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 Counting Classics on Consoles

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Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 1:44


Wario Land 2 - YES
Kirby's Dream Land 2 - ABSTAIN
Super Mario Land 2 - YES
Oracle Of Ages - YES
Oracle Of Seasons - YES
Super Mario Land - YES
Pokémon Pinball - ABSTAIN
Mario's Picross - YES
Harvest Moon - ABSTAIN
Pokémon Trading Card Game - ABSTAIN

& I offer up:

Gargoyle's quest - I've not played this one myself but I've always intended to as I hear nothing but great things about it.

Metroid II return of Samus - I've not picked this just because Metroid didn't make into the nes category, I genuinely enjoyed this so much when I played it for the first time a few months back.

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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 2:10

I'll have to abstain on both, unfortunately. I've only played a little bit of Metroid 2 - not enough to form a reasoned opinion about it.
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Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 8:43

I'm going to abstain on both of those too - sorry Jas.  That said, you did just managed to push SML2 over the line!  Giving a total of 12 classics for the Game Boy.

Which brings us to the SNES.  Bloody hell.  I'll start the list off, but I fully expect this to become a multi-page-spanning monster:

Super Metroid Y 6-0 SETTLED
Earthbound Y 5-0 SETTLED
FFIV Y 3-2
FFVI Y 4-1
Secret of Mana Y 4-0
Pilotwings Y 4-1
Mega Man X A 4-0
Actraiser A 3-1
Super Tennis A 1-1
Pop n Twinbee A 3-1
Super Bomberman 2 A 3-1
Lemmings N 3-2
Sim City N 3-1
Sensible Soccer N 2-2
Street Fighter II Y 5-0 SETTLED
Cannon Fodder A 1-2
F-Zero Y 5-0 SETTLED
Doom N 2-4
Cybernator A 3-0
LotMN N 2-4
NBA Jam A 4-0
Super R-Type A 2-1
Super Punch-Out!! N 3-1
Super Ghouls N' Ghosts  A 2-1
Killer Instinct Y 2-2
Illusion of Time N 1-2
Super Castlevania IV A 3-1
Soul Blazer A 1-1
Turtles in Time N 2-1
Donkey Kong Country 2 Y 2-2
Super Mario Kart Y 5-0 SETTLED
Super Star Wars A 6-0 SETTLED
Super Mario All Stars N 6-1 SETTLED

Go nuts, gentlemen.

Last edited by Balladeer on Fri 21 Aug 2015 - 19:53; edited 14 times in total (Reason for editing : Zero and Jimbob)
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Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 9:13

Yes to all of those, and I weigh in with

Super Mario World
The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past
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Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 9:24

The SNES! There's a lot to love on this console.

Super Metroid: YES.
Star Fox: Abstain. Haven't actually played the original.
Earthbound: YES.
Secret of Mana: Abstain.
Pilotwings: Abstain.

I'd like to put forward Mega Man X, Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario RPG.
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PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 9:34

Hm, MMX? Wiki-ing it, it seems that it's not in fact Mega Man 10, as I thought at first, but a spin-off I hadn't heard of. Not screaming "classic" at me, not at all.

I'm abstaining from DKC for largely personal reasons. Never got on with the Donkey Kong games until DKCR - didn't like the emphasis on graphics over gameplay, especially since when I played it the graphics looked bizarre anyway. (Also it doesn't contain Stickerbrush Symphony.)

SMRPG gets a YES in size 200 font from me, though.
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Galactic Nova

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Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 10:03

Balladeer wrote:
Hm, MMX?  Wiki-ing it, it seems that it's not in fact Mega Man 10, as I thought at first, but a spin-off I hadn't heard of.  Not screaming "classic" at me, not at all.

You've really never heard of it? That's surprising. I'll pitch for it.

It's renowned as being one of the best Mega Man games and features near the top of every "best SNES games" list (top 15 at least in each one) I looked at for inspiration for this thread. This isn't me picking a personal favourite little hidden gem from the SNES library but a game that's widely accepted as one of the SNES's best. It's a great update to the Mega Man formula - this video explains a little about how good it is.
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Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 10:29

Super Metroid - Irrelevant yes
Star Fox - Yes albeit for what it achieved at the time
Earthbound - Irrelevant yes
FFIV - Irrelevant abstain
FFVI - Irrelevant abstain
Secret of Mana - Abstain, but I image I'd say yes if I'd got round to playing it
SMW - Irrelevant yes
Pilotwings - Yes
LoZLttP - Irrelevant yes
Mega Man X - I'm going to say yes; but no to any sequels
DKC - Yes. I know we all got worked up about the graphics at the time, and the platforming isn't as timeless as the Mario games, but there's a sort of bleak atmosphere, thanks to David Wise's soundtrack etc. that perhaps the DKCR returns games don't have

To add:

Super Tennis
Pop n Twinbee (ssssh)
Super Bomberman 2 - I know Bomberman's a PC Engine stable, but I'd argue that this is the best game in the series
Lemmings - Controversy! But if we never do an Amiga list, this needs to go somehwere
Sim City - As above, PC, blahdy blah
Sensible Soccer - And again! (Amiga)
Street Fighter II - do you own an arcade machine in your house? No.
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PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 11:29

Hm, we've not said outright that we're not doing those other consoles (just that I'm not), so I'm inclined to say no to all of them, on that grounds that there are more classic versions out there (by your own admission).  SFII is the only one out of those to get a yes from me, with abstains for the top few.

