| Favourite RPG | |
+22Buskalilly OrangeRakoon nupkin 2becomecarrion Athrun888 ZeroSuitSamus2 Vidofnir Darunia JayMoyles mandlecreed shanks Jimbob masofdas rlsniper789 Crumpy Andy Kezz182 fronkhead ZeroJones Silver light Admin The_Jaster Balladeer 26 posters | |
Author | Message |
The_Jaster Din
Posts : 11993 Points : 12085 Join date : 2013-01-15 Age : 40 Location : Underground Corpse Pile.
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Sun 22 Jul 2018 - 23:10 | |
| I'm clearly the biggest RPG nutter on the forum. - My RPG top ten:
10. Dark Souls 2
9. Monster Hunter Generations/XX
8. Xenboblade
7. Secret of Mana
6. Sometimes I used to watch my brother play Final Fantasy 7. (ahh to be 13 again)
5. You still reading this?
4. Because it might be a waste of your time.
3. You should stop.
2. like really really.
1. stop.
| | | JayMoyles Galactic Nova
Posts : 15896 Points : 15061 Join date : 2013-01-21 Age : 31 Location : The Shibuya River
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Sun 22 Jul 2018 - 23:17 | |
| Your number 3 is overrated trash. |
| | | masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Mon 23 Jul 2018 - 11:51 | |
| Right, I used a list of JRPG's which has that at the top of the tree than other games sort of in the genre going to other branches, much like I was thinking with Kingdom Hearts (didn't make my list). The games I had on my 30 odd game list I narrowed down was only games I'd finished and got down to 10, I've used the one game per series rule (well a slight cheat), these 10 games aren't in order just what I think are the 10 best "JRPG's". Child of LightSo my first JRPG is French Canadian, who said a JRPG ever had to be from Japan and if that was the rule then I could easily see Jas doing a serious list with the likes of Dark Souls. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VIIThe best FF game that isn't a mainline title in my opinion, which is stuck on the PSP. Final Fantasy IXHere is the best mainline FF and what I meant about my slight cheating. Fire Emblem: Awakening One of the games that isn't what you would think of as a JRPG but certainly branches of from them, in what is the best 3DS game. The Last StoryTLS is one of my favourite Wii games that isn't called Zelda. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White WitchNNK along with TLS, got me into the genre after years of not really playing any. I really should go back to the second but it was lacking something. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year DoorThis still hasn't be topped form with Mario RPG series. Persona 5I think if I were to give out a Number 1 then it would be this. Pokemon Gen 2I had to get a Pokemon game in my Top 10 and Gen 2 improved the game over Gen 1 so much that it just gets the nod. Tales of SymphoniaI'm not sure if this or Vesperia is the best Tales of game but I will be playing one of them again soon that this could change. Three games that I've not beaten but could get the nod Persona 4 Golden which I've played for 40hrs and watched both animes that I do know all the story, Skies of Arcadia this might a shock for some of you but this Dreamcast classic which I own on both DC & Cube I've never actually played that much of it but what I have I've really liked, then lastly Octopath Traveler which so far seems excellent and might be my fav Switch game. |
| | | JayMoyles Galactic Nova
Posts : 15896 Points : 15061 Join date : 2013-01-21 Age : 31 Location : The Shibuya River
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Mon 23 Jul 2018 - 15:15 | |
| Good list - figured Persona 5 would turn up! I'm not sure about Fire Emblem as that's more of a strategy RPG in my book, but I'm not splitting hairs over genre definitions here.
As for Pokémon, I honestly don't think I could include the first two generations in a list as from a gameplay perspective they've been outclassed from Generation III onwards. |
| | | Buskalilly Galactic Nova
Posts : 15121 Points : 15302 Join date : 2013-02-25 Age : 34 Location : Nagano
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Mon 23 Jul 2018 - 16:23 | |
| I tend to bounce off of JRPGs before I finish them. I did complete Xenoblade Chronicles though. The world, the combat, the exploration and of course the story all kept me gripped, and the game had easy fast travel and saving stuff so it never became super frustrating.
I've played a couple of Fire Emblems and enjoyed them, but I see the whole strategy thing as kind of separate.
Then there are Pokemon games. They feel very different to me, like a genre unto themselves. I have played most of them, though. |
| | | masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Mon 23 Jul 2018 - 17:15 | |
| On Fire Emblem, I wouldn't have thought of it myself but when we've done a vote etc we've used Wikipedia to determine genres. I did the same here and JRPG is the header then underneath is Action, Tactical, Strategy, Dungeon, Turn Based, Real Time and so on
Pokémon is a weird one as really it's the simplest and least deep of what you would call a traditional JRPG but really works in it's favour.
