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 Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)

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The Next Miyamoto

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Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 5:37

Shares down 5%, also £280 is the correct price when you work it out.

Ohh and I was right about paid online coming.
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 5:38

It's been confirmed at that price by Nintendo on the twitters now.
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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 6:44

Yeah I thought that price looked fishy. £250 the absolute maximum they should have gone for. Hope this doesn't hurt them, along with the currently scant launch line-up. Although as Drunka says, it releases with Zelda and that's one of the best launches in history right there.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 6:47

I'm sure they'd have liked a £250 launch but pounds are worth less than chocolate coins right now. I wonder what'll be in the ambassador programme when they inevitably drop the price this time?
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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 6:50

If Nintendo go bankrupt it's all Brexit's fault. Add that to the list.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 7:24

Yeah, I figured the launch price was going to be a bit pants with the Pound looking a bit like Monopoly money at the moment.

I'm a bit sad to hear that it'll be a paid online service, but if that's what it takes for a competent online service to come with the Switch, then so be it.

Other than that, there's plenty to be excited about! I'm impressed the Joy Cons have motion control embedded into them, and I'm interested to try out this HD Rumble for myself to see how much of a difference it makes compared to Rumble 1.0. I think I'll be dropping a lot of cash on this come March!
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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 7:30

I've got to say, taking a breath, I'm a little disappointed with the presentation. Not crushed, not by any means - but not blown away. There was only one really big game shown that we didn't see in the Switch trailer (XB2). The price was a tad high, the launch line-up thus far (however grand BotW might be) is two games, and Jay's right that paid online isn't grand.

At the same time, I see four 10/10 games announced for the console already (SMO, BotW, XB2, MK8D) already. That's not bad at all, that isn't. (Also the acronym MK8D has '8D' in it, which is appropriate.) It might not be the best launch, but it should be a really great launch year. Thumbs Up!
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 7:42

I think that's an important thing to take away from this - the Switch is going to have a stacked first year, and I can only imagine what it's in the works down the line. We've not even heard anything about the much rumoured Smash port too!

I wonder if the paid online service is going to tie into the Virtual Console in some capacity, or if they'll take a leaf out of Sony and Microsoft's books and offer free games each month with your subscription.
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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 7:49

Finding the complaints of the £280 price a bit tiresome (yes I know it isnt the sweet spot) if Im honest as surely there will be places doing it a tad bit cheaper when we get closer to the release.

Drunkalilly wrote:
The full launch line-up:

  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Best console launch of all time.

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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 7:51

I'm not moaning at Nintendo - just saying it would have been cheaper here had everything not been royally cocked up last year! Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 7:56

Yeah, also that wasnt aimed at you guys.
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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 7:58

I'm getting it whatever the price! (Within reason.) I just think a lot of folk might be turned off because they had £250 in their heads.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 8:00

It's one of the areas where the rumour mill has harmed the Switch - it's set an expectation which could only have led to disappointment.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 8:19

JayMoyles wrote:

I wonder if the paid online service is going to tie into the Virtual Console in some capacity, or if they'll take a leaf out of Sony and Microsoft's books and offer free games each month with your subscription.

Double post, but I've just seen this.

The part about SNES games having online integrated somehow has me REALLY intrigued.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 8:22

Mas has all the info, £280 is more then I would like but $300 in pounds is £246 plus the normal 20% on top is £295.

Paid Online will come holiday 2017 after a trail period and will include online play, online lobby, voice chat, a monthly game download which is a NES or a SNES game which will have online play for the SNES game and exclusive deals for paid members. No word on price.

