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 Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.

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Crumpy Andy
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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptyTue 24 Dec 2013 - 22:02

So Jay brought up this amazing franchise in the present thread and I put the trilogy as the best game of the 7th generation of consoles.

As we have threads for other big game series like Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Zelda. I thought we have for this series.

So how did you guy's play male or female,  what class did you use and who did you romance.

And what do you want from the 4th game.

Last edited by masofdas on Wed 27 Aug 2014 - 11:09; edited 2 times in total
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Crumpy Andy
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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptyTue 24 Dec 2013 - 22:08

Male on my first PS3 playthrough I chose Liara in the intro comic then Miranda for 2&3, on Xbox I went for Ashley.
For the 4th I'd like to still see some of the characters from the original but for the plot to be unrelated. I'm not sure where abouts I'd like it to fit as anything after the naff ending 3 gave us would be a bit of a rubbish start.
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Galactic Nova

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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptyTue 24 Dec 2013 - 22:31

I played a male Paragon who romanced Liara, Miranda, then Liara again. Top series.

Anyone heard the "Shephard was indoctrinated" theory? Really makes the ending a lot more interesting.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptyTue 24 Dec 2013 - 22:59

Myself played the 1st as a male solider and romanced liara also saved Ashley not Kaiden. I also finished the 1st as a female vanguard which i saved and romanced kaiden.

I also finished the 1st again with my male shepherd before playing the 2nd which I romanced Tali , a lot of my crew died on the end mission including garrus. I did play again with my female shepherd.

The 3rd one I only finished once with my male shepherd continuing my romance with tali whom is supposed to be hardest to romance.

I have also played but not finished the 2nd on ps3 with a female shepherd, and also played the 3rd on wiiu again with a female shepherd.

The ending always seemed rubbish in a such a brilliant series, even the extra endings didny much for me.

About the 4th isn't the only thing we know it won't evolve shepherd, so to me it has to be a prequel or set way in the future. So no real remnants of shepherd.
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Galactic Nova

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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptyWed 25 Dec 2013 - 11:48

Have yet to play any of this, but when I get a working PS3 I'll pick up the trilogy for sure
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Crumpy Andy
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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptyWed 25 Dec 2013 - 21:35

I normally play paragon as I feel awful being mean to people in it. I tried being full on renegade and it's awful how rude he is to Liara  Laughing 
I did read the indoctrination theory but I'm pretty sure Bioware had shot that down themselves. It would've been far more apt though.

Buska, you're in for a treat!
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The Next Miyamoto

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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptyThu 26 Dec 2013 - 12:55

Yeah a right treat buska, best thing you can play on anything since the 6th gen.

I always played closer to paragon but sometimes I did go renegade as I felt that was the right decisions.  

What's everyone's achievements / trophies like, mine

Mass Effect      695/1200 24/49
Mass Effect 2  1115/1355 54/62
Mass Effect 3  1120/1550 54/68

Last edited by masofdas on Thu 26 Dec 2013 - 13:19; edited 1 time in total
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Crumpy Andy
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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptyThu 26 Dec 2013 - 13:09

I know I've got the Plat for ME2 on PS3 and am only missing one Arrival trophy. Xbox I have 1155G (58/62) for 2 and 675G (22/49) for the first. It didn't help that I missed out on the individual crew achievements on that playthrough for some reason.
I'm going back for the plat on ME3 soon but I want all of the DLC first and I've been waiting for a sale. I should have an Xbox copy of ME3 as well because I ordered it from Blockbuster but it never came.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptyThu 26 Dec 2013 - 13:18

Same I missed all the crew achievements on the 1st for some reason as I basically always used garrus & tali but looking on the internet web you had to use certain ones during certain things which get's you a high percentage with the character usage. Also missing the complete majority achievement which seems to be down to side quests etc that I might of missed.

Plat on mass effect 2 is impressive, I'm missing one of the DLC achievements I mucked up along the way rest being the other classes & difficulty settings based ones.