I still don't get the love for Xenoblade especially after playing X & 2, I really do believe it's only regard highly because it's on Nintendo. |
| | | The_Jaster Din
Posts : 11993 Points : 12085 Join date : 2013-01-15 Age : 40 Location : Underground Corpse Pile.
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Mon 23 Jul 2018 - 17:26 | |
| - mas wrote:
- I still don't get the love for Xenoblade especially after playing X & 2, I really do believe it's only regard highly because it's on Nintendo.
That's a bit harsh because if it could get me to play it for 60+ hours then it obviously done something right. |
| | | JayMoyles Galactic Nova
Posts : 15896 Points : 15061 Join date : 2013-01-21 Age : 31 Location : The Shibuya River
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Mon 23 Jul 2018 - 19:11 | |
| - masofdas wrote:
I still don't get the love for Xenoblade especially after playing X & 2, I really do believe it's only regard highly because it's on Nintendo. This is a bad take, especially if you've not played the original which is a cracking game from what I've played so far. |
| | | masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Mon 23 Jul 2018 - 19:24 | |
| I did play the original, remember my infamous sandwich thoughts. At the time I thought because it was SD, I had issues with it but I played Last Story fine and since played the two games after it which are in HD which I also found to be just okay.
If people liked it that's great and must of did something right for Jas to play but there is literally hundreds of better games in the genre that I can only truly think it is Crash Bandicoot syndrome. |
Posts : 26553 Points : 25387 Join date : 2013-01-16 Age : 35 Location : Admintown
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Mon 23 Jul 2018 - 21:45 | |
| Crash Bandicoot syndrome? Mas, this is BotW syndrome. Huge world, lots of stuff to see and explore, a feeling almost of an ecosystem around you. I don't know if you ever got past the sandwich, but I reckon if you did you still wouldn't have liked it, because a fair few things that made the game great also turn up in your most-hated game of the current generation. - masofdas wrote:
- ...I really do believe it's only regard highly because it's on Nintendo.
Christ. ANYWAY: I recently-ish did my top 25 games eve, of which four were JRPGs. That should be good start! 10. Final Fantasy IV - The sprite version, not the 3DS bastardisation. My first FF, and still my favourite. Loved the characters, loved the battles, loved the dungeons. 9. The World Ends With You - Hello Jay! Possibly the most original battle system I've tried? The plot was a bit of a mindscrew, but I liked a fair amount of the characters, although I never had quite the mancrush on Sho Minamimoto that Jay did. 8. Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness - Before S&M came along, it was the first full PokéGame to do away with HMs and Gyms. It went a few better, too: the plot was stronger, there were no wild Pokémon battles, and there was no Elite Four at the end! Truly ahead of its time, I'll always remember it fondly, even if the battle mechanics have since been left far behind. 7. Undertale - I CRY EVRYTIEM. Also has excellent music. 6. Pokémon Sun/Moon - The strongest Pokémon games, not just because they feature the Rowlet evolutionary line and got rid of the HMs. Mostly, though. (Screw Hau.) 5. Xenoblade Chronicles - Little bit of shuffling here, but this is still an EXCELLENT RPG with a huge world, lots of stuff to see and explore, and a feeling almost of an ecosystem around you. (Recycled #content is the best #content.) It's also got a belting battle system and glorious music. Simply glorious. 4. Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga - Remember back when Mario RPGs had new ideas, funny dialogue, new character designs, new worlds, and shoved you in a creepy-as-all-Hell ice palace where bad jokes go to die? This might creep further up the list on another day: replaying it on the 3DS reminded me how much I still liked it. 3. Bravely Second - My favourite 'traditional' JRPG. Good story, good characters, good job system, good random monster frequency adjuster, and generally just... good. 2. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - I don't perhaps think of it quite as highly as I did immediately after finishing it, but this is still an EXCELLENT RPG with a huge world, lots of stuff to see and explore, and a feeling almost of an ecosystem around you. (Doubly recycled #content is the best #content.) It's also got a belting battle system and glorious music. Simply glori- THINK YOU CAN TAKE ME!? DON'T FORGET ME. YER DUN!1.5 Muramasa: the Demon Blade - Here as a half point because I don't really think it's a JRPG, but places have described it as a JRPG so... I'm still not sure I get the story, but it has the best art style and best pure gameplay on this list. I felt like an actual ninja. 1. Paper Mario and the Thousand-Year Door - Remember back when Mario RPGs had new ideas, funny dialogue, new character designs, new worlds, and shoved you in a creepy-as-all-Hell battling tournament where people got their life force sucked out of them? I was blown away with the stories Intelligent Systems managed to tell with not only Mario and his world, but with their own characters as well. That's the main difference between this and Mario 'RPGs' now - that, and it's not afraid to be an RPG. - In consideration:
