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Favourite RPG - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptyFri 8 Jan 2016 - 12:13

The PES 2010 comment is an interesting one, indeed.  As interesting as genre definitions get, anyway.

Drunkalilly wrote:
Hey can we talk about which ones are good? Talking about definitions of genres is the most boring thing in the world.

I want to talk about favourite vs. good.

I had real problems filling in the bottom end of my list.  At the top it was easy enough: games like XC and PMTTYD are good because they do lots of things well and very little wrong.  Conversely, I can give reasons why I don't like Sticker Star or Chrono Trigger that put them below other RPGs.

But I started to struggle around number 9.  Paper Mario is objectively (well, as near as that's possible) a very good game, but I played it after TTYD and it felt so disappointing in comparison.  Bowser's a mediocre RPG villain, and returning to the Mushroom after the more interesting Rogueport was a come down.  I liked it less than Pokémon XD and Bravely Default, but those games are so out of date/flawed respectively that I couldn't possibly put it below them.

On the other hand, BD makes a total cock-up of its second half, but things about the first half were so brilliant (e.g. soundtrack, job system) and it wowed me much more than, say, Super Mario RPG, that it's my favourite over Mario's Square adventure, despite the latter probably being "better".  XD, similarly, was so good at the time (I maintain it's the best Pokémon game given its release date ever) that, despite the move on from gen. 3 and the phys/spec split, I needed to give it a shout-out.

Anyone else struggle with this?  Or do you just go for your favourites, nostalgia and age-old shonkyness/dramatic crippling flaws intact?

Last edited by Balladeer on Fri 8 Jan 2016 - 12:15; edited 1 time in total
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Favourite RPG - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptyFri 8 Jan 2016 - 12:15

Drunkalilly wrote:
Hey can we talk about which ones are good? Talking about definitions of genres is the most boring thing in the world.

Certainly! I'm seeing a lot of varied games in people's lists, which is beautiful. Also not many Final Fantasies or Dragon Quests, which just goes to show that a big name is no guarantee of quality.

Finally, really need to find the time to play Xenoblade seriously. Embarrassed
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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptyFri 8 Jan 2016 - 12:19

I think that a lot of us want a bit more than standard-issue turn-based battles (although I know that the later FFs deviate from that format).  Be it the in-depth customisation of movesets in Pokémon, the Brave/Default system of guess what, or something completely different like TWEWY.  

Mother 3 is the exception in my list, although it has the music mechanic and the life odometer.  But that's definitely in there for story and quirkyness over the rather by-the-numbers gameplay.

ZeroJones wrote:
Finally, really need to find the time to play Xenoblade seriously. Embarrassed

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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptyFri 8 Jan 2016 - 15:20

masofdas wrote:
I was talking Zelda not SotC, OR. Mass Effect is a Western-RPG but was pointing out its action heavy ala Zelda.

My bad!
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptyFri 8 Jan 2016 - 18:26

masofdas wrote:
I was talking Zelda not SotC, OR. Mass Effect is a Western-RPG but was pointing out its action heavy ala Zelda.

Ah, I took you as talking about SotC but Zelda makes more sense with what you said!
Balladeer wrote:
Anyone else struggle with this?  Or do you just go for your favourites, nostalgia and age-old shonkyness/dramatic crippling flaws intact?

The latter, of course. Videogames are not power tools, there's no such thing as a subjective opinion. All I can go on is how a game makes me feel, especially with a literal list of my favourites.
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Favourite RPG - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptyFri 8 Jan 2016 - 19:53

I don't like Walter White. No

Zero's 'Votes'; essentially locked behind this spoiler tag because of tl;dr potential:
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptyFri 8 Jan 2016 - 20:46

I don't think you're meant to like Walter White...
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptyFri 8 Jan 2016 - 21:39

On Age thing a lot of mine are fairly old now on avg there 10 years old (oldest 17 years old, newest 4 years old) and most I've not played since they came out, that nostalgia may play some part on a few of them but again I just went for what came to mind.

With most being Western RPGs and I think that's due to my age and why the big 3 JRPGs Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Tales of are missing.

As I've been thinking about this as I'm 26 this month and seen gaming become huge but the golden eras for JRPGs from what people tell me passed me by due to my age, Final Fantasy VI came out in 1994 & Chrono Trigger 1995 that even if I had a SNES at 4 & 5 years old I wouldn't of been playing them. Then moving onto the PS1 which took over from the SNES to be the best place to play JRPGs with stuff like Final Fantasy VII & Suikoden II, I was 7 & 8 that I missed all these top JRPGs as they weren't stuff I played and then moving in to my early teens the PS2 had some great ones but I was being a bit of a dudebro playing Halo, FIFA on Xbox.

