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Bargain Hunter

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Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought   Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 EmptyWed 19 Nov 2014 - 0:08

Are those 30 games great?

(Predicition: no)
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The Next Aonuma

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Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought   Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 EmptyWed 19 Nov 2014 - 0:11

Not played it, Not going to play it. But got a feeling cappa played it and did it's the worse thing he's played on the Wii U.
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Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought   Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 EmptyThu 20 Nov 2014 - 8:59

Talk about the devil and he shall appear.  Maybe the term he doesn't quiet apply to this lot given the amount of female main characters that abound.  

Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 Moreloot_zpse6f5d89b

Never seen anything Fate related before but fate zero's fame has not escaped my attention, so I finally bit the bullet and bought the blu-rays.  Thankfully being australian I didn't have to pay the exhuberant price aniplex asks for in america.  Both lightning returns and noir were on sale for 28 and 30 dollars respectively.  

Not pictured: gundam unicorn episode three.  Couldn't be bothered squeezing it in to the shot given it's just a extra copy that I bought because my current copy according to a friend doesn't work now.
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The Next Aonuma

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Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought   Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 EmptyFri 21 Nov 2014 - 22:18

Okay it was today but got these
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Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought   Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 EmptyWed 26 Nov 2014 - 6:30

Tetris Ultimate. Shouldn't have gone in GAME to test myself about whether to buy it...
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The Next Aonuma

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Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought   Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 EmptyFri 28 Nov 2014 - 14:40

As it involves buying stuff it's going here but this also contains a rant, pissed off, random thoughts and the like.

Right as you might know I had all the amiibo preordered 9 in ASDA, 3 in GAME.

The 9 in ASDA came to £68 after discounts etc & the 3 in GAME would come to £20.97 cash after deposits bringing my total cash spend to £88.97 for all 12, great right WRONG!

I heard from Ibbster that Nintendo not sent all his and a few other places not sending them all out on launch like ShopTo. This was on Thursday and I'm yet to hear from ASDA about them been dispatched, I login and there still waiting to be dispatched with no other info. So I go on to the site and to see only 7 now for order Fox & Marth missing and all 7 now coming out Dec 2nd.

So I gave the customer service team a ring to find out what's happening and what a load of rubbish they were, apparently ASDA don't stock Fox & Marth. So you'd think I'll get my money back on them but nope the woman was amendment I would still get them even though ASDA don't stock them, I was like okay I'll wait to the second of December then I ring and get a refund on the missing ones to hear that apparently Samus is coming out Dec 31st and they wouldn't all be sent out to then.

So I cancelled the lot and got my £68 back, then I rang GAME to see if they had all of them in which they did and like elsewhere some are of short supply they only got one villager (who's now selling for £17 on certain sites) in, the one I preordered in the first place but they got 15 Links in.

So I told them to put them back for me and now I would have to pay £11.99 each for them (Not £14.99 like Ibbster said Jas)or £9.99 when bought with SMASH. As it was midnight launch for them, pokemon and smash also something called Black Friday, I went right away to get them.

When I finally got to the till in GAME mathsofdas came out, as my plan was to buy SMASH in GAME get all the amiibo at £9.99 then return SMASH, well this kinda worked with 2 amiibo. They did think it would only work with one of them not all, so 2 is a bonus.

So my amiibo in GAME came to £11.99 each for £10 = £119.90 & 2 at £9.99 = £19.98 total of £139.88 - my deposits total of £124.88 cash which is a lot more then the £88.97 I originally planned, so I trade in SMASH on 3DS as I'm not going to play it again and I got £31 for it after matching CEX also did the same with Bravely Default which I've owned from Christmas 2013 & only played for about 4hrs it's a game I would of liked to of played but never would of but hey got £26 for it.

After all those trades & £1.80 on my reward card this lot came to £66.08 cash.
Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 B3hfa_10

Also while I was there I picked up PES15 on PS4 for £35 which brought my spend that night to £101.08 also some other games turned up this morning.
Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 2014_110

Also a nice bit of karma, I gave a homeless person some change to get something to eat and then a woman in front of me in GAME who bought a PS4 didn't have a reward card, so asked if I had one which I of course used on her nearly £400 spend meaning I've got about £1000 worth a points to come as it was double on her console and same with the new releases of SMASH U & amiibo.

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Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought   Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 EmptySat 29 Nov 2014 - 10:47

Blimey, mas, that sounds like a lot of palaver! Glad it's all worked out, though - that's cool. As for me, this little lot:

Get yer hands off me booty:

Also traded in TFF: Curtain Call and Tetris DS. Despite all this evidence, the receipt still came wrapped in a PlayStation flyer. Rolling Eyes
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The Next Aonuma

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Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought   Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 EmptySun 30 Nov 2014 - 20:04

I've had worth I've had Xbox Flyers for stuff

I bought two more Wii U games as I had £12 on my GAME reward card had a look and was tempted by Sonic Racing would of been 99p, LEGO Batman 3 would of been £28 without figure, SMASH Collectors guide would of been £8 or LEGO Movie would of been £13 but I went for none of that I bought Disney Infinity 2.0 for £28 NEW and as figures were on offer I bought rocket for £9.99.

