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 Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017

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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyMon 12 Jun 2017 - 11:24

Drunkalilly wrote:
I've heard mixed things about the Devolver thing. Hopefully someone will out a highlights reel on youtube I can check out.

The main "conference" was absolute gold but the pre-pre show parts were a bit cringey, I stopped watching a bit into the segment with John Morrison where they were playing Toejam & earl.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyMon 12 Jun 2017 - 11:54

Just watched Bethesda who killed it, simple conference bring out Pete say Hi then trailer after trailer, then bye from Pete.

I now after watching i want to play Evil Within, Wolfenstein before the sequels come this year also Skyrim Switch looked good and the extras make up for it not being the remaster version.

Which has even tempted to play Skyrim not sure if it be on Switch as PS4 version will be cheaper and its not like the game has online but if me buying it on Switch means more Bethesda games on the platform, then maybe.

Did a good job as well showing off DOOM, ESO: Morrowind and Prey all games that have now peaked my interest.

Reggie on the YouTube Gaming talked about Nintendo's E3 and their will be stuff revealed during Treehouse that won't be in the spotlight.
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Galactic Nova

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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyMon 12 Jun 2017 - 12:02

I'll definitely be playing Skyrim on Switch, the handheld angle is the only way I'll get round to putting the hours in.

Evil Within had a dull start and a naff end, but there are sections in the middle that are like Resident Evil 4 never ended. Phenomenal game, it really is. I've not played as much of Doom or Wolfenstein as I'd have liked. If and when I get the XBox hooked up here, those are two I'd like to bash through. Good manshooting, from what I've heard.

I watched that Devolver thing, they get it. I love E3 but also, y'know, fuck everything about E3. It really is like Christmas, in that respect.
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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyMon 12 Jun 2017 - 12:17

Just found-out Dishonored: Death of the Outsider is stand-alone DLC like Infamous First Light or Uncharted: Lost Legacy, that is another Bethesda thing that now peaks my interest.

We've talked Evil Within before and I think I would like it but finding the time to play it is the issue, same with the rest as DOOM is £9 new but when am I going to play it.

I think I will get one of either ESO or Skyrim, not sure which though.
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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyMon 12 Jun 2017 - 19:12

The only good conference so far was Microsoft, and that one only because the Ubisoft guy almost said "xbone" before quickly stopping himself and calling it the Xbox one.  Had a right old chuckle at that little gaff!

But yeah, besides that and Devolver for taking the piss out of E3 nothing standup so far.  That dbz fighting game looked pretty cool though, and I'm of course interested in Code Vein to give the weeb within some tasty morsels.

Also boo to MS for not naming it Xbox Scorpio. It was their perfect chance to get their system a decent name and they naturally gp for the blandest and lamest in the book!
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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyMon 12 Jun 2017 - 19:28

Gents, I've realised something today.  This is the least hyped I've ever been for an E3, a day out.  Maybe it's the short length of Spotlight, maybe I've had other things on my mind, maybe it's because no game they show (not even SMO) will match up to BotW.  But it's not a good feeling.  



That said, my criteria for success is pretty simple.  If the Rabbids thing looks good, and they show two other big fun new games (one not a remake/port), and we get either a release date or some more of XC2, I'll be happy.  I don't think that's too much to ask after MS' showing... but it might be for 25 minutes.

Sorry for the moany post.  If it hadn't been for Drunka's last sentence above, I'd've put this whole damn thing in a spoiler.

Also yes Scorpio is a good name they should have gone for that.
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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyMon 12 Jun 2017 - 19:42

Hopefully more is shown in the Treehouse like Reggie has said also Nintendo have shown plenty in 30 minutes before like that direct this year.
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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyMon 12 Jun 2017 - 19:49

I'm going to say that it'll be fine & the real meat will be in the Treehouse demos.
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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyMon 12 Jun 2017 - 20:13

The gameplay demos. are great, but they're not a replacement for a presser, where you see everything there is to be seen (almost, a surprise like Ever Oasis is always welcome) at least once in a shortish space of time.  I don't want to have to watch for two days to see all the WORLD PREMIEREs...

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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyMon 12 Jun 2017 - 22:14

Ubisoft have just won E3, I wouldn't want to follow that
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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyMon 12 Jun 2017 - 22:21

I kept reading that same tweet - "Ubisoft have won E3!" - all over the shop (OK, OK, the tweetshop) a few moments ago. Not all the players have played yet, guys.

Also, Balla, I am glad you have recovered some enthusiasm for the shenanigans: you not going wild with anticipation for E3 is one of the signs of the apocalypse. Afraid
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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyMon 12 Jun 2017 - 22:24

It's Beyond Good and Evil 2 though, I'm not sure how you top that as we've had likes of FFVII ReMake, Shenmue III, Bayonetta 2 these games we thought we'd never see.

LKD who leaked Mario + Rabbids and BG&E2 ages ago reckons we see it again tomorrow in the Spotlight to be announced as a Switch exclusive and why no platforms has been announced yet.

Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 GHhEQL
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Galactic Nova

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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyMon 12 Jun 2017 - 23:31

I'm sure for the 12 people who care about BG&E2, that is an E3 winner.

Balla, I'm not denying E3 is the biggest event, the whole thing just makes me a bit sad.
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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyTue 13 Jun 2017 - 7:14

I've still looked forward to all the others more than this one though. But Ninty's showing did start well, via UbiSoft's.

Of course BG&E2 is a big deal (do we know what machines it's announced for), but they seem to have 'edged it up'. F-bombs everywhere. Why? What's the point? Is that what people wanted? As the great statesman of our time would say, 'Sad!'