By then Western-RPGs were becoming the norm and I wanted more story driven games and that's what was about at 16 odd years old but JRPGS have become more interesting now and some of my most anticipated games are JRPGs especially with this resurgences.
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Galactic Nova

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Favourite RPG - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptySat 9 Jan 2016 - 1:05

I've got a bumper post on its way for this thread. I genuinely can't choose between my top three favourite RPGs. I'm quite fond of this genre.
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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptySat 9 Jan 2016 - 10:51

It is time.  I've had a sit down and a long think about this.  Given how RPG's, Japanese RPG's specifically, make up the vast majority of what I play you can imagine aside from one or two spots coming up with a definitive top set was actually a little tough for me.  Nevertheless, I've done just that, and these are my Top 5 Role Playing Games, and why.

Number 5 ~ Ys: The Oath in Felghana

Favourite RPG - Page 4 Wallpa11

Don't let the generic anime art style fool you, this game is as old school and brutal as it gets.  The Oath in Felghana is an old school hack and slash action RPG very reminiscent of older Zelda games, had those Zelda games focussed on simple yet gruelling battles and rpg stats.  Toss in Falcom's typical blood pumping rock for the epic bosses and dungeons and you've got a modern classic.

Number 4 ~ Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

Favourite RPG - Page 4 Lightn11

"But but, the xiii games are trash Athrun!!!1!"  I can already here the versed in the genre folks crying in pain and agony at this choice.  After the much maligned first two Final Fantasy XIII games came this, Valkyrie Profile 3: Majoras Mask.  Give the game half a chance and you'll find one of the genres most innovative and engaging battle systems, a beautiful soundtrack, and delightful set of landscapes.  

Number 3 ~ Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria

Favourite RPG - Page 4 Vp2s1611

One of the most fascinating haunting games of the genre, that would be how I would sum up Valkyrie Profile 2 in a nutshell.  The masters at Tri-ace bring us a prequel-sequel to the first Valkyrie Profile game on the PS1, and what a game it was.  Graphics that genuinely looked next gen, amazing art direction, a brutal story about mortals and the hell they endure at the hands of the gods, haunting grandiose music by Motoi Sakuraba (of Dark Souls and Tales Of fame), and the single most creative battle system I've ever seen in a RPG.  

Number 2 ~ Xenoblade Chronicles X

Favourite RPG - Page 4 _7008x11

I'm sure many would think it more than a tad early to include this title, and normally I'd agree with such thinking.  Taking the barebones of the first games battle and side quest system, this game expands and evolves the former and refines the latter, all while taking place in one of the largest and most visually striking worlds in the entire genre.  Easily one of the most ambitious titles to ever grace the genre in modern times, this is essential playing.

Number 1 ~ Persona 3 Portable

Favourite RPG - Page 4 P3p_210

A choice I doubt surprises anybody.  As much as I love Xenoblade X there's one thing it doesn't do that this does: it doesn't manage the balence between story and role playing gameplay very well.  Persona 3 is everything you want from the genre, a well told story, engaging cast of characters, simple yet addictive battle system, and style up the wazoo.  It even has the Persona's for a Pokemon-esque element.

Many would probably list Persona 4 if they were to include a Persona game.  My reasons for 3 over it are simple, the themes it handles are more compelling.  Very few things actually deal with death, acceptance and how a person will deal with it.  Death in its various forms is a key theme of the game, and everyone has to deal with it in some way.  Some have lost family, others have to deal with it striking a close friend, and yet others have to deal with their own impending demise.  

Combined with a more realistically handled cast, a group of people that aren't magically all buddy friends, but instead have more realistic relationships with one another and work together out of a common cause as opposed to some magical friendship, the game is overall a compelling experience from start to finish.  

Ultimately it's the balance between a engrossing and engaging story and good gameplay that draws people to the genre, and it's those factors that put Persona 3 as not only my top RPG, but my top game of all time.  

And thus concludes my overly long list.  Always fun to sit down and have a genuine think about games, weigh them up, and decide what puts various titles above others for oneself.  

Since I've no intention on bogging the thread down with a second list in the near future I'll also take a moment to mention Trails in the Sky, a game (well, two games) I'll be playing very soon that going by everything I know of it would likely be placed at number 3 and bump the affected titles down a slot.