Child of Light - If Mas can include it then I will too. Sweet, simple, and giving you the chance to fly freely. Which... doesn't start with S. Blast. Mother 3 - I think I'd like this better if I played it on GBA, not on an emulator. Very traditional, but funny. Only problem: it made Earthbound feel too clunky to play. Mario & Luigi: Partners in Crime - Possibly an even stronger story than Superstar Saga, but more linear with it. Never mind: another top Mario RPG, back when they were great. Terrifying final boss too. (The 'final' final boss doesn't count.) Xenoblade Chronicles X - Better than it was given credit for, but needed to stop trying to be an MMO. fortunately we then got XC2. Infinite Space - I'm not entirely sure this is a JRPG! It felt more Western. Not solely here to annoy Andy, I genuinely loved what they did with the story. I can't remember many game stories I got into more. I even enjoyed the rock-paper-scissors combat. Sadly I never finished it, because the game has a funny way of gating you off in areas you can't escape from with no equipment shops and difficulty spikes.
Last edited by Balladeer on Mon 23 Jul 2018 - 22:12; edited 1 time in total |
| | | masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Mon 23 Jul 2018 - 22:03 | |
| Your list does give me 2 games to look out for TWEWY and Undertale which are both coming to Switch, the others I've either played or don't like. |
| | | Buskalilly Galactic Nova
Posts : 15121 Points : 15302 Join date : 2013-02-25 Age : 34 Location : Nagano
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Tue 24 Jul 2018 - 0:49 | |
| Ah, Mas, never change. If you weren't wrong all the time, it just wouldn't be right. |
| | | masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Tue 24 Jul 2018 - 12:42 | |
| Thanks I guess and Balla might be right he has played it and BotW, all I can tell you my view's from playing other games in the genre. |
| | | JayMoyles Galactic Nova
Posts : 15896 Points : 15061 Join date : 2013-01-21 Age : 31 Location : The Shibuya River
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Tue 24 Jul 2018 - 22:30 | |
| Good list, Balla! Undertale's a weird one as it's not exactly a JRPG in the conventional sense, but its inspirations being firmly rooted in the Mother series means that it's close enough in my eyes. Splitting hairs over what constitutes a JRPG compared to an RPG sounds deathly dull regardless, so let's leave it there. I won't take it ranking over TWEWY though. Here's my list: - The List:
I've been lying to you all for over 10 years, RPGs are for deviants and the unwashed. - No, but really:
10: Eternal Sonata. Compared to the more intricate strategic systems in other games in this list, the combat system in this is more geared towards mindless button mashing and generally positioning your character well in battle, but that's not why I love this game. The premise of the game caught my attention and I enjoyed getting to listen to Chopin in between chapters. I remember just having fun with this game, exploring the world and beating dudes up with that goat bow chick whose name escapes me. Fun! 9: Earthbound: It's a wee bit clunky from a movement and battling standpoint, but I still really enjoy Earthbound despite that. The main reason to play this game is because of how out there it is in its incidental dialogue and how weird the overall story feels. It's like playing a dream where everybody in town has been to the Jeff Goldblum school of acting. That's a compliment, by the way. The crazy enemy designs and kooky tunes captivated me when I first played this over 10 years ago. It was like no other RPG I've played. Granted, it's been overshadowed somewhat by its sequel, but you can't legally play that now anyway so play this to warm yourselves up for the main event. 8: Final Fantasy X. I don't like the ATB system all that much in Final Fantasy. I find the pressure of moving quickly in battles to counter how I typically play RPGs in deliberating about my moves and attacks. FFX mercifully does not have that system and I love it for it. Look, Tidus is annoying, sure, but the game has Auron there to balance that. I really liked diving into all the sidequests to get the Celestial Weapons. Also, the Sphere Grid is a brilliant levelling system and made for some strategic builds in the post-game. 7: Pokémon Black. There had to be at least one Pokémon game in here. After Gen. III, I'd stopped playing and generally paying attention to Pokémon until X&Y launched. At the time, I didn't own a 3DS, but my brother kindly loaned me his copy of Black. For my money, this is the best story in a Pokémon game to date. I hadn't been interested in the plot of a Pokémon game at all up until this point and the later games haven't changed much there either. I liked the focus on the new critters rather than the 'Mon of old. I'd say it's underrated in the grand scheme of all things Pokémon. 