The other game was Adventure Time Explore the Dungeon because I Don't Know! which I payed £10 for.
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Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought   Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 EmptyTue 2 Dec 2014 - 19:55

Had my router been working - DAMN YOU! - I would have been able to declare on Monday that I bought a Princess Peach amiibo as a present for my girlfriend. She liked the look of Mario and wanted one of her own! We raced on MK8 with the appropriate costumes. It was cute.
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Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought   Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 EmptyTue 2 Dec 2014 - 20:01

Love and/or Sick

Nah but seriously, that's adorable. Smile Hopefully they'll provide a bit more amiibo functionality down the line - then I'll be able to get in on the fun.

Not that I'll have a girlfriend to share the fun with... I'M SO LO(is gagged)
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The Next Aonuma

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Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought   Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 EmptyWed 3 Dec 2014 - 14:26

It's finally here
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The Cappuccino Kid
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The Cappuccino Kid

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Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought   Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 EmptyWed 3 Dec 2014 - 21:38

Quite a busy and expensive week of game purchasing for me. I started off with a jaunt into town, where I bought GTA V (360) for £9.99 in GAME, and a handful of old PSP games for 20p each in Cash Generator (Ace Combat, TOCA, PES, stuff like that). I got my orders for a Pikachu Amiibo and Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric through on the same day.

The next morning, I bought Pokémon Omega Ruby well ahead of schedule but for the friendly price of £27 on Amazon. I recieved a Kirby Amiibo through the post as well.

Yesterday, ShopTo charged me for Super Smash Bros. U and my GameCube pad - only £51.26 as they were selling the bundle for that price back in the summer for about twenty minutes, but it really should have came about a week ago. I'm still Smashless.

Today, I caught wind of GAME's double value trade-in offer, so I punted seven old games and my two-day old copy of Sonic Boom, and got £130. I picked up Fantasy Life, Link Between Worlds and £65 of eShop credit because GAME had fuck-all else in stock.
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Dry Metal Baby Princess

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Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought   Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 EmptyThu 4 Dec 2014 - 0:40

Was very disappointed that that trade in deal came along at this time, I recently traded in £205 worth of games weeks before it. DAMN YOU!

Said £205 worth of trade ins and £5 in points went towards a PS4 on Black Friday which was £300 with Driveclub (that was traded in at the desk for LittleBig Planet 3) and download for The Last of Us, at the same time I got myluckily cheap Smash Bros/Cube adapter bundle for £25 and Link Amiibo, minus another £10 for the two pre order deposits and I got quite a lot for very little.

There was also my Fox Amiibo from ShopTo and I jst ordered Minecraft for PS4, in other words I have a lo of games to play.
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Raging Pedant

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PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought   Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 EmptyThu 4 Dec 2014 - 13:01

Over the last couple of days

Day 1:

Day 2:
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Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought   Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 EmptyThu 4 Dec 2014 - 15:25

That second purchase torments me so so very much.  If I get an order in next payday I might still get it before (or on) my birthday christmas, but the possibility of not having Persona q until after the holiday season, it's painful.
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The Next Aonuma

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PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought   Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 EmptyThu 4 Dec 2014 - 16:51

Treesmurf wrote:
Was very disappointed that that trade in deal came along at this time, I recently traded in £205 worth of games weeks before it. DAMN YOU!

Said £205 worth of trade ins  and £5 in points went towards a PS4 on Black Friday which was £300 with Driveclub (that was traded in at the desk for LittleBig Planet 3) and download for The Last of Us, at the same time I got myluckily cheap Smash Bros/Cube adapter bundle for £25 and Link Amiibo, minus another £10 for the two pre order deposits and I got quite a lot for very little.

There was also my Fox Amiibo from ShopTo and I just ordered Minecraft for PS4, in other words I have a lo of games to play.

Like Andy said else where they cut some games trade in prices, so you might of dipped out a bit but doubt it was much as if you read my wall of text, I looked to see if I would of been better waiting & trading in SMASH & BD yesterday but nope CEX beating still the better deal.
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PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought   Yesterday I Bought - Page 40 EmptyFri 5 Dec 2014 - 6:38

And locked before we hit Forumotion's lovely and arbitrary one thousand reply cut-off point. The starting of a replacement thread is up for grabs, although may I humbly suggest whoever makes the first post calls it "Yesterday I Bought II: Many Things"? Grin
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