| Final Fantasy | |
+9Jimbob Kinitawowi Crumpy Andy Athrun888 ZeroJones JayMoyles Silver light Balladeer masofdas 13 posters |
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Posts : 10465 Points : 9425 Join date : 2013-01-15 Age : 44 Location : North Midlands, England
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 06/02/15, 05:48 pm | |
| Has there been a female Cid before? If not, it's sort of a step in the right direction. Either way, so, so blatant. |
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masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 06/02/15, 06:38 pm | |
| It's the first female Cid, I know off. |
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JayMoyles Galactic Nova
Posts : 15896 Points : 15061 Join date : 2013-01-21 Age : 31 Location : The Shibuya River
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 06/02/15, 09:01 pm | |
| Yep, first one I think. They could have done it so so differently though. |
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Posts : 10465 Points : 9425 Join date : 2013-01-15 Age : 44 Location : North Midlands, England
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 07/02/15, 07:53 am | |
| You can only agree with Jay's sentiment there. Kaylee (from Firefly and Serenity) was by far the sexiest character in the series and she was much more covered up than young Cid up there. Also, as an engineer, you wear your overalls to protect your skin. Skanky and impractical. |
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masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 07/02/15, 09:34 am | |
| Kaylee was a excellent character like they all were in Firefly. Without goggles Only other female we've seen since the rebranding is Luna |
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masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 13/03/15, 02:38 pm | |
| As the release of the £40 FFXV: Episode Duscae which come with a free called FFType-0 HD draws closer.
I'm hearing the plot is that you car breaks down and you've got to get Cid to fix it and you need 20,000 Gil to do that. The demo is timed for 3hrs which rather disappointing as I'm hearing you can just about get the main quest & a few side things but not everything. |
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masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 21/05/15, 07:41 pm | |
| Triple Combo
Anyway wasn't sure to where to put this last retro game you palyed as it's a PS2 game or what PS4 game currently as I'm playing on the PS4 but as it's
Final Fantasy X HD what better place then the FF thread,
I've tried to play this once on VITA but didn't enjoy it on that, but just put 6hrs in on the PS4 ver and loving it.
The pacing seems great and how it introduces to everything, |
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Kinitawowi Magikarp
Posts : 3 Points : 3 Join date : 2015-04-22 Location : That London
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 21/05/15, 10:57 pm | |
| I and II (GBA): Pretty good, but II is let down by it's incredibly shonky level up system. III (DS): If it had proper MP it might have been better. IV (GBA): Clearly brilliant. V (GBA): I quite like it, actually. Feels like a more robust III. VI (GBA): In progress. I'll get back to you. VII (PSX): The snowboarding minigame is awesome. Everything else is not. Maybe I played it too late, but I just don't get what all of the fuss was meant to be about. Materia system's stupid as well. VIII (PSX): Got but not started yet. IX (PSX): They say your first Final Fantasy is your favourite, and they're not often wrong. Love it, love it, love it. X (PS2): The gameplay is stunning; the Sphere Grid is a piece of genius. Shame about the characters and the story (we get it, Yuna is Jesus, stop beating me around the head with it already). X-2 (PS2): Maybe I was on a kick for games that were very self-aware at the time (I loved Bayonetta right about then and picked up Lollipop Chainsaw too), maybe it was just that the characters seemed to be enjoying themselves for the first time in ages, but I really loved this one. XII (PS2): Got but barely started. Seems a bit odd so far. XII Revenant Wings (DS): Not started. XIII (360): The general consensus is that it gets good about twenty hours in. Twenty hours to go, then. What I've seen so far (my cousins borrowing and completing it) hasn't inspired me. XIII-2 (360): Not touching until I deal with XIII. Lightning Returns (360): Kindly put down the stick and back away from the horse carcass, thanks. You're not going to make the world love Lightning as much as you do, stop trying to force it.
