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PostSubject: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySat 29 Nov 2014 - 11:36

Nothing's new at the moment, but ZJ and I have been discussing some little things that we'd like to add. Most specifically, user titles for different postcounts, that would sit merrily below the avatar. As your posts increase, so does your rank. Presumably they cap at something like 10,000, because I've not reached that yet!

Would people be keen? And suggestions for ranks? I'm thinking Nintendo-themed, with some forum-specific ones thrown in ("I'M SO LONELY" for the 10k, perhaps?).
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySat 29 Nov 2014 - 11:39

Sounds a good idea, I know other forums use such thing's. Nintendo/Gaming themed one's would be good like less then a 500 is Toad or something.
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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySat 29 Nov 2014 - 17:30

I too like this idea, some suggestions:
500- toad
750- goomba
1000- shiny shuckle
1500- Capitalist Asshat
2000- I have nothing better to be doing

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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySat 29 Nov 2014 - 18:37

10,000 Tenderloin Minimise
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySat 29 Nov 2014 - 18:49

9001-9999 should be Goku
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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySat 29 Nov 2014 - 19:56

People seem pretty up for this, which is good! I'll talk it over with Zero and we'll see if we can get something set up. Rank titles will be subject to change, natch.
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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySun 30 Nov 2014 - 9:19

20000 = Grackler
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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptyTue 2 Dec 2014 - 20:41

In the heart of our secret admin. forum, ZJ and I have started putting together the ranks.  We're stealing taking your ideas into account, natch.  I'm a little iffy about general Internet stuff, though (like the Goku idea): let's keep it to Nintendo console games, or things that gave strong links with the forum (TM, TRP, NGamer as was etc.).

In the meantime, some simple like and dislikes for your emoticollection.
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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptyTue 2 Dec 2014 - 21:34

Thumbs Up! Thumbs Down...  Thumbs Up! Thumbs Up! Thumbs Up! Thumbs Down... Thumbs Up! Thumbs Up!     Thumbs Up! Thumbs Up! Thumbs Up! Thumbs Down... Thumbs Down... Thumbs Down... Thumbs Down...
Yup, they're certainly simple. Thumbs Up! Thumbs Up!
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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptyWed 3 Dec 2014 - 1:09

Balladeer wrote:
In the heart of our secret admin. forum, ZJ and I have started putting together the ranks.  We're stealing taking your ideas into account, natch.  I'm a little iffy about general Internet stuff, though (like the Goku idea): let's keep it to Nintendo console games, or things that gave strong links with the forum (TM, TRP, NGamer as was etc.).

In the meantime, some simple like and dislikes for your emoticollection.

NGamer about simply 'Kittsy' for the highest rank?
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptyWed 3 Dec 2014 - 14:02

I don't know what TM is Balla,

also what about Sonic character ranking and how far you going with the ranks as we all eventually get to 25k or what ever.

Ohh and Toad 500 then Capitan Toad for 1000.
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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptyWed 3 Dec 2014 - 14:13

Tenderloin Minimise, of course! Dead horse :shrink:
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptyWed 3 Dec 2014 - 14:14

Sonic can be for -1 posts Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptyWed 3 Dec 2014 - 14:19

I really want to put some more negative ranks in, like Big the Cat or Tingle's Dingle, but there's not a lot of room! Maybe have one per ten opening posts.
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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySat 13 Dec 2014 - 10:30

Double post (I nearly abbreviated that to DP - not the best idea): the rankings are about to go up.

EDIT: Rankings are now up! Grin Hopefully they'll inspire some people to get their post counts out of double figures.
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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySat 13 Dec 2014 - 14:57

Any way we can see a list of the rankings on the site? (I don't want to be a capitalist asshat)
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySat 13 Dec 2014 - 17:49

A list would be nice and meaning for some maybe
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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySat 13 Dec 2014 - 18:42

But he's so happy! Wave

A list is something we can give, as are meanings.  I'd rather not, though?  I'd rather they were discovered by forumites.  And there should be someone on the forum who knows what each of the rankings means, so other GNamerians can chip in.  (Apart from perhaps Mas' current ranking, which can be found as the first search result when Googled.)  

But if y'all really want a list, we can of course provide it, or sections of it.  And if y'all want a rank changed (although the <100 posts and >10,000 posts ranks are negative for a reason), we can do that too!  Especially because Jas will have a bit of a way to go until his rank changes under the current system...
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySat 13 Dec 2014 - 18:51

Googled mine now, still real no idea what it is as I've not played the game but guess being found at level 62 it's something decent from that game.

Surely if I asked to change my rank that defeats the purpose of the ranking system if I can be M56/UNION then I can be Zangurak just by asking to do so. And how the ranking change is it every 100 posts, 1000 etc
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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySat 13 Dec 2014 - 18:56

I mean one-off changes.  I'm not going to change a Pokémon-based rank because Jas doesn't like Pokémon, or let Andyman have the rank of "No. 1 Journey Fan" all to himself; but I agree that "Capitalist Asshat" isn't necessarily the most flattering rank among what should be the "good" ranks.  Basically we're open to advice. Smile

The rankings change quickly early on, then slow down, like a levelling system!  So it's roughly every ten posts or so, then every hundred or so, then every 500 until they max out.  There are some variations, but that's how most of them work.

masofdas wrote:
Googled mine now, still real no idea what it is as I've not played the game...

What are you sitting around on this forum for then?  GO PLAY IT NOOOOOOOOW.

(Unless you're holding out for the 3DS version, I guess.)
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySat 13 Dec 2014 - 19:05

What's the max 10,000

My launch copy which I bought my current Wii for, the game hasn't been touched in 1212 days or 3 years, 4 months, 3 days
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Yeah so now I might as well wait for the New 3DS version
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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySat 13 Dec 2014 - 19:06

Yup, at which point you get a rank that suggests you've been posting too much. Tongue

I pledge to change my rank to that for at least 100 posts if/when I become the first poster to make the rank.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySat 13 Dec 2014 - 19:08

Then what me & you wait for the rest to catch up before level cap is raised to 15k for instance.

Hope it's not £20 DLC for that.
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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySun 14 Dec 2014 - 13:10

balla wrote:
all to himself; but I agree that "Capitalist Asshat" isn't necessarily the most flattering rank among what should be the "good" ranks. Basically we're open to advice.

I demand to have this changed or I will be forced to unleash the grackler. Twisted Evil (I assume my next rank would be at 4 thousand posts?)
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PostSubject: Re: Rankings Chat   Rankings Chat EmptySun 14 Dec 2014 - 19:37

As things stand, yup. We can do a little rearrange. Lemme talk it over with Zero.

(changes Jas' rank to "Ultimate Pokémon Fan")

EDIT: Sorted!

Rankings Chat Sheegoth_Chapel_of_Elders

And we have a new thread for rankings chat too.
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