Also the residual yelling after you've had your back teeth out
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 The Best Legend of Zelda

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The Cappuccino Kid
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Galactic Nova

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The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
PostSubject: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 10:46

The Best Legend of Zelda Triforce_2_by_5995260108

In the beginning, the three Godesses Mathru, Scullidin and Greenore created the world of NGamer, and locked the power of admin in a sacred artifact. Stunondorf coveted this power, and used it to create a dark world, where alt accounts prowled the fields and you couldn't step five feet without a poll.

This world was liberated when Princess Ballada called upon the legendary hero LinkJones and his trusted sidekick, PhayMidnoyles. That was many centuries ago. History became legend, legend became myth. Now the world is in peril once again, and a new hero must rise.

In a small village in the woods, a young bald boy awakens.

The Legend of Zelda
Theremin of Choosing Which One is Best

Indeed, the day has come! We are going to vote on the best Zelda game! I was going to wait a month or two longer, until I had my tattoo done because then I could have amusingly mentioned the triforce appearing on my body as being what kicked off my hero's journey. Instead, I had the other classic Zelda opener: the prophetic dream.
I had a dream last night that Balla made the Zelda vote himself because he got impatient with me and I really need a vote under my belt to shore up that Forumite of the year plaudit, so here we go.

The rules:
This is the full list, I think:
  • Voting is now closed!

  • The Best Legend of Zelda Midna_monster_5


    Number 10:
    Number 9:
    Number 8:
    Number 7:
    Number 6:
    Number 5:
    Number 4:
    Top 3 Spin-offs!:
    Top 3 2D Zeldas!:
    Number 3:
    Number 2:
    Number 1:

    Adventure of Link
    Top 3 3D Zeldas:

    Get hyped!
    The Best Legend of Zelda Giphy

    Last edited by Drunkalilly on Sat 23 Apr 2016 - 0:26; edited 19 times in total
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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 11:46

    Are we doing it? Yes we are! Very Happy

    Nice intro, by the way. I only wish that I had a green hoodie to take up the mantle of the Hero of Wind on Time.

    I'm happy with the HD/remakes etc. to be grouped with their respective originals - comments can then include a preferred version of the two. Thumbs Up!

    Finally, you may have forgotten Hyrule Warriors.
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    The Cappuccino Kid
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    The Cappuccino Kid

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 12:26

    I said in the old Zelda thread that

    The Cappuccino Kid wrote:
    Everybody knows it's Ocarina, and anybody who suggests otherwise should stop breathing for a minimum of three hours.

    and I'll stick with that. I can't really say anything else about Zelda, so I'll bid this thread adieu. Wave

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    The Next Aonuma

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 13:05

    On HW I guess the Wii U & 3DS version legends count as the same game.

    On missing games Legend of Zelda Game and Watch which is also on Game & Watch 4 AKA Gallery Advance on GBA, Zelda Barcode Battler, Too Much Tingle Pack

    The CD-i games?, Captain Rainbow?, Warioware games?
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    Galactic Nova

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 14:24

    Hyrule Warriors! Yep, added that.

    I'm not sure about the likes of Wario Ware, Game and Watch, Smash Bros; Souls Calibur and Mario Kart 8 DLC. I can't see them accruing votes anyway.

    Also, please keep discussions of the quality of actual games for the votes! I have plenty to say about OoT, but I'll wait for now.
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    Galactic Nova

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 14:44

    Drunkalilly wrote:

    I'm not sure about the likes of Wario Ware, Game and Watch, Smash Bros; Souls Calibur and Mario Kart 8 DLC. I can't see them accruing votes anyway.

    Yeah, I wouldn't bother including those are those are just games where Link pops up as opposed to a bonafide Zelda game.

    As for HD editions, I'd group those with their main game. There's not enough difference between versions, and it'd run the risk of splitting votes between different versions of the same game. Thumbs Up!
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    The Next Aonuma

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 14:52

    The Game and Watch IMO should count as it's own game
    The Best Legend of Zelda GUW-003

    Which if you don't own the actual G&W then you could of played it on the GBA collection, I do doubt it will get any votes but it's a proper Zelda and should be allowed to be in contention just like any other.  Same applies to Zelda Barcode Battler and Too Much Tingle Pack, the rest yeah I get why there not counted as the CD-i games aren't Nintendo and the rest are Mini games but hey NintendoLand's The Legend of Zelda: Battle Quest is counted.

    Which you may say is slightly different as that was a new thing where the WarioWare stuff is just using the Zelda games in a small section like NES remix.

    Captain Rainbow, Crazy Tracy plays a part in the story but that's the only connection to Zelda which like Link appearing in Soul Calibur II.
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    Galactic Nova

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 14:54

    Aye, Zelda Game and Watch could warrant inclusion - I just don't know who'd vote for it! Laughing
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    The Next Aonuma

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 14:56

    I think no one but it's as much of a Zelda game as any other that if it's not included then you may as well not include any of the spin-offs if a proper Zelda can't even be in the running.
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    Galactic Nova

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 14:58

    I shall leave it up to our capable Votemaster of Time to decide.

