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 Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0

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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyMon 29 May 2017 - 10:10

To The Moon

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I am about to write a review of this for La Gintendita, so there might not be as much opinion all up in yo grill here compared to normal. What I will say is that although the mechanics are a bit shaky, some of the dialogue grates, and it's over very quickly... it's one of the best games I'll play this year. As an interactive story experience (pretentious!), it's utterly sublime.

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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyMon 29 May 2017 - 21:41

That's more or less my take on the game too, Zero. I await your review with baited breath!

If you get the chance, I'd recommend trying its follow up A Bird Story. Whilst from a story standpoint it's not as strong as To The Moon, it still does a great job of tugging at the heartstrings.

Speaking of which, I'll leave you with this right here which will no doubt crush you emotionally once again. Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyTue 30 May 2017 - 22:45

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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyWed 31 May 2017 - 2:51

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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyWed 31 May 2017 - 9:07

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyWed 31 May 2017 - 13:06

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The Cappuccino Kid
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyWed 31 May 2017 - 20:27

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It took me a while to get round to doing it, but I've just finished Yooka-Laylee on the PS4. In being a "spiritual successor to Playtonic's most cherished work from the past", I think that this is an absolute triumph: it's very clearly a "real passion project" of theirs. And as somebody who thinks that Banjo-Kazooie is the best 3D platformer ever made, I enjoyed Yooka-Laylee quite a lot - there was no way that I wasn't going to. It's a massive love letter to the sorts of games that I loved playing when I was growing up, and I personally think that it's a type of game that's more than welcome back in 2017. I'd love to see more of this sort of game - it's a genre that I'd like to revisit more than once every twenty years.

Sad to say though, that Yooka-Laylee not an amazing game or anything like that. I feel that it's loaded with annoying technical faults, and that quite a few of the challenges are a bit too old school with their lack of guidance. Truth be told, it also verges on being a little bit boring at points; the best stuff is at the start of the game, and I felt that the levels and their design actually got worse as I got nearer to the end. It started brilliantly and ended just okayishly.

Yooka-Laylee wasn't as good as I expected it to be, which is a bit gutting, to be honest. No, it doesn't have the same level of quality as those special Rare games of the late 90s. But yes, it's still a very worthwhile effort that delivered on exactly what it promised. 7/10.
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Shiny Shuckle

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyThu 1 Jun 2017 - 16:19

I'll probably be giving this a miss, based on having not played a banjo game and the polarised reviews. It's good to hear they delivered on the kickstarter promises though, even if the game doesn't reach the heights of past efforts.
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptySat 3 Jun 2017 - 22:26

Still kind of looking forward to Yooka-Laylee - I'll have to, I backed it! In the meantime...

Old Man's Journey

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This is a beautiful little game. The developer, Broken Rules, also made the lovely WiiWare platform puzzler And Yet It Moves... but the only trait it shares is the puzzling. This is a much more bright and purposeful adventure than the dark and bizarre AYIM. You guide an old man, whom I nicknamed 'Olders', on a - you're way ahead of me. Your all-powerful finger can raise and lower any piece of land that Olders isn't currently standing on, with the aim of constructing a path that will let him go on his merry way. A level is over when you reach a bench or seat. The story is told in flashbacks, memories of Olders's life. There's no dialogue of any kind, either - the story is told through image alone. Very effectively, actually. The only complaint is that old double-edged sword for a game: there's not enough of it. Whilst it lasts, though, Old Man's Journey burns very brightly.

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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptySat 3 Jun 2017 - 22:48

Sorry Zero

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After 95 hours, it has finally come to a end the brilliance which is Persona 5. Last year I was a big fan of Final Fantasy XV which to me felt like a JRPG made for the west and that wasn't a bad thing as that's something I enjoyed.

Persona 5 even though it has a long tutorial and is more accessible then lets say Persona 4, P5 feels like a JRPG made for JRPG fans not like FFXV made the sell 10 million copies, which it had to do.  

I know Jay was on about doing a Gintendo review and P5 possibly being his GOTY that he might be able to put into words better then me on how great this game is.

If you a remote interest of the genre and can get your hands on a PS4 or PS3 then you need to play this game at once.

plot 9 standard JRPG stuff but is just told so dam well
gameplay 7.5 I still think this is the weakest part of Persona but is a improvement over 4
sounds 8.5 amazing soundtrack and I'm annoyed I missed out on the vinyl
lifespan 9.5 it took me 95 hours and could go back to platinum it also the ending trophy didn't pop that I will be going  back sometime and see if I can get it to pop even if I do one of the other endings
graphics 8.5 not the best but it has such a unique style which you won't find anywhere else
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptySun 4 Jun 2017 - 20:34

Look at that finish a long JRPG and you can double post as you're gettign games beat.