6: Persona 4. Okay, so the dungeon crawling is a bit wank looking back on it compared to P5. But, this was my first Persona game and I fell in love with the relationship sim mechanics and how those impacted the battling side of things. The mysteries in the story gripped me quickly too and held my attention across my whole adventure. The characters, like in the other 2 Persona game that I've played, were great fun and it was enjoyable delving into their individual Social Links. 5: Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift. Well, if Strategy JRPGs are fair game, then let's do it. FFTA2 is often overshadowed by its eldest brother, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I remember buying it over in the US on a family holiday and playing it on the whole flight home non-stop. Building my team, recruiting my characters, finding unique weapons, learning skills and figuring out the best ways to tackle each battle dominated that flight home and then many an hour back in the UK too. The story was serviceable but it took a back-seat to the endless levelling and questing. Fun! 4: Lost Odyssey. God, I love Lost Odyssey. As a JRPG, it's very traditional with a timing based attack system being the only break from a traditional turn-based RPG battle system. It doesn't even include an ATB system or anything like that! But the simplicity of it and the way it stripped things back to basics in an era where Final Fantasy was adding more and more convoluted mechanics to their battle system was refreshing. I really liked the story in this too at the time - the characters felt fun, there was some good emotional scenes and I enjoyed seeing the main character grow across his journey. What really stood out to me were the memory short stories where the game would share a chapter from the protagonist's past in the form of a short story. They were an interesting change of pace and well-written to boot. This is one I hope to replay some day if I end up with an Xbox again. 3: Persona 5. Tremendous game. It took what was a bit shit from P4 - the dungeons - and freshened them up to feel more engaging whilst turning the style dial up to 11. I've gushed about the menus on here. I've gushed about the music on here. It deserves said gushing. The story was fine altogether as despite a fantastic opening act, it fell into that Persona trap that I dislike where it pulls a big mystical spirit from out its arse as the true villain. That didn't sully the game to any major degree for me though as Persona's all about the characters and the Social Links, which were still great fun. 2: The World Ends With You. TWEWY was my first real taste of Japan. I'd played JRPGs prior to this, but none of them were set in the country and gave me a sense of atmosphere like TWEWY managed. The J-Pop tunes and the Shibuya setting are responsible for me being such a [s]weeb[/s] Japanophile, in all likelihood. The combat system, whilst being tricky to get used, worked magnificently once you got your head round it from a pure gameplay standpoint and from a story standpoint. Like Persona 5, the game oozes style too - albeit a more youthful and, yep, edgier style. I'm looking forward to replaying this later this year. 1: Mother 3. I adored the zaniness of Earthbound, but it's hard to argue that it's not dated in this day and age. Mother 3 refreshes the series with a snappier battle system and more refined visuals whilst still maintaining the overall feel of Mother. It's bursting with heart and character in its story with it spinning a yarn about love, friendship and family against a brilliant backdrop of nature vs. civilisation and how Capitalism is Bad. The tunes are grooving, the characters are fun - Flint is everyone's dad - and the tragic moments (of which there are many) are balanced with heartwarming and funny bits. I know I joke with all the "MOTHER 3 TO THE WEST" chat, but I genuinely hope folks get a chance to try it some day. ...so I can moan about how they don't like my favourite game as much as me.
Posts : 26553 Points : 25387 Join date : 2013-01-16 Age : 35 Location : Admintown
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Wed 25 Jul 2018 - 21:21 | |
| Black & White were a real positive movement for the series, ploughing into the new rather than relying on nostalgia. I liked them a lot.
I have some mixed memories of TWEWY, especially the postgame which wound me up something rotten, and not understanding all of the plot. Maybe if I played it again now I'm older I'd appreciate it more. |
| | | Athrun888 Sheegoth
Posts : 3618 Points : 3665 Join date : 2013-01-26 Location : Holiday Bunker
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Thu 26 Jul 2018 - 18:14 | |
| I actually really liked the overall villain of Persona 5. But I feel it only worked because every villain up to that point had had a very personal conflict with the cast (especially the earlier ones), and also because of how the villain was revealed. God tier twist that was. Plus it led to some good commentary about the human race, whereas Persona 4's was just another trite diety that doesn't understand humanity spouting faux-philosophical gibberish with the main cast going "EVEN SO!" the entire time.