Tactics (PS1): Not spent any significant amount of time with yet. Tactics Advance (GBA): Oh my. Ran up a 300-hour save before realising I'd dumped a Black Thread I needed for a quest, so ran up another 300-hour save. Monumental time sink and worth every minute. Tactics A2 (DS): Not quite as good (the auctions are weird), but still a decent continuation. Tactics A3D (3DS): WILL YOU JUST STOP FAFFING AND MAKE THIS GAME ALREADY?! THE TITLE EVEN WRITES ITSELF!
4 Heroes Of Light (DS): Barely started.
Crystal Chronicles (GCN): Really wish we'd finished this one, because it was great fun. Crystal Chronicles - Ring Of Fates (DS): Not started. Crystal Chronicles - Echoes Of Time (DS): Not started. |
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masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 22/05/15, 09:47 am | |
| Welcome Kinitawowi to GNamer
VI (GBA): In progress. I'll get back to you. I hear this is one of the best FF VII (PSX): The snowboarding minigame is awesome. Everything else is not. Maybe I played it too late, but I just don't get what all of the fuss was meant to be about. Materia system's stupid as well. I think it's to late and we all know the story, which doesn't help VIII (PSX): Got but not started yet. I wouldn't bother but now seems to have a lot of fans IX (PSX): They say your first Final Fantasy is your favourite, and they're not often wrong. Love it, love it, love it. Agree X (PS2): The gameplay is stunning; the Sphere Grid is a piece of genius. Shame about the characters and the story (we get it, Yuna is Jesus, stop beating me around the head with it already). I'm playing at the moment X-2 (PS2): Maybe I was on a kick for games that were very self-aware at the time (I loved Bayonetta right about then and picked up Lollipop Chainsaw too), maybe it was just that the characters seemed to be enjoying themselves for the first time in ages, but I really loved this one. I'm looking forward to this one after X
You used one of my biggest pet-peeves PSX urghh it really bugs me as know one can explain why we say PSX & I can't remember anyone ever saying it back in the day. PSX to me is a PS2 with a satellite box built in or now short for PlayStation Experience.
Have you tried Bravely Default
I really should up my FF history now
VII, I didn't like it when it came out as I was but I will try again when on PS4 VIII, Same as above but I don't think I would bother going back IX, Excellent X, Playing now X-2, Will be playing after X XIII, What I played was okay I can see a HD Trilogy on PS4, ONE, PC XIV, I want to play but don't like the whole sub deal XV, The Episode was excellent this is one of my most anticipated games of 2016 Crisis Core, Amazing game I want a HD port for PS4 Type-O, Just played recently on PS4 I really enjoyed it Crystal Chronicles, Was okay back when it came out but I don't know what it's like now Dissidia, Both great and can't wait till the arcade one comes to PS4 Theatrhythm, I own Curtain Call I really should go play some more of it but I have played & finished the first
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JayMoyles Galactic Nova
Posts : 15896 Points : 15061 Join date : 2013-01-21 Age : 31 Location : The Shibuya River
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 23/05/15, 03:22 pm | |
| - Kinitawowi wrote:
Tactics A3D (3DS): WILL YOU JUST STOP FAFFING AND MAKE THIS GAME ALREADY?! THE TITLE EVEN WRITES ITSELF! I would be all over that. Absolutely adored Tactics A2. |
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masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 16/06/15, 11:33 am | |
| FFVII Remake along with World of Final Fantasy were shown this morning for PS4, what we all thinking about them especially FF7. |
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JayMoyles Galactic Nova
Posts : 15896 Points : 15061 Join date : 2013-01-21 Age : 31 Location : The Shibuya River
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 16/06/15, 03:41 pm | |
| I enjoyed what I played of FF7, but it was a bit tired looking. A remake will do this game wonders. |
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masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 17/06/15, 05:02 pm | |
| I can't wait to play it in about 2017 as I do like FF's but VII is to dated even for me visually, I still might try the PC version when that comes to PS4 and see if I can stick that. |
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masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 20/08/15, 11:36 am | |
| I see FFVII is now on iOS, I wonder if Zero will pick it up and let us know what it's like as it adds a few bits which will be in the PS4 version (I think) and maybe in the remake. |
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Posts : 26557 Points : 25391 Join date : 2013-01-16 Age : 35 Location : Admintown