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Great fighter with a lot depth and modes, this is now the gold standard of content for a fighter, with loads to do along with playing great.

plot 7, It gives you a reason to bash Superman over the head with a statue
gameplay 8.5, Great bashing of the superheroes
sounds 8.5, it has Kevin Conroy in it
lifespan 8, I did the story mode in basic one sitting but as I sided with one hero, I'll likely go back and do the other then is the multiverse and online to keep y coming back for more
graphics 8, I'm playing on PS4 Pro which the game runs at 1440p 60fps and has improved shadowing, motion blur and texture resolution with HDR10 enabled that for me it looks great even though some of the character faces due the chunky art-style NetherRealm use, is a tad muh.
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyWed 7 Jun 2017 - 7:52

The games do topple thick and fast following a JRPG for me too - I usually want to play something shorter afterwards, so, yeah.

Team Kirby Clash Deluxe

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Another free-to-start venture from Nintendo, based on the minigame that was in Planet Robobobobot. Playing it with some o'y'all in Newcastle was a delight but trudging through it with the AI 'helpers' was a 'mare. They are seriously daft, frequently wasting their built-up power shots on enemies that are no longer on-screen. You also have to contend with a few points meters, one of which governs when you can take on bosses, and initially fills up at the rate of one point every seven minutes (and you need a minimum of five to start any battles). I spent about £3.50 (worth half of seven pounds!) on it, which was kind of enough, because it's also really addictive. Whilst I'm not a fan of boss rushes, constant cute bosses you can take on in a leisurely fashion like this is reet good fun. Just... get your mates round. Embarrassed

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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyWed 7 Jun 2017 - 11:13

You were saying Zero

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We all know Telltale make good story based games, but for while now no one has been talking about the third season of the walking dead or guardians of the galaxy. I will comeback to GotG when all 5 episodes are out but for now I completed all 5 episodes of the TWDS3.

plot 7.5, Not the best of the 3 seasons but a enjoyable look at Clementines adventure through someone else's eyes as she grows up
gameplay 5, It's a Telltale game, it is press the button or make a choice.
sounds 8.5, Voice acting has always been top notch in a Telltale game and it continues here.
lifespan 7, For the genre it is in then it is fairly long at 7hrs and take you maybe a couple of nights
graphics 7, I always like the Telltale art-style but I had some technical issues at the end of episode 5.

Overall you know what you're getting with a Telltale game and nothing changes here, you'll be going in for the story.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyWed 7 Jun 2017 - 21:29

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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyThu 8 Jun 2017 - 20:51

Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 Sharing_hub

Plot 7.5, This game has a plot but you have to think about it as the game has no dialogue whatsoever that I've seen it compared to Limbo
Gameplay 7, Basic puzzle adventure platformer
Sounds 8, This plays a big part for when you as Six is creeping around
Lifespan 7, It is only about 3 hours long but I don't know if you would want a game like this to be 8 or 10 hrs
Graphics 8, I love the art-style and to me is the big selling point

A decent we indie-like platformer from Namco.
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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyThu 8 Jun 2017 - 22:38

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Streets of Rage 3: the black sheep of the family. It's your typical Streets of Rage, just not as good as the second one. But it's still a decent brawler, and I appreciated the increase in speed, variety and difficulty. 7/10.
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptySun 11 Jun 2017 - 18:52

I didn't even know there was a Streets Of Rage 3! Embarrassed

And also...

Shantae: Half Genie Hero

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Got ahold of this blighter a few days ago and here we are. I remembered most of the game from the also recent Wii U version, which I bought and beat not terribly long ago. Mug, you say? Possibly. It still feels slight compared to Pirate's Curse but it looks and sounds far better. A decent way to spend a few hours, that's for sure.


Last edited by ZeroJones on Sun 18 Jun 2017 - 7:44; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyThu 15 Jun 2017 - 20:11

I have beaten another video game and would like to describe how I found it to you all.

Puyo Puyo Tetris

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I have recently completed the Adventure Mode of Puyo Puyo Tetris on Nintendo Switch. It was the first game I bought for that console. It has been an enjoyable experience, though not without some bumps in the road: I am noticeably better at Tetris than I am at Puyo Puyo, to say nothing of the Fusion Mode that combines the two gameplay styles. The story is nothing to write home about, so I won't. Overall, as a combination of arguably the two most famous block dropping puzzle games out there, it's an easy recommendation from myself.

Seventeen out of Twenty

Last edited by ZeroJones on Sun 18 Jun 2017 - 7:46; edited 1 time in total
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The Cappuccino Kid
Mani Mani Statue
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyThu 15 Jun 2017 - 20:47

ZeroJones wrote:

Shantae: Half Genie Hero

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Got ahold of this blighter a few days ago and here we are. I remembered most of the game from the also recent Wii U version, which I bought and beat not terribly long ago. Mug, you say? Possibly. It still feels slight compared to Pirate's Curse but it looks and sounds far better. A decent way to spend a few hours, that's for sure.


I just completed this as well, and I fully agree with what you said in the eShop thread: "fun game, looks great and has lovely music... but it's a bit slight". My end-of-game result was 63% of the items collected in 4 hours and 48 minutes, which I found a bit disappointing as I paid £15.99 for this just a week ago.

