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 Wha'daya So Mad About?

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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptySun 7 Feb 2016 - 20:40

I hope you clicked on that link in my post...

GabCan47 wrote:
I can't believe this game got so many good reviews. I gave it a good 15 hours and I was very disappointed in the "EPIC, AMAZING, AWESOME [GENRE]". It's total trash. The battle system is excruciatingly boring and dumb. It's the same thing over and over and over. If I wanted a mindless button masher, I would have played God of War. The AI is useless. The quests are boring and dumb. The boring and dumb. Maybe I just hate [genre]'s but I just don't see it. It's mind blowing. I gave it a 3 for the soundtrack. 3/10

"It's mind blowing." Three out of ten.

ShadowofZexa wrote:
[Game] has to be the most underrated piece of video game ever made I paid $[price] for this piece of garbage firstly lets talk about the story because its just boring and also just 100% predictable the gameplay is no better the combat system is bull**** its just real time combat where you press left or right on the d-pad to switch attacks also the game is extremely forgiving once you die you just start at a check point and the graphics are rubbish even for a [console] game now the locations are gorgeous shame the developers vomit all over the locations the music is perfect fits the atmosphere and is just entertaining and just plain awesome also the characters are just boring Final Fantasy 13-2 Tifa sluts I'd skip this game because of the extremely high price 4/10

"most underrated piece of video game" Four out of ten. (Shout-out for the incorrectly matched FF too.)

Ernste wrote:
this overrated tittle... The story isn't any special to me , good music , good graphic but worst fighting system in this kind of game ... it isn't worst game i ever played , but it just disappointed me because the game play really somehow boring and isn't fun to me 0/10

"it isn't the worst game i ever played" Zero out of ten. (At least he got over/underrated right.)
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptySun 7 Feb 2016 - 20:45

I think I know it, but I don't want to do the ol' two in a row.

Also, I chose to ignore the link in your post. Sulk
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Crumpy Andy
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Crumpy Andy

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyMon 8 Feb 2016 - 7:39

I'd say Xeno, but the Tifa sluts comment doesn't match up, maybe Xenoblade Chronicles X?
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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyMon 8 Feb 2016 - 7:54

It is not XCX! (I have no idea what a "FF13-2 Tifa slut" is.)
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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyMon 8 Feb 2016 - 9:17

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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyMon 8 Feb 2016 - 10:00

I was thinking Xenoblade as I read it, so I'm gonna go with the Wii original.
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Crumpy Andy
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Crumpy Andy

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyMon 8 Feb 2016 - 10:51

Assuming it's 10-2 they're actually trying for, whilst getting Tifa & Yuna mixed up, I'm assuming they mean a bit like this. Maybe Sharla was enough to make that connection Laughing If it's not Xeno I've got no idea Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyMon 8 Feb 2016 - 20:05

Of course it's that standout of the JRPG-cum-WRPG genre, Xenoblade Chronicles! Incidentally, I initially saved you all from this beauty:

Glasses wrote:

Drunka's turn!
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyMon 8 Feb 2016 - 21:41

I bet Drunka will be a smug now that it's his turn.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyTue 9 Feb 2016 - 0:01


First up, MessiahLee responds to Abdul, whoever Abdul is:
MessiahLee wrote:
A generic, mediocre genre of the most depthless proportions. My opinion of this game is hardly marred by its difficulty, Abdul, but its been-there-done-that gameplay.
I think it's funny that you claim game's storyline was awful, and then you gave game, an entire experience that can be summarized in one or two paragraphs at Wikipedia, and finished in less than 6 hours on difficulty, a perfect 10.
You're an idiot

ShawnO has some issues with this game, and not his own parenting, that would be absurd.
ShawnO wrote:
Crap game, my son played it and started to pretent to use a weapon and blood coming out.....I don't know why you would have the weapon (I saw it) in this game with all of the blood squishing out.....There are some weird games out there (ex-gory weapons) and I think the creator of that had some problems

MarcStaal had a similar problem. Maybe his kids are friends with ShawnO's?
MarcStaal wrote:
it is unbelievable how some sicko's out there put a random weapon on a weapon, just for the purpose of seeing blood squirt son, who is 6 years of age, went to his friends house where he watched this boy's brother play the son came home with the friend, and starting to pretend to weapon each other..they were yelling and screaming, and also swore son said "Sup B**ches" to his friend...this is absolutely insane..........who the heck puts that dumb weapon in the game....this person must have just got out of jail....UNBELIEVABLE......but overall great game with great graphics

And finally, this golden truth bomb:
MasterChief wrote:
This game is nothing compared to the adrenaline fueled graphics bomb we all know as Game. Game is the only thing on the Console, if you want games like this, buy a Wii. Cause Wii is great for these casual games.
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyTue 9 Feb 2016 - 0:47

I wanted to say something like Madworld at first, but it's obviously not a Wii game based on the last review.

