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 Creatures you Love to Hate

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PostSubject: Creatures you Love to Hate   Creatures you Love to Hate EmptyWed 14 Aug 2013 - 8:05

Not enough discussion topics these days.  Here's another one.  What are your favourite, least favourite, or most annoying enemies in gaming?  NOT bosses: there's a different topic for that.  

Creatures you Love to Hate Pionpiartwork

First up from me, it's these gits from Super Mario Land.  Unfortunate enough to lose your Super Flower?  Then they are impossible to kill permanently.  Jump on them, and they're bouncing after you seconds later... until they hop down a pit.  Tee hee.

Creatures you Love to Hate 011

There's something immensely satisfying about killing off WW's Moblins.  Is it their piggy reactions?  Revenge for the way they manhandled you at the beginning of the game, when you were sword-less?  The sweet, sweet loot orbs they drop when dead?  Let's go for all three.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Creatures you Love to Hate   Creatures you Love to Hate EmptyWed 14 Aug 2013 - 9:28

Any Taboo Noise from The World Ends With You can go back to the pit that spawned them. Also, Miniblins. Forever and always. No 
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PostSubject: Re: Creatures you Love to Hate   Creatures you Love to Hate EmptyWed 14 Aug 2013 - 13:20

Anything unique to the Subspace Emissary in Smash bros Brawl. Those enemies were just horrible, really unappealing designs, really annoying to fight against, and just overall really boring. The mode would have been so much better if the enemies had been Nintendo franchise enemies the entire way with the occasional unique boss in my opinion.
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PostSubject: Re: Creatures you Love to Hate   Creatures you Love to Hate EmptyWed 14 Aug 2013 - 13:27

I'm worried now that I wasn't clear: you can discuss enemies you "like", too! If we're going for annoying enemies, though, the Ramblin' Evil Mushrooms from Earthbound and their spores have irritated me many times. Changing your movement direction, making you run into another foe, then causing you to hit yourself. Evil or Very Mad 
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PostSubject: Re: Creatures you Love to Hate   Creatures you Love to Hate EmptyWed 14 Aug 2013 - 13:54

Oh, positive enemies as well?  Very well then, I shall name two.  First off, Audino in Pokemon Black and White/2.  They're so cute, so loveable, and they give off so much juicy exp that one cannot find themselves trying to engage them in a battle as often as possible.  

Next, Miniblins from Wind Waker.  Why?  Because they are so evil, yet laughably pathetic.  They stalk you in the night, first comes the call and your hairs stand on edge, then comes the hoard with their tiny little pitchforks ready to give Link the experience of a nightmare.  They pose no real threat, but I just love how annoying they are.  Twisted Evil

A scene of a nightmare:

Oh, and I shall add Redeads to this as well. As a enemy I love to hate. Redeads are disgusting, horrible, and hump Link. Words cannot describe how twisted and yet brilliant these things are.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostSubject: Re: Creatures you Love to Hate   Creatures you Love to Hate EmptyWed 14 Aug 2013 - 21:07

Creatures you Love to Hate Orange_bulborb
...and... 20 Pikmin are dead. And yet they're still sort-of loveable.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Creatures you Love to Hate   Creatures you Love to Hate EmptyThu 15 Aug 2013 - 0:59

Bulborbs are cute, especially when they fall over. Which just makes it hilarious that they can also be so terrifying sometimes.

Creatures you Love to Hate Images-5

man, that Miltank. But what makes pokemon so great; no matter how annoying, you know you're gonna get one soon and do the same thing to someone else.
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PostSubject: Re: Creatures you Love to Hate   Creatures you Love to Hate EmptyThu 15 Aug 2013 - 7:54

Athrun888 wrote:
Oh, and I shall add Redeads to this as well.  As a enemy I love to hate.  Redeads are disgusting, horrible, and hump Link.  Words cannot describe how twisted and yet brilliant these things are.  
I am tempted to post the video of a Re-Dead moaning again. Won't though. The OoT ones are still best: brown, putrid, empty eye sockets, and that moaning sound. The WW ones just look a bit silly.
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Creatures you Love to Hate   Creatures you Love to Hate EmptyThu 15 Aug 2013 - 7:54

Orange Bulborbs are in my bad books after I decided I could take the 3 in front of the tomato on. I could not.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostSubject: Re: Creatures you Love to Hate   Creatures you Love to Hate EmptySun 18 Aug 2013 - 9:49

Balladeer wrote:
Athrun888 wrote:
Oh, and I shall add Redeads to this as well.  As a enemy I love to hate.  Redeads are disgusting, horrible, and hump Link.  Words cannot describe how twisted and yet brilliant these things are.  
I am tempted to post the video of a Re-Dead moaning again.  Won't though.  The OoT ones are still best: brown, putrid, empty eye sockets, and that moaning sound.  The WW ones just look a bit silly.
Yeah - the Wind Waker ones look like street performers you might get on the South Bank.
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PostSubject: Re: Creatures you Love to Hate   Creatures you Love to Hate EmptySun 18 Aug 2013 - 14:29

Another couple of irritating things...

Creatures you Love to Hate Tumblr_lfyhvclAXg1qdk2kr

If we're including Pokémon, this git must surely rank high up the list. A combination of low experience yield (making them useless for grinding), omnipresence, and confusion attacks. Horrendous.

Creatures you Love to Hate Malboro-ffix

And speaking of status conditions, there's this intensely irritating creature. Can, and will, affect you with every status ailment under the sun. Also: is really ugly.
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