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 Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own

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Crumpy Andy
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Shiny Shuckle

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Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own Empty
PostSubject: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyTue 22 Mar 2022 - 12:12

How can we have gone all this time without having a dedicated tier list thread?

If you don't know, there's a tier list making website which pretty much as any tier list you could think of on it

I'm happy for this thread to be a free for all, but I thought for the first go around we might want to rank the MK8:D tracks - pre-booster wave, since that's something we've all played and will definitely agree on.

I've spoilered my list below. I decided to limit S tier to a top 5 but haven't made any rules for anything else. If you want to make your own list, the link is here:
MK8:  Pharaoh :
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyTue 22 Mar 2022 - 12:33

To probably the surprise of nobody, Muss and I have very similar taste in tracks!

MK8  :love:
Muss wrote:
I decided to limit S tier to a top 5 but haven't made any rules for anything else
I started out with only Moo Moo in my S but I had too many A and some were clearly a cut above so it wasn't worth ruining my list for a dumb joke!

Last edited by Buskalilly on Tue 22 Mar 2022 - 12:39; edited 1 time in total
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyTue 22 Mar 2022 - 12:37

I was meant to press edit but i hit quote :/
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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyTue 22 Mar 2022 - 19:14

It won't let me save/download my list, do you need to have a profile for that?


EDIT: Never mind I had to put the random track option in Laughing

Here's my MK8 tier list:


I also done the rule of 5 for S tier but tbh a lot of my A's could probably be in there as well, oh and just pretend the random track option isn't there. Winky Face

Last edited by The_Jaster on Tue 22 Mar 2022 - 19:26; edited 2 times in total
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The Cappuccino Kid
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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyTue 22 Mar 2022 - 19:20

Same here, it's not letting me save/download mine either.

Sherbet Land is a bawhair away from S tier, and everybody knows it.
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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyTue 22 Mar 2022 - 19:25

I added the random track option into the bottom tier and it worked for me so I've now edited my above post.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyTue 22 Mar 2022 - 19:55

Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own 69mj95
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyWed 23 Mar 2022 - 17:28

Weird! I didn't sign up for anything and the download button worked even without adding the random track. I guess there's something in the code of the website that's anti-Scotland. Thumbs Down...
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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyWed 23 Mar 2022 - 21:20

Contrarian Rankings:

Wild Woods is probably my favourite track in the game, wonderful.  Great atmosphere, great racing line, great music.  Shy Guy Falls deserves to be up there for the waterfall alone.  I love stunting off the various mechanisms in Tick Tock Clock.  Baby Park is pure chaos.  Electrodrome was a bawhair away from being S as well.  Random is obviously top tier.

Excitebike Arena is the one I really don't get.  It's a big oval that you can stunt on: it's like a bloated rubbish version of Baby Park.  At least we're all agreed on the desert courses.

If I was ranking the new courses, Ninja Hideaway would be S or A-tier, Sky Garden might make B-tier, and I don't think any of the others would get above C.  Toad Circuit is out-and-out D-tier boredom.
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyThu 24 Mar 2022 - 11:12

Arguably you've got Electrodome in your top 5, which means your list automatically passes in my book. I made this thread because Andy and Jay were adamant that Electrodome wasn't a top tier track.

I like Excitebike Arena because it's a nice medium between the chaos of Baby Park and the tempo of other tracks. It's still a bit of a destruction derby, but it's not a clusterfuck. I also like that there are different lines to take, you can try pushing your luck with the oil spills, and there's probably always an optimum stunt line to take which is always up to the player to work out.

