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The Xbox One  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyFri 21 Jun 2013 - 3:10

Oh. It gets better. You know how lots of sites were crying about the loss of the Family Plan which apparently allowed you to share your games free with 10 people? Well, apparently, the games you shared actually would only last 60 minutes. Yeah. It was am overhyped demo sharing service.

Nothing of value was lost.
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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyFri 21 Jun 2013 - 11:42

I wasn't even aware of that function until they said it was no longer going to be available.Oh well :cyclops:.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyFri 21 Jun 2013 - 13:32

Axis1500 wrote:
Oh. It gets better. You know how lots of sites were crying about the loss of the Family Plan which apparently allowed you to share your games free with 10 people? Well, apparently, the games you shared actually would only last 60 minutes. Yeah. It was am overhyped demo sharing service.

Nothing of value was lost.

Yeah, definitely sounded too good to be true. What publisher would essentially allow selling 10 copies for the price of one?! Microsoft have really lied or withheld information from their customers in the build to the release of the Xbox One. I hope people aren't swayed by their u-turn, a company like this doesn't deserve to succeed.
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Disciple of Scullion

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The Xbox One  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyMon 24 Jun 2013 - 22:57

JayMoyles wrote:
Axis1500 wrote:
Oh. It gets better. You know how lots of sites were crying about the loss of the Family Plan which apparently allowed you to share your games free with 10 people? Well, apparently, the games you shared actually would only last 60 minutes. Yeah. It was am overhyped demo sharing service.

Nothing of value was lost.

Yeah, definitely sounded too good to be true. What publisher would essentially allow selling 10 copies for the price of one?! Microsoft have really lied or withheld information from their customers in the build to the release of the Xbox One. I hope people aren't swayed by their u-turn, a company like this doesn't deserve to succeed.
Don't forget the One isn't just a games machine. It's an entertainment all-in-*one* so I wouldn't write off Xbox One entirely.

But then again there are some issues.

I guess Microsoft would be bothered if their policies did put off gamers, since they are actually following a vision for the One which aligns with what Steve Jobs said about the TV market (watch from here:, that people are hooking up all these several set-top boxes with separate interfaces and controllers, and it's a mess. The One's meant to be the family's only hub for entertainment in general.

And you can't have an entertainment all-in-one if you're going to put people off playing games on that box.

Using the Xbox name probably wasn't the best idea either, even if Xbox was made to be a living room entertainment hub. The majority I believe automatically associate the name with videogames rather than entertainment, too.

I think Microsoft could be in a good position if they announce some method for independent developers of apps (And games if we're lucky) to produce content for the platform at BUILD this week. Having Xbox One deliver entertainment content and apps could make it far more appealing to the mass market.

On a related note, this is first-rate humour:
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptySun 21 Jul 2013 - 10:29

Sorry it's from IGN but some Xbone news.
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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyTue 13 Aug 2013 - 9:59

So last night, it was confirmed by microsoft that the kinect is no longer mandatory. At the moment there is still only one SKU which is the £430 one.

Now that it no longer needs kinect I'm personally hoping they announce a new SKU without kinect at a cheaper price, rumors on the internet and even everyone's favorite analyst pachter reckon the kinect costs all most the same to make as the console. So they could drop below the PS4 and actually make more money.

If that all happens I could see myself jumping ship to the xbone as every single thing has been changed that annoyed me about the xbone has been corrected apart from the price. Only thing that I'm also not sure on is MS haven't had much convenience in there product, i know what they've done has been for the better but they could change back at anytime or do something stupid part way through it's cycle.

This is what I have preordered (won't but it all) for PS4, Console Bundle with Killzone, Drive/Club then Knack, Watch Dog's, FIFA 14, COD: Ghosts, Battlefield 4 and a extra controller.

