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 Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups

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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptySat 6 Apr 2013 - 13:26

So what’s everyone’s gaming collection like.

A few off you I am friends with on backloggery (mine needs a serious update) and you can see by my sig I’ve started using retro collect instead of backloggery, I only really  used it to keep track of my retro games not what to play or what I haven’t played.  

So I kinda know what some of your collections are like all ready like stu has about 300 DS games with 98% still sealed, and most all ready know mine is mainly dreamcast and mega drive.

Last edited by masofdas on Mon 30 Dec 2013 - 11:05; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptySat 6 Apr 2013 - 13:33

Fairly small, actually. My DS collection is decent, with about 30 games - other consoles have fewer. Wii and GC have about 20 each, GB probably only has 15. I'm pretty picky.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptySat 6 Apr 2013 - 13:43

All my nintendo one's are small aprt from N64 which is about 35 games.
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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptySat 6 Apr 2013 - 14:29

Mine is....well....waaay too big. I tend to only pick up stuff i do intend to play at some point though...just leaving games sealed like some certain people Razz would just be a shame
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptySat 6 Apr 2013 - 14:36

Around 10 to 20 games for each console I own. 360's probably my most substantial, but I'm planning to sell a lot of my games for the console soon.
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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptySat 6 Apr 2013 - 14:46

Not that big, but not insignificant, either: http://www.backloggery.com/beemoh

Although I don't include my unplayeds, which I think stands at seventeen.
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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptySat 6 Apr 2013 - 15:48

Out of the 11 systems I own I've amassed 179 games in total with only 5 of those (systems) failing to reach double figures.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptySat 6 Apr 2013 - 15:51

mine is just over 600 in total over 11 (12/13 if you count that 3DS plays my DS games and my gamecube plays my gameboy games)
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Raging Pedant

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptySat 6 Apr 2013 - 19:45

Mines fairly small I usually keep my DS/3DS games as such and a few other games but I mostly trade them in when I'm done so my collection is mostly 3DS stuff
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Ice Climber

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptySat 6 Apr 2013 - 20:16

I seem to have accumulated an awful lot of games over the last twenty years: http://backloggery.com/stu_the_great

My DS collection is the biggest number of games for one system I'll ever own, now totalling 365 games - or one for every day of a non-leap year!

Apart from that, though: the rest of my collection consists of pretty average numbers of games per system, with handhelds having much richer libraries than home consoles. That 3DS total seems to be creeping up considering 3DS' short retail life, though.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptyMon 8 Apr 2013 - 20:02

Oh boy, I've got a mega-urge to setup a backloggery... do they have BBC Micro games though? 'Cause I had over 100 of those.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptyThu 11 Apr 2013 - 15:55

You ad your own games Jimbiob,

also talk about your consoles that you own or have means to play. I do have another topic like this in the retro but there i wanted to talk about retro consoles not current/next gen.

Heres my consoles in order there set up, black wiiu, wii, ps3 which is a phat so plays ps2 games, resident evil edition cube with gba player to play my zelda gameboy games own, dreamcast, xbox, ps1, mega drive, orange N64. And my two handhelds White (its horrid) 3DS XLthat i play my DS games on and a stone blue neo geo pocket colour.
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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptyThu 11 Apr 2013 - 16:15

My collection is pretty pathetic to be honest. Kind of like all my collections honestly, I spend so much time switching between multiple hobbies and collections I never get a good sized collection of anything (and it doesn't hurt the one I spend the most time collecting is absolutely horrible to the wallet, well two of them actually. Gaming is cheap compared to what I've spent the last year collecting). My collection consists of a PS2 and PS3, a Wii, a DSi and DS lite, and a PSP. And my games, I have about five Wii games, about eleven DS games (mostly Pokemon though so I don't count most of them Laughing ) two PS2 games, roughly five PS3 games, and thirteen PSP games.

Oh, and a 3DS game without a system to play it on with one on the way and another preordered.
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Ice Climber

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptyFri 12 Apr 2013 - 22:57

Jimbob wrote:
Oh boy, I've got a mega-urge to setup a backloggery... do they have BBC Micro games though? 'Cause I had over 100 of those.

BBC Micro is indeed a selectable format, Jimbob. Grin
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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptySat 13 Apr 2013 - 19:15

May as well copy my console list over from the retro thread. Not including re-models:

Game Boy
Game Boy Colo(u)r (unless that's a re-model? Not being too strict about the sense here)
Game Boy Advance
Wii U

I've also owned two GBA models (original and SP) and three DS models (fat, Lite and i).
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Bargain Hunter

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptySun 14 Apr 2013 - 9:47

masofdas wrote:
You ad your own games Jimbiob,

also talk about your consoles that you own or have means to play. I do have another topic like this in the retro but there i wanted to talk about retro consoles not current/next gen.

Stu_the_great wrote:
BBC Micro is indeed a selectable format, Jimbob.

Right. I need to find a spare couple of hours. *Checks watch* 2017 then.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptyThu 12 Sep 2013 - 15:04

Just doing a bit off a update due to car repairs and saving for PS4. My console and games collection is looking a lot smaller it's now

Wii U (most used), Wii, PS3 going soon for PS4, GameCube with Gameboy Player, Dreamcast, Mega Drive and 3DS.

