Des and Ember. Because when you put them together, they... er... December.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Meet the Admin. Team   Meet the Admin. Team - Page 30 EmptyThu 12 Dec 2019 - 9:40

I just answered the question truthfully and honestly.
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PostSubject: Re: Meet the Admin. Team   Meet the Admin. Team - Page 30 EmptyThu 12 Dec 2019 - 19:42

masofdas wrote:
I just answered the question truthfully and honestly.

masofdas wrote:
Pokémon Sword came out in November, bringing with it a host of new Britain-based monsters, but missing the opportunity to plunder our rich 'cultural' heritage for ideas. What real-life British person should have got an expy in the game, and what Pokémon should they have had?

I don't know who but I wanted my Dragon Eevee

Drunkalilly wrote:
I bet Jay and Balla already said Gumshoe...

Guilty as charged, pal.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Meet the Admin. Team   Meet the Admin. Team - Page 30 EmptyWed 1 Jan 2020 - 23:14

Howdy all!

It's time to Meet the Admin team, one last time.

Yep, that's right - this will be the last installment of MtAT as you know it.

Like Admintendo, which is also ending as you may have seen, it's more down to a lack of interest than anything else. It's been a full calendar year with only Drunka and Mas responding - which we appreciate! - but it's clear the rest of the gang isn't into this anymore, which sounds the bell for this to end in its current format. Drunka and Mas, we salute your responses and thank you for your answers over the years.

If somebody else would like to take the reins or cycle the question master role about from time to time, I'd be happy to rename this thread as Meet the Forumites and go from there.

But, for one last time, let's meet your admin team!



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PostSubject: Re: Meet the Admin. Team   Meet the Admin. Team - Page 30 EmptyThu 2 Jan 2020 - 10:18

Yep, thanks to both of you for your services - we appreciated them. Smile Also how do you know I haven't already been replaced by a bot since the last Meet-Up? Suspect
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Meet the Admin. Team   Meet the Admin. Team - Page 30 EmptyThu 2 Jan 2020 - 11:10

I've not read Admintendo yet but this a real shame both are ending as nice to have monthly forum thing beyond my release threads.

Hopefully one of you come up with a new idea as I know it's only one person but we lost Athrun, ZeroJones last year (?) and EofGiz does pop on now again (surprised he didn't for Pokemon or NNK) it does seem we're getting to less and less people even Secret Santa shows that something to keep the core active would be great.

It's CHRIIIIIIIIIIIISTMAAAAAAAS! Or rather, it was Christmas last month, of course. What's the best reaction you've had to a gift you've given someone else?

Can't really think of anything as normally just given people what they wanted or like I gave him a 3D Blu Ray player when he got his 3DTV which never got used that this year everyone got cash.

Shovel Knight finally came to the end of its development cycle following a string of high quality and substantial content updates from Yacht Club Games. What game comes to mind when you think about its developer team providing ongoing support and content over the years?

This should be an easy one to answer due to live service games but I can't think of much beyond Overwatch

Alien Isolation, the perfect festive game, was ported to Switch (and well) this month. The titular aliens are famous for their reproductive process, but when we make extra-terrestrial contact, how would those aliens really make more aliens?

Mass Effect Cheeky

Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker hit cinemas last month and like The Force Awakens, it's posing questions about whether Star Wars relies too much on nostalgia. Is there a media franchise you think needs to let the past die and if so, why?

Bith of you went for my answer as WWE need to let Undertaker retire now and Pokemon should just reboot especially after dexit

It's the end of the year and the decade! How was gaming in 2019 for you, and how did it compare to the decade's best?

Now it had Death Stranding which is amazing and almost made my Top 10 of the decade in Jay's vote but that's the only real standout game of the year with the rest being sort 8 or 9/10 games where in some years you had few standouts but it feels like a transitional year to next-gen

It's the last Meet the Admin. Team too! The official story is lack of interest, but why's it really coming to a close?

Drunka and I are two awesome
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PostSubject: Re: Meet the Admin. Team   Meet the Admin. Team - Page 30 EmptyFri 3 Jan 2020 - 7:30

masofdas wrote:
Hopefully one of you come up with a new idea as I know it's only one person but we lost Athrun, ZeroJones last year (?) and EofGiz does pop on now again (surprised he didn't for Pokemon or NNK) it does seem we're getting to less and less people even Secret Santa shows that something to keep the core active would be great.