If the xbone does have a new cheaper SKU, then i would preorder (wouldn't buy it all) it, Battlefield 4, COD: Ghosts, Crimson Dragon, Dead Rising 3, FIFA 14, FORZA 5, Quantum Break, Ryse, Wtach Dog's and Killer Instinct in some form. So quite a bit more I would be tempted to get on a xbone over PS4.
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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyTue 13 Aug 2013 - 10:04

Subtle change to the forum description made. Winky Face 
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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyTue 13 Aug 2013 - 12:53

So the Xbox One we saw at reveal is now a completely different beast. It definitely sounds like a viable purchase now - but the fact the entire Internet had to spew bile and vitriol at Microsoft to get this far puts me off.
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyTue 13 Aug 2013 - 12:58

You might even call it the Xbox Two Razz 
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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyTue 13 Aug 2013 - 16:06

I still don't trust it or Microsoft myself. It'll probably sound incredibly paranoid but they haven't ruled out these measures returning at a later date. And even if they don't return I still to put it absolutely frankly want them to feel a heck of a lot of pain for what their system could have done to this industry.
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Disciple of Scullion

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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptySun 25 Aug 2013 - 22:55

I've never been bothered about any 'privacy concerns' -- it'd be pretty obvious if a Kinect stream were being sent back to Microsoft of your living room given the amount of data usage it would consume.

Anyone pining for Microsoft to stop bundling Kinect 2 with the thing deserves a slap, frankly. It'll only move us to a world where both consoles are homogenous and provide a homogenous experience. Microsoft's doing us and developers a huge favour by making sure everyone has one, and it's integral to the seamless experience the One provides. And it actually works this time:

But yes, as Jay has mentioned the One is certainly a viable purchase now -- the Xbox One's lineup of exclusives is more interesting than PS4's. And unlike Sony, Microsoft have given us a list of launch games, not launch window games.

Most of the Kinect problems stem from Microsoft not actually showing us that it works -- they assumed we didn't care about it in the first place, so we assumed the worst.

Sony have only 'won' the battle so far not because they've come up from some amazing strategy, but because Microsoft messed up.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyMon 26 Aug 2013 - 21:31

I still think the PS4 exclusives are better then Xbox One's, Xbone might have more but quantity over quality isn't always best. I'm still getting a Xbone. I still think sony has won the war just by being in more places and Xbone doing much in Japan. I could see Xbone winning UK and North America like the 360 but I look at worldwide, so always tell people the 360 is last in worldwide sales of that generation.
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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyTue 27 Aug 2013 - 15:35

fronkhead wrote:
Anyone pining for Microsoft to stop bundling Kinect 2 with the thing deserves a slap, frankly. It'll only move us to a world where both consoles are homogenous and provide a homogenous experience. Microsoft's doing us and developers a huge favour by making sure everyone has one, and it's integral to the seamless experience the One provides. And it actually works this time:
I take that remark is aimed at me. I see nothing wrong with the systems being homogenous. Better that than a company thrusting yet another deeply unpleasant and unneeded gimmick control down our throats as far as I'm concerned. The Wii's remote didn't do anything to improve the industry and often at best simply supplemented a button input, and if camera controls had any true potential we would have seen it long before now. The concept has been around for over two generations now.

All of these advancements as far as I can tell are simply done for the hell of it, with no thought given to whether the older method was simply better. I see ads for camera controlled TVs for example, and simply shake my head at how irritating actually having to move the arms around to change things would be, and how a remote is simply far better. Same goes for the Kinnect and standard issue controllers. If the Kinnect is so much better I dare Microsoft to simply dump the standard issue controller and show their faith in their innovation.
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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyTue 27 Aug 2013 - 17:31

I have to say that since the U-turns, I now find the Xbox One far more appealing than the PS4. I'm still not getting either in the first year, but its a complete turn around from where I was a few months back.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyTue 27 Aug 2013 - 19:22

The u-turns just don't inspire brand confidence in me. Sony don't seem like they'd shaft you at a moments notice.
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Disciple of Scullion

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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyWed 28 Aug 2013 - 0:11

masofdas wrote:
I still think the PS4 exclusives are better then Xbox One's, Xbone might have more but quantity over quality isn't always best. I'm still getting a Xbone. I still think sony has won the war just by being in more places and Xbone doing much in Japan. I could see Xbone winning UK and North America like the 360 but I look at worldwide, so always tell people the 360 is last in worldwide sales of that generation.
Will be difficult to say about Japan -- I could actually see more exclusive content heading to Xbox One (though the delay in the region benefits it that way). Given the complete lack of Japanese games in the PS4's launch lineup it'll be interesting to see how it does in the region when it launches before Xbox One (unless a bunch of titles are announced at TGS, but if they are mainstream they'd also be in the western launch lineup).