But anyway, nuff about them. It's time for God Tier JRPG Connoisseur Athrun888, back again once again, to lay down some godly picks. So smash that like button and subscribe!
But seriously here's my top ten. And no images, because apparently the site decided to fleep up hosting them, any other time I'd probably work out why they're not displaying anything but URL's but I seriously don't have the time right now. Spent too long typing these up to begin with frankly, should've spent the hour or so packing instead.
10.) Dragon Ball Fusions
At a time everyone was going nuts for Xenoverse this game came out for the 3DS under the radar, and it's a shame because it is honestly the most fanservice-y thing Dragon Ball has ever produced. And it is glorious for it. A fantastic battle system that combines smashing foes into other foes or out of an arena with chibi renditions of the franchises characters, the combat feels extremely faithful to the actual series thanks to the combat animations that absolutely nail that explosive action the series is known for. And of course who doesn't like a game whose entire premise is based around what-if fusions of every character from the franchise? Ever wanted to see what Cell and Frieza would look like if they fused? Well now you can!
But all of that would be irrelevant if the game didn't have the quality to back its premise up, and it's one of the most fun games I've played in the last few years, a damn fine JRPG, and the perfect love-letter to the franchise in one amazing package.
09.) Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Who said I don't play WRPG's or games heavily inspired by them? Well let this be a testament that I do sometimes take the plunge. Published by Capcom this game had everything I craved when I played it. Gritty art direction that perfectly treaded the line between realistic and depressing (that is to say it found the line where a degree of realism can make something all the more captivating), as well as aspects of video games that the west tends to not focus on with its RPGs. Amazing action gameplay that was part Devil May Cry and part Shadow of the Colossus with several extremely fun styles, and god tier music. Oh there was atmospheric stuff too, but when a demonic Hydra or Wyrm decides to engage the player you better get ready for some ripping electric guitar/orchestral mixes!
08.) The Oath in Felghana
I would be remiss to have a list like this and omit Falcom from it! This game is Ys perfected. Simple yet at times brutally challenging action gameplay and some truly godly rock music. There really isn't much to say about this game beyond that, because while its story is average (in a pleasant way) those two aspects are so fantastic that it's all the game needs to hold its head aloft and claim a spot on this list, and the best bit is anybody with a PC can download it right now. It can run on a toaster_
07.) Pokemon Platinum
This was, for me, the last Pokemon game to truly nail everything woth nailing. Back when the series wasn't just about being babies first turn-based RPG. There was actual challenge in the game, the E4 was arguably the roughest in the franchise (the champion certainly is, boasting a team good enough to take into the competitive arena of the era), and the pacing was perfect. Some games since have come close, Black and White were fantastic games. However Platinum holds the crown for me, Nuzlocking the game completely changed how I saw the game and was the most satisfying Pokemon experience I've ever had. Also Cyrus is a fantastic edgelord of a villain, threatening to genocide the universe before Pokemon thought it was cool to be the default villain goal. More to the point it worked with him, a genuine sociopath.
06.) Bravely Default
What's that you say? Square-Enix has lost the art of making turn-based RPGs that put them on the map? Well this game has you covered, a return to form and a blast from the SNES past this game is the glory of the old days of the genre with all the refinements you ever wanted in those games. Random encounters getting annoying? Turn em off! Repeating the same actions in random battles over and over again getting boring? Just hit the repeat button and watch the game promptly repeat the last battle's actions. The game took out or mitigated all of the truly tedious parts of the genre while also adding in charming characters, a classic story with some good subversions, and some truly challenging bosses that *shock!* require actual strategy to defeat.
This would be higher on the list if it weren't for its one massive issue in the last third of the game. Y'all know exactly what I'm talking about.
05.) Fire Emblem Fates
Anyone who's paid attention to me over the years knew this would be on here somewhere. The games have issues, oh dear lord do they have issues (some of the most offensively awful storytelling I've seen in anything ever). But that gameplay... Oh that glorious gameplay... It was everything Awakening promised and never delivered. Birthright with its beginner friendly map design that still held a challenge on higher difficulties. Conquest with its strategic as hell maps. Between the two and the Fates engine I haven't had a strategy game that pleased me so much.