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 20/08/15, 11:41 am | |
| Sod Zero, I might pick it up! (Not really sodding Zero. Sorry Zero, you're a good chap. ) |
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masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 20/08/15, 11:44 am | |
| I wasn't sure if you had a iPhone, Balla and be able to get past the oldness of a 18 year old PS1 game (well it's the enhanced PC version enhanced). |
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Posts : 26557 Points : 25391 Join date : 2013-01-16 Age : 35 Location : Admintown
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 20/08/15, 11:46 am | |
| The oldness of the game is a potential turn-off for me, but I do want to experience the story, and I'm not terribly inclined to wait until the crack of doom to get it in HD. What do... |
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masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 20/08/15, 11:48 am | |
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Posts : 26557 Points : 25391 Join date : 2013-01-16 Age : 35 Location : Admintown
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 20/08/15, 11:53 am | |
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Athrun888 Sheegoth
Posts : 3618 Points : 3665 Join date : 2013-01-26 Location : Holiday Bunker
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 20/08/15, 11:59 am | |
| I'm going to be super controversial here and say the original Final Fantasy VII is complete rubbish. Battle system was boring and has far better versions elsewhere, graphics are super dated even for its time, the localization was absolutely atrocious (like, worse than the typical fan made game atrocious), the cast fluctuated from boring to insulting (Barret had me almost turning off the moment he started acting like a loon), and it just felt like a dinosaur when I played it. I don't often bag on games, but VII is one of the extremely rare games I can't stand. A dinosaur in a genre many like to falsely claim hasn't moved with the times and evolved.
Hell, I actually dropped the game. Remember the last time I dropped a game? Especially a jrpg? Yeah, that's how badly it rubbed me. Far as I'm concerned the game gave us two great things, and neither require touching the game. |
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Posts : 10465 Points : 9425 Join date : 2013-01-15 Age : 44 Location : North Midlands, England
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 20/08/15, 01:02 pm | |
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JayMoyles Galactic Nova
Posts : 15896 Points : 15061 Join date : 2013-01-21 Age : 31 Location : The Shibuya River
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 20/08/15, 10:44 pm | |
| - Balladeer wrote:
- The oldness of the game is a potential turn-off for me, but I do want to experience the story, and I'm not terribly inclined to wait until the crack of doom to get it in HD. What do...
I actually think the iOS port will be conducive to your needs - you can turn off random battles, which removes one of the most dated RPG tropes. It looks ugly, but if you can look past that you'll find a game with a lot of heart and some really memorable characters (provided you don't end up hating them like Athrun above ). You'll hate Cloud at first, but think of him like Neku from TWEWY and persevere. Also, I'm going to shamelessly link my music week on FFVII to further convince you. |
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masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 21/08/15, 03:58 pm | |
| The Final Fantasy Portal App on things now has Triple Triad which is the card game from FFVIII or something good from that game. |
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Posts : 10465 Points : 9425 Join date : 2013-01-15 Age : 44 Location : North Midlands, England
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 21/08/15, 06:09 pm | |
| After mas's tip-off, I checked out FFVII on the App Store: £11.99! So I decided against (particularly as I have I, V and VI in the backlog )... right up until a Gainsborough Beds lorry drove past on the walk home from work. It took ages to download, but I owns it. Now to see if it's the best thing since du bread slicé (not real French) or if I side with Athrun and Kinitawowi... |
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JayMoyles Galactic Nova
Posts : 15896 Points : 15061 Join date : 2013-01-21 Age : 31 Location : The Shibuya River
| Subject: Re: Final Fantasy 21/08/15, 08:09 pm | |
| It'll be a tough one to judge if you take more from the mechanics of an RPG rather than its story elements. If not, I think you'll be in for a blast. |
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| Final Fantasy | |