Des and Ember. Because when you put them together, they... er... December.
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 The games you've been meaning to return to

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Crumpy Andy
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Crumpy Andy

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The games you've been meaning to return to - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The games you've been meaning to return to   The games you've been meaning to return to - Page 2 EmptyThu 5 Feb 2015 - 9:23

That's another one for Fantasy Life here, think I'll have to restart it as I tried to go back to it and just couldn't remember how to play. Maybe after the initial MH4U hype.
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Disciple of Scullion

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The games you've been meaning to return to - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The games you've been meaning to return to   The games you've been meaning to return to - Page 2 EmptyFri 6 Feb 2015 - 0:58

Great thread idea. While I do have a bunch of unfinished games, I only return to a few special cases.

I've had Metroid Prime Trilogy on the backburner for a while now, to the point where I thought I'd never play it again, selling my copy for a cool £80 or so.

Then a day later the deal of the decade -- £8.99 digital Trilogy arrives. It'd be rude not to get it at that price.

Having read a few tweets from a first-timer praising Prime's atmosphere (from @retroed I think) I had to give it another go. And within a day or two I'd already passed where I was previously stuck on years ago in half the playing time!

I also have Kirby's Epic Yarn sitting atop my Wii U. I want to try the extra levels.
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Ice Climber

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The games you've been meaning to return to - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The games you've been meaning to return to   The games you've been meaning to return to - Page 2 EmptyFri 6 Feb 2015 - 19:40

fronkhead wrote:
Having read a few tweets from a first-timer praising Prime's atmosphere (from @retroed I think) I had to give it another go. And within a day or two I'd already passed where I was previously stuck on years ago in half the playing time!

Ooh! Me too! I've finally done it, and I too am past the bit I couldn't be arsed to get past all those years ago.
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