What's that, there's a third game called Revelati-*dissolves into nothingness*
Seriously though I will not acknowledge that waste of time and money's existence. And anybody who holds any respect for their brain cells, money, and time, will do the same.
04.) Tales of Xillia
Y'all knew Tales would make my list. But rather than the obvious picks of Symphonia (which I haven't played) or Abyss (F*** THE WHOLE CAST BESIDES LUKE) it is dark horse PS3 exclusive Xillia. It was somewhat rushed and it shows with many of the overworld being copy-pasted simplistic designs. But I absolutely love everything else about the game. The cast is filled with loveable misfits, the main villain/antagonist avoids many of the pitfalls that the genre's villains usually fall for, the battle system is fun as all heck, and it was one of the last games I played that I truly remember getting slightly emotional over. Its flaws prevent it going higher, but this is a favourites list and damn this is my favourite Tales screw the haters. GAIUS FOR PRESIDENT!
03.) Persona 5
Without a doubt the most stylish JRPG of all time. Battles are a absolute blast with the most satisfying UI I've ever seen in the genre, the graphics are a treat for the eyes (take that hyper-realism!), the music is just plain sexy, and the story and cast are great (if oddly paced, at times feeling too short and others feeling too bloated).
02.) Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria
This was my introduction to Tri-ACE, a random purchase during a firesale almost ten years ago. What I picked up was one of the best JRPG's I've ever had the pleasure of playing. A gritty yet fantastical story and setting with some AMAZING twists (probably less amazing for those who played the original game), a highly unique and innovative battle system that was absolutely brutal yet incredibly satisfying, and some of the best graphics on the PS2. For most people Final Fantasy is what swept them into the genre, for me this was the game that made me a JRPG fan, and I maintain it's one of the best the genre has to offer. Its quality makes the fate of Tri-ACE all the more tragic.
01.) Persona 3
SURPRISE MOTHERBLEEPER ANOTHER PERSONA GAME! This one has plenty of flaws, and all of them can be summed up in one name: Tartarus. Everything else though? Perfection. Challenging bosses, a cast of diverse engaging people, and a story that rips your heart out and crushes it in front of your own eyes. Some might wonder why this, the most flawed of the modern Persona games, heads my list. Simple, the themes of the game and story speak to me far more than 4 and 5. I'm not a cheerful person, not even close, and the bitter-sweet and melancholy nature of Persona 3 along with its themes (death and everything it represents in our lives) strike a far more personal chord to me than, say, hijinks with the oddballs at school. Couple that with a cast that is far more realistic (yet still at times comedically goofy) than its other two contempoeries, and, well, you've got my favourite RPG of all time.
Honourable mentions: Zelda BotW, Persona 4, Pokemon Black/White, Tales of Graces F, Bravely Second, and Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII. |
| | | JayMoyles Galactic Nova
Posts : 15896 Points : 15061 Join date : 2013-01-21 Age : 31 Location : The Shibuya River
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Thu 26 Jul 2018 - 22:07 | |
| I was close to including Persona 3 on my list for all the reasons you listed, but Tartarus is just too dull for me to include it. - Athrun888 wrote:
10.) Dragon Ball Fusions
At a time everyone was going nuts for Xenoverse this game came out for the 3DS under the radar, and it's a shame because it is honestly the most fanservice-y thing Dragon Ball has ever produced. And it is glorious for it. A fantastic battle system that combines smashing foes into other foes or out of an arena with chibi renditions of the franchises characters, the combat feels extremely faithful to the actual series thanks to the combat animations that absolutely nail that explosive action the series is known for. And of course who doesn't like a game whose entire premise is based around what-if fusions of every character from the franchise? Ever wanted to see what Cell and Frieza would look like if they fused? Well now you can!
But all of that would be irrelevant if the game didn't have the quality to back its premise up, and it's one of the most fun games I've played in the last few years, a damn fine JRPG, and the perfect love-letter to the franchise in one amazing package.
Ooh, I have heard really good things about this. I might have to keep an eye out for this on 3DS after your endorsement too. |
| | | OrangeRakoon Disciple of Greener
Posts : 1556 Points : 1560 Join date : 2015-05-06 Age : 32 Location : Reading, UK
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Fri 27 Jul 2018 - 12:25 | |
| - OrangeRakoon wrote:
- Top 8 because that is the number of deserving games (until I remember more).