Mass Effect 3 same reasons as 2 really (and multi player), but i remember i did one mission before another and could no longer do the other mission which had an achievement for it. which was annoying.
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Crumpy Andy
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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptyThu 26 Dec 2013 - 13:26

You don't need the multiplayer for the majority complete on 3, I only missed out because of the glitchy Kasumi mission ( Sad ) and a couple of sides I missed
I got Ashley and Liara trophies on PS3 when I played 1 I think so I might get around to platting that eventually. I've heard it's the easiest on Insanity as one of the perks is a bit OP.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptyThu 26 Dec 2013 - 13:40

Couldn't really remember if there was Multi Player achievements or not,
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Garreg Mach Geography Teacher

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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptySat 28 Dec 2013 - 20:46

I got Mass Effect when it first came out. I picked Vanguard, but I never got on with the Biotics or the confusing menus, so I completed the game with just the shotgun and didn't enjoy it, so I sold it. And that was it.

Well, until I saw some things for the second, and I was convinced to buy the first again. This time I picked a female Shepard, soldier class so I could use all the weapons and loved it. I then created a new male Shepard to take the renegade options. Mass Effect 2 came out and I loved it even more, and Mass Effect 3 was just as good (it also made me cry, due to a few scenes like the end of the Tuchanka mission). There was a slight lull due to the ending, but I played the Extended cut and enjoyed it, along with the brilliant Citadel DLC to top it off.

In term of romances, for my paragon female Shepard it was Liara, than (I think) Ashley, Jack, Miranda, Diana, Miranda, Diana for my renegade Male Shepard (he's a womaniser and Xenephobic).

As for achievements, I've never really looked at them. I just enjoy playing the games (I have the notifications turned off, too).
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Crumpy Andy
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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptySat 28 Dec 2013 - 22:51

Tuchanka  Crying or Very sad 
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Galactic Nova

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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptySat 28 Dec 2013 - 23:11

Me and my flatmate played through the trilogy, with ME3 being my first playthrough. He treated it like a movie and loved it, and we were both a little emotional come the ending.

As for achievements...

Mass Effect: 1010G/1200G, 40/49. Insanity, some Engineer achievements (never played Engineer) and some crew achievements.

Mass Effect 2: 1280G/1355G, 61/62. I think it's the Insanity achievement I missed.

Mass Effect 3: 740/1550, 41/68. Insanity, DLC, multiplayer.

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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptySun 29 Dec 2013 - 14:08

You would think since I'm a big sci fi fan that I'd be all over these games but for some reason I just haven't played them, anyway on average how long are these games?
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Galactic Nova

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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptySun 29 Dec 2013 - 14:20

Depends on if you delve into the sidequests or not. The main story would probably take around 15 to 20 hours to finish. Factor in sidequests and you're probably looking at 30-40 hours.
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Crumpy Andy
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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptySun 29 Dec 2013 - 14:30

I'd say you would definitely get lost in the sidequests though. That's the beauty of the series as there's so much to do. I'd say around 30 hours per game for a first run.
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Galactic Nova

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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptySun 29 Dec 2013 - 16:52

Oh yeah - the main story is great and all, but the fun comes from the exploration. I think I spent a good hour exploring the Citadel and Omega in the first two games respectively.
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Crumpy Andy
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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptySun 29 Dec 2013 - 17:23

On my first playthrough of ME2 I think I exhausted every planet of its resources. I got so carried away with that minigame  Laughing 
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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptySun 29 Dec 2013 - 17:35

Ahh 30-40 hours isn't so bad I expected them to be much longer than that, might look into getting the trilogy once I'm done with my current bunch of games.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptySun 29 Dec 2013 - 19:12

I think first close to 40hrs, 35hrs ish 2nd only 20odd for the 3rd but then DLC on top and replaying them .
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Galactic Nova

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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptySun 29 Dec 2013 - 19:14

andyman949 wrote:
On my first playthrough of ME2 I think I exhausted every planet of its resources. I got so carried away with that minigame  Laughing 

I hated that minigame, and what's worse is that it was pretty much required if you wanted the best possible ending.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptyFri 21 Mar 2014 - 9:01

Not that dam mini game it was boring Jay.
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Garreg Mach Geography Teacher

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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptyFri 21 Mar 2014 - 11:20

JayMoyles wrote:
I hated that minigame, and what's worse is that it was pretty much required if you wanted the best possible ending.

They did speed it up later on. On top of that, the bonuses you get from having a completed game and importing an ME1 character means you barely have to touch it in extra palythroughs.
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Galactic Nova

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Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games.   Mass Effect and Dragon Age also Biowares other games. EmptyFri 21 Mar 2014 - 11:35

Yeah, they patched it because people hated it so much.
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