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 ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September

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ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty18/09/19, 12:04 pm

October is going to be Outer (this) World(s)

What do you mean it's forced?
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ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty18/09/19, 09:49 pm

They all are OR, don't worry.

On October 31st It's Halloweegee
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The Next Miyamoto

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ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty18/09/19, 11:31 pm

OR is winning at the moment.
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ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty20/09/19, 10:55 pm

He doesn't even work October into a pun! #fix
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The Next Miyamoto

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ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty24/09/19, 12:40 pm

Contra Rogue Corps has a 57 on Opencritic, said it be shite.
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ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty24/09/19, 06:03 pm

Obviously everyone's review scale is different & that's why numbered reviews are shit but anyway, wouldn't a 57 be just above average? I gave the demo a go the other week and was actually surprised by it, definitely not worth the 40 quid they are asking for it and likely could've done with a year or 2 of extra dev time to polish up the visuals BUT it isn't offensively bad in the twin stick shooter department.
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The Next Miyamoto

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ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty24/09/19, 06:36 pm

I agree numbered ones are shite but if you read some they say the game is shite but give like a 55.

That's the problem, as like you say 50 should be avg.

Last edited by masofdas on 24/09/19, 06:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Cappuccino Kid
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The Cappuccino Kid

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ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty24/09/19, 06:54 pm

The_Jaster wrote:
Obviously everyone's review scale is different & that's why numbered reviews are shit but anyway, wouldn't a 57 be just above average? I gave the demo a go the other week and was actually surprised by it, definitely not worth the 40 quid they are asking for it and likely could've done with a year or 2 of extra dev time to polish up the visuals BUT it isn't offensively bad in the twin stick shooter department.

Happily, nowhere looks like they're charging £40 for it - ShopTo have it for £27, for example:


I didn't think the demo was bad. Didn't really make me want the full game right enough, but I'd hardly describe it as "shite" like masofdas did.
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The Next Miyamoto

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ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty24/09/19, 06:57 pm

I might be wrong Cappa but it looked it and if you read the reviews, then it seems to be.

With some saying it's the worst game of the year, clearly they've not played where the bee makes honey.
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ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September   ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA and other crap this September - Page 3 Empty24/09/19, 08:11 pm

The Cappuccino Kid wrote:
The_Jaster wrote:
Obviously everyone's review scale is different & that's why numbered reviews are shit but anyway, wouldn't a 57 be just above average? I gave the demo a go the other week and was actually surprised by it, definitely not worth the 40 quid they are asking for it and likely could've done with a year or 2 of extra dev time to polish up the visuals BUT it isn't offensively bad in the twin stick shooter department.

Happily, nowhere looks like they're charging £40 for it - ShopTo have it for £27, for example:


I didn't think the demo was bad. Didn't really make me want the full game right enough, but I'd hardly describe it as "shite" like masofdas did.

That price is not bad but it's a game I can get further down the road when it's about 20 quid or less.

masofdas wrote:
I might be wrong Cappa but it looked it and if you read the reviews, then it seems to be.

With some saying it's the worst game of the year, clearly they've not played where the bee makes honey.

That's the thing though if I only listened to the popular opinion or only looked at the Open/metacritic average score a game gets then I would've missed out on a tonne of decent to good games over the years. And as they say the proof is in the pudding playing.

(side note: I now want some pudding)
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