With my games spread out like this

Mega Drive 180 Retail, Total 180 Games

Dreamcast 173 Retail, 2 Copy's of Unreleased games, Total 175 Games

Wii U 7 Retail, 2 Retail Downloads, 7 eShop, 9 VC, Total 25 Games

3DS 5 Retail, 4 Retail Downloads, 7 eShop, 3 VC, Total 19 Games

PS3 0 Retail, 10 PSN (I think), 1 PS2 Download, 5 PS1 Downloads, Total 16 Games

GameCube 15 Retail, Total 15 Games

Wii 7 Retail, 1 WiiWare, 4 VC, Total 12 Games (30 on my HDD Naughty)

PS1 4 Retail (3 have dreamcast bleems), Total 4 Games

VITA 3 PSN, Total 3 Games (If I still had a VITA, I would re-download these games I bought)

Gameboy Advance 2 Retail, Total 2 Games

Gameboy & Color 2 Retail, Total 2 Games

So still a Total of 453 Games
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptyWed 6 Nov 2013 - 23:09

Jay brought up this thread in the welcome section as 2grundies might want to post here with some pic, here's some from me.

Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups 20131011

Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups 13812610

Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups 13813110

Mega Drive (out of date by a few month's)
Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups 20121210 Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups 20121211
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptyWed 6 Nov 2013 - 23:30

That is bloody impressive. I feel a picture of my Steam library isn't going to evoke the same impressiveness. Laughing 
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptyWed 6 Nov 2013 - 23:52

I don't think it would, I still got pics of my xbox & 360 from a few days before it was sold to help fund Wii U.
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Boo This Man .Gif

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptyThu 7 Nov 2013 - 16:58

If had never sold or traded a game in ever, my collection would be huge. Sadly i didn't really keep games until the Dreamcast as i needed the pittance i was offered as a trade value to get new consoles or games. Only recently i have sold off a couple of collections, Dreamcast which wasn't all that valuable apart from a few titles like Street Fighter Alpha3, Bangai-o, Shenmue and Sonic Adventure 2, and most of my..........Gamcube collection (ducks from incoming fire). Some of the money i was offered for some games was too much to resist for games that were just sat in a cupboard. Metal Gear Twin Snakes, Paper Mario, Twiglet Princess did well. I still have a few GC games, stuff that i love and can't play anywhere else like Mario Sunshine and Fzero GX. I'm rather hoping that GC games will be available on the Virtual Console at some point.

At the moment my physical games collection is about 200 games. Out of that lot there's probably about 50 i will never sell, stuff like my Rare collection. Recently i went through a phase of picking up the harder to find Wii titles in the hope that in a few years they will fetch a nice return if i don't enjoy them once i finish them, games like Pandora's Tower, Last Story, Tatsunoko vs Capcom amongst others. The only title i still need to get is Xenoblade Chronicles.

The majority is probably Xbox 360 and Ps2, games which i have played and no longer want but can't justify selling or traded at the moment since they are worthless.

My digital games collections (if they count) are in the hundreds on both 360 and PS3. Tbh, i actually prefer digital collections to physical as space is an issue at my house. I just wish that the console makers would have better dashboard representation of the games. EG, rather than just a bland tile perhaps a 3D model of the box and digital manual, similar to WiiFlow.

If i had a dedicated games room with shelving etc, i would prefer a physical games collecion but it's not to be.....at least, not till the kids move out Grin. That said, when they are gone i plan on buying a couple of my favourite pinball tables and a couple of coin-ops.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptyThu 7 Nov 2013 - 19:13

Dam it i need Bangai-O, I'm not huge fan of digital for retail games as most seem to be cheaper at retail in box instead of digital where it should be cheaper. And another thing is now if I had loads of PS3 indie titles can't carry them over to PS4, there just stuck on the PS3 for ever.
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F-Zero Rookie

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptyThu 7 Nov 2013 - 19:56

That DC collection is a beauty, mafosdas! Cool I've heard the DC boxes are pretty fragile, so did you have to replace many?

I'd post pics of my GC collection but the board tells me i can't post external links for 7 days (a spam precaution, presumably).....so you'll just have to wait!
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptyThu 7 Nov 2013 - 20:05

I've not replaced any boxes yet a few are damaged and likes of UEFA Striker I've only got the disc, so plan is get them all then replace things like striker with better condition and so on but some like my evolution 2 is in great nick but missing manual but I payed about £30 less then normal price because of that. So unless I want to pay silly money for some, it's never going to become 100% mint unfortunately.

I don't know if you can tell from the pictures but the Mega Drive is the biggest collection of any it's about 185 games now but will never get a complete set of that as there's just two many games for the system then 32x / CD on top.

I am looking at picking up another Saturn as local indie store has some quality titles at the moment for it.

I don't about the post about external links, I use the host the image option.

Also I've got a brand new Dreamcast game coming, should be out December.

Ohh and some of you like anime, one of the two jap games I own is Card Captors.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostSubject: Re: Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups   Collections of your videogames and consoles and setups EmptyThu 7 Nov 2013 - 20:13

I've been working on a bedroom furniture catalogue at work, so all I can think of is "hey, nice retro-style fitted wardrobes, Mas!"
I need help
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