Athrun888 wrote:
fronkhead wrote:
Anyone pining for Microsoft to stop bundling Kinect 2 with the thing deserves a slap, frankly. It'll only move us to a world where both consoles are homogenous and provide a homogenous experience. Microsoft's doing us and developers a huge favour by making sure everyone has one, and it's integral to the seamless experience the One provides. And it actually works this time:
I take that remark is aimed at me.  I see nothing wrong with the systems being homogenous.  Better that than a company thrusting yet another deeply unpleasant and unneeded gimmick control down our throats as far as I'm concerned.  The Wii's remote didn't do anything to improve the industry and often at best simply supplemented a button input, and if camera controls had any true potential we would have seen it long before now.  The concept has been around for over two generations now.  

All of these advancements as far as I can tell are simply done for the hell of it, with no thought given to whether the older method was simply better.  I see ads for camera controlled TVs for example, and simply shake my head at how irritating actually having to move the arms around to change things would be, and how a remote is simply far better.  Same goes for the Kinnect and standard issue controllers.  If the Kinnect is so much better I dare Microsoft to simply dump the standard issue controller and show their faith in their innovation.  
It wasn't -- I was generalising.

You are being dismissive about Kinect 2 though -- already calling it a gimmick. But I can't possibly blame you for it, given how poorly Microsoft have tried (or not even in the most case) to show us its applications.

It's no longer about heavy motions, if anything it's a pretty similar setup to Skyward Sword's pause menu -- swipe to change page, voice to change screens. Given how Siri has popularised voice control in the time since the original Kinect launched, it shouldn't seem 'weird' to use voice to instantly navigate around the UI and switch the thing on/off.

As for the motion control itself -- it'd be ludicrous to suggest Microsoft ditch the standard controller. The Wii Remote and Nunchuk were a standard controller that also included free-form motion control, Kinect 2 is the free form motion control that's more advanced and works in parallel with your controller.

JayMoyles wrote:
The u-turns just don't inspire brand confidence in me. Sony don't seem like they'd shaft you at a moments notice.
Admittedly, Sony did backtrack on their Vita promises from early 2011. The 16GB of built-in storage (and built-in storage in each game card for DLC) went, replaced with those pricey memory cards. And Sony promised me that Vita would be a handheld to play AAA handheld games (much like 3DS is doing now), instead they've repositioned it as an indie games player and PS4 add-on device, they are that disinterested.

Not that those are bad things, but it's pretty clear Sony go where it's most profitable for them, rather than what suits the consumer. Even moreso given Sony's financial troubles (particularly with their PS division).

The huge reliance on locking out functionality that should be free (and which solves many a problem with content management on Vita) behind a PS Plus paywall is also testament to this, but at least credit to them they've thrown in so much functionality (which should be free) alongside free games that it can be decent value to the consumer.

Microsoft's huge warchest of cash will mean you're guaranteed platform support in tough times too -- it's why I own a Windows Phone for example.
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The Next Aonuma

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The Xbox One  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyWed 28 Aug 2013 - 17:30

Hasn't Microsoft tried twice now appealing to the Japanese Gamer by having jap developed games on there console with out much success.
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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyThu 29 Aug 2013 - 5:22

fronkhead wrote:
It wasn't -- I was generalising.

You are being dismissive about Kinect 2 though -- already calling it a gimmick. But I can't possibly blame you for it, given how poorly Microsoft have tried (or not even in the most case) to show us its applications.

It's no longer about heavy motions, if anything it's a pretty similar setup to Skyward Sword's pause menu -- swipe to change page, voice to change screens. Given how Siri has popularised voice control in the time since the original Kinect launched, it shouldn't seem 'weird' to use voice to instantly navigate around the UI and switch the thing on/off.

As for the motion control itself -- it'd be ludicrous to suggest Microsoft ditch the standard controller. The Wii Remote and Nunchuk were a standard controller that also included free-form motion control, Kinect 2 is the free form motion control that's more advanced and works in parallel with your controller.
Even if it's mild motions I simply don't see it as better than the old ways.  A minor twitch of my thumb can make a menu scroll more conveniently than Skyward Sword's controls (heck the motion controls are the reason I haven't gone back to the game, too much hassle to fart around with).  I just simply don't see what the Kinnect (and the Wii motion plus before it) offer as a genuine improvement, I see them as nuisances at best that often deter me from trying something.  On paper they sound appealing and like something from a sci-fi flick and all cool because of it, but in practice outside a few exceptions they generally end up being superficial at best.

I just simply don't see this as the step forward and a genuine evolution from direct inputs.  Direct inputs are instantaneous, fast, and incredibly convenient.  And that's something I feel has been forgotten with all this push for motion everything, the convenience factor.  Until I see something that makes a genuine step forward I will simply continue to see all of this as pointless gimmicks.