1. Skies of Arcadia: Legends (GC) 2. The World Ends With You (DS) 3. Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure (PSP) 4. Dark Chronicle (PS2) 5. Fallout: New Vegas (PS3) 6. Mount and Blade: Warband (PC) 7. Solatorobo: Red the Hunter (DS) 8. The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (PS3)
Not counting: Any Zelda, any Monster Hunter, Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, Mario Tennis GBC
NV and Oblivion are probably not best on PS3, but that's what I played them on. Morrowind would probably be above Oblivion if I had actually played a lot of it. This is still vaguely accurate, although I can't believe I missed The Last Story from it! I don't think I can include Fallout 4 as I liked it as a settlement building game, not as an RPG (which it's bad at) Will have to trim it down to be JRPGs of course |
| | | Muss Shiny Shuckle
Posts : 2557 Points : 2575 Join date : 2015-04-03 Location : The 5th Dimension
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Fri 27 Jul 2018 - 17:36 | |
| I don't think I ever posted my list, a regular list since I don't think I've even played 10 JRPGs. I'm not going to include Zelda or Dark Souls because I see them more as Action/Adventure games than RPGs. I've left out Tactical games like Fire Emblem as well.
10 (actually number 1): Digimon World Your Digimon poo, and if they don't poo in a toilet they get some sort of virus and then they start eating poo.
9:Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines: The first ever Source engine game "completed" (though not released until after Half-Life 2). Broken, literally unplayable mess because it was released by a bankrupt publisher months too soon. If you install the fan-made mods, then it's still a janky game but the world is really interesting, based off of the White Wolf, D&D style, board game. It was well-written, with some very memorable characters, as well as the best haunted house I've ever encountered.
8: Tyranny: I know this is going to be excellent. I've made a fair chunk of progress through it and really dig everything, it's just really long and I stopped partway through at some point and don't really feel like picking it up without starting all over again.
7: Fallout: New Vegas: It's good, it's fun, it's silly, and it has style. I think it pips Fallout 3 for me, and I've never given the old fallout games enough of a try to see if they're for me.
6: Undertale: A very clever game, highly replayable and probably the most charming game ever released. Unfortunately I worked in a school when this came out, so I can't really play this game without being reminded of having all its intricacies being explained to me by excited students who were thrilled to have an adult who understood games to talk to about Undertale. [Terraria, and Binding of Isaac were amongst other games I had people talk to me a lot about] I'm sure they told me every little secret by the end of the year, but it was nice being able to experience it vicariously through them, and an easy tool to get certain students working since I'd bribe them with offers of video game chat if they finished their work before the end of the lesson.
5: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: It's just a really good RPG set in the Star Wars universe. It's a bit annoying that, like Mass Effect, you are basically forced to choose between light and dark, but it's still well worth playing. Probably looks very old now but I'd still recommend and I don't understand why it hasn't been remastered - especially its sequel, which has a bunch of mods to restore content that didn't make it to the final game.
4: Dragon Age: Origins: Another clunky game with a very uninspired colour palette. But like KOTOR, it more than makes up for it with a really engaging cast of characters. I think I've completed this game more than any other RPG just because I loved them all so much, and even missed a few characters on the first playthrough. Alistair is quite possibly my favorite companion character of any game, and it's quite unusual for me to root for the -nice-guy-clearly-meant-to-be-a-good-man-and-a-good-mate- types because they're so often bland. Not Alistair though, xxx.
3:Final Fantasy IX: This is my favorite, and first, Final Fantasy. Nostalgia plays a part in ranking it above the other games on this list. Of all the FF games it's only really 6-10 that I like, with 9 & 10 hands-down way above the others. This one has more engaging characters, an excellent score, and a really nice world to explore. I also got hooked to its numerous mini-games but never was very good at jump-rope. FFIX is perhaps only second to Pokémon in terms of games that captured my imagination, as I was obsessed with the game for several years. I even went back and before I went off to university in a run that had me unlocking virtually all of its content so I could witness everything.
2: Pokémon Silver: I'll happily concede other games in the series surpass it mechanically, but I don't care I still rate this the highest. Nostalgia again plays a part in that but I think this one mixed a sense of discovery with some cracking innovations like the day/night cycle, Dark and Steel types, and a mobile phone. You laugh, but the phone helped keep trainers you met on the road seem somewhat living since they'd level up their team over time.