I'm presuming MH World had some people here rising from their seats.
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Crumpy Andy
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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyTue 13 Jun 2017 - 7:21

Interested in seeing Mas' thoughts on Sony if he thought Bethesda was good. Both shows suffered from repeating old games we already knew about far too much and I was left bored/disappointed both times.

MS and Ubi have both been bangers so far though, a lot of games I'm looking forward to playing, though almost none on the Xbox itself...
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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyTue 13 Jun 2017 - 9:24

I did think Bethesda was good on how they showed of the games that they have and making me interested in Evil Within 2 etc within 30mins.

MS had a good showing and lot's to look forward to like you say Andy but almost none of games we will actually play & buy on Xbox and to me that's why it was not a great show as to me they had to try to sell the Xbox One over a 90mins, which I don't think they've done also pacing wasn't great.

On Sony I agree Andy, it started out great even though we've seen the games before I was like they're getting the stuff we know about out the way but that was the whole show, SotC remake was a surprise but not something we really need and Monster Hunter World (What is the thoughts on that? As seems more traditional then I thought it would be) was something we knew about going in.

However unlike MS, I think they showed more reasons to buy a PS4 and out of all the games they did show I wanted nearly all of them but I knew I'd buy Spider-Man anyway, which was the problem.

I know that's why E3 makes Drunka sad event though great time of the year for new games and the industry to come to gather to celebrate the medium but at the end of the day it is to sell games and consoles.
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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyTue 13 Jun 2017 - 10:37

Honestly at this point I'm not sure "winning" this years E3 is actually an achievement.  Reminds me of the last Ashes series: a race to the bottom where winning means being the least terrible.  

EA was EA, MS as per usual lacked any sort of system sellers (I suppose I should be thankful as that means no more missing out on games like Lost Odyssey), Sony was bland and boring with only one Amazingly Spectacular ( Cool ) game due out likely after next years E3, and Bethesda were also boring (I get that if you like their games it could be decent, but it was hardly world shattering or unexpected.  Sequels to their successful multi-million selling games?  Never would have expected that!!).  

So, all I've got left to watch is this supposed amazing Ubisoft presentation everyone keeps going on about and tomorrows Nintendo presentation.  As someone who doesn't even know what Between Good and Evil is and has already seen their new Assassin's Creed (which, granted, looks great) I somehow doubt they'll exactly have me breathing rapidly in excitement but I'll watch it nevertheless.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyTue 13 Jun 2017 - 11:27

I'll be in a meeting while this is being broadcast, but my hopes for the Nintendo Spotlight are the same this year as they are every year: Super Mario Galaxy 3, no JRPGs, Hogs of War reboot.
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Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyTue 13 Jun 2017 - 11:33

Just to add on E3 thoughts, I feel Nintendo will fall into the same category of PlayStation and Bethesda as it is a focus on 2017. We can basically guess what will be shown, which will be great but do I need to see Splatoon 2 again.
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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyTue 13 Jun 2017 - 11:36

Balla wrote:
I'm presuming MH World had some people here rising from their seats.

Initially yes but as it went on I was confused at what they were showing me & I am very worried about the direction they might be taking. I need lots more info before I can fully decide if I'm excited or not. Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyTue 13 Jun 2017 - 11:43

What is the difference as looked like Monster Hunter to me and I've watched Gaijinhunter thoughts on it and he seems to think it was more traditional then first heard about. With it focusing on the hunt of the that Dinosaur and how likes of Genartions has become more Action-RPG like.

As a outsider I'm excited to play a built from the ground up HD Monster Hunter.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyTue 13 Jun 2017 - 12:00

Balladeer wrote:
I'm presuming MH World had some people here rising from their seats.

It was pretty much what I expected. Looks very pretty and like it's trying to do for Monster Hunter what Phantom Pain and Breath of the Wild did for Metal Gear and Zelda respectively. The movement and play looks like exactly what I was hoping for after  more than a decade of the monster hunter on the same engine.

Part of me is really gutted it won't be on Switch though, I'm over home consoles. The Switch fits into my lifestyle and my plans going forwards, and having to take a PS4 to Japan in order to keep playing Monster Hunter with the lads will be a pain.

Also, the more open style and all the chatter about courting the West makes me worry it won't have the complexity of crafting and planning and so on that makes Monster Hunter Monster Hunter.

I could be wrong, and it could be an absolute belter, in which case I'll only be annoyed about the console it's on.

TLDR: It looks fine, Drunka just can't be arsed to put the effort into playing it.
Masofdas wrote:
What is the difference as looked like Monster Hunter to me . . . As a outsider I'm excited to play a built from the ground up HD Monster Hunter.

The real joy of Monster Hunter is in the way you create your own objectives then hunt the necessary monsters to achieve them. It's in the systems and the immense depth behind the actual on-the-ground hunting. From what they've said and from what we've seen, I'm not convinced all of that will be in there. This could be a really pretty, really fun game that captures the feeling of hunting monsters for a reasonable while, but will it give us fans what we're looking for?
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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyTue 13 Jun 2017 - 12:03

I like GaijinHunter but his word is not gospel - I've watched his video too & I honestly don't get why he says that....it looked all flash & no substance......it has just raised a lot of questions which I hope are answered soon.
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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyTue 13 Jun 2017 - 12:21

Does this mean you guys could feel what I feel about Breath of the Wild?
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PostSubject: Re: Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017   Nintendo Spotlight, Nintendo Treehouse, Nintendo Invitationals, and E3 2017 - Page 4 EmptyTue 13 Jun 2017 - 12:23

I think yer boy was just reacting to the fact there weren't any flashy arts etc. Also, following footprints through a seamless area is how I always said they should do the tracking in a modern Monster Hunter. But the movement and weapon attacks and mounting looked like classic MH, one the sound effects and HUD are in there I don't think it'll feel that different.
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