Jay, I... really don't like Egoraptor, I'll be honest.  He seems to subscribe to the "fuck is funny" school of comedy which I see as the lowest form of humour, below puns and sarcasm, and on a similar level to (but not as offensive as) making fun of minorities.  He makes some very good points about the intro-stage amidst all of the swearing, though.  I'm open to being convinced on this - might do some research into the game.

EDIT: Done some research. Downgrading to "abstain".
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Galactic Nova

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Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 12:13

Balladeer wrote:

Jay, I... really don't like Egoraptor, I'll be honest.  He seems to subscribe to the "fuck is funny" school of comedy which I see as the lowest form of humour, below puns and sarcasm, and on a similar level to (but not as offensive as) making fun of minorities.  He makes some very good points about the intro-stage amidst all of the swearing, though.  I'm open to being convinced on this - might do some research into the game.

EDIT: Done some research.  Downgrading to "abstain".

That's fair! That video was just the first that sprung to mind about Mega Man X. I agree with Jimbob that no other MMX game deserves a spot in our collection, but I hope the first in the series makes it in because of how it updated the Mega Man formula for the 16 bit era.

As for Jimbob's choices, I'm abstaining on all of them bar ActRaiser and Street Fighter 2, which both get yeses from me.
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Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 17:02

Super Metroid - all the aye's
Star Fox - aye but don't you mean Starwing Razz
Earthbound - aye
FFIV - naw, didn't hear about FF a whole lot until folk raved about VII
FFVI - naw for the same reason
Secret of Mana - aye
SMW - aye
Pilotwings - aye
LoZLttP - aye
Mega Man X - aye
DKC - aye
SMRPG - aye
Actraiser - aye
Super Tennis - naw
Pop n Twinbee aye
Super Bomberman 2 - aye
Lemmings - aye
Sim City - aye
Sensible Soccer - aye
Street Fighter II - aye if you mean the Turbo version.

My picks:

Cannon Fodder
The Legend of the mystical Ninja
Super R-Type
Super Punch-Out!!
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PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 18:00

The_Jaster wrote:

FFIV - naw, didn't hear about FF a whole lot until folk raved about VII
FFVI - naw for the same reason

I can concede IV not being a classic game, but VI absolutely is, and folks did rave about it too. Sure, not to the extent of VII, but that's like comparing the buzz about Twilight Princess to the buzz about Ocarina of Time.

As for yours:

Cannon Fodder - Abstain.
F-Zero - Yep!
Doom - No, the DOS version is the classic and the SNES version is nowhere near as good.
Cybernator - Abstain.
The Legend of the mystical Ninja - Nah, it's an alright SNES game but I wouldn't call it a classic.
NBA Jam - Abstain.
Super R-Type - Abstain.
Super Punch-Out!! - Yep!
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Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 19:44

i think I've got all the games here and dam that's a few

Super Metroid, I'm going Yes even though I'm not a fan of the game at all I know this is classic when it comes to the SNES and the series
Star Fox, Yes
Earthbound, I'm going to Abstain on this one
FFIV, No because of
FFVI, Yes a lot would argue this is the best Final Fantasy
Secret of Mana, Yes
Super Mario World, Yes
Pilotwings, No I just don't get why this is remembered fondly
LoZLttP, Yes
Mega Man X, Abstain
DKC, Yes
SMRPG, Abstain
Actraiser, I want to say Yes to this one but I think it's more on the Cult Classic side of things then a actual classic
Super Tennis, Abstain
Pop n Twinbee, Yes
Super Bomberman 2, No
Lemmings, No
Sim City, Abstain
Sensible Soccer, No
Street Fighter II, Yes
Cannon Fodder, No
F-Zero, Yes
Doom, I'm going No, Yes the game is a classic but not a Classic SNES game
Cybernator, Abstain
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja, No
NBA Jam, Yes
Super R-Type, Abstain
Super Punch-Out!!, Yes

I will add
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi Island
Super Ghouls N' Ghosts
Killer Instinct
Illusion of Time
Super Castlevania IV
Soul Blazer
Turtles in Time
Donkey Kong Country 2
Super Mario Kart
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Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 20:04

Mas, your opinion on Actraiser isn't clear at all. Also FFIV and FFVI completely can and should both be considered as classics, like Awakening and the Orcales, or SMB and SMB3.