Also since I'm sure some people will be thinking "wait a second Athrun, you're a big pokenerd, where's Pokemon?" I'll address its lack of presence briefly.  It mostly boils down to that point I made with Persona 3, that it's that combination of gameplay and story that sets the genre apart.  Given that I cannot for an instant put any Pokemon game in my top five.  Top ten?  You'd bet a game would be there, but not my top five.  Ys Felghana was lucky enough to make it.
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The Next Aonuma

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Favourite RPG - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptySat 9 Jan 2016 - 11:19

JayMoyles wrote:
I've got a bumper post on its way for this thread. I genuinely can't choose between my top three favourite RPGs. I'm quite fond of this genre.

I reckon that's a time and place thing as well as looking back on the where we started thread and you started on the PS1 then I know your a big fan of the PS2 that JRPG's for instance were excellent on those systems especially if you were introduced to them unlike myself who was introduced to gaming by my uncle who played stuff like Sonic then Resident Evil.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptySat 9 Jan 2016 - 22:11

Hmm... see, I'd disagree with that Mas. I didn't play many RPGs on those systems until much later - I'd attribute it to Pokemon and my love of the DS. That's what got me into RPGs. Speaking of which...

Here's my list! (Spoilered for size of post)


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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptySat 9 Jan 2016 - 22:17

Top post Jay!

I still haven't played any of the Mother games or TWEWY, both of which I really must get round to. Overall though I think Jay probably has the closest taste in RPGs to myself so far.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptySat 9 Jan 2016 - 22:23

JayMoyles wrote:
Hmm... see, I'd disagree with that Mas. I didn't play many RPGs on those systems until much later - I'd attribute it to Pokemon and my love of the DS. That's what got me into RPGs. Speaking of which...

Here's my list! (Spoilered for size of post)


A good list Jay, yeah I've always like a JRPG on a handheld over a console because of Pokemon but handhelds have never really clicked with me and the DS passed me right by even if I owned a few of them as I was to busy playing what ever game out 2005 on consoles like RE4, SotC, Chaos Theory, Jade Empire which on my list and the launch of the 360 and beyond.

Hey Drunka but we went for 3 of the same and the same top pick and I reckon when I get to it Witcher III may go on my list as well.
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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptySat 9 Jan 2016 - 22:53

JayMoyles wrote:
(naoto best girl)

(naoto best girl) !! 

Everyone knows the corrrect order is Chie > Rise > Yukiko > Naoto > Getting infected with the plague > Marie


Incorrect choice of Persona 4 girl aside though excellent list, can't say I've played many of the games, although the repeated exposure of Undertale is sort of kind of starting to make me think about checking it out.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptySat 9 Jan 2016 - 22:57

Cheers lads! Grin

Athrun888 wrote:
JayMoyles wrote:
(naoto best girl)

(naoto best girl) !! 

Everyone knows the corrrect order is Chie > Rise > Yukiko > Naoto > Getting infected with the plague > Marie


Incorrect choice of Persona 4 girl aside though excellent list, can't say I've played many of the games, although the repeated exposure of Undertale is sort of kind of starting to make me think about checking it out.  

Dammit, rumbled. Laughing

Yeah, I think you'd really like Undertale Athrun. It plays with the conventions of the RPG genre and also makes some really interesting statement on player choice and player agency in general. Oh, and the soundtrack is simply awesome. Thumbs Up!
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptySat 9 Jan 2016 - 23:00

My copy of Persona 4 Golden is here and from character art I like the look of Marie as she looks a bit like Noel Vermillion but as Laura Bailey Love voices Rise that I may go for her but then one of the others may be a better character.
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Crumpy Andy
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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptySun 10 Jan 2016 - 8:27

Athrun888 wrote:

Everyone knows the corrrect order is Chie > Rise > Yukiko > Naoto > Getting infected with the plague > Marie

Chie?! CHIE?!?!?! WHAT?! Not in a million years (unless she suddenly gets good half way through).

I liked the start of Jay's list, got a bit nonsensical towards to top end though Winky Face

I really want to make my own list but I'm really struggling Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptySun 10 Jan 2016 - 8:58

Ah Bravely Default, the king of tenth place! Liking ZJ's listing of TTYD, although DQIX wouldn't be anywhere near my top ten - by-the-numbers battling, absent plot, and tedious postgame saw to that. (Also I did play Crimson Shroud, and was utterly put off by the minimal presentation.)

As for Jay's, I'm unsurprised to see TWEWY in second place, but - Mother 3 in first? As the only other person here who's played it, I'd say that the gameplay was nowhere near special enough for me to put it anywhere near my first spot. Story's great, don't get me wrong (Tanetane Island No ), but it's not a visual novel.