1: Witcher III: Wild Hunt: Satisfying combat, gorgeous graphics, a huge yet meaningful open-world, some incredible quests and hands down the best character writing in any video-game. The Witcher 3 is the definitive modern-classic and quite possible the best game of all-time. |
| | | masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Fri 27 Jul 2018 - 17:42 | |
| Nice mix but do find strange that Fire Emblem is left out seeing it is a Tactical-RPG when your list has JRPG's and Western RPG's in it. |
| | | Muss Shiny Shuckle
Posts : 2557 Points : 2575 Join date : 2015-04-03 Location : The 5th Dimension
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Fri 27 Jul 2018 - 18:06 | |
| I just view tactics games as a separate genre, JRPGs and Western RPGs are still first and foremost RPGs, or at least, like the Witcher, heavily emphasize the RPG elements. Also I think the RPG aspects of Fire Emblem are it's weakest area. It's overall narrative is fine, but I could do without the increasingly weird dating-sim stuff.
I play a lot of tactics games: Darkest Dungeon, Ogre Battle 64, Battle Brothers, Banner Saga, Fire Emblem, and there are more that I'd still like to get in the future like Battletech, and some that I own but haven't really played yet like Shadowrun/Shadowrun Returns. So that's another reason why I'd more clearly segregate tactical-RPG from regular RPG more than most. |
| | | masofdas The Next Miyamoto
Posts : 24100 Points : 24503 Join date : 2013-01-18 Age : 34 Location : VITA Island
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Fri 27 Jul 2018 - 18:14 | |
| Makes sense and if you play a lot of one genre I can certainly see the separation, why I've got no Western RPG's and just JRPG's as I could easily do a top 10 of them and why I couldn't do one for Tactical-RPG as I've basically only played Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy Tactics (which wasn't on my list as I had a mainline and a spin-off).
Not sure if I could with Action-RPG's part from Zelda as I've not clicked with the likes of Dark Souls or Monster Hunter. |
| | | Athrun888 Sheegoth
Posts : 3618 Points : 3665 Join date : 2013-01-26 Location : Holiday Bunker
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Fri 27 Jul 2018 - 18:15 | |
| Definitely get Dragon Ball Fusions at some point Jay, it's a treat of a game. One bit of advice though: try not to overlevel, which is very easy to do because of how much side-content the game throws at you (gotta catch 'em all Dragon Ball edition! It is so easy to spend a few hours recruiting everything you can and then find yourself ten levels over the area's designed cap). You'll thank me when the boss fights start upping the ante because boss fights are tons of fun!
On Fire Emblem, I'd say it's got enough RPG DNA in it to qualify (especially with the 3DS games which can be treated as much as an RPG as the player wants). Heck Valentia skewed things slightly more to the JRPG side of things and ended up feeling more proper RPG than strategy game because of it. If action games can be counted then I'd say Fire Emblem can. |
| | | JayMoyles Galactic Nova
Posts : 15896 Points : 15061 Join date : 2013-01-21 Age : 31 Location : The Shibuya River
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Sat 28 Jul 2018 - 0:38 | |
| - Athrun888 wrote:
- Definitely get Dragon Ball Fusions at some point Jay, it's a treat of a game. One bit of advice though: try not to overlevel, which is very easy to do because of how much side-content the game throws at you (gotta catch 'em all Dragon Ball edition! It is so easy to spend a few hours recruiting everything you can and then find yourself ten levels over the area's designed cap). You'll thank me when the boss fights start upping the ante because boss fights are tons of fun!
On Fire Emblem, I'd say it's got enough RPG DNA in it to qualify (especially with the 3DS games which can be treated as much as an RPG as the player wants). Heck Valentia skewed things slightly more to the JRPG side of things and ended up feeling more proper RPG than strategy game because of it. If action games can be counted then I'd say Fire Emblem can. I'll keep an eye out for it at a decent price, for sure. You make a good point about SoV - I think that's probably why it's my favourite Fire Emblem since the Tellius games. The simplicity of the strategic elements along with the heightened focus on levelling and equipment made it click with me more than the other 3DS Fire Emblem games. |
Posts : 26553 Points : 25387 Join date : 2013-01-16 Age : 35 Location : Admintown
| Subject: Re: Favourite RPG Sat 28 Jul 2018 - 9:46 | |
| The 'phone in Silver was a pain in the backside. There's a reason why Joey and his Rattata calls became a meme. Everyone's allowed to define RPGs how they want. For me Fire Emblem makes it and Zelda doesn't, but OoT showed up in the N64 Magazine FuSoYa segment a couple of times, and who am I to argue with Kosmikat? |
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