    Speaking of time, time to start crafting my list!
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    Galactic Nova

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 15:11

    Game and Watch Zelda... is in!
    The Best Legend of Zelda Fpbbjdpglkxknyyiid6t
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    The Next Aonuma

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 15:13

    Yay, I'm also going to have a think and send you my Top 10 Drunka
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    Galactic Nova

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 15:19

    Remember, you've got AGES. You can take your time and proof-read what you send :p

    Also, how are people feeling about a Top 3 2D, 3D and Spin-Offs list?
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    The Next Aonuma

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 15:26

    I rarely send comments but I'll try.

    I'm down for just a Top 10 but I'm not a big 2D fan that a Top 3 is even hard.

    So end date is the 11th then when you come back the Top what ever goes up.
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    Galactic Nova

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 15:30

    They don't have to say much, but what a game makes you feel, what you liked about it, anything to say why you voted for it. The list and the placement is pretty meaningless. I'm far less interested in, for example, a game's metacritic than the specific opinions of someone I know or trust or find interesting. This is about expressing our collective love of Zelda, not finding a definitive answer for the "best game".

    Also, a question for people who have run these in the past: Did you include your own votes when tallying up? I don't want to miss out...
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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 17:40

    Drunkalilly wrote:
    Also, a question for people who have run these in the past: Did you include your own votes when tallying up? I don't want to miss out...

    Absolutely! The Votemaster of Time (HT Jay) should totally be allowed to vote. I am also happy to split into 2D, 3D and spin-offs votes - it'll help put a spotlight on some Zelda games we don't often talk about. All good stuff, Drunklestiltskin. Thumbs Up! Thumbs Up! Thumbs Up!
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    Galactic Nova

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 17:52

    Game for splitting the vote up a bit, so long as we still have an overall top 10. As Zero rightly says, it'll allow for some chat about Zelda games that may not get the chance to be discussed in the overall vote.
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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 18:02

    mas wrote:

    I rarely send comments but I'll try.

    So this is why you get votes in so quickly. Laughing
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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 19:04

    Hooray, another voting thread!  I do hope it hasn't already been derailed with discussion about games nobody will ever vote for...

    Matthew Castle

    I'm up for all the suggestions in the OP.  Perhaps five votes each for 3D, five for 2D, and three for spin-offs (there are fewer of them)?  Could even do three for 3D actually.  Then ten for the final vote, natch.  I'll not be voting in the spin-off award, as I've only played one (HW) and not much o' that.

    Oh, and top work on the OP. Thumbs Up! I'm definitely up for being the magical princess-cum-ninja of this piece. fact, I humbly request a Song of Alts and Fora-style expansion of this! Grin 10,000th post maybe? Gives you time to plan it...
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    Galactic Nova

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 21:48

    If spin-off and 3D are 3, I don't want to fart around making 2D a 5. But the four votes seems popular, so we'll go with that.
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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptySun 20 Mar 2016 - 23:26

    I can buy that. Votes will head your way tomorrow, most likely.
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    Disciple of Greener

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptyMon 21 Mar 2016 - 10:03

    Wait so am I supposed to give a top 10 or what
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    The Next Aonuma

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptyMon 21 Mar 2016 - 10:07

    I think were going for Top 3 3D, 2D, Spin-Offs and overall Top 10 but I'm waiting till Drunka updates the OP before I sort out what I'm voting for but I can tell you my Top 3 3D will be the same as my Top 3 in my Top 10 as 3D over 2D Zelda's always.

    @Balla sorry if you think I was derailing the thread with trying to bring up games no one will vote for, but like I said it's just fair that all are allowed to be voted for, not just a select bunch as I'm still annoyed still about Super MARIO Land 2: Yoshi Island not allowed in the Mario vote.

    @Jas yeah sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, I didn't for the forum awards as I did write a load out then the site didn't that timing out that it sometimes does that I just sent who/what I was voting for as couldn't be bothered to type up again.
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    Galactic Nova

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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptyMon 21 Mar 2016 - 10:59

    I'll update the main post now the rules are settled.

    OrangeRakoon wrote:
    Wait so am I supposed to give a top 10 or what
    Yeah, with some extra little votes as well if you fancy them.

    masofdas wrote:
    sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, I didn't for the forum awards as I did write a load out then the site didn't that timing out that it sometimes does that I just sent who/what I was voting for as couldn't be bothered to type up again.

    I've had that enough times now that if I write a long post I make a habit of copying it so I can paste if it goes awry.
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    The Best Legend of Zelda Empty
    PostSubject: Re: The Best Legend of Zelda   The Best Legend of Zelda EmptyMon 21 Mar 2016 - 12:02

    "Goat in"?  More like "vote in"!

    (gets goat vote coat)
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