It was good to see EofGiz back! Did you give him a poke Mas? Winky Face

Yep it's absolutely been sad to lose people, although Athrun rarely took part in forum projects. I think that makes it all the more important that the projects we do run are ones that appeal to our current bunch of people. For example, Secret Santa and vote threads have gone down in popularity, but we've got a very healthy turnout for the fantasy league this year.

I'm sure Jay and I will look at things to fill the gap!
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Meet the Admin. Team   Meet the Admin. Team - Page 30 EmptyFri 3 Jan 2020 - 15:55

JayMoyles wrote:

Like Admintendo, which is also ending as you may have seen, it's more down to a lack of interest than anything else. It's been a full calendar year with only Drunka and Mas responding -

Bloody hell, I'd noticed that interest was diminishing but not that we were the only two!

With both this and Admintendo, I appreciated the effort but I think they were both holdovers from this being a forum accompanying NGamer. The place has evolved into something else entirely- its why I always roll my eyes a little when we talk about deliberately recruiting new forumites or when we throw words like "official" around. This is just a social space where some mates chat about shared interests. 50% of the forum experience isn't even on the forum any more - its on skype, on twitter, on facebook, in real-world meetups even! It's different, but it's not bad. You're all still my pals - even Zero is still my pal. We don't need to pretend this is NGamer for it to be something special. It's already something special: It's GNamer.

One last time:
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PostSubject: Re: Meet the Admin. Team   Meet the Admin. Team - Page 30 EmptyFri 3 Jan 2020 - 16:46

Damn it, I grinned at that Pengers mention. Laughing

This has evolved into somewhere entirely new: the result of that is that if, like me, you want all your GNamer experience in one place (and/or simply don't like Twitter much) then you're going to be disappointed.  Maybe that's why I've clung to stuff like this thread.  Anyway, you're not wrong about what it is now.  I'll still try to make this the best place to discuss gaming though.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Meet the Admin. Team   Meet the Admin. Team - Page 30 EmptyFri 3 Jan 2020 - 17:00

I've not mentioned the forum to EofGiz, it's just one of those things like when I was talking to Craig at work about Assassins Creed Rogue then next day EofGiz was playing it.

Or when a few of us on here were playing Nier Automata for some reason at the same time.

I don't live in Bridgwater but Ibbsters does.
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Layton's Apprentice

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PostSubject: Re: Meet the Admin. Team   Meet the Admin. Team - Page 30 EmptyFri 3 Jan 2020 - 17:14

Honestly i was playing my switch and thought "I'll pop on the forum and see what's about" 😅 you'll mostly find me interacting on Twitter 😁
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Crumpy Andy
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Crumpy Andy

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PostSubject: Re: Meet the Admin. Team   Meet the Admin. Team - Page 30 EmptyFri 3 Jan 2020 - 18:04

Probably time to set up a discord server and fuck this place in the bin 😉
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PostSubject: Re: Meet the Admin. Team   Meet the Admin. Team - Page 30 EmptyFri 3 Jan 2020 - 18:06

Jay, did you leak our secret forum plans to Andy again? Shifty
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Disciple of Greener

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PostSubject: Re: Meet the Admin. Team   Meet the Admin. Team - Page 30 EmptyMon 6 Jan 2020 - 10:43

Just to make you feel a little better, the only reason I don't read and take part in this is because I browse the forum with javascript disabled which means that I can't expand spoiler boxes - instead I have to quote the post and copy and paste the contents into a text editor just to read them, and that's a little too annoying!

Basically anything on here inside spoiler boxes is most likely unread by me Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Meet the Admin. Team   Meet the Admin. Team - Page 30 EmptyFri 10 Jan 2020 - 7:18

How bizarre. At least you have an excuse, mind. Now, what's your excuse for not replying to the Admintendi? Meet the Admin. Team - Page 30 Icon_capnscotty

Anyway, thanks for coming - sadly this is the most action this thread's had in months. Aww! It is now unstickied to float gently downstream.
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