Mixed feelings about Half Genie Hero, to be honest. On one hand, I love it's energy, and how accessible it is. It's maybe even one of the best-sounding games I've ever played too - the soundtrack is magnificent. On the other hand though, I feel that so many of the powers that I collected were underutilised, with one or two of them even being quite futile outwith of using them once for one thing. And it's clearly not long enough either. Acht. I'd have loved this if it had another couple of hours on top of what's currently there. But, still, I massively enjoyed it while it lasted. 8/10.
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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyThu 15 Jun 2017 - 21:26

So we're on the same page, then! Grin I worry that it's been affected by Kickstarter excess: backers want every little thing and although it's resulted in sky-high production values, the game lacks focus a bit. I get the impression that a new single player mode is coming soon, à la Plague Of Shadows. It remains to be seen how much that'll cost, but I'm still looking forward to it helping to round out the package.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyThu 15 Jun 2017 - 21:29

Aw, that's a shame, although you both gave it a 0.8; this was probably the Shantae I was most likely to jump in with.

Meanwhile I did this thing
Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 Image?_version=00_09_000&platform=chihiro&w=225&h=225&bg_color=000000&opacity=100
I was looking forward to this one as much as I did the previous LucasArts remasters of Day of the Tentacle and Grim Fandango. Whereas DOTT exceeded my nostalgia, and Grim was roughly as good as I remember, Full Throttle starts wandering into the "interactive movie" territory; I think (and the team admit as much in their once-again excellent commentary) that, because they could now create more complex animated cutscenes, they would. Therefore the gameplay feels a tad slight, while also sometimes confusing (the interface is simplified a bit too much). But the story, once again, is brilliant, and often hillarious.
So, er... 8/10 then. Like everything.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyFri 16 Jun 2017 - 14:07

£16 for a 5hr game isn't bad, I've paid more for less. Is it that it feels like it should be longer, as some short games I've played one which is 90mins felt the perfect length.

Anyway I've beaten:
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plot 6, The story mode plays out like a visual novel with the occasional combat section which is dancing
gameplay 8, I'm not big into rhythm games as I have none but I've loved this as it is simple and fun
sounds 8, Right the songs are great but doesn't seem to be enough which let's the game down in this genre
lifespan 8, I've put in around 12hrs and their is more to do like unlock all costumes but due to lack of songs, it could become tedious
graphics 9, Fantastic art-style and looks lovely even on my Slim VITA's screen that I can only imagine how great it looks on a OLED.

If you like the characters of Persona 4 and just want to see what else they got up-to then this is worth playing and I hope we get Persona 5 DAN but that would make slightly less sense as none of the charterers are a idol unlike Rise unless Ann gets pushed into it.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptyFri 16 Jun 2017 - 18:39

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Playing on the TV, in full 1080p, 60-inch sexovision, was nice. The little details of Min-Min's knitted hat and noodle arms, of every character and arena, were visually very impressive. Playing in the "thumbs up" configuration, with motion controls, worked better than anticipated. The additional level of control it afforded my punches was appreciated. That said, I found steering the character and activating dodges, jumps and blocks much more intuitive with a pad and an analogue stick.
I finished the Grand Prix in 33 minutes, winning every single round without fail. It was fun to see all the stages and characters, hear the little snippets about Min-Min's relationship with the others and hear the remixed versions of the tune, but that's just not enough game. A real stinker, I'd avoid wasting your hard-earned cash.

Half an hour of play for fifty sheets? Going back to the shop tomorrow.
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The Next Miyamoto

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptySat 17 Jun 2017 - 20:23

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I was going to put this in the other thread like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe but as Drunka has put ARMS here then so will I. I've just beaten the GP will 10 characters and done level 4 with Twintelle to unlock ranked multiplayer.

This is classic fighting game single player which I've seen since my one the first games I ever played Mortal Kombat II. GP is fine and dandy but nothing to get to excited about the other modes that you can play on your own are fine and a easy way to earn coins to be able unlock new ARMS in the mini game.

However I think playing in multiplayer even on party mode with random event would be a better way to earn coins as it will feel more rewarding . I said in the games thread that this now after doing GP is sort of how I see Overwatch, if one of you tweets me want to play ARMS I will and the game will keep getting updates to comeback to it.

plot N/A it's a fighting game with no story mode
gameplay 8, really fun
sounds 7, reminds me of Splatoon
lifespan 5-10, Depends on you if you don't plan to play online then I would say like a 5 but if you play it for 90+ hours like Drunka has with MK8D then easily a 10
graphics 7, Characters look great and very Nintendo
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0   Last Game You Finished And Your Thoughts V3.0 - Page 5 EmptySun 18 Jun 2017 - 12:59

masofdas wrote:
plot N/A it's a fighting game with no story mode

Someone obviously wasn't paying attention! There's a mysterious X-Men style phenomenon giving people stretchy arms, there's an immortal mummy seeking his long-lost family, there are tales of family honour and personal glory, of heroism and villainy, of science gone rogue and individuals proving themselves . . . all tied into a Vince McMahon type villain who fights in the very tournament of which he is commissioner.
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