I do still like Baby Park, it's just that the chaos of it is sometimes a turn off. But that's not the case with Excitebike Arena.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyThu 24 Mar 2022 - 14:03

Muss pretty much nailed my response to the Baby park/ Excitebike arena conundrum. We like playing the racing game of Mario Kart more than you, so it makes sense that BP's level of chaos is a bigger turn-off.
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyThu 24 Mar 2022 - 16:55

I've made a rough draft, not ordered within categories. Might do a run through and see how I feel, there's a few I don't remember well.
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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyThu 24 Mar 2022 - 19:39

Definitive Non-Negotiable Mario Kart 8 Tier List:
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyFri 25 Mar 2022 - 9:26

Wow Cappa, that N64 Rainbow Road placement...
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyFri 25 Mar 2022 - 10:27

Andy I knew you'd be taking the piss with Electrodome and Grumble Volcano but what is Super Bell Subway doing in your S tier? Laughing

I'm surprised a fair few of you don't rate Royal Raceway. It's one of those rare tracks where you can pull off a triple boost slide. It also has a technical section at the end and plenty of boost shortcuts, but the track is narrow enough to catch you off out if you mess up.

Can't argue with Cappa's picks. I tried to write something but they're definitive and non-negotiable.
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyFri 25 Mar 2022 - 11:30

Ha to be fair on Royal Raceway I think I did put that too low, think I got distracted by the N64 badge on it.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyFri 25 Mar 2022 - 11:33

I quite like Royal Raceway. I think at one point I had that, Mario Circuit, Mario Circuit and Mario Stadium in my A tier but they felt too similar and basic, then because I couldn't choose just one to keep up they all went down.
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyFri 25 Mar 2022 - 12:28

Yeah I can see that. A lot of the Mario Circuit/Stadium tracks are quite similar. I think that probably caused me to lower a few of them. If we were voting on looks, I'd definitely put Mario Stadium right up the business end of the table though.

It might be a simple track but the anti-gravity part as you turn the hairpin, with the fireworks and a view down towards the stadium; sublime.
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Disciple of Scullion

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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyFri 25 Mar 2022 - 14:32

Crumpy Andy wrote:
Wow Cappa, that N64 Rainbow Road placement...

Yeah, N64 Rainbow Road is objectively the worst Mario Kart course, proper miserable stuff.

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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyFri 25 Mar 2022 - 14:42

I should probably have Royal Raceway in my A tier as I do really like that triple boost slide that muss mentioned.
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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyFri 25 Mar 2022 - 18:37

People on about Cappa's (admittedly eyebrow-raising) N64 Rainbow Road placing, yet nobody's picked up on Andy putting Baby Park in D-tier. Why do you hate fun?

Muss wrote:
I'm surprised a fair few of you don't rate Royal Raceway. It's one of those rare tracks where you can pull off a triple boost slide. It also has a technical section at the end and plenty of boost shortcuts, but the track is narrow enough to catch you off out if you mess up.

I think Buska touched on it above when he talked about how you and he love the racing game part more than I do, whereas I'm all aboard the organised chaos train. Royal Raceway has naff-all in the way of organised chaos, or any chaos for that matter. It's a dull loop with a few turns.

Muss wrote:
If we were voting on looks, I'd definitely put Mario Stadium right up the business end of the table though. It might be a simple track but the anti-gravity part as you turn the hairpin, with the fireworks and a view down towards the stadium; sublime.

Why I put it higher than several of the others of that ilk. Mario Circuit also gets points for being a mobius strip. Seriously cool.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyFri 25 Mar 2022 - 23:00

I've timed this very well.:
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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptyFri 25 Mar 2022 - 23:19

Balladeer wrote:
Why do you hate fun?

It's a mess, but it's a good mess: the kind where you wake up covered in chocolate and other people and can only vaguely remember what happened. Ironically my issue with N64 Rainbow Road in MK8D is the opposite to my issue with it in the original: it's now a tad too short. Also not enough happens on it, which is exactly the same as in the original. Also: Yoshi Circuit, S-tier? I've always thought Smurf had great taste in games: turns out it's because he channels all his bad taste into Mario Kart tracks.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptySat 26 Mar 2022 - 6:08

Getting hit by shells ad nauseum as punishment for winning the previous race is not my idea of fun.
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PostSubject: Re: Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own   Andyman's tiertastic tier list thread that he definitely made up on his own EmptySat 26 Mar 2022 - 8:39

Buskalilly wrote:
Getting hit by shells ad nauseum as punishment for winning the previous race is not my idea of fun.

Kind of the tenet of Mario Kart though, no?! That's the life of someone in pole position.
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