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 Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one

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The Next Miyamoto

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Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one   Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Dec 2020 - 16:21

Yep as isn't Bloodborne about 40secs when it launched (patches made it quicker) after a death to load back in where Demons are about 2secs.
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Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one   Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Dec 2020 - 21:02

I don't know how these things work, so this is a genuine question: do we think the loading improvement will last? Big devs will always tend towards the performance ceiling as time goes on, but are also lazy and will take shortcuts where these exist. Just as it takes no time to load up a smaller game but I have to wait for 20 seconds for a New Super Lucky level, will devs push for more advanced graphics and bigger worlds and them until the loading is no longer a plus? Or is the new tech such that the leap will remain significant throughout the gen., probably?
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The Next Miyamoto

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Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one   Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 EmptyThu 3 Dec 2020 - 21:20

Muss will know better than me but think it's more likely to be Assassin's Creed Valhalla on Series X is 4k 60fps but 4 years time Assassin's Creed Ancient China is 1080p 30fps as they push graphics of how many enemies can be on screen.

Like how Origins on Xbox One is 900p most of the time but drops to 800odd where Valhalla on One goes to 600.
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Shiny Shuckle

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Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one   Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 EmptyFri 4 Dec 2020 - 14:25

I think there will still be a noticeable improvement for the Xbox/PS5 throughout, even if that does diminish over time.

Look at it this way, SSD's are much faster than hard drives, so a PC with SSD memory is faster...
BUT, if you put Windows on an SSD, and install games on a hard drive, those game loading speeds are pretty much indistinguishable to the human eye.

Console operating systems are always more refined than windows, but that change alone, if even remotely comparable to the PC, should be quite healthy, since the PS/Xbox were tied to older spinning hard drives exclusively before. At least, I think they were.

We're veering into territory that I don't really understand, but to my knowledge the new machines are also supplemented by faster RAM, and graphics card/cpu clock speeds, all of which is also contribute to shit getting done a lot faster.

When it comes to PC's, there's a new memory storage type in town called PCIE. That coupled with the right board can give you something like 10 times faster file transfer speeds versus an SSD (so very handy for things like 4k video encoding). Potentially we might see that make its way into the Pro revisions that'll inevitably follow in a few years time. So who knows, maybe that'll make a big difference? (or not, I don't believe there are any gaming benefits to PCIE at the moment, which is more about sustained speeds during big data transfers, but could be wrong).

I would personally prefer the functionality of speed over jaw dropping visuals, but I guess that's not as marketable in the market place of ideas
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The Next Miyamoto

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Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one   Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 EmptyFri 4 Dec 2020 - 14:51

I know PS5 has something called Oogle which with the SSD the IO input being so fast can be used as RAM.

Saw PS5 Pro along with PSP 5G trending because of a patent from 2018. I'm not sure what a PS5 Pro would do as not obvious like PS4 to PS4 Pro with 1080p to 4K.

I do think we get more Xboxes as the name is Xbox like iPhone and currently have Series S and X of those but easily see Series XD or Y etc
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Shiny Shuckle

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Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one   Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 EmptyFri 4 Dec 2020 - 15:00

If I had to guess, a PS5 pro might support 8k. The nVidia RTX 3090 is supposedly the worlds first 8k, 30FPS min, card. So what I would guess you'll see is something that can emulate the 3090, while drawing significantly less electricity.

In a few years time, with a theoretical post-covid economic boom, maybe 8k will be something a significant enough proportion of users would want... or it's just an excuse to make game visuals more marketable.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one   Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 EmptyFri 4 Dec 2020 - 15:08

Both Series X and PS5 do/will support 8K but its more likely for Netflix like the One S not games.

Then will 8K take off, I know Spencer mentioned he didn't really think so. Could see 4K 120fps on a Pro being a standard.
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Shiny Shuckle

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Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one   Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 EmptySun 6 Dec 2020 - 12:09

I don't know. Japan aren't broadcasting their Olympics in 8k anymore, which suggests it's not going to catch on for a while and many people are happy without 4k, which in and of itself doesn't have that much content relative to normal tvs.

But never put it past TV corporations to push something hard that the world doesn't want. And I wouldn't put it past ether Sony or Microsoft to make an 8k gaming machine, even if it's all upscaled, because pixels, frames, and loading times are pretty much what they're about.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one   Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 EmptySun 6 Dec 2020 - 13:29

That's shame about the Olympics as I remember them saying it would be in 8K for preservation more than anything.

Again with Xbox vision can see the Xbox Series XX being a 8K machine for people that want it.

Anyway I'll ask now name ideas for January which think Hitman III and a Remaster of a classic Ubisoft games are the big hitters.
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Galactic Nova

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Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one   Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 EmptySun 6 Dec 2020 - 14:38

Hitmanuary and there is NOTHING ELSE
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Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one   Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 EmptyTue 8 Dec 2020 - 20:00

Gets my vote for obvious reasons. Thumbs Up! (Side note: Hitmanuary feels like Hitmonlee's lost cousin.)
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Galactic Nova

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Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one   Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 EmptyWed 9 Dec 2020 - 4:04

I'm now only seeing Hitmammary in my head and it's Hitmonlee with a glorious pair of knockers.
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Disciple of Greener

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Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one   Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 EmptyWed 9 Dec 2020 - 18:42

Who will you choose? Hitmammaree or Hitmonchebs?
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Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one   Will these December games get your Penyx Rising? Nah Ubisoft is run by jerks and their games can do one - Page 2 Empty

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