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 Your Gaming Setup

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Garreg Mach Geography Teacher

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Your Gaming Setup Empty
PostSubject: Your Gaming Setup   Your Gaming Setup Empty13/02/15, 02:42 pm

How are your consoles/PC set up? A massive jumble of wires? Different rooms or all nearly organised?

Here's mine.

Your Gaming Setup EGChiw7
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Bandana Waddle Dee

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Your Gaming Setup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Gaming Setup   Your Gaming Setup Empty13/02/15, 03:24 pm

Mine is an absolute mess. No organisation at all. As long as it works, I don't really care. I also have a room for the set-up, as we have three family rooms to choose from.

[img]Your Gaming Setup DSCF2083_zps8e16d506[/img]
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Galactic Nova

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Your Gaming Setup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Gaming Setup   Your Gaming Setup Empty14/02/15, 05:26 am

Mine is considerably less organised/ impressive than either if yours, but pretty legit nonetheless. I'll have pictures when I'm more alone/ clothed/ sober.
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Bandana Waddle Dee

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Your Gaming Setup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Gaming Setup   Your Gaming Setup Empty14/02/15, 05:50 am

Drunkalilly wrote:
Mine is considerably less organised/ impressive than either if yours, but pretty legit nonetheless. I'll have pictures when I'm more alone/ clothed/ sober.

Sooooo, does that mean right now you are with people, naked and drunk? Just another night at the Drunkadorm? Dance
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Galactic Nova

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Your Gaming Setup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Gaming Setup   Your Gaming Setup Empty14/02/15, 09:40 am

I was in my bed naked and drunk and there were people sleeping in the living room, so I guess to take a photo I'd ought to have put clothes on.
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Your Gaming Setup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Gaming Setup   Your Gaming Setup Empty14/02/15, 09:55 am

Blimey, many of you have great cameras! Shocked

Here's mine:

The set-up:

Just a Wii U with a hard drive and a few amiibi. Yes, the vague blob reflected in the TV screen is yours truly.
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Your Gaming Setup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Gaming Setup   Your Gaming Setup Empty14/02/15, 10:45 am

Mine is a pretty awful setup, despite owning a Wii, a playstation 2, and several portables you wouldn't know it from my normal setup.

Your Gaming Setup Sam_0216

It's more like my TV Setup Feat. Playstation 3 than a gaming setup. I blame the fact my portables are all in my room!
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Your Gaming Setup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Gaming Setup   Your Gaming Setup Empty14/02/15, 11:07 am

This question keeps popping up, and I keep having absolutely nothing to say about it. I have a television, a Wii U, and three GC controllers plugged into an adapter. I sit on a sofa to play, and have a few Ninty-themed soft toys around the screen.

I guess I don't really get the fascination with this theme.
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Ice Climber

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Your Gaming Setup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Gaming Setup   Your Gaming Setup Empty14/02/15, 11:34 am

I'll post mine when I get chance to take a snap. My gaming room is a bit of a dump though, so be warned.
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The Next Aonuma

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Your Gaming Setup Empty
PostSubject: Re: Your Gaming Setup   Your Gaming Setup Empty14/02/15, 11:50 am

From the old Gaming Collection & Set-Up Thread, Nothing has changed much apart from the 3DS is now a New 3DS, I sold my VITA as wasn't getting used, sold the Wii as wasn't getting used the GameCube is now there and the Mega Drive is now where the GameCube was. Also the Wii U now looks rather different with it's HDD and GameCube adapter both attached, ohh and there's a shelving unit on the left now with GameCube games in as I was running out of room on my actual game shelve. Plus the PS4 now has a Man City skin on, which is a bit tacky but was Christmas present.

masofdas wrote:
To copy Cube here's my Set-Up kinda my 3DS is not normally there for instance, and if your wondering where the mega drive is it's plugged into
my CRT.

Also is that a Panasonic Plasma Cube, I think that's the same TV I had 1 or 2 TV's ago.

Your Gaming Setup 20131210

But what about this setup from the very early 90's

Your Gaming Setup 20131211
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