Anyhow I've been negative enough about this, so it's probably time I just vanished from the subject now.
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Disciple of Scullion

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The Xbox One  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptySun 6 Oct 2013 - 15:19

I disagree with that. We're at a time where developers know what works and what doesn't, and motion controls on most platforms are only used where relevant, just as touch is only used sparingly on Wii U and motion in Nintendo Land.

As for the Xbox One, the controller is really, really good. The sticks feel really tactile and sharp, with a great finish around the sides for grip, the D-Pad is no longer awful (it clicks into the directions like the Nintendo handheld ones), and it fitted really well into my hands, just like the GameCube controller.

The rumble in the triggers was also a nice surprise, it working wonderfully in Forza 5 when you drive over the rumble strips of the track.

While I don't plan on getting an Xbox One until next year, I certainly might pick up this controller in the meantime to use with other formats.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptySat 2 Nov 2013 - 11:02

This seems to be the final launch line up for the Xbox One in North America, but reckon be the same for us Europeans:

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Battlefield 4
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Crimson Dragon (XBLA)
Dead Rising 3
Fighter Within
Forza Motorsport 5
Just Dance 2014
Killer Instinct (XBLA)
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Madden NFL 25
NBA 2K14
NBA Live 14
Need for Speed: Rivals
Powerstar Golf (XBLA)
Ryse: Son of Rome
Skylanders: Swap Force
Zoo Tycoon
Zumba Fitness: World Party

With these in the launch window:

Kinect Sports: Rivals
Minecraft: Xbox One Edition
Peggle 2
Project Spark
Wolfenstein: The New Order

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The Xbox One  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyMon 18 Nov 2013 - 9:12

So this week's Xbox One reviews week. A lot of game reviews (including those for lower-key releases like Powerstar Golf and Crimson Dragon) go up today, and overall it should be interesting to see how the overall XBO user experience stacks up against the PS4.

It *should* fare better all things considered: after Surface and Surface Pro, Microsoft have proved they can build great hardware, and their software seems top notch, with Kinect working effortlessly to recognise players or even QR Codes to scan, and the operating system *should* be far more feature-rich and complete than PS4's.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyMon 18 Nov 2013 - 11:11

Yeah I will be updating this like the PS4 thread, with reviews etc but I don't care about interface's or features etc. I care about one thing only GAMES, so let's see how they fare. Also it annoys me when people review consoles at launch the 360 is completely different now then it was at launch, people should just give a opinion not a score at the end as it's likely to change.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptyMon 18 Nov 2013 - 22:24

Here comes Xbox One reviews

NBA2K14 89 from 1 review
FIFA14 86 from 3 reviews
Forza5 82 from 28 reviews
Need for Speed Rivals 80 from 2 reviews
Call of Duty Ghosts 78 out of 6 reviews
Dead Rising3 78 from 30 reviews
Madden NFL25 77 from 2 reviews
Killer Instinct 73 from 19 reviews
Zoo Tycoon 70 from 12 reviews
Skylanders Swap Force 70 from 1 review
Powerstar Golf 68 from 7 reviews
Ryse 60 from 20 reviews
Crimson Dragon 55 from 17 reviews
LocoCycle 48 from 24 reviews
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Fancy Fancy
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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptySat 23 Nov 2013 - 11:52

What's all this business about horrible scratching noises coming from the disc drive (just seen it on Eurogamer). Anyone here been affected?
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PostSubject: Re: The Xbox One    The Xbox One  - Page 5 EmptySat 23 Nov 2013 - 13:32

masofdas wrote:
Here comes Xbox One reviews

NBA2K14 89 from 1 review
FIFA14 86 from 3 reviews
Forza5 82 from 28 reviews
Need for Speed Rivals 80 from 2 reviews
Call of Duty Ghosts 78 out of 6 reviews
Dead Rising3 78 from 30 reviews
Madden NFL25 77 from 2 reviews
Killer Instinct 73 from 19 reviews
Zoo Tycoon 70 from 12 reviews
Skylanders Swap Force 70 from 1 review
Powerstar Golf 68 from 7 reviews
Ryse 60 from 20 reviews
Crimson Dragon 55 from 17 reviews
LocoCycle 48 from 24 reviews
So, their exclusives aren't anything to light up the world then.
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