The real concern is the peripherals as in the USA pair of Joy-Cons are $80 or $50 each, Pro Controller $70, Controller Grip $30, Dock $90, pair of Wheel things $15

All 58 Games Confirmed along with dates:

Last edited by masofdas on Fri 13 Jan 2017 - 8:32; edited 1 time in total
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The Cappuccino Kid
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Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 8:23

That's dampened my enthusiasm for the Switch, sadly. The price is a legitimate complaint - fair enough if folk want to wire into all this Brexit chat, but looking at the basics, what makes the Switch worth £280? The Wii U was never worth £300 with a free game and free online (or ever worth £280 in it's whole span), what will make this different? It's a bit steep. It really needed that 1-2-Switch compliation bundled-in to sweeten the deal. The online offer needs to be much, much improved if I'm going to be paying for it as well.

At least the software sounds good though. That's quite a respectable line-up for spring and summer, even if we're living in the age of remasters. That said, I'd like to hear more about what's planned at launch, seeing as I'm one of the three or so Nintendo fans that isn't into Zelda. I'd hope to see another Nintendo Direct before March 3rd.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 8:34

I reckon out of my list all the ports like Rayman will be day one along with all the Spring games or very close meaning their will be 24 games.
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 8:39

That presentation got me pretty excited, I think that's a great price and had expected higher, sure having 1,2 Switch in the box would've been nicer, but I don't see how anyone was ever expecting 250 frankly.

I've decided to pre-order based on Zelda, MK & Splatoon with Mario at Christmas, that should already make it a worthwhile console I reckon. I am concerned about the paid online though, I don't get enough out of my Live sub at the moment & as a forum we're not great at actually getting around to multiplayer to justify it. Once Monster Hunter is out I won't be able to argue, but I'm going to be resenting it until then.
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Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 8:43

Oh god, it's $470 here.  

Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 Piccol11

What is Nintendo thinking?  The PS4, brand new, is thirty dollars less with a plethora of games for both fans of the niche and not-so-niche already either out or releasing in the next few months.  

I think they've pulled another 3DS, mistaking a positive initial response as a reason to ramp up the price well beyond what it should be, all while forgetting that while it's half a handheld it's also half a home console, and is therefore in part competing with their far better priced competition.  

I wanted one at launch, but I have to say between just one game also on the Wii U and a system thrity dollars less with at least six games for even my niche as heck tastes I'm almost assured not buying in the launch window (that "almost" accounting for the possibility of winning the lotto).  Shame, I did actually want one, but that price and derth of games, nope.  Can't justify it right now.  Chop off seventy dollars or launch with better games and we'll talk, otherwise. . .

Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 Shrug11
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 8:47

Crumpy Andy wrote:
That presentation got me pretty excited, I think that's a great price and had expected higher, sure having 1,2 Switch in the box would've been nicer, but I don't see how anyone was ever expecting 250 frankly.

I've decided to pre-order based on Zelda, MK & Splatoon with Mario at Christmas, that should already make it a worthwhile console I reckon. I am concerned about the paid online though, I don't get enough out of my Live sub at the moment & as a forum we're not great at actually getting around to multiplayer to justify it. Once Monster Hunter is out I won't be able to argue, but I'm going to be resenting it until then.

I've been saying paid online was coming for ages and you all laughed at me.

Yeah I do agree and I've let my live run out as I don't use the Xbox for online and I don't play the games for gold, I may renew for a month when Halo Wars 2 arrives.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 8:49

Crumpy Andy wrote:
I am concerned about the paid online though, I don't get enough out of my Live sub at the moment & as a forum we're not great at actually getting around to multiplayer to justify it. Once Monster Hunter is out I won't be able to argue, but I'm going to be resenting it until then.

I'd say there a bunch of us who are normally pretty good at getting online, namely the folks on PS4. If the online infrastructure is going to be as improved as they say, I can see us getting a gang together quite easily on Switch.
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 8:53

Possibly, Splatoon could be the killer app for that, Mario Kart Online never particularly excites me because I suck and get fed up, but Splatoon could be the tipper.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 8:53

We need Overwatch on it.
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 8:55

Maybe not? I'm quite happy with it on PS4 thanks.
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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft)   Nintendo NX -> Nintendo Switch (Switchcraft) - Page 39 EmptyFri 13 Jan 2017 - 8:57

Just slapped down a preorder. Dance
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