Purely based on it being 'generic' according to MessiahLee, and you playing through it, I'm going to go with Gears of War.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyTue 9 Feb 2016 - 10:05

The Mussiah has returneth to Earth, and Spoken Holy Truthes!
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyTue 9 Feb 2016 - 16:24

Feast your eyes upon these beauties.


Ben T. wrote:
This game is SO HARD!!!!! Especially the Time Attack. I MEAN IT!!!!!! Try it and you can see. 1/10

Wishanem doubts he got far enough to leave a fair review, before reviewing it.

wishanem wrote:
The parts of this game I was able to play were pretty. Sadly it was much too difficult for my abilities, and I didn't manage to get far enough into the game to have a good impression of it. 1/10

On the other hand, Gamerfolife, took issue with the game's speed, but has high hopes that an N-Gage version will work out!

Gamerfolife wrote:
This game is way too slow. the futuristic graphics make no sense whatsoever. this game should wisen up and start using licensed vehicles and believable locations, like miami or something. you look like you are driving little toys instead of actual speed machines. mario kart is even more realistic than this. the graphics are terrible because they aren't real enough. the tracks are completely implausible because you go in loops and upside down and stuff, makes no sense. [Series] has always been this bad though, since it first appeared on the sega genesis in 1994. i hear that the n-gage is going to release [a game in the franchise], hopefully they release something worthwhile on their new amazing handheld pocket god. 4/10
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyTue 9 Feb 2016 - 16:30

Micro Machines the remake from 2002?
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyTue 9 Feb 2016 - 18:04

It is not.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyTue 9 Feb 2016 - 20:41

Hmmmm... so it's a racer, with Megadrive roots, in the mid 90s...

Is it Rad Mobile?
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyTue 9 Feb 2016 - 21:01

It is a racer, but it's not Rad Mobile. I should probably point out that the last No review is a half red herring, in that they've got the console of origin completely wrong for this game, but it is futuristic with loops.

I just wanted to leave that part of the review in there because it's so bloody wrong, as is the N-Gage chat.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyTue 9 Feb 2016 - 21:24

F-Zero GX? I'll admit that the bloody mention of the NGage had me stumped. Laughing
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyTue 9 Feb 2016 - 21:37

Wonder if that was wrong as well then as there's not many Racers on the N-Gage or planned.
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyTue 9 Feb 2016 - 21:50

Falcon Punch Yeah it's the Jay's lap! Falcon Punch

Two chumps complaining about the difficulty, and one impressively poorly informed/totes a troll review there.

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyTue 9 Feb 2016 - 22:19

Actively researched Genesis games from '94 and found no. Thing. No wonder. Duh!
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyTue 9 Feb 2016 - 22:38

And here... we... go.

Some dipshit wrote:
A deeply flawed game where you spend more time LOOKING for the [enemies] then actually killing them. With no storyline, no plot and a character who runs like he's missing a leg makes this game a total bust. On top of all that there is almost NO dialogue, it would be worth it to rent it but definetly not for buying.

A pleb wrote:
the emperors new clothes of the gaming world. you don't appreciate the 'experience' of finding and climbing ah.. then my good sir YOU are an idiot.
If I want an artistic game I'll go back to [previous game by devs] which was a GAME not this drivel.

either that or for once in your life actually visit a real art gallery

An idiot wrote:
The most hyped games i've ever seen! The graphics are bit linear. You have the feeling that nothing happens on that massive land! The gameplay is poor, with bad controls, bad camera, little and scarse weapons! Story, what story? There is none. There's no quest! Just killing monsters! And they are easy to beat, with one or more challenge! And that's it! Nothing more! [previous game by devs] was the game, the quest, the girl, the romance! [name of game] it's just that, [enemies] being killed! Make a real [follow up to previous game by devs]

The graphics are a bit linear, but will your answers be correct?
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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyTue 9 Feb 2016 - 23:04

Shadow of the Colossus?
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyTue 9 Feb 2016 - 23:35

ZeroJones wrote:
Actively researched Genesis games from '94 and found no. Thing. No wonder. Duh!

Yeah sorry about that; should have mentioned the console bits were duff leads from the start.

I think Drunka's guess is a really good one, matches the reviews perfectly.
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PostSubject: Re: Wha'daya So Mad About?   Wha'daya So Mad About? - Page 5 EmptyWed 10 Feb 2016 - 5:40

Worry not, boss; the search took 15 seconds, tops, and giving warnings like that would risk spoiling the game. Just another way to expose the strangeness of a certain section of Metacritic users. Thumbs Up!
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