different game the 99/35 treatment?
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Disciple of Greener

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PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyMon 7 Sep 2020 - 12:42

I think wishful thinking would be releasing another game with the treatment while keeping Super Mario Bros 35 available!
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Galactic Nova

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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyMon 7 Sep 2020 - 15:41

Yes, but wishless thinking would be that Super Mario 35 ends and we get sod all, an option very much on the table :/
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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
The Cappuccino Kid

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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyMon 7 Sep 2020 - 16:37

Bring on The Legend of Zelda 35 next year, but it's the Epona race in Ocarina of Time with 35 riders. Don't tell me that's not a quality idea.
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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyMon 7 Sep 2020 - 23:45

Plot twist you will be playing as the carrot and you have to not get eaten.
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Galactic Nova

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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyTue 8 Sep 2020 - 17:09

Whilst forced obsolescence doesn't sit right with me for single player titles, I don't mind it as much for something like this. Multiplayer games usually have a limited shelf life anyway!

As for the game itself, this looks right up my alley! I wasn't as hot on Tetris 99 than most but I'm chalking that entirely up to my sheer lack of skill at Tetris than anything to do with the game itself, so taking that same great idea and applying it to Mario is a stroke of genius.
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Bargain Hunter

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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyWed 9 Sep 2020 - 20:59

The biggest problem I have is I secretly (not so secretly now) think I'm going to be really good at this; I think I'd previously attempted to show off how quickly I could get through the original Super Mario Bros. However I think I might be disappointed! I had a warpless go at SMB on the All-Stars compilation: I had to continue 3 times...
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Galactic Nova

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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyThu 10 Sep 2020 - 1:39

I am going to clean house. I'm the meanest genius with the cleanest penis, the number one player and Mario slayer, the god with the bod and the king of swing.
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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyFri 2 Oct 2020 - 1:15

This is good fun & I've already claimed two wins so far. Smile  

A little surprised it's more about survival than racing through the levels and the overall strategy is a bit limited when compared to something like Tetris 99, but still it's good fun for a half hour or so. Thumbs Up!
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Galactic Nova

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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyFri 2 Oct 2020 - 2:12

I pretty much agree with Jas. The main thing is killing as many enemies as possible, which is a weird take on Mario, but it is fun.

Games feel quite long though, when it's down to just a few of us everyone is a player who can survive for a good long while.
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Layton's Apprentice

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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptySun 4 Oct 2020 - 3:52

It's alright. Matches do feel a bit too long, unless I die to something stupid early on. There's usually not much intensity until near the end, which is when the time/coin you've collected really matters. I do like the novelty of it though.
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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptySun 4 Oct 2020 - 10:17

I'm enjoying this for what it is. Granted, because of it's repetitive nature and due to the lack of intensity it mostly offers, I don't think this'll keep me playing daily for much longer. But it's given Super Mario Bros. a shot in the arm like nothing else since the first NES Remix on Wii U.
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Bargain Hunter

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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptySun 4 Oct 2020 - 13:11

I wonder if, like Tetris 99, other bits will pop up eventually. I don't believe the "only for 6 months" stuff for a second. But I'm liking it so far; I find that, if I don't concentrate, I rely on how I remember the level being in the normal game, and don't expect Bowser to turn up in the middle of 2-3.
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Shiny Shuckle

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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyMon 5 Oct 2020 - 10:40

I'm not very good at this but always have fun playing it. Apart from all those times where the first goomba kills me because I keep pressing A instead of B to jump Sad
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Galactic Nova

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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyMon 5 Oct 2020 - 10:51

You can switch the buttons in the menu
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyMon 5 Oct 2020 - 11:08

The coward's way out!

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Shiny Shuckle

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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyTue 6 Oct 2020 - 10:51

I got my first, "W", yesterday. I can see what you all mean about it being a Mario survival game. I got lucky with a few stars which let me plough through a bunch of enemies, including Bowser, which flooded the other person's screen with tat.

I don't really understand what stages the game throws at you. I seem to go back and forth between 1-1, 1-2 quite often, but I sometimes get underwater levels. Good time sink anyway.
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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
The Cappuccino Kid

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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyWed 7 Oct 2020 - 12:56

You choose what stage you'd like everybody to start with before the match begins, but it seems that folk just pick the default 1-1. I'm like you, I spend most of my matches bopping between the first two levels. 

You're right about it being a good time sink - I played it for almost an hour last night and only had two rounds.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyWed 7 Oct 2020 - 15:12

My system is just to loop through 1-1 and 1-2 until it gets late, then I might go ahead just to try to throw a Bowser at my opponent.
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Layton's Apprentice

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Super Mario Bros. 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Super Mario Bros. 35   Super Mario Bros. 35 EmptyFri 9 Oct 2020 - 0:49

I always pick random on what level I start off with. Seemed to get a variety of levels early on but now I always seem to start on 1v1 like others are saying. Could be all the new players coming in as they'll mostly just have 1-1 unlocked? Or have a limited selection so they're more likely to pick 1-1 when they pick random.

I decided to try the start-with-an-item option the other day since I had a lot of coins to burn, and it seems you match based off of that too. So if you want to start with a fire flower, you'll be matched with others who do the same. It feels pretty pointless.

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