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 Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptyFri 3 Mar 2017 - 1:04

Well, since the last thread got locked and I want to braginform the clamouring masses about my latest, and possibly greatest, purchase this side of the decade. . . Here we are, a overly wordy opening and a really terrible title pun I hope carries the tradition of far better ones!  

Kicking off what I'm sure is to be a tsunami of Switch photos, the single most important thing releasing this day!  My copy of Game of the Year, Game of the Decade, and quiet possibly Game of the Forever!

Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Botwgo10
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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptyFri 3 Mar 2017 - 6:05

I was really hoping to get the old thread locked at the start of the week so people could start showing purchases like this! It's a dream come true. Grin
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The Next Miyamoto

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptyFri 3 Mar 2017 - 9:34

Some Nintendo Toy and a okay game
Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! C5-8KPmWAAMLyYM
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Galactic Nova

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptyFri 3 Mar 2017 - 9:35

My Zelda came yesterday (same one as Mas).
The box it was delivered in was ludicrous and the cats have been thoroughly enjoying it.
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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptyFri 3 Mar 2017 - 10:10


and a carry case, and a USB-C lead, and a Micro SD card, and two more Joy-Cons. The game boxes are tiny. Imma unbox it now.

At the same time I traded in Sticker Star, DQVII, and Stella Glow. All bad games that I'm glad are out of my house. £43 for them, which was more than expected.
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Galactic Nova

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptyFri 3 Mar 2017 - 21:54

I bought a Switch, alongside Breath of the Wild and Super Bomberman R. ...I'm regretting the latter purchase, but by god is Zelda a good 'un. What a game.
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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptySat 4 Mar 2017 - 12:44

masofdas wrote:
Some Nintendo Toy and a okay game

Have you had much opportunity to use the pro controller? Is it much better than the joycon holder/ playing in handheld mode?

How come you regret bomberman Jay?
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The Next Miyamoto

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptySat 4 Mar 2017 - 12:53

I've talked about it abut a bit in the Switch in Time thread, I like all the control methods but my Switch is docked and will likely be for most of its life that I just come home pick up the Pro and it's all good.

Also it has a D-Pad which will be good for all the SNK games, USFII, Pocket Rumble etc
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Galactic Nova

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptySat 4 Mar 2017 - 14:13

NintenDUCK wrote:

How come you regret bomberman Jay?

I've put some extended thoughts in the Bomberman thread, but in short - the isometric view does not mesh with the control scheme, the story mode is shallow tripe full of frustrating boss battles that are more dependant on luck than skill and the online is neutered by not being able to play with your mates.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptySat 4 Mar 2017 - 14:45

Went out shopping for Switch stuff yesterday, and wound up getting

Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! 2363705-snesclaymates-4488

for a fiver. Then went and spent £400 on a Neon Switch, Super Bomberman R, the official carry case and fifty quid of eShop credit. Went and bought Breath of the Wild today too - I'm supposed to have had a copy delivered but someone somewhere's made an arse of that, but I didn't want to wait and seeing as Bomberman is shite I just went ahead and bought the last copy of Zelda in GAME anyway.
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Galactic Nova

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptySat 4 Mar 2017 - 19:51

I bought 1, 2 Switch and part of a Nintendo Switch games console. Also, on Thursday, I received delivery of a copy of The Legend of Zelda: The Breath of the Wild and accompanying sword, CD and T-shirt. I am satisfied with these products.
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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptySat 4 Mar 2017 - 21:50

In the spirit of the NGamer 10th anniversary threads, I picked up the following for a fiver:

Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Excite_Truck_CoverartYesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! TCSOYesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! 51RiqFuLPyLYesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! European_boxart_for_SSX_Blur
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Galactic Nova

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptySat 4 Mar 2017 - 22:39

There's stiff Excite Truck competition on this here forum. Cappa is a dab hand, and I'm the World Excite Truck Champion of the World.
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Galactic Nova

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptySun 5 Mar 2017 - 5:05

I played a fair whack of SSX Blur when it came out, but I'd somehow totally forgotten there was an SSX game on Wii until I saw your picture.
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The Cappuccino Kid
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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptySun 5 Mar 2017 - 18:17

Good stuff for a fiver up there. They're all games that I paid the full price for back when the Wii was new, and I enjoyed them all. The Uber Tricks in SSX Blur are a bit of a pain in the arse though - a perfect example of motion controls not doing their job.


Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! 300x

£7 in The Works. I'm sick to death of NEStalgia but Playing With Power looked WORTH £7! so I picked it up. Now let's never speak about the NES ever, ever again.
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Galactic Nova

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptySun 5 Mar 2017 - 19:48

Here's a thing: I always think of NES era games, Super Mario Bros etc, as being "about 20 years ago" but actually, Super Mario 64 was 20 years ago. I'm old, man.
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The Next Miyamoto

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptySun 5 Mar 2017 - 23:04

Also the NEStalgia is sort of fabricated for us Europeans or more importantly us Brits, the NES didn't save the games industry here as their was no crash, we had our Speccys etc and the Master System was here first as proper console, which let SEGA get a real foothold into the European market.

NEStalgia has come from the yanks, who is most of main stream gaming media or the top YouTube stars that bang on how it saved the games industry and how great the NES is/was, yes it did save the industry their and it does have great games but now your kids today take this as gospel and think it is true for everywhere in the world.
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Galactic Nova

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptySun 5 Mar 2017 - 23:22

The whole nostalgia thing is super weird for our generation. I feel "nostalgia" for Star Wars and Space Invaders and loads of other stuff from before I was even born. It's not real nostalgia, I don't actually have those childhood memories, but media is maintained and repeated much more now than it once was, so the classics are repeated for successive generations.
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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptySun 5 Mar 2017 - 23:23

I remember the NES as being kind of alright. We're not supposed to be talking about it, though. Embarrassed
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Galactic Nova

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptySun 5 Mar 2017 - 23:27

If Cappa didn't want me to do something, he shouldn't have told me not to do it. I'm unstable.
Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Giphy
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The Next Miyamoto

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptySun 5 Mar 2017 - 23:28

Drunkalilly wrote:
The whole nostalgia thing is super weird for our generation. I feel "nostalgia" for Star Wars and Space Invaders and loads of other stuff from before I was even born. It's not real nostalgia, I don't actually have those childhood memories, but media is maintained and repeated much more now than it once was, so the classics are repeated for successive generations.

Sure but then again I watched Star Wars as a kid and the Special Editions came out around 1997 with the new toys etc that I think we can have nostalgia for things older then us and that could apply for games if in 1993, I was given a Master System instead of a Mega Drive.
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Galactic Nova

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptySun 5 Mar 2017 - 23:35

Oh, I'm not saying it can't exist, my family were geeks who showed me a lot of this stuff as a kid. I just think nostalgia and retro have gotten a bit confused, with people cherishing certain things which are shit just because they're old. It's the difference between King Kong, which is vital and legendary and revolutionary and important but still highly entertaining to watch 84 years later, and Citizen Kane which is vital and legendary and revolutionary and important but bloody tedious to sit through 76 years later.
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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptyWed 8 Mar 2017 - 5:55

A copy of Dragon Quest VIII and a 60-sided dice arrived at Zero Castle yesterday! Dance No confirmation picture becsuse I am slightly lazy and a bit tired.
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Galactic Nova

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptyWed 8 Mar 2017 - 16:22

That sounds like some mad Lovecraft pulsating orb. Is it easy to tell which number is on top?
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The Next Miyamoto

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Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3!   Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! EmptyThu 9 Mar 2017 - 21:20

It finally happened after months of saying about getting a 4KTV.
Yesterday I Bought (a bad pun) for 3! C6fltZLWUAQeZLA
I took the plunge on this LG Super UHD with quantum dot display, 3D, 2700hz and both types of HDR which was a pain to sort but finally got it working.

I fired up Horizon and it looks ridiculous also when I bought the guy tried to sell me almost everything you could extra, I didn't got for any of it but am tempted by a UHD player which the cheapest was £300.

A Xbox One S can be picked up for less then £200, you can guess what I would sooner buy then but going to wait and see if Scorpio has a UHD drive.
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