Athrun888 wrote:
Number 2 ~ Xenoblade Chronicles X

I'm sure many would think it more than a tad early to include this title...

You've finished it, I feel you can put it there. I still haven't, nowhere near, so it sits as a stopgap, ready to enter my list in a high position after I've had my fill. Agreed with you about the world, though.

Drunkalilly wrote:
The latter, of course. Videogames are not power tools, there's no such thing as a subjective opinion. All I can go on is how a game makes me feel, especially with a literal list of my favourites.

While they're obviously not power tools, I think that certain relatively subjective statements can be made. Nobody would dispute that HGSS are technically better than GSC in a "best list", I think. In a "favourites list", though, as you say, all bets are off.
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Galactic Nova

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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptySun 10 Jan 2016 - 10:34

Balladeer wrote:

As for Jay's, I'm unsurprised to see TWEWY in second place, but - Mother 3 in first?  As the only other person here who's played it, I'd say that the gameplay was nowhere near special enough for me to put it anywhere near my first spot.  Story's great, don't get me wrong (Tanetane Island No ), but it's not a visual novel.

The gameplay is nothing special, you're right. But considering how much the game's plot affected me on a emotional level, and considering how much I adore the game's setting and dialogue, I barely even took the gameplay into consideration here. To be totally honest, there's not much between TWEWY and Mother 3 on my list.
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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptySun 10 Jan 2016 - 10:57

Balladeer wrote:
While they're obviously not power tools, I think that certain relatively subjective statements can be made.  Nobody would dispute that HGSS are technically better than GSC in a "best list", I think.  In a "favourites list", though, as you say, all bets are off.

See, even there one could argue that the earlier games are quicker to play for having less animation and faff, that the simpler graphics demanded more imagination and therefore evoked a connection to the pokémon, that nostalgia value is significant, that being an original game automatically places it higher than a remake... there's always opinion at play.
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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptySun 10 Jan 2016 - 12:03

The first one I'll give you, the latter three would never have occurred to me as "technically better".  But I'll concede that subjectivity is damn tricky!  Still, I try to apply my own subjective objectivity to my "best games". Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptySun 10 Jan 2016 - 14:42

Balladeer wrote:
Ah Bravely Default, the king of tenth place!  Liking ZJ's listing of TTYD, although DQIX wouldn't be anywhere near my top ten - by-the-numbers battling, absent plot, and tedious postgame saw to that.  (Also I did play Crimson Shroud, and was utterly put off by the minimal presentation.)

BD will be knocked off as soon as I beat Final Fantasy V (only games I've beaten made my list). TTYD does very well in all departments.

As for DQIX, I found the whole thing utterly absorbing. The postgame is frustrating and bizarre, though. And I just felt that Crimson Shroud was a nice twist on the genre with a memorable ending. Thumbs Up!

Wii Nintendo release Mother 3 in the West, Zelda-style fortune teller? *goes here*

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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptyTue 12 Jan 2016 - 6:30

JayMoyles wrote:
Dammit, rumbled. Laughing

Yeah, I think you'd really like Undertale Athrun. It plays with the conventions of the RPG genre and also makes some really interesting statement on player choice and player agency in general. Oh, and the soundtrack is simply awesome. Thumbs Up!

Consider the game on my radar.  No idea when I'll get round to it as I've got some hefty rpg's to play first, but I'll definitely have play it some time.  

masofdas wrote:
My copy of Persona 4 Golden is here and from character art I like the look of Marie as she looks a bit like Noel Vermillion but as Laura Bailey Love voices Rise that I may go for her but then one of the others may be a better character.

Thumbs Up!  Noel's great, even made my Xenoblade X avatar after her.  

Believe me you'll despise Marie though.  Worst.  Tsundere.  Ever.  It's especially hard to tolerate her after seeing great examples of the archetype like Steins;Gate's Makise Kurisu.  Can't go wrong with Rise though!

Crumpy Andy wrote:
Chie?! CHIE?!?!?! WHAT?! Not in a million years (unless she suddenly gets good half way through).

Must.  Resist.  Urge to retort.
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PostSubject: Re: Favourite RPG   Favourite RPG - Page 4 EmptyTue 12 Jan 2016 - 9:28

Drunkalilly wrote:
that the simpler graphics demanded more imagination and therefore evoked a connection to the pokémon

They also just straight up look better Winky Face

But then I think Link's Awakening is one of the best looking games ever made
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