DKC2 is a classic where its forebear isn't because of Stickerbrush Symphony.  So say I.
SMK is a classic, but I have to take my brain apart and put it back together again to understand why.  Apparently the handling overrides everything else about the series. Neutral
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 20:08

Poor Balla's going to have a hell of a job with SNES week. Laughing

To Mas's games:

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PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 20:08

Think of it like a few you have cult classics like The Warriors but actual Classics such The Godfather, Actraiser is a cult classic if you say SNES to me and Classics I'm thinking Yoshi Island etc
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PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 20:21

JayMoyles wrote:
The_Jaster wrote:

FFIV - naw, didn't hear about FF a whole lot until folk raved about VII
FFVI - naw for the same reason

I can concede IV not being a classic game, but VI absolutely is, and folks did rave about it too. Sure, not to the extent of VII, but that's like comparing the buzz about Twilight Princess to the buzz about Ocarina of Time.

As for yours:

Cannon Fodder - Abstain.
F-Zero - Yep!
Doom - No, the DOS version is the classic and the SNES version is nowhere near as good.
Cybernator - Abstain.
The Legend of the mystical Ninja - Nah, it's an alright SNES game but I wouldn't call it a classic.
NBA Jam - Abstain.
Super R-Type - Abstain.
Super Punch-Out!! - Yep!

Are those abstains because you haven't played them? If so then I highly recommend you seek out Cannon fodder, Cybernator and NBA Jam.
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PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 20:42

JayMoyles wrote:
Poor Balla's going to have a hell of a job with SNES week.  Laughing

I had to do the last edit twice because Forumotion lost the first one! Crying or Very sad
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 20:53

The_Jaster wrote:

Are those abstains because you haven't played them? If so then I highly recommend you seek out Cannon fodder, Cybernator and NBA Jam.

Haven't played them, nope, but I shall check them out at some point. Thumbs Up!

Balladeer wrote:

I had to do the last edit twice because Forumotion lost the first one! Crying or Very sad

Forumotion's been a bit iffy tonight - it's swallowed a couple of my posts, but they've thankfully been easy to repost!
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PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 20:55

You should probably play Chrono Trigger if you haven't, too. I didn't care for it much to be honest, but many RPG fans felt it was the Second Coming. It's available on DS - not sure about prices.
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PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 21:00

It's even expensive on DS for a DS game, I've never played either but as you say it was the Second Coming to most RPG fans and most would say it's the best on the SNES & one of the best RPG's and for that I know it's a classic, hence why I put it forward.
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PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptySun 16 Aug 2015 - 21:43

Adding the numbers to the newies:

Cannon Fodder - Yeah, but... I left it out as I think the Amiga version works better (whereas Sensible Soccer I'd argue was better on the SNES)
F-Zero - Yes, silly me
Doom - I agree with mas, I'd have to say No to the SNES version I'm afraid, impressive as it was
Cybernator - Yes
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja - No; I don't feel happy about saying that though - please understand
NBA Jam - Yes - I nearly added this myself
Super R-Type - Yes, because R-Type needs to be somewhere
Super Punch-Out!! - Abstain (dunno it)
Chrono Trigger - Abstain (I haven't played it yet, but I know everyone says it' s amazing)
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi Island - Yes. Yes yes yes. Wait, wasn't that already on the list?
Super Ghouls N' Ghosts - No. Ghouls and Ghosts is, as Mr. Rice would say, "just no".
Killer Instinct - No
Illusion of Time - Abstain (see Chrono Trigger above)
Super Castlevania IV - Er................ yeah
Soul Blazer - Abstain - although I have played it, I've not played enough to judge
Turtles in Time - Abstain
Donkey Kong Country 2 - No. I would say that, after the first DKC, the process of producing the sequels was somewhat rushed. The graphics aren't really optimised to work together with the limited palettes, and so you end up with a much more jagged-looking game. It pulls the atmosphere right out of the experience.
Super Mario Kart - Yes
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PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptyMon 17 Aug 2015 - 8:48

That looks like a "no" for CF, Jimbob. Is it a "no"? Could be either/or.
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PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptyMon 17 Aug 2015 - 15:49

I wrote out a reply to that, with my Yes, no or abstain for every game and comments, then accidentally closed the window. Bugger it! I don't think my votes were making much difference, other than the big YES I was going to through at Turtles in Time and Doom.

For my suggestions, I'd have to say Super Star Wars, then come a bit unstuck. My SNES knowledge is sadly limited, especially with so many classics listed already! I'll have a little think and come back when I feel up to retyping my post from just now...
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PostSubject: Re: Counting Classics on Consoles   Counting Classics on Consoles - Page 4 EmptyMon 17 Aug 2015 - 15:59

I've just realised that Chrono Trigger isn't in. As one of the top 2 best JRPGs of all time it definitely deserves its place above half of these games...

I've also gotta chuck in Super Mario All Stars. A far more appealing package of 4 great Mario games.
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