Also the residual yelling after you've had your back teeth out
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 Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow?

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Grackler Bait

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Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow? Empty
PostSubject: Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow?   Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow? EmptySat 28 May 2016 - 19:07

Just wondering, because it does happen, and it is most definitely normal (although because it happened to me, now it's not)

I sorta lost interest in Cammy recently. Been talking to a German girl who uses the name Touko over the Internet and I found about her, she's pretty ^^ (Touko herself)

This same person is also the co-owner of my website too by the way lol.
Anything like this maybe happened to you? Oh and my avatar has changed to reflect me now ^^
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Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow?   Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow? EmptyThu 16 Jun 2016 - 23:16

Moved gently into GGD. Thumbs Up!

Personally, I've never fallen for a video game character...
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Galactic Nova

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Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow?   Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow? EmptyFri 17 Jun 2016 - 16:17

I've not personally fallen in love with a game character, but I do get very invested in on-screen romances, in films, television, books and videogames.

This means that in Bioware role-players, I get really caught up in my character's love story. I was heartbroken when Shepard and Liara were torn apart and I wanted to key Alistair's car when he left me for the throne in Dragon Age Origins.
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Galactic Nova

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Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow?   Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow? EmptyFri 17 Jun 2016 - 21:12

I can't say I have either, but much like Drunka, I do like a good video game romance. Shepard and Liara is a cracking example and I think Bioware knew they were onto a winner there considering there's substantial scenes with Liara in all three games.

I got stupidly into my Fallout character's romance with Cait though, and considering how heavily I was roleplaying him as a traumatised wanderer, his interactions with Cait and her storyline really clicked with me.
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The Next Aonuma

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Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow?   Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow? EmptySat 18 Jun 2016 - 11:36

The love angles in Bioware games have been fantastic, I've not fallen in love with a character but I do love some characters in gaming.
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Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow?   Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow? Empty

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Have you ever fallen in love with a game character, somehow?
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